Omading1's {OMAD phase 2} Weight Loss Journal November 9th, 2016



  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm going to have a change of plans of sorts in my "new goals"...instead of having my first day DRY fast day tomorrow, I' going to have my first "water fast" only day. I've never had a full day (24hours) of just water ever in my life and nothing else. This fabulous OMAD life has prepare me to take it on. I thought I'd start my first 24 hour fast "Dry-Fasting" but nah... I may be biting off more than I can "chew" so to speak, starting out "dry-fastng" without first attempting a day of water fasting first. So, on Fridays will be my "water only" fast days and I'll work my way up to dry fasting, hopefully in the next month or so (4-8 weeks from now). We'll see how the water only fasting goes. I'm actually quite excited about it...a full day of fasting. I'm going to make it a day of both praying/meditating in the evening and during the day, find some good ole CLEAN movies (comedies), and old humerous books I have around here (that I haven't looked at in years) to also make it a day of laughter and delight too.

    YAYYYYYYYY, how thrilling, I'm totally ready and all hyped up about it too....BRING IT! o:)





  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Don't we already fast for 24 hours on OMAD? Are you saying you will skip the one meal and go for a total of 48 hours until the next meal?
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    You're doing fabulously! Happy for you.
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    Holy Cow your phase I was amazing! Good luck on phase II!

    Thanks buddy o:)
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Don't we already fast for 24 hours on OMAD? Are you saying you will skip the one meal and go for a total of 48 hours until the next meal?

    Wow...thanks so much for bringing this to my attention Debs!!!! It's going to be a 45 hour fast then, acutally....since my last thing I ate was around 8:30ish-9:00pm yesterday. Yes, I'm going to skip today's meal and am only drinking water and perhaps a cal/caffeine free herbal tea(s) all day and night today. My next meal will be tomorrow evening, around 5-6pm (my regular eating time is between 5-9pm). So, it's been so long that I've been doing OMAD, that I totally forgot it's a 24 hour fast and was thinking that skipping this OMAD meal this evening would equal 24 hours, but'll be 45 hours and that's just amazing to consider, now that ya got me thinking about it. How thrilling!

    I'm going to be doing this every Friday too! o:)
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    edited November 2016

    I've been thinking about doing a water fast on Fridays for the past couple weeks and was planning to begin next Friday.... after Thanksgiving. Great minds think alike. I always feel lighter the day before I weigh but don't feel it this week. I know how my body works and it's time to shake things up a bit. So next Friday when I begin water fasting, I'll be thinking of you knowing that we are doing this together. I know you can do it.

    Blessings to you my friend.
    Linda (SavedByGrace)



  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I've thought about it but haven't tried. I did do a couple of 36 hour fasts when younger (and very skinny at the time) but that was for religious purposes and not for losing weight. It was not easy but I also was stick thin. Good luck but be careful. Don't let it through you off the OMAD!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited November 2016
    I have never been able to do more than a 24 hour fast without becoming ravenous. I don't know now though as I have not tried it in a number of years.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    I have never been able to do more than a 24 hour fast without becoming ravenous. I don't know now though as I have not tried it in a number of years.

    Continue on OMAD so you feel comfortable with the lifestyle and then in the future give it a try.
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member

    I've been thinking about doing a water fast on Fridays for the past couple weeks and was planning to begin next Friday.... after Thanksgiving. Great minds think alike. I always feel lighter the day before I weigh but don't feel it this week. I know how my body works and it's time to shake things up a bit. So next Friday when I begin water fasting, I'll be thinking of you knowing that we are doing this together. I know you can do it.

    Blessings to you my friend.
    Linda (SavedByGrace)




    o:) {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ <3LINDA <3 }}}}}}}}}}}}} o:)

    Absolutely WOW! Seriously my sister and friend, you are simply the BEST. Thank you ever so VERY much for all that you are, all that you say and all that you do. Isn't that tremendous that The Lord put in your heart/spirit to do a Friday "water fast" too. Just Amazing. I don't know about you, but company on trying and new challenges just makes me so GLAD and ENCOURAGED and INSPIRED too. How thrilling!!!!!!! YAY you and me!

