ifebruary workout was wonderful . . .



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-20 4X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay at or under calorie goal.

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I love this way of eating! This week I lost 2.4 pounds! For a grand total of 5.4 pounds during the two-week time. This is the first day of the third and last week of this challenge. Good luck everyone!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,513 Member
    I wish I had the OHP ability of the rest of you folks...still very slowly crawling past 16 lb dumbbells, occasionally making it to 17.5 pounders. BAH
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ifebruary-ly (If ever a really), anyone? xD (Puns for daaayyyss, however bad they might be xD)

    Hey, hi! It's, well, me, again.

    Things have been pretty hard for me lately, wife was sick adn had to go back home to the states, then I was sick, had to move, was sick(er) again... worked out like 3 times over the course of the last month. It's been really bad. But I finally feel like a human being again (kinda, yesterday's back to the gym squat fest has my whole lower body feeling supah stiff and dang tender. Like an overcooked tenderized steak. Yup) so I'm gonna get back into the gist of things and I hope you guys will take me back.

    Plan to get back into it is to do a run of 35x3 (a KB/bw hybrid workout plan over the course of 5 weeks) where I'm gonna just be doing the basic with minimal assistance work to begin with (first 1-2 weeks, anyway), and try to get my body back into shape and correct some of the imbalances that have caused back and adductor issues in the past while I'm getting back into the groove of things. Then I'll start adding in a little more conditioning and some barbell lifts.

    I wasn't able to deadlift or do bent-over rows at all prior to the forced time off because of some lower back injury that I was trying to rest so it could recover... And my squats were pretty terrible and also were aggravating said injury, so doing the barbell lifts right now is just not my priority. i need to rebuild the strength in my stabilizers from the ground up, AND to lose quite a bit of weight so the KB/DB workout is easier to scale depending on how I feel that day. I do wanna go back to lifting heavy, but the last time I tried to rebuild slowly through deloading the weight considerably I hit a wall and got hurt again, so we're doing this from the ground up this time around, starting with my own body's mastery.

    And in that spirit, did some yoga today to try and work through the DOMS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN-FPh7r1yg&index=142&list=WL was actually a good one, I've tried a few routines on youtube and never really liked any of them before), and I'll probably spend a few minutes playing around with some bear crawls and monkeys just to get some blood through the whole body. My shoulders are struggling with keeping my weight up doing pretty much anything bodyweight (I could still strict press the 30lbs KB for 6 reps on both sides yesterday, so it's not really a loss of strength as much as it is I've gotten heavy xD), so I need to build my endurance back up. It was really sad yesterday when I tried to do a 3 min AMRAP of burpees and only managed like 6 of 'em through the 20 I did where I did a real push-up and did not just collapse to the ground crossfit style.

    Woah, I wrote a novel. Sorry! Anyways, it's good to be back!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    krokador - welcome back! Glad to hear that you are on the mend and able to get back to you lifting!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Woah, I wrote a novel. Sorry! Anyways, it's good to be back!

    it's good to have you back. so you know: you're already tagged to be the one who starts the march thread. you're on deck now, do don't let us down :tongue:

    the rebuild thing sounds like such a great idea. and i've disliked most yoga and/or found it sort of piecemeal-y and not really specific to my own requirements, so i bet i'll come back to that one and see what i think about it.

    i'm a few hours away from my own first class in 'yoga with massage balls' rn though, so maybe enough yoga for a single day. i keep telling myself that i ought naturally to go do my lifts, and then move straight down the hall and into the class, but i haven't mobilized myself yet :D ah, sunday.

  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout
    Squats, hubby's at work and he helps with the bar so did light squats.both really busy this week at work so trying to get a workout in while I can.
    3x20 @50lbs.
    Ohp 2x5@37lbs.5x5@47lbs.still feels so heavy.
    Deadlift1x5@80lbs 2@95lbs 1x4@145lbs. Just couldn't lift the last one but could easily last week.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Day 2's in the books. Managed to get my butt out of the door by 6AM, which is an accomplishment in and of itself considering the schedule I've been keeping lately.

