

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    hawkins410 wrote: »

    @junodog1: I ran across this and it made me think of you on your trip to Cozumel! Was it fabulous? I bet your horses were happy to see you when you got home! :D

    <3 LOL Love this! The girls were happy to see us. We stopped the car by the field when we came home and called them over. They needed to know the reign of terror imposed by my daughter housesitting was over.

    Wouldn't it be fine to ride on the beach?
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Looks beautiful @junodog1, and the swinging bar looks great! Glad you had a nice midwinter respite. :)
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member

    Goodmorning Team

    @junodog1 what a beutiful pictures
    @mts7471 at least you did 55 min!
    @ka97 and @smile_laughter you both are so funny about the dancing silly girls ;)
    @ejdp Hope you feel much better soon
    @mamaelf2008 and @aenglehardt347 and @alethamary you are awesome warriors in this challenge and my Rocks and dearest friends for a long time now,without you guys I wasn't a part of mfp anymore.
    @120maggie Thanks for being such a great "team boss"and lead us to the finish every week
    @hawkins410 thanks for the encouriging words all the time and funny pics and your effort to start this challenge everytime
    @cardbucfan our rolemodel with great numbers every week
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn thanks for your funny stories and bringing me Libra as a "friend"
    @Vowder where are you "our leader of the pack"? Our treadmill champion
    @gsxgirl61 always your great numbers motivating me to do just a step harder
    @katharmonic Glad you are safe back and hopefully it was a good trip and you enjoy it
    @TamiJo1004 I admire your positive attitude and you look at life please never change you are an awesome girl.
    @LeoLivingByDesign Lisa You are an excample for everyone of us you never give up and always stay positive
    @mswanger09 and @ingrid2017 our "silent sisters in crime" they maybe silent but every week with a great result and great numbers

    We are a little behind Team 4 the difference are between the challenge points so put those numbers in minutes we are a little ahead so keep that booty dancing on the video's ...take your hiking boots out of the closet and at least keep that cal intake low but healthy :)

    So have a great Thursday everybody


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    @junodog1 -you sailed from my town! I live close enough to the port I hear the ships horns when they leave!
    Glad you had fun and those bar swings look dangerous to me.

    I've been under 3 days so far but tonight is the dinner at the great restaurant. Since we are guests I'm not sure if it's a set menu or if we get to choose our own, doesn't matter-everything this place does is yummy. I was supposed to lift again this morning before golf but I'm just so darn sore that I'm giving myself a break. I may go do a quick YouTube golf stretching routine before I go but most likely I will play games on my iPad, check out facebook and get mad at people's posts!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Started the dance videos this morning, darn I am still uncoordinated, lol. Will finish off challenge 2 tonight. A bit behind on staying under for calories, but I promise I will be good for the rest of the week!!

    @wolvinnetje - you are just the sweetest! Thanks for your daily positive posts!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited February 2017
    We have 11 missing dancers! Just pretend we are all on the warm beach at sunset being silly together! @ka97, you "barely" complained! Are you feeling OK? :D
    Let's make a deal: 100% on Challenge #1, no dancing next week! ;)
    @smile_laughter: Passing on Chocolate Chip Cookies was the ultimate sacrifice! If they were fresh baked, I would have been a goner.
    @junodog1: Love the pictures! Looks like fun!
    @wolvinnetje: I so look forward to waking up to your posts every morning! <3
    @ejdp254: Hope you feel better soon!
    @mamaelf2008: I love your determination to get that 3.1 mile hike in! :)
    @katharmonic: I could hear Stella yesterday, "Mommy's home!!!!"
    @GSXRGIRL61: Carry on!
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn: Dang girl, your weightloss is an inspiration!
    @mswanger09: You are not sick anymore! Get your rear in gear and find us a bartender! We will be there soon!!
    @Vowder: We need our "rooster"! Unless you are too busy exercising! ;)
    @mts7471: Fifty-Five minutes is nothing to apologize for!
    @Ingrid2017: How is Fuffy?! Does she like to dance? :D
    @aenglehardt347 & @AlethaMary & @TamiJo1004 & @carbucfan & @LeoLivingByDesign: Keep up the good work!
    @120maggie: I'm still jealous over your ski trip! But you certainly deserved it! <3
    OMG, the sun is up and I am not! Oops!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    I'm here. I'm here. I've had a couple of travel days again so it has been tough. I keep checking in but not chatting much.

    I went to the gym this morning but only got a hot tub in. LOL. I'll go back this afternoon for a workout. I'm planning on doing the dance video's Friday morning.

    I've been on target in calories but is hasn't been easy. Don't know why it isn't kicking in better.

    I've got to persevere.

    This has been a hard week for some reason. Perhaps not enough sleep.

    Love those cruise boats. It feels like it has been a while since I have gone. Would really like to go again!

    Good luck everyone... just a few days left.
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Loving the support here with this group , you are all awesome!! I'll be back on track tomorrow and get the videos done , I will get all the xtra points available, promise ❤️❤️ you guys rock!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Team 4 is bringing it this week! Dang, we are behind right now. Didn't check their challenge totals though so maybe that's it and once everybody has the challenges done we can zoom past them.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Just checking in! Great work! Love the pics @junodog1
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I'm really struggling right now, but.....I did do an hour of lifting at the gym.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    @mamaelf2008 - love the picture and can imagine you with layers upon layers on during your walk. HA!
    @junodog1 - thanks for sharing the pictures - I am so jealous! My honey and I need a vacation like that with no kids.

    Let's keep working on the challenges - team 4 must not beat us this week! >:)
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    WE ARE THERE!!! THANKS to everyone digging in and making it happen!!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Yay we made it!

    I just posted my minutes and I did those crazy dance videos. It was not pretty. But challenge completed and I also completed the 5k outside challenge with a run today plus walking this morning (my run was like 3.06 miles, just short, but I did walk over 2 miles today too).

    I finished under calories today too, so 3 out of 4 days good so far.

    I am ready to hit that beach.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    We made it!! So glad to read on the posts that the dancing and Siberian hikes are in progress! I hate to

  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member

    Does anyone recognize the pic?

    I can relate! Grew up in upstate NY - We played in the snow from dawn to dark!