No F-Ups February 2017 Week 2 (2/8-2/14)



  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    2/9: Carbs good. Weight is in range. Down a little from my mega bloat. Collagen in my morning coffee. Woke up early for strength training. Did some gathering of trash, recycling, and dishes.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Yesterday was a good day! I did the sort-of lazy kettlebells. Wash five dishes, do ten reps, wash five dishes, do ten different reps. Plus marching and jogging in place. Hey, it beats sitting on the couch right? Today I'll do an Amy workout.

    I did really well yesterday calorie and carb wise. Also drank 120 ounces of water. I'm still the same weight, but it's that time, and my muscles are healing. I'm sure there will be a nice whoosh coming. That's how I like to lose. Nothing nothing nothing, BOOM three or four pounds gone. So I ain't sweating it.

    Last week my calories were high, but getting back on keto after two weeks off, that's to be expected. I actually didn't snack last night after dinner, did not use hwc, so that's two habits I'm working on. Black coffee and no evening snacks! Day one of that DOWN the hatch! Woo Hoo!

    This morning is black coffee! Gonna maybe add some coconut oil.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My February Goals:
    Beast Total Body 3 days/week
    eat at loss calories 1-14
    eat at maintenance calories 14-28

    2/10 status: I'm going to miss weights this Saturday...I'll be out of town and the weekend will be spent doing a lot of manual labor on the beach house, so I'm not going to take my weights or the disk with me...I'm still a bit sick and don't want to push things but so far until I'm back to 100%...I am going to stick to my deficit eating this weekend even though I'm ditching the kids and having a valentine's weekend with hubby!!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    My scale gives ZERO Fs about my intake and exercise.
    My body however, seems to be interested.
    Since the end of last month:
    Gained: on chest, biceps, and forearms
    Lost: .75in on upper waist (the nipped in part), 1.75in around my navel, .75in on hips, .25 on each thigh. .25in around my neck

    Somebody was retaining a fair bit of water. So recomp. My waist is the smallest it's ever been. Just hoping the scale will stop being a lazy turd soon and give up a few pounds. I cannot abide still weighing more than my husband. Not frickin' fair. Even if it is muscle. I do still have plenty of bodyfat to lose. It needs to go. Just a little bit more of it.

    Anyway, did my workout. Have another to do today. Today will finish properly my disjointed, moved-around workouts to complete week 5 of Hero 90 free and clear.

    Send strong vibes my way to stay away from le booze and not go overboard tomorrow too much. The lack of 385 extra calories of alcohol should help things out quite a bit. Most people become lightweights on LC/keto. I never did. It takes 6 oz of hard liquor to get me where I like to be. I'm not a cheap date. And the next day, my nerves are frayed, I'm depressed, and hangry. So forget that noise. I have enough problems, getting rid of one would be nice.

    Have a non-F'ed-Up weekend, y'all.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Day 10

    I'm sick...waaaaaa.

    Cals and carbs right on course---because I haven't eaten.
    However, I can't get my butt off the couch. So my vivosmart is very very cross with me. And I'm coughy and achy. Plus I'm out of NyQuil and you can't buy it here. I wonder if we have any tequila?

    Whine over.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Feel better soon @Ringbearer2. I too feel like I'm getting a cold for certain. I like bourbon in hot tea for that. Better than Nyquil! :)
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Yeah, take care of yourself, @Ringbearer2 !
    I think...NyQuil has a bunch of sugar in yeah on the booze lol
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Today was great ! But....I didn't work out. I didn't do it. I went grocery shopping instead. And watched a documentary about human origin. Tres fascinating. Anyway, otherwise it was a grand day. Grand, I say!!

