

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,681 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Team 3: Just finished my morning workout and the last 2 times of watching the taiso videos. I made the mistake of doing the videos after my leg workout instead of before - my body did not want to move around like that.

    I have two more days to be under calories (I hope for them to be today and Saturday....Sundays are hard with being under).

    I am hoping to get an evening walk in with my kids and dogs to add to the exercise total. We are doing great! Keep it up, everyone!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Thursday's update:

    Radio Videos - 4/5

    Squats - 120/140 (almost done)

    Eating under calories: 1/5 (struggling here with hunger)

    @samra338 - I hope you husband feels better soon. Not fun to be in pain and uncomfortable!

    The radio videos have been so fun to do - I'm now whistling the tune after I finish them (they are getting stuck in my head!) :)
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    So my Fitbit to MFP syncing is off. A bit. Yesterday I had some few executive calories and today it shows yesterday 0 and puts me over calories by 3... I was under. Hoping today sync issues won't arise.

    @enuf200 Hope the move goes well. A fire is devastating. Glad to hear you can start moving back.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thank you @carlsoda After the second A& E visit yesterday, he finally had a peaceful night' s sleep free of pain.

    I got in a 60 minutes strength session this morning and followed it up with some yoga. I might get some more yoga this evening.

    Squats- Complete
    Videos 3/ 5
    Under calories Will wrap this one today.

    @carlsoda Keeping yourself hydrated with water and filling up with protein, good fats and fibre will help you feel more satiated. ( Unless you have set your calorie goal really low). To give you an idea, my TDEE is 1820 and I have set mine to 1570 to account for logging inaccuracies.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I'm heading out of town again this weekend so I'm going to try hard and stay under calories, but it's a social weekend full of chili and beer so I'm not sure how well I'll do. I only need one more day for this challenge, but for another challenge I'm trying to do all 7. I did the videos again this morning so I just need to do them once more. Happy Friday!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Radio exercises and sumo squats done! Spreadsheet updated!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hey team... still hanging in here... rough week. Logging and under done so thats complete. Not sure I will get other two done... will try for squats... but im not gonna get first one. Spreadsheet updated. I noticed that challenges 1 and 2 were filed in with 10 for me. I changed them as im not done with those. @skinnyjeanzbound did you complete those? You are right below me and yours are blank so wasnt sure if they were mislogged and figured i would check. Rest of minutes are logged. I really hope to get settled here and able to get back to really jumping in here. Fingers crossed for next week.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Good Morning :) We have an absolutely beautiful forecast here for the weekend, sunshine and warm!! (plus 16 degrees celsius!) Saw a guy in shorts last night and it seemed ok, cause it was that warm! This time of year often brings the first snowstorm! Going to take advantage of it and head outside for my exercise today.
    Finished both Challenge 1 and 2 yesterday. Challenge 3 is a no-go. :/
    Have a great day!
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey team! I have not done so well with eating the past two days which caused me to be over my calories. I have felt like in the evenings I have been nothing but hungry. My biggest problem was I allowed certain foods to be in the house that shouldn't have been. I only have two more days to go to be under calories for the challenge to be complete!

    I am going to finish the Radio video challenge today. Also, I am going to do 50 sumo squats today and the final 50 I need to do tomorrow.

    My goal is to stay more active today and tomorrow.. I plan to get at least 70 minutes of exercises in for the next two days.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for the kudos. It's much appreciated.

    I've finished the radio challenge and the squats (surprising how much I loved both) and if I'm below goal today and tomorrow I'll get the 5 points too.

    I joined the schools wellness center this week! I now have access to the swim team's pool, weights, and everything. I'm loving it! Yesterday I jogged there, swam, then walked home and I plan to do the same today and everyday. It's like I'm not me anymore. I still hate exercise but I love this new active life and swimming is pure play.

