Anyone here follow a ketogenic diet?



  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    josgall wrote: »
    Well, now that we're all in one spot... ummm ... since there's nothing better to do, I guess I'll hijack this thread... anyone want to chop to pieces my attempt at dropping into ketosis this week and tell me why I'm testing trace for ketosis all week and offer any suggestions? :smiley: Been been doing some light lifting at the gym so I've been trying to keep my protein up a bit without killing the keto. I tried to keep my protein at 1g/lb of lean body mass (or less) but I'm thinking it's still too high? Last time I was in ketosis was before my thanksgiving cheat time last week :-1:

    sorry @vmchavira , but hopefully you can help tear me to pieces on my eating this week as well haha!

    Public log

    If you were fully in ketosis for a while prior to your cheat your body will have an easier time reverting back to ketosis.
    The pee strips are really only good for the first run of getting into the swing of things. They measure what is being spilled (unused) by your system. Once you become adapted there should be little to no spilled ketones which is why many people fear they've dropped out of ketosis when using those strips for extended amounts of time.

    The amount of protein you are consuming should be fine, especially if you are lifting regularly. On average about 30g per three meals daily is a great range to be in for your consumption. It's when you are sitting down and eating three large steaks that you will see issues with that!
    It's not just diabetics that have protein convert to sugar. All the macros convert to sugar in excess they just convert at different times. Obviously we all know that carbs convert quickly, next up to convert would be proteins but that happens about 2 hours post meal. Following that is fat! Believe it or not! The reason fat converting is a non issues is because it takes all day and can barely be measured which is why there is no actual studies to show this... it's that low and that hard to measure.

    @josgall the best way to judge your ketosis levels at this point would be with a blood meter or a breath analysis both are rather expensive but will give you more reliable results. The inexpensive route is to know your body and trust yourself. How do you feel? You may or may not suffer some side effects re-entering ketosis. So waiting for Keto flu to hit is not a good indicator!

    Good luck!
    Keto on!!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    josgall wrote: »
    kirkor wrote: »
    josgall wrote: »
    anyone want to chop to pieces my attempt at dropping into ketosis this week and tell me why I'm testing trace for ketosis all week and offer any suggestions?

    What are you using to test?

    I was using the ketosis test pee strips they sell at the drug store , is there another way? I haven't been doing this long enough to know

    Ya, those are not to be used for titrating your carbs. They can't be used as a meal-to-meal or day-to-day measure of ketosis. There is no useful data (for the non-diabetic) to be gleaned from them. They measure only the excess of one type of ketone body. Blood tests are the only accurate way to know if you are in ketosis.

    Full explanation here:
  • kimmorrow30
    kimmorrow30 Posts: 19 Member
    20g carbs and under for me!