    No *kitten* ups today!
    Plus I lost a pound of that special lady time water. ;)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Today was good, other than not fitting in a workout.
    I had to estimate lunch calories since it was at a local restaurant (coffee with cream and Splenda, steak, and sauteed collard greens with bacon) but AFAIK, cals were under, carbs were pretty low, healthy choices.
    The bright side of indulging in that sugary cake yesterday is that sweets mostly gross me out today. ;)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    2/10: Weight was good, lost more of my bloat. Carbs good. Rest day and no chores. Not feeling my best. Collagen was taken with my coffee.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm gonna come clean. Last weekend I ate ice cream. There, I did it. I ducked up in February. And didn't come clean for a week. :/
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I'm gonna come clean. Last weekend I ate ice cream. There, I did it. I ducked up in February. And didn't come clean for a week. :/

    I ate ice cream last week. It was the no sugar added Edy's Triple Chocolate Naughtiness...ok that's not what it's called. I also drank 8oz of vodka that same day, too. If it makes you feel any better. We are naughty naughty ladies. :naughty: But we learned a lesson right. Maybe....I hope so. :wink:
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm gonna come clean. Last weekend I ate ice cream. There, I did it. I ducked up in February. And didn't come clean for a week. :/

    I ate ice cream last week. It was the no sugar added Edy's Triple Chocolate Naughtiness...ok that's not what it's called. I also drank 8oz of vodka that same day, too. If it makes you feel any better. We are naughty naughty ladies. :naughty: But we learned a lesson right. Maybe....I hope so. :wink:

    And this why I need my pals. <3
    Thelma and Louise. Only off a cliff into a vat of cream de la ice.
  • tierrafuego
    tierrafuego Posts: 34 Member
    edited February 2017
    I could use some help today. I've done great for the last 10 days, down five pounds, working out, sticking to my macros. Hosted a dinner party last night and didn't eat a lot--some salami, spinach salad, cheese. I was proud that I didn't eat the cookies, pizza, chips and other stuff that was readily available. (Small wins!) I did have three glasses of (excellent) red wine.

    I feel dreadful this morning. Mentally and physically. If I listen to my body, it's telling me to eat carbs. I started the morning with a low carb tortilla, eggs and bacon. (I don't usually do low carb tortillas but keep them around for the husband). Just had a pretty huge glob of peanut butter for a snack. But I'm really feeling like I need to eat, more...and not just protein and fat.

    I have upped my water, magnesium and potassium in case I'm just dehydrated.

    Any advice? Does anyone else feel like their body just sometimes lets them know it needs carbs? Did I somehow kick myself into a crash with the wine? (I've drank before while on keto, without feeling this way). Ugh. I just want to go back to bed, with a hunk of french bread.

    All of the sudden, no f'up February is looking a bit far off!

    (Editing to add: I also gained two pounds yesterday and another two today...despite being well within calorie goals. What's up with that??)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I could use some help today. I've done great for the last 10 days, down five pounds, working out, sticking to my macros. Hosted a dinner party last night and didn't eat a lot--some salami, spinach salad, cheese. I was proud that I didn't eat the cookies, pizza, chips and other stuff that was readily available. (Small wins!) I did have three glasses of (excellent) red wine.

    I feel dreadful this morning. Mentally and physically. If I listen to my body, it's telling me to eat carbs. I started the morning with a low carb tortilla, eggs and bacon. (I don't usually do low carb tortillas but keep them around for the husband). Just had a pretty huge glob of peanut butter for a snack. But I'm really feeling like I need to eat, more...and not just protein and fat.

    I have upped my water, magnesium and potassium in case I'm just dehydrated.

    Any advice? Does anyone else feel like their body just sometimes lets them know it needs carbs? Did I somehow kick myself into a crash with the wine? (I've drank before while on keto, without feeling this way). Ugh. I just want to go back to bed, with a hunk of french bread.

    All of the sudden, no f'up February is looking a bit far off!

    Alcohol does that to me. You don't need carbs, but the imbalance caused by alcohol messes with your brain chemistry balance. I get depressed, cranky as hell, and want to eat all the carbs NOW. Or just all the EVERYTHING. Keep drinking the electrolytes and hang in there. If you need to eat higher calories today just to keep you out of the junk, then go ahead and have a little bit if that makes the difference between you going off the deep-end or staying on-plan.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I could use some help today. I've done great for the last 10 days, down five pounds, working out, sticking to my macros. Hosted a dinner party last night and didn't eat a lot--some salami, spinach salad, cheese. I was proud that I didn't eat the cookies, pizza, chips and other stuff that was readily available. (Small wins!) I did have three glasses of (excellent) red wine.

