

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,680 Member
    It's been a good week and am looking forward to what the following week brings us. I am enjoying seeing what everyone is doing with their workouts. You guys are awesome!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,172 Member
    Just grabbed my notebook. Put running my aunt to get food for my parents. Will post in this thread within an hour I'd say. Hopefully sooner. :/
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Got all the challenges done! Wooo! Also completed my personal goal of getting over 300 minutes! There were times this week I thought I wasn't going to make it but I pushed myself through. I plan on doing at least 300 minutes for next week again.

    This coming week is going to be a struggle for me because I'll be heading down to FL to visit my parents for the weekend. So I'm going to try and get most of my minutes in by Thursday. I'm sure I can talk the parents into going to the beach to walk around and get some exercise in there :)

    Can't wait to see where we are headed to tomorrow!
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Alright! Great day for me today.

    Finished challenge 2 today, toally agree with you @tuffgirl19 that I'm glad we had all week for the sumo squats. But got them all done so I'm happy.

    Also got challenge #3 done where I was 5 days under calories, some days I ended up eating a bit of my workout calories back but at least I ended up under.

    Only challenge I didn't complete was challenge 1. Unfortunately I missed yesterday and that would have been my day 4/5, so I didn't do today's either so I'm really only 3/5 which is incomplete.

    However I had a total of 160 minutes of exercise today (maybe even more but being a bit conservative with my walking time as I didn't track it fully).

    Everyone did great this week. I'm definitely happy with the amount of time I found to workout/exercise and proud that I did something everyday :) excited to see what next week is. I put in all my numbers for the week to make sure I didn't miss the timeline.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,843 Member
    @francaisluvr @twitch82 @tammo41 @enuf200 don't forget to post this weekends times!

    I had all the challenges complete by Friday which is good because I pretty much did nothing this weekend. I usually try to workout when I go away but it didn't work this time. I did get a few minutes in today because I had to do some stretches for another challenge, but that was it. Sorry guys.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Wow! As a team we killed the challenges this week. I don't think I've ever seen so many filled in. That's awesome!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,172 Member
    Here are my stats for the week.

    Vid 1 & Vid 2- while active. I jumped at the onetime opportunity bonus of 20 min. Score! Lol So fun!

    Challenge 1- 2 for 5. 10/10. Meh. I did NOT exceed this challenge. Although I did try the sit down version just for fun.

    Challenge 2- 140 sumo squats. Uh... Let's just go with Ya. ;) Complete!

    Challenge 3- Done! I had another similar challenge this week. If I had some of those fruit Kit-Kats around the outcome might have been different. Ha!

    Mon- 345
    Tues- 216
    Wed- 243
    Thur- 244
    Fri- 164
    Sat- 240
    Sun- 104

    Oops plus 45 min. (Workout min that didn't count in another challenge. ;)

    If someone wouldn't mind posting in the spreadsheet for me please?!

    Thank you!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,172 Member
    Last week was out of control! This week I slacked off a bit. I went out two different nights to bars that didn't have dancing! What?!?! I couldn't help myself by the second night. I just started dancing. ... Leading to company... Leading to jealous eyes. Heck, I would have fought just for the workout. Lol! It was a good time tho. I'm not really physically confrontational.
    It was like a weekend off. You have to do that every now and then.
    Next week I booked a four day trip to go walking in San Francisco! Woohoo!! I Can't wait!

    I still have some catching up to do in the team thread. Sorry guys. :/ Everything-changes take up a lot of time. ;)
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,843 Member
    @Dictorbutt I put in your saturday / sunday numbers. Some of the numbers mon-fri that were already posted don't match what you put here, so you might want to check it for your personal standings. I didn't change them because either way you're at the limit for the team. I'm always so impressed with your totals :)
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,172 Member
    BJerzy wrote: »
    @Dictorbutt I put in your saturday / sunday numbers. Some of the numbers mon-fri that were already posted don't match what you put here, so you might want to check it for your personal standings. I didn't change them because either way you're at the limit for the team. I'm always so impressed with your totals :)

