

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Okay, I just finished the video's and then googled a few more to do! I think my gym just started doing these classes as well... i'm gonna have to look into them <3

    I'm at 3/5 for water right now. I need 85 ounces a day but normally drink about 96 regardless!

    I want to apologize if i seam absent. I'm really not... I check in regularly but I don't always comment. Right now i am super busy with work, sports, and Halloween planning >:) This is my favorite holiday so i tend to go a little overboard. As for the spreadsheet, I can only access on the desk top computer. I'll try to get on here a little more often but please know I'm not abandoning the team. Just busy with life ;)
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    My name is Joanna, I'm 42 years old and I live in Ontario Canada!! I started my weight loss journey about a year and a half ago. I love to cycle, run and just plain old workout!! I am a bit of a fitness junkie!!! I love baseball, my favourite player is my teenager!!! I have two doggies. They are both Shih Tzu's. One is 11 and the other is 10. I am very excited about this challenge!!! Happy to see some friends here and ready to make new ones. I believe that people should build each other up not tear each other down.

    @MissionEnforcer I already introduced myself, does this still count?

    @MissionEnforcer I tagged you in this a few days ago. I notice my challenge is still in red. Please advise if I need to re-do my Hello post?
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    Doing my best to get in an hour of 'exercise' after working overtime today. I have the energy but my muscles ache from circumstances at work out of my control. Have gotten in my water goal for water challenge 4 out of 7 days so far, this is more plain water than I usually drink. Fills me up. Off to do some Abdominal exercises during the Green Bay Packer game.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Well, I've done a lousy job as leader! I skipped the gym again today, but it was because I have had a horrible headache all day that just won't go away. I'm glad that my morning workout is decent numbers but when I see your guys commitment to getting more numbers in, I feel bad. :'( I will hopefully be getting my 2 workouts in tomorrow...I hope! Fridays are usually really busy for us at work. I'm planning on going in Saturday because I am so far behind. I'll try to treat it like a regular work day and get up and workout before I go in. My water has been good this week, so by the end of tomorrow I should be able to log those I think it sounds like many of you will also!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I definitely want to throw you all some kudos for keeping our spreadsheet caught is amazingly helpful to have a good assessment as to where we stand. It looks like many of these teams have some members who can put up some amazing times. All I ask is that we do our best. Heck yeah, I want to win, but I also don't want any of you pushing so hard you get hurt or demotivated and want to drop out! The other thing I've noticed is that some of the teams might already have some MIA members and so far, we are still 21 strong!! You guys are amazing, keep it up!! We are almost to Reykjavik!! I imagine once we have through today logged, we will have surpassed our destination! If I don't make it back in here (I'm hoping for an early bed), have a great night!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Oh yeah, the only reds left are @Annampea, @lynnjano, and @seylerg344. I'll try to double check your tags when I get a chance to see if I can figure out why we're not changing yet. @Brittanypomales - like Jen said, you still need to add your 10 points for that challenge. If you want us to put it in there for you, please just let us know and we will be happy to do so. We just are not allowed to go randomly adding minutes or points for our team members.

  • seylerg344
    seylerg344 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi team 2! I am in Disney right now and am having trouble accessing the spreadsheet on my phone could someone fill it in for me? I walked a total of 180 minutes today! If someone could post this in my spot for today I would be very grateful!! Thanks team two!!! :)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    seylerg344 wrote: »
    Hi team 2! I am in Disney right now and am having trouble accessing the spreadsheet on my phone could someone fill it in for me? I walked a total of 180 minutes today! If someone could post this in my spot for today I would be very grateful!! Thanks team two!!! :)

    Put your walking in the spreadsheet! Hope you are having a great time. If you can, sometime between now and Sunday, can you try tagging Mission Enforcer and giving a brief description of your town in PA? That's the only thing I can figure is missing on your challenge 1. Thanks!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    We are so close...just 116 minutes shy of Reykjavik!! :):):)
  • Annampea
    Annampea Posts: 65 Member
    I have tried to work on the water challenge and it's a no go for me. When you spend you work week in an elementary school classroom, running to the bathroom from all the water is not going to happen. I have increased my overall water ibtake, just not enough to meet my daily quota. @lbenson2006, I would appreciate some help on earning my 10 pts for introduction. I will be running around back and forth to Scout camp and will check as soon as I can this weekend! Go team 2!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Annampea wrote: »
    I have tried to work on the water challenge and it's a no go for me. When you spend you work week in an elementary school classroom, running to the bathroom from all the water is not going to happen. I have increased my overall water ibtake, just not enough to meet my daily quota. @lbenson2006, I would appreciate some help on earning my 10 pts for introduction. I will be running around back and forth to Scout camp and will check as soon as I can this weekend! Go team 2!!