    Not my best workout, but according to my fitness tracker it racked up almost 600 cals, so I'll take it for what it is!

    Animal flows, jump rope and general futzing around for a warmup. These still take me like 20-25 minutes no matter how I try to cut them down, but if I DO cut it down further I always get hurt... :neutral:

    The workout was a suite of 5 min AMRAPs with 2(-3) min rest in between each

    - 2KB Deadlifts x3 (2x30 for 2 rounds, 2x40lbs for the rest)
    - pike press (floor) x3
    (8 rounds + 3 deads. Probably could've gotten an extra round if I hadn't switched the bells midway, but 2x30 was just too light)

    - Pull-Up (shoulder height bar, leg assisted. I felt lazy) x3
    - goblet front lunge x3/leg (@30lbs)
    (6 rounds and 1 pull-up? I think)

    - Recline rows x3
    - Push-up x3
    (6 rounds and 1 row - I was being super deliberate here in order to get the right engagement/form)

    Then ended it with 20 wall walks for time. hit the time cap of 10 minutes at 16. They weren't pretty. I still have a teensy bit of sinus pressure, so being upside down didn't feel so good. And I'm heavy, so shoulders had a hard time supporting me.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Woah, I wrote a novel. Sorry! Anyways, it's good to be back!

    it's good to have you back. so you know: you're already tagged to be the one who starts the march thread. you're on deck now, do don't let us down :tongue:

    Ah geez, gonna have to start thinking about it!

    And group yoga is how I kind of started to get into fitness at all. In college. I guess it depends on the teacher. That one was zero preachy and just overall well-focused, and it was power yoga so I didn't have time to get bored... I started out the semester being miffed cuz I hadn't gotten my first choice in terms of activity, but as it turns out I no longer regretted it after a few classes, haha. Then again, I'm not really that much of the self-conscious type so that may make a difference?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-12 X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay below calories!

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I woke up to .2lb loss this morning! The one thing I like about this way of eating is that for me I know I will be losing weight every week!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Feeling kind of off my game today, and definitely cranky. Workout was ok, although I think I'll officially switch to 3x5, at least for squats, from here on out. Grinding out another two sets at these high weights takes forever and is really starting to feel like a grind.

    Squats: 3x5 and 1x3 @ 135
    Benchpress: 5x5 @ 70
    Wretched rows: 5x5 @ 80
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »

    Ah geez, gonna have to start thinking about it!

    not on your birthday though. you get a get-out card for that day.

    i forgot to put the protein powder into my shake this morning. mcbleh.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-26X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay at or under calorie goal.

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I love this way of eating! I'm a fat burning machine!
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    First workout in a week since being sick! Was expecting to feel too weak, but I decided not to deload, and push forward. Guess what? Felt perfectly great!

    Squat 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 55, 5x5 @ 70

    Bench 5x5 @ 45 -- my first time using the actual bench press! A super nice couple worked in with me and helped me make sure my form looked good. I would have been very self-conscious without their help.

    Row 5x5 @ 50 -- I need to get my form down on these. I feel like they look different every time which is not good.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    Worked out for the first time since a week ago. At a fancy pants hotel in San Diego for a conference. The "fitness center" had dumbbells up to 50 lb and a couple of kettle bells, 45 and 20 lb. Dumbbells went up in 5 lb increments though. Also, the benches would not flatten completely! One end went down then up.
    Did bench presses 5x 5 @ 30 lb DBS. Couldn't go to 35 lb. Wish they had barbells!
    And they are hexagonal. Hard to do goblet squats. Managed 3 x 5 @ 45 lb and started to feel weak.
    Oh, did OHP 5 x 5 @ 15 lb DBS.

    Way to go, you made it work!