    First, Thank you!
    Secondly, Uh oh! I will look into it immediately. Thank you.. Again. ;)
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,172 Member
    Ok, I double checked my notes and other challenges. What I posted is correct. Plus the 45 min.
    I don't know what those other numbers are. I don't even think I posted a mid week stat. ?? Could they belong to one above or below me?
    Otherwise, if the adjustments could be made?
    Thank you!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Week Three placement can be viewed on the "Past Weeks" tab.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    ooh boy - I am in very last place as of today on the Total Power Rank spreadsheet. Last week was tough for me due to so many other commitments, but I don't like to be in last place! I have some work to do, but I will get myself out of the bottom! Team 3, we currently hold the bottom 5 spots - let's push each other to move just a little bit more each day so we can ditch that title!
    Here's to Australia!!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Wow nice week ahead of us!

    Think the color plates for me will be fine. The arms will kill me (have been going heavy on the weights and upper body already in my workouts lately, and the jump rope will be harder than it looks (I do 30 sec-1min intervals already in some of my workouts). My daughter was talking about hopscotch at school the other day so might mix the two.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend, up and at 'em!

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @enuf200, I hadn't even looked at the power rankings until you mentioned all of us bottom feeders ( I am 7th from the end, so I am including myself in this description!) Yes, we all definitely need to up our games!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Good morning team! We are heading to Australia! One of the challenges is a jump rope challenge. We did one last time as well. I ended up buying a child's jump rope on sale at the end of the season, but I would be hard pressed to find one in stores now. It was a 7 ft rope and it just barely worked for me because I am only 5'4". The only place in my house that works for jumping rope is outside so I will have to keep an eye on the weather forecast. Luckily it is supposed to be a very mild fall week here, but if I wait until the weekend, I will be jumping in cold temps! If you haven't jumped rope since you were a child, trust me, it is harder than you remember! Last time I spent an afternoon doing it. I would time my intervals (usually around a minute or 45 seconds), write it down, rest, repeat. I could not do a whole 10 minute interval!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    OOPS!! BIG mistake!! We are not the bottom - there's a whole other column that I didn't see until just now!! There are 126 players, not 101!! I'm sooooo sorry!!! Bad start to the monday...LOL!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Okay, team. I am going to get SERIOUS here. Winning is great, but only if we do it honestly. Last challenge, we came dead last, and still had a fun race. It's all about your attitude and your participation. We interacted like crazy last time on our thread, too. This time there are three red flags that I can't ignore. If I am right (and I hope I am not!) they add up to someone adding made up numbers into the spreadsheet under other people's names. First, I noticed @francaisluvr had added a bunch of high numbers to the spreadsheet, even though she has not read my last two messages that I sent her according to MFP, and also according to MFP, hasn't even logged in for 13 days. Now, I know that the log in record sometimes gets screwed up on here (don't you just love it when MFP says that none of your friends have logged in for 3 days, yet you've just read posts from a bunch of them!) so I could overlook that one. @sandkp had numbers entered under her name and thought that maybe @skinnyjeanzbound had entered one up from where she should have by mistake. Karen said it wasn't her and Shawnee removed them, but I still thought that maybe someone had made an honest mistake. But this morning I read the exchange between @BJerzy (thanks for still being up to enter his numbers!) and @Dictorbutt, where he had a bunch of numbers already entered into the spreadsheet, but he hadn't posted a midweek update and they didn't match his actual numbers.

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE only enter your own, truthful numbers unless you are entering for @Dictorbutt, but only after he has posted his actual numbers on this thread.

    If there are explanations for any of this, please, I am all ears! Like I said, I hope I am wrong!

    @MissionEnforcer, I thought maybe you should be in the loop on this one.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @enuf200, you shouldn't have said anything...maybe it would have inspired us to get our butts moving! (But it is good to know!)
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited November 2016
    enuf200 wrote: »
    ooh boy - I am in very last place as of today on the Total Power Rank spreadsheet. Last week was tough for me due to so many other commitments, but I don't like to be in last place! I have some work to do, but I will get myself out of the bottom! Team 3, we currently hold the bottom 5 spots - let's push each other to move just a little bit more each day so we can ditch that title!
    Here's to Australia!!

    lol. I was going to point out that there is another column but you already found it.

    edit for clarity from quoting the wrong post.