

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Swear I had made another post here, but maybe I'm losing my mind! Lol.
    Joanna- I think you have your bases covered in relation to the challenges.
    We are currently in 2nd place. We also are only 2 days in and nearly half way! Keep up the great work! Loving the Team 2 Beat!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Got my water goal met and exercise done. Will work on the drum challenge over the next few days. B)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Good morning (afternoon for Sabreen)! Dogs got me out of bed before my alarm so I'm downstairs with my strength exercises done and move on to the elliptical and can actually do a little longer one. :) It does feel really nice to have challenge 2 done. Water is going well for me, most of the time I don't struggle with that, especially during the work week. Hope u all have a great day!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hi Team! I am still sore from my meter dashes. I did 2 short walks at full speed, but that was all I could muster. Day 2 on the water done. I normally drink 96 ounces a day, adding in one more cup to hit my 100 ounces makes me feel water logged. 3 more days!

    For some reason after work I had to eat everything in sight. I wasn't hungry, I just had the munchie cravings. I get this way about once a month and am usually able to hold it off. This has been the most severe it has been in a long while. I gave in to it, and 750 calories over goal, my body felt great. I am going with I must of needed all that crap. Ha ha...
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    lynnjano wrote: »
    Encouragement for HUMP DAY.....Let's see if we can achieve NO 0's in the minutes column today,

    This is technically my 'rest' day, but I will probably do I little yoga when I get home just to get a few minutes in there!! hope everyone has a great day!
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Hump day
    Have a great ☝️
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Ugh...I need to run off the crazy today. Its only 7am and I am already done with the day. I forgot to charge my garmin (guess its a free run by feel today) and then ran over my toe with an equipment case. Nice blood blister forming. Of course its on the opposite foot as the slice I took off my heal last Thursday. ARGGHHH....need exercise endorphins.

    Just a heads up that Thursday and Sunday are my rest days since I do a long run sandwich Friday, Saturday. Right now the sandwich isn't that long so I might squeeze in some strength or walking but I really need those two days off to stay healthy as I approach marathon training. I'll try to put in big numbers on the other days of the week to compensate.
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    still struggling with the post viral ME today so taking it easy - have done a couple of short walks down to the horses so I have added a few minutes - sorry its not more - as soon as I am well enough I will be on it BIG time!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    It is wonderful to see everyone striving for a little something today. Just remember to treat your body right/not over due it. If you are normally a cardio person, maybe 15-20 minutes of some yoga, or push ups, sit ups on your rest day. It doesn't have to be a lot or super intense.

    For all of you who haven't done Challenge 1, could you please work on it?

    @jenilla1 I know you aren't supposed to have other friends (I totally get it, and respect it) If your family is okay with it, could you send out friend requests, and then wait 2-3 days and then remove your friends? I know my feelings wouldn't be hurt if you did it. No problem either way. I was just thinking of a way to help you get those points.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Ugh...I need to run off the crazy today. Its only 7am and I am already done with the day. I forgot to charge my garmin (guess its a free run by feel today) and then ran over my toe with an equipment case. Nice blood blister forming. Of course its on the opposite foot as the slice I took off my heal last Thursday. ARGGHHH....need exercise endorphins.

    Just a heads up that Thursday and Sunday are my rest days since I do a long run sandwich Friday, Saturday. Right now the sandwich isn't that long so I might squeeze in some strength or walking but I really need those two days off to stay healthy as I approach marathon training. I'll try to put in big numbers on the other days of the week to compensate.

    Ohh what marathon are you training for?
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Raasy wrote: »

    Ohh what marathon are you training for?

    I am going to be training for Mountains to Beach starting in December. It will be my first after multiple half marathons. I found a love for heart rate based training and am going to try and push myself this year.
  • sabreena86
    sabreena86 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello team 2, i hope you all fine and doing great, I'm at the end of my day, i didn't go to gym today but i tried to walk few minutes, and i did the exercises for another challange, i darank water as needed, but the most beautiful thing that i did the cardio drumming with my cute teddy bear ، wooden spoon & fork, that was amazing and full of energy.. By this challange #2 is done

    Good morning, afternoon, and night for you all
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    @MissionEnforcer - Challenge #1
    I live in a small town in Illinois near St. Louis. I love where we live now because we have 5 acres and actually can walk around the property and get a good walk in if we want/find the time. Also, not far from us is a hiking trail (although we have only been one time and I was shocked when I went to find the picture that it was back in 2012!!) that takes you up to a cliffside overlooking the Mississippi River Valley. It is absolutely gorgeous up there. The weather here changes all the time it seems. We just had a high of 91 on Monday and will be having lows in the lower 40s tomorrow night. Now that the snakes might be done for the season, maybe I'll have to try to talk the husband into revisiting the hiking trail. :smiley:
    Also, I have had success with all friend requests minus Jenilla who wishes to keep her MFP private. Thank you!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    We got to take a short little field trip this morning and go watch a Steam Locomotive going across our bridge. It was pretty cool. Of course that field trip, combined with an unexpected task coming up right at lunch, meant I had to skip the gym. Luckily my AM workout was longer than normal, and hopefully I can do something this evening, but no promises. It is Survivor night!! Yeah!! (I have watched every episode of Survivor since it began and am still as addicted!!)
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    My bichon is loving this challenge. He is getting longer walks. Before this I was a couch potato once I got home from work. Less exhausted than I used to be after being on my feet 8-12 hours depending on my schedule. Some days I need to sprint from one end of the hall to the other in order to keep dementia patients safe. Usually 7000 steps on my fitbit for each 8 hour workday and I'm pushing a medcart back and forth on carpeting most of the day.
    After supper I will get some more minutes in as I watch t.v. but nothing strenuous, shooting for 60 minutes a day.
    Nice job everyone and I love the pictures.