    I'm going to a conference in San Diego soon :) I think I'll only have to do one workout over there. Hopefully it's not hard to find a gym.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    deadlift - 1x12 @ 65, 1x10 @ 135, 1x8 @ 175, with belt 2x6 and 1x8 @ 195
    low bar - 1x10 @ 45, 1x10 @ 95, 3x8 @ 135
    clean - 1x8 @ 45, 3x8 @ 65
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Squats 29.5 kg (65 lbs) 5*5

    Bench press 24.5 kg (54 lbs) 5*5

    BarbellRow 35 kg (77.1 lbs) 5*1

    Workout was better today than the last session. Last set of squat was not that satisfactory as I was losing my form in the end.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited February 2017

    Great video! I was looking for something like this.
    krokador wrote: »
    Ifebruary-ly (If ever a really), anyone? xD (Puns for daaayyyss, however bad they might be xD)

    Hey, hi! It's, well, me, again.

    Things have been pretty hard for me lately, wife was sick adn had to go back home to the states, then I was sick, had to move, was sick(er) again... worked out like 3 times over the course of the last month. It's been really bad. But I finally feel like a human being again (kinda, yesterday's back to the gym squat fest has my whole lower body feeling supah stiff and dang tender. Like an overcooked tenderized steak. Yup) so I'm gonna get back into the gist of things and I hope you guys will take me back.

    Plan to get back into it is to do a run of 35x3 (a KB/bw hybrid workout plan over the course of 5 weeks) where I'm gonna just be doing the basic with minimal assistance work to begin with (first 1-2 weeks, anyway), and try to get my body back into shape and correct some of the imbalances that have caused back and adductor issues in the past while I'm getting back into the groove of things. Then I'll start adding in a little more conditioning and some barbell lifts.

    I wasn't able to deadlift or do bent-over rows at all prior to the forced time off because of some lower back injury that I was trying to rest so it could recover... And my squats were pretty terrible and also were aggravating said injury, so doing the barbell lifts right now is just not my priority. i need to rebuild the strength in my stabilizers from the ground up, AND to lose quite a bit of weight so the KB/DB workout is easier to scale depending on how I feel that day. I do wanna go back to lifting heavy, but the last time I tried to rebuild slowly through deloading the weight considerably I hit a wall and got hurt again, so we're doing this from the ground up this time around, starting with my own body's mastery.

    And in that spirit, did some yoga today to try and work through the DOMS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN-FPh7r1yg&index=142&list=WL was actually a good one, I've tried a few routines on youtube and never really liked any of them before), and I'll probably spend a few minutes playing around with some bear crawls and monkeys just to get some blood through the whole body. My shoulders are struggling with keeping my weight up doing pretty much anything bodyweight (I could still strict press the 30lbs KB for 6 reps on both sides yesterday, so it's not really a loss of strength as much as it is I've gotten heavy xD), so I need to build my endurance back up. It was really sad yesterday when I tried to do a 3 min AMRAP of burpees and only managed like 6 of 'em through the 20 I did where I did a real push-up and did not just collapse to the ground crossfit style.

    Woah, I wrote a novel. Sorry! Anyways, it's good to be back!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 95
    OHP- 1X5X45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X95/105/115
    New high on my squats since my deload for not hitting parallel last year.

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 13X10X30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay under calories.

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I love this way of eating! Prepping for a re-feed at the end of the three weeks. Researching information on doing this properly. Plan on staying with this eating style for a few months. A re-feed is supposed to help with building/not losing muscle depending on if you are eating at a deficit or not.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Tonight's workout
    Squats 2x5@65lbs 5x5@ 106 lbs
    Bench 2x5@45lbs 5x5 @64lbs.
    Rows 1x5@60lbs 5x5@69lbs
    Glute bridge 5x10@85lbs.
    Bulgarian split squats ,30 each leg.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm killing the sleep deficit thing, anyway. i found some flat shoes that will do for deadlifting in, after work today. so then i went to the gym and deadlifted, because it's already wednesday and sort of my last chance to do two of my lifts for the week. got it done, but it was sort of so-so. and it feels like one of those days where all i've done is work, errands and chores, so bleh.