    P.S. Let's go get'em, full speed ahead, NO looking back---BOOM!
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    I have never been able to do more than a 24 hour fast without becoming ravenous. I don't know now though as I have not tried it in a number of years.

    Me neither, this was my first, almost made to the finish line too, but caved in after 35 hours (ate breakfast this morning with the family). NOT because I was so "famished" either, it was a total and complete mental issue, no excuses nor escape hatches...just a total and complete "rebellion" of sorts. That said, 35hrs is a record for me, and next Friday, I'll do better, period.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    OMADing1 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    I have never been able to do more than a 24 hour fast without becoming ravenous. I don't know now though as I have not tried it in a number of years.

    Me neither, this was my first, almost made to the finish line too, but caved in after 35 hours (ate breakfast this morning with the family). NOT because I was so "famished" either, it was a total and complete mental issue, no excuses nor escape hatches...just a total and complete "rebellion" of sorts. That said, 35hrs is a record for me, and next Friday, I'll do better, period.

    That is great!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »

    B) BOOM!
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    I've thought about it but haven't tried. I did do a couple of 36 hour fasts when younger (and very skinny at the time) but that was for religious purposes and not for losing weight. It was not easy but I also was stick thin. Good luck but be careful. Don't let it through you off the OMAD!

    Thanks B! o:)
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    Nevadaden wrote: »
    You're doing fabulously! Happy for you.

    Thank you Nevadaden, I just LOVE it and am so encouraged when you post--so cool you are! <3
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    edited November 2016
    Great job!!! You made it to breakfast...that's so awesome. I watched a video about water fasting and if you could make it to morning then you should eat something. I don't know if it was Joe's video or Dr. Fung's. It's a step at a time when big changes are being made.

    I'm going to work on a water fast just as I worked on going from intermittent fasting to OMAD. Slow steady steps until I make it through 48 hours. I hope you're not beating yourself up because 35 hours is a great accomplishment. Congratulations!! I'll see how far I get next week. Remember we will do this together and we will pat ourselves on the back every time we move forward.

    You go girl!!




  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    Wow...Thank you again Linda for this ( I REALLY love the pics too :) ). I'll tell ya, this OMAD life is the business. It truly is one that allows us such freedom and at the same time, such discipline AND mercy at the same time. I LOVE THAT!!!!
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    OMADing1 wrote: »
    Wow...Thank you again Linda for this ( I REALLY love the pics too :) ). I'll tell ya, this OMAD life is the business. It truly is one that allows us such freedom and at the same time, such discipline AND mercy at the same time. I LOVE THAT!!!!

    I feel the same way. ♥
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    edited November 2016
    This is how I'm feeling being/doing today:

    ...tomorrow's weigh-in day :*
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    OMADing1 wrote: »
    This is how I'm feeling being/doing today:

    ...tomorrow's weigh-in day :*

    I'm happy you're flying and wishing you the best tomorrow. It's kind of neat that you get to weigh 'before' the Thanksgiving meal so you don't have to worry about it until next week.
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    OMADing1 wrote: »
    OMADing1 wrote: »
    Beginning OMAD journey

    Start Date: June 29th, 2016
    Starting Weight: 219.8 lbs
    Starting size: 22w
    Eating Time: 6-10pm
    Goal: 30lbs Down or 189.8 lbs

    o:) GOAL MET o:) late October 2016/4 months OMAD time


    OMAD Phase 2 (continuation of OMAD w/new goals)

    Start Date: November 9th, 2016
    Starting Weight 187.8 lbs
    Starting Size: 16w
    Eating Time: 5-9pm
    Goal: 30lbs Down or 157lbs

    Beginning OMAD Phase II measurements: November 9th, 2016

    Neck: (15 inches )
    Waist: (38 inches )
    Hips: (45 inches )
    Chest: (38.5 inches)
    Butt/Stomach: (43.5 inches)