    I feel dreadful this morning. Mentally and physically. If I listen to my body, it's telling me to eat carbs. I started the morning with a low carb tortilla, eggs and bacon. (I don't usually do low carb tortillas but keep them around for the husband). Just had a pretty huge glob of peanut butter for a snack. But I'm really feeling like I need to eat, more...and not just protein and fat.

    I have upped my water, magnesium and potassium in case I'm just dehydrated.

    Any advice? Does anyone else feel like their body just sometimes lets them know it needs carbs? Did I somehow kick myself into a crash with the wine? (I've drank before while on keto, without feeling this way). Ugh. I just want to go back to bed, with a hunk of french bread.

    All of the sudden, no f'up February is looking a bit far off!

    Hells yeah I feel like this at times! HELLS YES. I eat. I try to keep it low carb, but I'll eat. I'll figure out ANY LOW CARB ITEM that seems remotely palatable, and I'll eat the *kitten* out of it. It balances out. I promise.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I need. Scratch that. I WILL. NO SCRATCH THAT. I AM GETTING A HANDLE ON MY CONSUMPTION. I mean, WTF. I did it for SIX MONTHS, now suddenly I can't limit the *kitten* I put in my mouth. I don't care, yes, I'm beating myself up. I deserve it. OH YES THE *kitten* I DO. Poor me, can't eat whatever I want and lose. Oh poor, poor me. THERE ARE PEOPLE STARVING IN THE WORLD AND I'M GOING TO FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF THAT I CAN'T TRUST MYSELF WITH NUTS IN THE HOUSE. I'm sick of my own *kitten* *kitten* excuses.

    I'm even sick of others *kitten* *kitten* excuses, only because I know that's my forte as well.

    I'm doing this. *kitten* excuses. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I can't run off and use a wee bit of crack or heroin, and I seem to be doing just fine without that *kitten*. So anything less than my full cooperation is a lame *kitten* excuse. I'm FAT. I don't wanna be fat? THEN I NEED TO GET MY *kitten* TOGETHER.

  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    @SuperCarLori I secretly love your rant. This weekend has been nuts and I fell into 2 old habits. Clearly, I'm not mentally prepared enough to make cookies with the littles cause I COULD NOT stay out of the dough. But today us a new day and I'll get my *kitten* back together with you.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited February 2017
    2/11 report: I did mess up. And I really shouldn't have because I ate some extra carbs/sugar a couple days ago so my weight was already right at the top of goal range (133, up from 131.2ish where it's been hanging out most of the past few weeks; right where I want it!). I had some grapes in the morning and they definitely triggered carb cravings!

    Over the course of the day, I ended up eating *two* Zone bars (I'd bought them more for the family; oops!) and a lot of roasted sweet potatoes (which would have been fine to try by themselves since I'm gradually making room for more types of produce in my carb allowance at maintenance).

    This morning the scale's up to 134.6, knees are aching, reflux is flaring, etc. I will be very careful over the next few days until the carb cravings die back down. Blech.

    ETA: On the bright side, I did go for a run (C25K Week 5 Day 2). Pushed myself probably a little too hard but it was nice to see how fast I was able to run even going uphill.

    OH and the other bright side: Yesterday DH and I signed up to run our first 5K together! It's in 8 weeks so that will give me a good goal to work toward. Between my MS, his heart disease and years of back problems and my random series of injuries, for a while we didn't think this would ever be possible!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    mmultanen wrote: »
    @SuperCarLori I secretly love your rant. This weekend has been nuts and I fell into 2 old habits. Clearly, I'm not mentally prepared enough to make cookies with the littles cause I COULD NOT stay out of the dough. But today us a new day and I'll get my *kitten* back together with you.

    Woo Hoo! Let's get our *kitten* together!