

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    edited February 2017
    @120maggie Great motivation!

    Get your dancing shoes on! After dancing is complete we can hit the bars at our destination!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Sorry guys I'm exhausted and skipped today's run. The good news is since the race runs Monday to Sunday, I should still get in Sunday's long run.
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    I finished my walking today, and was under calorie by 1. I was under for 5 straight days. Happy day. We are doing great
  • Ingrid2017
    Ingrid2017 Posts: 47 Member
    I was able to get a good hike in early, right before the rain :) I also had fun doing all of the dance videos, including the optional ones. Fluffy had fun too, nipping at my fuzzy slippers as I danced. :D
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member

    Rough day for poor Stella - she finally ate her breakfast this morning but then was sick during the day while I was gone. Clearly still not feeling normal but she did eat a little more eventually tonight and hasn't been sick since. She brought her little baby to bed and was a little peppier so I'm hoping she's on the mend now. Otherwise we will have to be off to the vet tomorrow.

    So I got a treadmill run in this afternoon but nothing else done. :( Finished the day just under calories though. Just one more day needed for that challenge so should be able to get that done tomorrow, with Sunday left just in case. Tomorrow's supposed to be cold (as was today!) so I'm trying to convince myself that I want to get up to go for my long run. We'll see how Stella is feeling I guess, but hopefully I'll get it done.

  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    I got another mile in tonight. Tomorrow more snow. Only a couple inches, but on Tuesday night another snow storm!! Hmm do I see minutes counted by shoveling snow?!?!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Another day at a swim meet. Brutal. Blew the diet and didn't exercise. Tomorrow I'm only volunteering for a half day so I'll get my exercise in AND eat below. I should max out on challenge points and do OK on minutes.

    Like the bar but struggling with the service. Perhaps we can do better?
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    TamiJo1004 wrote: »
    Bar and bartender for the night! 7xanjxwcyb2d.png
    TamiJo1004 wrote: »
    Bar and bartender for the night! 7xanjxwcyb2d.png

    Oh my I'll have a double of whatever he is serving!! Looks yummy!! Oh yea the drinks look yummy too!! ;)

    Ohhhhhhhh you two are horrible B) ........but I go with you girls ofcourse I do I don't want to miss anything of it hahahahaha
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    I got another mile in tonight. Tomorrow more snow. Only a couple inches, but on Tuesday night another snow storm!! Hmm do I see minutes counted by shoveling snow?!?!

  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    Another day at a swim meet. Brutal. Blew the diet and didn't exercise. Tomorrow I'm only volunteering for a half day so I'll get my exercise in AND eat below. I should max out on challenge points and do OK on minutes.

    Like the bar but struggling with the service. Perhaps we can do better?

    Your wish is our command ;)


    We must not forget our "main man" @Vowder. Now the question is will we be able to peel him away from the bar when it's time to go??
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member

    Rough day for poor Stella - she finally ate her breakfast this morning but then was sick during the day while I was gone. Clearly still not feeling normal but she did eat a little more eventually tonight and hasn't been sick since. She brought her little baby to bed and was a little peppier so I'm hoping she's on the mend now. Otherwise we will have to be off to the vet tomorrow.

    So I got a treadmill run in this afternoon but nothing else done. :( Finished the day just under calories though. Just one more day needed for that challenge so should be able to get that done tomorrow, with Sunday left just in case. Tomorrow's supposed to be cold (as was today!) so I'm trying to convince myself that I want to get up to go for my long run. We'll see how Stella is feeling I guess, but hopefully I'll get it done.

    I hope Stella is feeling better!!