
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    I was just added as a replacement player for team 3. Thank you for having me! This is my first time and I'm researching what I can do to help team. Any tips are appreciated!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    runwmeNC wrote: »
    I was just added as a replacement player for team 3. Thank you for having me! This is my first time and I'm researching what I can do to help team. Any tips are appreciated!

    Welcome! Biggest top is to attack challenges early in the week. This is a really fun challenge.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Previous post should have said "tip" not "top".
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,204 Member
    @runwmeNC Welcome David!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    @runwmeNC welcome! This is my first race too. So far extremely fun and is totally serving its purpose of making me push harder each day. The challenges are really fun (excellent tip to do them as early as possible), and the information on destinations that the organizers provide is unbelievable.

    Happy sweating and good morning to all!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome @runwmeNC! I'm a veteran racer (lol) this is my 4th. It is a lot of fun and very motivating to get you moving!

    I am off to a much better start than last week! Went for a good walk last night, did one of the arms video (the no weight one) and had a salad for lunch and soup for supper. Lots of of colour in both! Jumping rope is not my favourite. I did a whopping 3 minutes last night!! This is going to be a tough one, but I am determined to complete all 3 challenges this week - so I will get'er done. Mind over matter with that challenge. :s

    As for the wonky numbers that happened last week - weird. Thanks for pointing that out @HASWLRS. Will definitely keep a closer eye on the spreadsheet.

    Have a good day, crew!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning, team. I am pleased to introduce two new players to our team. @runwmeNC, David, who has already popped by to say "hi", and @RunRaineyRun, who has accepted my friend request and who I hope we hear from soon on this thread. Please send out friend requests, like we did with each other at the start of this Race, to make sure they feel welcomed!

    @MissionEnforcer has informed me that our mystery number problem has been resolved. And he also informed me that our team numbers will remain intact. So if everyone is okay with that, we will just move forward as a team. Let's try to maintain our third place (or, dare I say improve upon it!) with this week's legitimate numbers!

    Now, let's get back to the business of moving our butts and completing some challenges!!!
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you @HASWLRS for trying to get to the bottom of the numbers issue. It's unfortunate to know there was a bit of a thing going on as I know seeing the numbers and being on a team really has been personally motivating me to work harder. I really put in numbers I was proud of this past week and plan to keep doing it. Glad we are going to continue on and look forward to us keeping or exceeding our current 3rd place status. Welcome to the newbies as well :)

    Love the food colors challenge as I eat lots of vegetables and fruit, love the jump rope challenge and even have a speed rope but this is a great workout in itself.

    I am doing the 21 day fix right now so adding in extra weights should be easy enough with those videos :) let's get this done everyone :)
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I'm glad to hear that the number issue is resolved.

    Welcome to the team @runwmeNC and @RunRaineyRun!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Good morning all! Welcome to our new members! This is my first race and it is totally fun. My piece of advice is to just get going on all the challenges on Monday. It's very difficult to get caught up later in the week especially with work and family obligations :)

    ..and speaking of, I didn't get a chance to start anything yesterday except read our challenge, watch some of the videos 'g-day mates" and without knowing it got one day of the color challenge done. I didn't get home until quite late last night, took a fast 1 mile walk, ate supper and went to bed. Today I need to start the skipping challenge and arm challenge. Because I have a bad back I likely won't skip, but will figure something out. I suppose I can as long as I don't bounce too much - I need to protect a wonky disk. I do have some physical therapy activities that resemble skipping...would those work?? @MissionEnforcer what do you think? It's like skipping sideways - helping to strengthen a weak ankle.

    I hope everyone has an amazing day on our amazing race :)
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi All - I was able to get the jump rope challenge done yesterday (spread it out....great cardio workout, too). The color challenge shouldn't be a problem; I try to eat a huge salad every day around lunch time. The arm workout is also a good one....I am checking to see if I can count my STS weight training program for the arm workout (I am doing two 55 minute videos this week that are all arm/upper body workouts.....if it counts, great.....if it doesn't, then I will get the arm workouts done by Friday).

    I hope our newbies enjoy this challenge as much as we have. This is pushing me more and I love it!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    edited November 2016
    Welcome new team mates :flowerforyou:

    Jump rope 5/ 30 Wanted to do 10 but feet were killing me:( This is going to be a real challenge but I am going to go for 5 minutes everyday.
    Fruit and veg 2/ 5
    Arm workouts 1/ 3 I did the one without weights and was really surprised by the burn! Tmrw I will be doing my upper body strength workout so will try and complete this.

    86 points today.
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member
    edited November 2016

    Hello everyone!
    I'm Lorraine, but answer to Rainey most of the time (unless I'm in trouble LOL)
    I'm 34 from Edinburgh, Scotland. I do not have any kids or pets - only sad about the latter - and work in an office 35+ hours a week. Sitting is the new smoking as they say, so I'm looking forward to getting moving. My username is actually an attempt at subliminal messaging to get me to start jogging lol. I have lower back issues after a rather powerful sneeze in 2011 prolapsed a disc that's never been 100% since, and I know extra weight isn't helping so looking to help myself that way too. It might mean I'm slower on tasks or have to modify things but I'm in this til the end!

