

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Hi all! I have you all to thank for being under yesterday! I was having one of those "MUST EAT ALL THE FOOD!!!" days and I stopped after eating a LOT of the foods but before I went over. One more day and I can claim those 5 points. My back is s-o-r-e today. I have to go to a funeral and clean my house for super bowl but other than that I see heating pads and my couch in my future. Gotta be ready for next week right?!

    Have a great Saturday and everybody get those challenges done! I feel like I need to do an inspiring speech like from Henry V, Braveheart, Return of the King but can't remember them so "This is Sparta!!" Is all I've got!
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    Sorry..... was someone talking to me? I didn't notice. My mind must be on something else....

    Hahahahaha I think your question is answerd Hawkins410
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    cardbucfan wrote: »
    Hi all! I have you all to thank for being under yesterday! I was having one of those "MUST EAT ALL THE FOOD!!!" days and I stopped after eating a LOT of the foods but before I went over. One more day and I can claim those 5 points. My back is s-o-r-e today. I have to go to a funeral and clean my house for super bowl but other than that I see heating pads and my couch in my future. Gotta be ready for next week right?!

    Have a great Saturday and everybody get those challenges done! I feel like I need to do an inspiring speech like from Henry V, Braveheart, Return of the King but can't remember them so "This is Sparta!!" Is all I've got!

    Hope your back gets better!
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    hawkins410 wrote: »
    @TamiJo1004 & @ejdp254: I like your pick! I wonder how I will explain my blue tongue to my husband? :p
    @katharmonic: How is Stella? I sure hope she is better this morning!
    We are still in second place because of lack of challenges! C'on Team! You know how to get it done! <3
    @Vowder: Does the waitress "service" that @wolvinnetje provided meet your expectations now? :D

    Awwwww that cute picture
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member

    Rough day for poor Stella - she finally ate her breakfast this morning but then was sick during the day while I was gone. Clearly still not feeling normal but she did eat a little more eventually tonight and hasn't been sick since. She brought her little baby to bed and was a little peppier so I'm hoping she's on the mend now. Otherwise we will have to be off to the vet tomorrow.

    So I got a treadmill run in this afternoon but nothing else done. :( Finished the day just under calories though. Just one more day needed for that challenge so should be able to get that done tomorrow, with Sunday left just in case. Tomorrow's supposed to be cold (as was today!) so I'm trying to convince myself that I want to get up to go for my long run. We'll see how Stella is feeling I guess, but hopefully I'll get it done.

    Hope your baby feels better
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    I have to be under calorie today and I will complete the 3rd challenge!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
  • LeoLivingByDesign
    LeoLivingByDesign Posts: 90 Member
    I finally have some time to read all your posts, you gals and guys are hilarious! Between being sick last week and working late every night this week, I haven't had a lot of time or energy to participate. (and I'm kind of shy in groups).
    @wolvinnetje - you always brighten my day with your posts,
    @mamaelf2008 - If anyone can get it done in a snowstorm, it will be you!! Awesome! We haven't got much snow, but we definitely got the cold!
    So the plan is to rack up some minutes this weekend, then maybe I'll check out that bar @TamiJo1004 recommended.
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    @wolvinnetje - OMG! YOUR JOKE WAS AWESOME!!!! My father in law is going to love that one. He works at a prison, so I will be sharing it with him.

    @katharmonic - I hope Stella feels better.....poor thing. I love the picture you posted - she is adorable!

    I love all the bartenders, and I am happy that Vowder has his own personal one. ;)

    I finished the dance videos last night and was under all 5 days this past week. So, challenges are done and workout minutes are maxed out. YES!

    Let's go team one......get those challenges in. We can do it!


    Love that pic hahahaha I was rolling over the couch
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    So glad Stella is better!
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    @katharmonic glad to hear stella is better

    And I have to be total honest to my team members I told you this morning my workout plans ....but my plans changed I'm totally passed out on the couch I was so tired so I give my body some rest today so I can do another workout tomorrow.
    Have a great saturday night all.

    Till later


  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Thank you all - Stella is doing better this morning! She slept well overnight and was much more energetic this morning and ate her breakfast right away. Because she seemed good, I went out for my long (and sooooo cold) run. 92 minutes of slippery hilly freezing cold running done! Now I'm on the couch trying to warm up and Stella is chewing on her antler so she's clearly doing better. Pretty soon she'll be dragging me out for a walk I'm sure. At least the sun is out and the snow is pretty (looking on the positive side).

    Go team, go! Finish up those challenges. Rack up those minutes. I'll try to get out there in the cold for another round pretty soon - and maybe some indoor things later.

    Glad to hear Stella is feeling better. Most of us. An relate to what happens to us when our furbanies become under the weather
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Yay @katharmonic ! Glad Stella is better!

    @wolvinnetje -rest days are necessary too.