
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Okay. I thought I would try the second arm video because I didn't feel I worked very hard doing the first one. Well, the second one is worse because it is all shoulders for over half of the time she is sitting there. So I decided to do the alternate arm exercises (doing the minimum number of reps and sets), using one pound weights again for the lateral raises (#2), only one side of the side plank (#9) and skipping the triceps dips altogether. I hope to goodness, that suffices for challenge #2!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    @HASWLRS Great job getting the challenge done in spite of your sore shoulder. Maybe some gentle stretching exercises will work? I have always found additional antioxidants in my diet helps to combat soreness.

    And I hear you on the second video. It was a total burn even without weights. I had to pause it a few times and continue. Of course, that meant I decided to do the weights-one twice. That challenge is complete.

    The colours I am at 3/ 5, will complete it easily.

    Jump rope.... am at 10 minutes now and my hammies are sore this morning. I might have to mix some hop scotch in to complete it but I do like the burn this is giving me. Doesnt help that I hate jumping exercises...have to really force myself.

    My minutes are a bit on the low side this week as I have increased the intensity of my exercise for another challenge. Last time I looked we were almost half way to Australia. Let's get there, team!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    @HASWLRS - please don't hurt yourself. Just do what you can. When I was doing physical therapy for my knee years ago, most of the people in pt were there for shoulder issues. Ever since then, I really watch my shoulder work. Ask the head honchos for alternatives (maybe more bicep and triceps work?). We need you healthy.....not hurt. ☺
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning everyone!
    I'm having an ok week. Life has been busy and I'm finding it hard to get in my normal workouts. Been going for multiple short walks at work, home and wherever I am while, waiting for my kids, (typically the rink) to help get the minutes in.
    Here are my stats for the challenges so far:
    Arm videos - 1/3 -I've only done the one without the weights. Burned! Will complete easily enough.
    Jump rope - 3/30 min - honestly - I struggle with it, but I will complete it - with a frown and probably some "colourful" words as I jump. I was a rope turner for some grade 1's at work the other day while they skipped. Does that count??? LOL!!
    Food - 3/5 and will have no problem with that one! I eat a lot of fruit and veggies!

    Have a great day!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    @HASWLRS I would say it will suffice! I do remember reading we do the challenges to our ability. If we have an injury we don't want to make it worse! I need to do that with the jump rope because of my back!

    Well yesterday I had good intentions to get moving on the videos but I came home sick, still laying in bed at 8:30 am but took some Tylenol and drinking some coffee. Hope to get some energy back fast and get to work. On the plus side, I did eat more colors yesterday!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    @HASWLRS awesome perseverance. i have had a sore right wrist on and off for months. have to watch the push ups and the way i hold my weights not to aggravate it. you have to modify things to help yourself when needed, regardless if you do it without weights on one side or not, as long as you are making the effort i think it counts. it is not always easy to complete things when injured (dont want to make things worse) yet the organizers are so amazing at always having alternatives for those that require.

    @BJerzy I live out in the country... closest high school is over 40 min drive (my 4 year old has to take the bus at 7 am to make it to pre-school at 7;50 and that is the closest school around-> we had even asked for a zone transfer because technically due to the mapped zones that school was on another school board and her zones school was over 1 hour and half bus ride!). I used to run when i was going into town for university->would actually skip some classes to run with a friend who had those periods off tisk tisk, but since then nothing... and that was oh tenish years ago.

    @enuf200 lol as much as the minutes and bonus points would be good for the team, can't honestly say that the turning part will have to ask them to turn next time!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I fiiiinally started the arm videos - did the one without the weights and aye! my shoulders were on fire! I did another workout, too, for another challenge. I also did my run today - next week puts me at 20 weeks until the half marathon so I'll be slowly starting to increase that my miles, but I have a "train less to run more" mentality this time so hopefully I can keep my knee in tact. So 60 minutes after play practice...I feel like I got a lot accomplished! I've also kept my calories in check this whole week, even though Sunday and Monday I didn't get much done. I don't know if the jumping rope will get done :( but the week isn't over yet!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,204 Member
    edited November 2016
    Ugh! Meh! Grr! ... I think I'll go for a walk in San Francisco for the weekend. ;)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited November 2016
    Welcome to the 2 new team mates! :smile:

    Sorry I sort of fell off the face of the earth the past 2 days. Tuesday some friends invited me to their place to watch the election results :cry: , and then last night I had parent/teacher conferences at work. So zero exercise for 2 days straight. I will try to make up for those lost minutes over the next couple of days. I got a good start today. I will also do another arm video tonight. Still haven't jumped any rope, but I plan to get to the gym tomorrow and/or Saturday, and will see if they have a jump rope there.

    x/30 minutes jumping rope
    1/3 arm videos
    Color challenge:
    Mon = red peppers, apple (RED), asparagus (WHITE GREEN), cucumber (GREEN)
    Tues = broccoli (GREEN-WHITE), onion (WHITE-GREEN), berries (RED-PURPLE)
    Wed = red pepper (RED), cucumbers (GREEN)
    Thurs = carrots (ORANGE), lettuce (GREEN), tomatoes (RED)
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member

    not at work today = back at the workouts. my calves are killing me (totally due to the jump rope from Wednesday i am sure-still half to go ugh).

    Will try and write up my colors today (ratatouille on the menu !) to get those bonus points.
    I see we are over half way there! yay.

    Think i might be back out at the horse farm tomorrow for more lugging jumps and winterizing again.

    Ok enough talk on with the sweating, have a great day everyone
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @Dictorbutt, walking in San Francisco is a great workout! Did it in September while I was there. We walked up Lombard street, the block where it's known as the crookedest street in San Francisco, walked up to the Coit Tower, and we even took the tour bus across the Golden Gate bridge and walked back across (about 45 minutes). The possibilities are endless!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I noticed there are five people (not including V) who haven't entered anything yet this week on the spreadsheet. @joybedford, @runwmeNC, @sandkp, @slgibbs1987 and @summ72. I am pretty sure that at least four of you are just having really busy weeks according to some of your recent posts. But if it is something more than that, and you are struggling, remember that we are here for each other. We are here to offer you support, advice or just a place to vent!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I don't know if any of you have looked at the data, but we currently in last place. Even Team 6, who has 10 players that haven't entered anything on the spreadsheet yet this week, is ahead of us!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    I don't know if any of you have looked at the data, but we currently in last place. Even Team 6, who has 10 players that haven't entered anything on the spreadsheet yet this week, is ahead of us!

    LOL!!! I'm sorry, but I find that really funny!!! I can't stop laughing about that!! I guess we should get moving!
    I think my mood is reflective of putting on some really, really great songs and trying to get some jump rope minutes in. Managed 15...interspersed (sp??) with many incredible dance moves on this friday morning. :p (jump rope challenge 18/30 - ugh - 12 more minutes :'( )

    Also did another arm challenge - did the non video arm exercises . (arm challenge - 2/3)

    Have a wonderful day. To my fellow Canadians..
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    We can get out of last place.....we can do this! Hopefully it's just because minutes haven't been logged. We are the sneaky team that let's others think they are winning, then "bam", here we are!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @enuf200, I agree. It's sort of a sad funny, isn't it!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, today is Friday. Day five. If you've been eating your fruits and vegetables, you can start posting your colour list for MissionEnforcer to verify.

    Day 1: White (1) - bosc pear, Red (2) - grape tomatoes
    Day 2: Green (3) - lettuce salad, Red - grape tomatoes
    Day 3: White - banana, Red - grape tomatoes
    Day 4: Orange (4) - cantaloupe, Blue (5) - blueberries
    Day 5: Orange - cantaloupe, Blue - blueberries

    After you post your completed list, don't forget to enter your "5" in the spreadsheet, and MissionEnforcer will verify it!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Day 1: Blue: Blueberries, Red: Tomatoes
    Day 2: Blue: Blueberries, Green: Romaine Lettuce
    Day 3: Yellow: Lemon, Green: Celery
    Day 4: Orange: Carrots, Green: Cucumbers
    Day 5: Blue: Blueberries; White: Potatoes
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Day 1: Green beans (green) and yellow carrots (yellow)
    Day 2: Broccoli (green) and potato (white)
    Day 3: Mixed salad (green, purple) with apple (white? Red? Green?) and potato (white)
    Day 4: Broccoli (green) and tomatoes (red)
    Day 5: Tomatoes (red) greens (green)