    3's week.

    deadlift 145/155/165. that 165 was too heavy. and idk if my form was poor or not, but it sure felt like it was.

    ohp 40/50/60. i only got two for the top set here too, but i was pulling the bar from the floor too, so there's that. then a rack was available with someone else eager to get in, so i bagged it for 'one set' first. which turned out to be more like 'one rep'. but i upped it to 65 because i'm confused about numbers again. and getting that one rep did make me technically three reps for my top set.

    i'm tired and extremely hungry. that's another thing i don't think i did enough of today: eat.
  • niknakmac123
    niknakmac123 Posts: 24 Member
    So apparently this morning the squat police were at the gym. After I did a set of squats with just the bar to start warming up this lady who I have seen at the gym once before (earlier this week) comes up to and says. The assisted machine is better for your back. I said ok and continued to put my weights on the rack thinking the conversation was over. I was wrong she then continues that my squat is too deep and I am going to hurt my back. I didn't respond and she was like I just wanted to let you know.

    Now i'm thinking in my head...
    a) I don't lift with my back I lift with my legs and butt
    b) focus on your own workout and don't focus on mine
    c) clearly she doesn't know that most people do not squat deep enough to get the true benefits
    d) i wish i could squat deeper but I am not that flexible

    I went a good six months without any squat police i'm going to have to put my *kitten* face back on so they know to leave me alone.

    I continued to do my 140lb squats the way i usually do them and turned up my music really loud. I feel like i should have asked her to show me her squat or if she was an expert in squatting but it was too early in the morning for me to come up with snarky comments.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-26X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay at or under calorie goal.

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I lost another 1.6 pounds! I love this way of eating! I'm a fat burning machine!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    So apparently this morning the squat police were at the gym. After I did a set of squats with just the bar to start warming up this lady who I have seen at the gym once before (earlier this week) comes up to and says. The assisted machine is better for your back. I said ok and continued to put my weights on the rack thinking the conversation was over. I was wrong she then continues that my squat is too deep and I am going to hurt my back. I didn't respond and she was like I just wanted to let you know.

    Now i'm thinking in my head...
    a) I don't lift with my back I lift with my legs and butt
    b) focus on your own workout and don't focus on mine
    c) clearly she doesn't know that most people do not squat deep enough to get the true benefits
    d) i wish i could squat deeper but I am not that flexible

    I went a good six months without any squat police i'm going to have to put my *kitten* face back on so they know to leave me alone.

    I continued to do my 140lb squats the way i usually do them and turned up my music really loud. I feel like i should have asked her to show me her squat or if she was an expert in squatting but it was too early in the morning for me to come up with snarky comments.

    That is obnoxious! I see people squatting too shallowly all the time but unless they're at imminent risk of injuring themselves, I don't take it upon myself to correct them. Even if they were, I think I'd go up to one of the trainers instead of butting in myself. How rude! Also, totally wrong...Smith machine is way worse for you!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,513 Member
    Back from the conference. Wasn't sleeping that well there, sitting all day listening to presentations, and was on the road for 3 hours yesterday coming home. I did sleep well last night but am still catching up.
    So today when I started lifting, I felt weak as though I'd forgotten how to lift.

    Bench press: did 1 x 10 @ 55 lb warmup, then 2 x 5 @ 65 lb further warmup. I was getting nervous and was worrying again about putting the bar properly on the pegs after, so I quit and headed over to do DB bench press instead. Tried the 32.5 lb dbs and could not lift them at all. Like I forgot how lifting feels.

    Then deadlifts 1 x 5 @ 60 lb.
    Then barbell rows 3 x 8 @ 60 lb. Didn't feel good enough to go up in weight.
    Then goblet squats 5 x 5 @ 47.5 lb. Started feeling much better.
    Back to db bench press. 5 x 5 @ 27.5 lb. After a rest, did 2 x 5 @ 30 lb
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    So today when I started lifting, I felt weak as though I'd forgotten how to lift

    i am seriously starting to think about the 'get enough sleep' thing . . . cuz i'm not ;) it's not like i can't lift on six hours of sleep and a workday, but every so often i do it up right and sleep two or three hours longer than that. and magic trick, i usually lift better under those circs.

    i think the important thing is, you performed the movements. your brain-muscle connection's still there, it just wasn't a good day for your body, for whatever reason. everybody has those blegh days.