    I'm a huge fan of the Amazing Race as a show, I actually use it in my daily life as a mental aid, such as when I have to do a task that's a lot for me either mentally or physically, I tell myself it's my roadblock so just get it done cos only I can do it and if I don't 'we' will get eliminated. I know, I'm a dork! It's part of my charm ;)
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    @RunRaineyRun Hi! Always wanted to visit Scotland, modifications or not as long as you participate to your best we are all good.

    I had a mega day today, one of the employees at our horse farm called in sick, was already on our way there with the kids to ride their ponies and start packing up the jumps and outdoor stuff for the winter...turned into many stalls AND winterizing. The fresh air and the physical exertion hasn't set in yet, all is good so far, but sooo glad i woke up a little late and had decided to skip the workout this morning (can't wait for the kids to go to sleep for real-daughter is currently napping on the sofa and son had a nap on the way home- that i might soak in the hot bath. Might (big might) try the second arm video tonight and/or some jumping (mentally been putting that one off, but don't think i can mange to do 30 min straight so want to get chipping away at that one asap.) hope you all had a great day. Going strong with the colours, had bananas and apples already, plus hitting up that veggie plates tonight ;D
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, team! I didn't make any inroads on the challenges tonight (except the fruits and veggies) but I did my learn to run clinic (in the rain!) and got in 67 minutes. Tomorrow night I am home by myself (the guys are going to a perch stag) so I will see what I can get done!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning everyone - I hope you all are doing well.

    I finished the arm workouts - my arms are pretty tired and I have to teach today! :D Not sure how much I will be raising them up to write on the boards. I also did a little more jumping yesterday (the jump rope challenge was really hard, so I now want to get better at it).

    The color challenge has been going well, too. I have seen several posts through the news feeds as to what others are doing.....everyone seems to be doing well.

    I hope this day goes well for everyone.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Good morning - Happy Wednesday. Yesterday was a successful day for me. I got in a ton of exercise and started working on the challenges. Update below:

    Kangaroo Hop: 10/30 minutes (feeling a bit sore today!)
    Finding Nemo: 0/3 (will be starting tonight)
    Color: I've had the following since Monday and more than 2 per day:
    • Red: Tomatoes
    • Yellow/Orange: Lemon (in my water all day at work - yummy)
    • Green: Romaine Lettuce
    • Green/White: Cabbage and celery
    • Blue: Blueberries
    I eat a lot of veggies :)

    Yesterday I also walked for 45 minutes at lunch and did my C25K after work, plus my physical therapy exercises and 10 minutes of hopping :)

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Ok, done the keep swimming challenge. the second video reminded me of an exercise class i used to go to... the warm up was sitting in a squat with arms out/circling like that for minutes on end... my arms are killing me (very deceptive when she says "no push ups and you will stay sitting the whole time-> needless to say went back to the first video for my repeat ).

    also very proud to say i killed 15 min of the jump rope this afternoon... my calves are killing me, this morning i was thinking i was going to cave to this challenge and let the week go by, but after over eating this morning and noon (TOM coming and i get so tired/hungry i go to food V. bad). plus the extra exercise gives me the boost that the 10 min nap and the four pots of coffee (ok that is maybe an exaggeration..maybe) has yet to offer. Never got the soak in the bath last night, so hoping to do so today, am beginning to be v sore-> however will be in the office tomorrow and/or friday so might have limited exercise till the weekend.

    Very certain of the color challenge, had the veggie mash today, and made a raspberry pear oat crumble, must make list soon to categorize properly everything for missionenforcer, mashed turnips on the dinner menu too

    FYI @carlsoda thanks for posting your hops cause it motivated me to do them (i did the majority while finally watching the videos for this week location - helped the time pass)

    @HASWLRS amazing that you ran in the rain (i have never been a runner but think if i wasn't dragging two kids everywhere i go that i might like the time alone to clear my mind that i could become one-> my cousin has lately taken up C25K and i find it inspiring, but i live in the country and the roads have little to no shoulder that i cringe at running on the side of the road)

    have a great evening guys!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I am so discouraged. My left shoulder has been sore for a little while now. So I go to do the first arm video, and I can only do the shoulder raises with one pound wrist weights. One pound! And to top it off, I couldn't do the triceps body weight dips at all! I need someone to tell me it's okay, because I really don't feel like I did the workout!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey guys. Super busy week this week and worse next week, but then the play is over and I will have more time available. Trying my best to get the arms and jumping done. I'll have no problem with the color challenge. I eat healthy choice or lean cuisine for lunch almost daily and they have tons of colors, plus we mix it up at home.

    Welcome to our newbies! So happy to have you on our side!

    @Cheriels82 could you run at a high school track? I know a lot of public school tracks are open to the public. It's worth a start.