    I can only imagine what it would be like if you were having to run to the bathroom all the time, the kids would have a field day. :)

    As for the challenge 1, I couldn't locate where you posted an introduction including a brief description of beautiful STL and tagging Mission Enforcer. If you get a chance, please take a moment to tell him and the rest of Team 2 what makes your neck of the woods great!! Have a great weekend with the scouts!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    As of right now, we are 11 miles shy of Reykjavik! Once we get there, we get 50 points for completing this leg of the race, which would get us to only about 20 points behind 1st place. It's still a close race, we can do it!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited October 2016
    I just logged my minutes and we've made it to Reykjavik! Nice work everyone! :D

    I'm still good with my water 4/4 days so far. Only have one video left to do and then I'll be finished with challenge #2.

    Tomorrow I should have some good mileage (minutes) to log. It's mountain biking day! <3B)
  • Brittanypomales
    Brittanypomales Posts: 60 Member
    Oh yeah, the only reds left are @Annampea, @lynnjano, and @seylerg344. I'll try to double check your tags when I get a chance to see if I can figure out why we're not changing yet. @Brittanypomales - like Jen said, you still need to add your 10 points for that challenge. If you want us to put it in there for you, please just let us know and we will be happy to do so. We just are not allowed to go randomly adding minutes or points for our team members.


    Ah! I wasn't sure if the challenge part were numbers we filled or had to be put in by the "moderator". I will update my challenge,

  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I should put in some good miles today. In addition to my run, my classes will be outside all day walking around hunting stuffed condors. Which means I will be walking around all day making sure that all they are doing is hunting stuffed condors :-)
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    hey everyone, I was MIA yesterday due to work stresses, Dr appts and then a very big need for sleep. I was able to complete my drumming and chants yesterday but that is about all I could do. My body was saying absolutely no more than that. My 2 yoga classes on Wednesday sent it over the edge i think. but I am gong to try to be back at it today, we will see how my body wants to function. Still a little sore. Oh and I am currently 4/5 out of my water requirments for the week, yeah water is my friend and I drink a ton of it so no problem there.

    @MissionEnforcer it appears that I was one of the ones that have not yet given a little description of my town that I live in. So here we go

    I live in Moreno Valley, Southern California. Its a smaller town, definitely not as big as LA. But we do have a population of about 200k, and this city was named one of the faster growing cities in CA a couple years in a row. The citty is just now starting to get with the program and putting in dedicated bike lanes and they also have started a biking challenge. We have a few hiking trails since we have a lot of foothills around. We don't get much rain and the weather is pretty hot during the summer. We average about 90+ during the summer and in the winter its an average of about 70. Yeah I only mention 2 seasons, cause I swear that is all that SoCal has it 2. I am so jealous of those of you that have your 4 seasons!!!

  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I should put in some good miles today. In addition to my run, my classes will be outside all day walking around hunting stuffed condors. Which means I will be walking around all day making sure that all they are doing is hunting stuffed condors :-)

    umm what? what is it that you do that you hunt "stuffed condors" that just made me laugh.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Ok. I'm still in the red for Hallo,
    here's hoping third time is a charm.
    I'm Lynn, 59 YO, and appears that I am the oldest on Team 2. Married for 29 years next week, mother of two awsome children, daughter 27YO biomedical eng phd and son 26YO structural eng masters...yup I'm bragging cause that took dedication and hard work, and it paid off, similar to eating exercising etc is to being healthy. I grew up in a beautiful quiet suburb 20" north of Boston and still live there two doors from my dad. I love life and especially mine, and I am grateful to God everyday for all the blessings bestowed on me, even the hardships...makes you appreciate the good times. s3xse6avbyzn.jpg
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    @lynnjano The only problem before, was the lack of "a brief description of where you live". The picture made up for that.

    Everybody, I know this all seems like "nitpicking", but we want to get everyone in the habit of reading the "Challenges" carefully, in their original form. They will be included in the Weekly Race Announcements, on the Main Group Thread, and will be released by 9pm (hopefully) each Sunday Evening Pacific Time. The Name of the each week's leg, at the top of the spreadsheet, is also a Link to the current Weekly Announcement.