    OMAD Phase 2 (continuation of OMAD w/new goals)

    Date: November 17th, 2016
    Week 1 Weight 186.8 lbs
    Loss/Gain for Week 1 lb Down
    Lbs to Goal: 29lbs Down or 157lbs
    Total OMAD Wks/lbs lost 20 weeks/34lbs s/b 33lbs

    Neck: (same as last week )
    Waist: (37 down 1 inch )
    Hips: (44.5 down 1/2 inch )
    Chest: (38 down 1/2 inch)
    Butt/Stomach: (43 down 1/2 inch)

    OMAD Phase 2 (continuation of OMAD w/new goals)

    Date: November 24th, 2016
    Week 2 Weight 187.0 lbs
    Loss/Gain for Week .02lb UP :|
    Lbs to Goal: 29.8lbs Down to GO or 157lbs/GOAL weight
    Total OMAD Wks/lbs lost 21 weeks/33lbs

    Neck: (same as 2 weeks ago )
    Waist: (37 same as last week )
    Hips: (44.5 same as last wee )
    Chest: (38 same as last week)
    Butt/Stomach: (43 same as last week)

    Notes: .02lbs up this week--this means turning up the heat of the battle a bit more, period.
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    {{{{{{{{{{ <3Linda <3 }}}}}}}}} Thank you sweetiepie! I didn't make my goal this week NOR lose any inches either--but that just makes me more bound and determined. I'm looking forward to my Friday fast tomorrow!
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    Hey...that's okay. You are doing a great job and you will get there. Tomorrow is our day to Fast....yippee. I put a little turkey and stuffing in a Tupperware container and saving it for Saturday. Have a great day and I'll catch up with you tomorrow.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    edited November 2016
    I fasted for 28 hours. I began getting dizzy so I ate. Next Friday my goal is to get to 32 hours. If I get dizzy like I did today I may have to reconsider the 48 hour fast.
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    Hey...that's okay. You are doing a great job and you will get there. Tomorrow is our day to Fast....yippee. I put a little turkey and stuffing in a Tupperware container and saving it for Saturday. Have a great day and I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

    You're the BEST, period. Wow...ALL day has been a struggle of sorts for me. Also, the gang just brought home the most fabulous smelling Asian food ever in the history of delicious favorite foods of mine. Talk about UGH. I have also been "fasting" from the "media" as well. But the temptation of discouragement and distraction tried it's damnest (literally) to overtake me and give up. So I logged on (even though I said I wouldn't log on the computer today), then I read Kitty's post <3o:)<3 , and a mighty power-filled LIGHT went off in and thru me and then I thought about Joe's sayings that have helped me in this fierce battle at times--the Joe-ish battle CRY of:

    1.) Snacking makes you fat.
    2.) You can have it, just not now.
    3.) Just eat and be done with it.
    4.) He who has dynamite within him, best stay away from sparkles.

    So, tomorrow...if they've left anything, I'll be having left-over Asian food will surely be on the menu--if not, whatever. The days of my "belly" being my god is OVER honey, period.

  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    YOU ARE AMAZING and YOU ARE MY HERO !!! I feel bad that I ate but I won't give up. I may try again tomorrow since I don't have to work on Sunday. Thanks for the inspiration. ♥
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    YOU ARE AMAZING and YOU ARE MY HERO !!! I feel bad that I ate but I won't give up. I may try again tomorrow since I don't have to work on Sunday. Thanks for the inspiration. ♥

    It takes one to know one--and shero you SURELY are to me o:)

    This battle we're enduring is ever before us, it's truly a marathon-ish type of war--not a sprint, so please, if you will, take it easy tomorrow and stick to your winning ways of eating OMAD ( I admire your OMAD meals and accomplishments so much), and let's just stick to Friday's as our "OMEAD day. It may take 4-8 weeks to get the "hang" of it--to build up to it. Rome wasn't built in a day, and even if it were, we're not of Rome, so let's take our time and do this right and righteously. Receiving Grace (Power/Period of Time) to get our bodies accustomed to it.