    I did have one unpleasant surprise. It's a 10 min run but a 13 min walk. What the hell. That can't be right. Well, it is. I did the math two times to be sure. When the location is as close as it is (0.6 miles) and you run as slow as I do the difference in time is negligible. Oh, well. I feel like I run like the wind and am light on my feet and that's all that matters. Oh, and I am counting the time to cross a busy street in case you do the math too. So you know I'm slow but not that slow. ;)

    Now if I can find a way to run while carrying shampoo. Already the small bundle of the suit and towel is awkward. Maybe a travel size will fit into my running belt with my phone?
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    @TangledThread Maybe a small backpack? And don't worry, starting slow will help your muscles to get used to the running and prevent injuries. I started off running around the same speed but can now run a 10 minute mile and my usual mile is around 11 minutes. Not fast but I know I have progressed and that's what counts, right?

    I did the videos today ( 4/ 5), will finish and claim the 10 points tmrw. A 30 minutes run ( 2. 5 miles) and some light calisthenics and a 75 minutes yoga session brought me to 120 minutes for the day.

    I hope to get in at least 90 minutes tmrw.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    @samra338 I've been running since January. I've gone from an 18min mile to a 15min mile Even with that improvement I'm still as slow as molasses. lol. Once and a while the first and last mile will be 12min but they are rare. I think your 11 min mile sounds FANTASTIC!

    I have a doctors visit later this month and I'm going to ask about switching my asthma meds again. But, really, I'm the least athletic person I know and I can't blame the asthma for that. Or maybe I was the least athletic person I know because I'm sure doing a lot now. Still can't catch a ball to save my life.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sandkp --it wasn't me b/c I haven't been on the spreadsheet in a couple of days and haven't finished any of the challenges yet.

    Sorry I've been MIA the past couple of days. Thursday we had parent/teacher conferences, and then last night I stayed at a friend's house. I did manage to do my videos last night which means I can still complete that challenge. I know I was over calories on Thursday, but haven't yet finished logging yesterday's food. I went out to dinner with my friend for Mexican food. Though I ordered a skinny margarita, I'm doubtful I will be under once I log all of that tasty food. :(

    I am only 50 away from finishing the squats so for sure I will finish 2/3 challenges.

    3/5 days doing 2 videos
    90/140 sumo squats
    2/5 days under calories
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Hi, team. Love all the activity on here. Everyone's making such a great effort to complete all the challenges. I have been a bit AWOL these past few days. Had my den painted and had to unhook the internet. So when I came home late from my running clinic, I didn't really have the time or energy to stay on for long. And today I was working with my husband to put the den back together, so this is my first time on today. I need the weekend to complete the challenges. Fingers crossed!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    As I pondered what I ate yesterday, it is abundantly clear there's no way I'm under goal. ANd since any logging of my dinner out would be best guesses, I decided to just forego the 5 points. Instead of trying to piece together a log, I spent that time finishing my squats and completing tonight's videos.

    3/5 days doing 2 videos
    140/140 sumo squats
    2/5 days under calories
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    We set out clocks back one hour last night, so please make sure you did as well. If your country, province, state, didn't experience a time change, then please Google what time it is in California now.
    @MissionEnforcer will be closing the Spreadsheet at 9:00 p.m. PST. sharp!
    I suggest you get your exercise minutes and challenge points in early. We've had two teams lose a position in the rankings in the last two weeks due to late logging. Don't let your team or yourself down!
    Happy Sunday everyone! The next destination will be announced late tonight. Have fun guessing where we are going! :)
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    All...... I just updated the spreadsheet for myself..... did the squat challenge and the under calorie challenge. Cheers to next week.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    So, how did everyone do today? It was an absolutely beautiful fall day here so I spent three hours outside doing chores (raking leaves, cleaning windows and doors), but I only logged one. It felt really good to accomplish something!

    There's just over 5 1/2 hours left to get any more numbers on the spreadsheet. Don't forget!
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    Hi team 3! I completed all three of the challenges! The sumo squats were tough- I'm glad we had all week to do them. I enjoyed doing the radio videos and realize I need to do some stretching each day. I'm pretty much always under calories so that was a nice and easy one for me. I didn't put my exercise minutes in for today yet because I plan to get more in tonight!! Hopefully we will come out okay at the end of today. Promos to be around more on posting this week :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I just added my videos and minutes for today--we are still in third.