    I'm not in a hurry and I don't want you to be in a hurry either. I HATE that "hurry/impatient/anxious" spirit (because my mind&stomach wants me to be in a hurry, so I'll purposely disobey it/them and set this race before me on Fridays only). If we don't make it, we share and do it again next week until we do/are able/ready to, period. There is no failing in this battle, there is only winning, because as we "lose" we win. How? By acknowledging our weaknesses and not giving them "place" over us, period. By keeping our eyes on the prize and not allowing our thoughts nor ourselves to get in our way. No pressure my good friend, pressure is the stuff that has deceived us into so many woes in our lives, we're winners and want to do this differently than anything we've ever tried in this "arena" before, ya know?

    Let me know whatcha think of this things, okay?
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    when do you fast again Omading?? I want to join you and Grace this time! The more people, the more power !!

    Im so glad my post has inspired you just at the right time. Its obviously not a coincidence....

    we must always try to help each other, support each other on this journey. So far I think all of us are doing great despite our troubles, we are all still here and thats what counts =)
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    edited November 2016
    when do you fast again Omading?? I want to join you and Grace this time! The more people, the more power !!

    Im so glad my post has inspired you just at the right time. Its obviously not a coincidence....

    we must always try to help each other, support each other on this journey. So far I think all of us are doing great despite our troubles, we are all still here and thats what counts =)

    I'm doing a 48 hour fast (OMEAD-one meal every other day, EXCEPT it's NOT every other day, just one day per week). On Fridays, I skip my Friday meal and refeed on Saturday evenings. My eating times are between 5-9pm.

    I'm thrilled you want to join Grace/Linda and I on this...but I feel so strongly to advise against "food" fasting 48 hours for you, right now. Why? Because you just restarted OMAD, and are doing GREAT with getting acclaimated AND rededicated to the HUGE feat of OMAD, and I just know that though your fabulous intentions are just that, FABULOUS, that if you just work on the OMAD, and get that down pat 100%--then after a few months or so of acing OMAD, then join us, okay beloved friend?

    In the meantime, if you just want to join our "faith" in doing this Friday 48hour fast (we're also adding prayer with our 48hour fast too), just to show your body whose a 24 hour working your way up to a 48 hour fast with cigarettes, instead of food.
    Because like y/our issues with food/a spirit of gluttony trying it's damnest (literally) to rule and reign in us, you also love smoking. Now don't get it twisted, I'm not from the school of "smoking is evil" as is screamed and promoted, at ALL. I'm from the old school generation where smoking was totally accepted and promoted, even by doctors. So, I'm TOTALLY NOT asking (nor even suggesting) you to stop smoking AT ALL. Instead, what I'm asking is you join us in this fast on Friday's by giving up for only initially 24 hours--working your way up to 48 hours something you love and that your body cries and calls for and demands you to obey it's voice (like food can and does--but YOU using cigs until you master OMAD). PLEASE hear my heart on this and if you do, girlfriend, you'll be doing to major serious damage to all kinds of foul spirits, I promise.

    If to DARE to take up this gauntlet I've thrown down, we start on Fridays--so whatever time your eating period is, that's when you have your last ciggy for the next 24 hours working your way up to 48 hours. Now, even though you are a warrior princess, if you don't make it a total of 24 hours initially, working your way up to 48hrs (like me a Linda haven't made it completely yet with food), we post and do it again the next week, until we can make it the full 24 hour initially working your way up to 48hours.

    This week, I made it to that's 5 hours longer than last week--BOOM!

    What say ye? Deal? Let me know baby-doll.

    I love you a lot! Again, I AM NOT ASKING NOR EVEN SUGGEST YOU STOP SMOKING, BANISH THAT THOUGHT, just to first get OMAD down pat, and until then, use cigs as your "sacrifice" in the initial 24 hours for your cig fast, working your way up to a 48 hour fast. I double-dog dare you to pick up this challenge!
