No F-Ups February 2017 Week 2 (2/8-2/14)



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I F'ed up in February. This weekend was...well it was fun, I enjoyed myself.

    Reboot today. I'm so horribly tired I won't have the energy to eat off plan. That's a thing, right? OK, here on out, I'm sticking to plan. I started my day with DE and BPC, I have all foods I can eat with me and a lovely dinner waiting for me at home. No wine, no cookies. I got this.
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks all.
    It's pretty crappy but life goes on. I've come through worse...and I wasn't this light when I did it. I don't want to lose momentum or give myself excuses. Luckily 2 kids, work and life will keep me busy, I just need to remember to nourish myself properly.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    LEAS86 wrote: »
    My relationship ended very suddenly early last week and I haven't really taken care of myself at all since.
    I spent most of last week messing up, massively undereating in terms of calories and yet still managing to go over my carb goal on 2 days.
    That stops today. I've had a weekend with good friends and family and I'm feeling a little less bruised.
    Today I am eating proper food.
    Today I am drinking my water.
    Hell I might even do some exercise.

    So sorry :(. Hugs. Good for you for getting back to it!!

  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    That's rough, but good for you for getting back in the saddle. It's stuff like that, that always knocks me for a loop and puts me in a downward spiral and just makes me feel worse. It says a lot about your strength and commitment to get back on deserve it!!

    This week has been's "shark week" and I've been ravenous! I've stayed within my personal carb limits, but have gone over in calories. I also cheated from my goal and had drinks on Saturday...and boy did I pay for it. I threw up that night and was a puffy gross monster the next day. Lesson learned...I can't go from not drinking for over a month to throwing back whiskey on the rocks.
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm in started back on LCHF Feb 1st...that was the best choice i've made since last year when i first tried it out!
    I did amazingly well...just fell off when i decided to have carbs....and let's just say it wasn't good! Gained my weight back, and now i am here starting over again! This time I am determined to figure out how I can stay on this jouney for a lifetime w/o falling off the wagon!!!
    I am down 6.5 lbs since starting! My goal is to lose 2-3 lbs per week! If anyone has any motivational advice to help me stay on track PLZZZZZ feel free to share! It would really be appreciated!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @LEAS86 I'm sorry about the break-up! I'm glad you have good friends and family to get you through this rough patch! Take care of yourself.
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks all. Really appreciate all of your kind words.
    Day 2 of project eat some food is done. It was a little bit carby (can't say no to a roast potato!) but there was no junk and I'm feeling good for the next few days.
    Sounds like most of us have had a few F ups. I'm all for resetting the counter!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Checking in for the week. Just came back from a business trip to Europe. I did really well and my goal was not to gain weight on my trip. Had fairly good macros over the 5 days, with one glass of wine in the evenings with dinner. All in all, I did good - no desserts, no breads, no added sugars.

    Now need to make it through tomorrow with candy all around - kids and hubby will have a bunch!

    Good luck everyone!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited February 2017
    @LEAS86 I am so sorry.

    Today I was back on track. Thankfully appetite was back to normal, and no carb cravings. I bumped my cals up in MFP but still ended up eating under 1500 and macros were good. Oh and despite having 2 high-cal days in a row, scale was back down a little today compared to yesterday.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Another .08lbs down!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Day 13

    Carbs-under 50
    Steps--- 20k+!!!
    Exercise---77/300 weekly minutes


    Happy Valentine's Day all!!! Now lay off the chocolate!!!!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    F'd up a bit over the weekend with some ice cream and some choc chips. This is what I get for not leaving the house for 3 days. I was VERY good though Friday night at a children's bday party. All they had was pizza, chips and soda so I had nothing at all.

    My upper cabinets in my kitchen reno project should be done tonight and we can hang them tomorrow.

    I also need to get back in the gym.....
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm doing the thing.
    Did my Hero90 workout yesterday.

    Got some bad news. The dr office called tell me that the bloodwork showed everything as normal. At least they weren't as evil to tell me "Congrats. There's nothing wrong with you" like the last one did... :rage: There is def something wrong with me. Normal humans aren't so dried out despite normal electrolyte and liquid consumption that their eyes attack them at night. They told me we'd talk at my appt next week. Meanwhile, I slept poorly again last night with one of my eyes pulling some minor, but still ouchie, stupid *kitten*. Another 8 days of this...before what? More chasing of wild-frickin-geese, that's what. SMMFH. You can imagine what the MF stands for in the middle of it...

    Anyway...Happy Valentine's Day or something. We don't celebrate it.
    Don't get into trouble...mmmmmkayyyyy. :wink:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    @baconslave - I never realized that my eye lubrication is something I should be grateful for, but oh my what you have to deal with!! :(

    2/14 - yesterday was awesome and today will be awesome! DE and BPC down, keto broccoli cheese soup in the fridge at work for lunch.

    Also, I realized yesterday that the DE in the morning really helps keep the hunger at bay between lunch and dinner. I knew it helps me a ton with energy, and I feel like I knew the hunger thing at one point, but I forgot.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm doing the thing.
    Did my Hero90 workout yesterday.

    Got some bad news. The dr office called tell me that the bloodwork showed everything as normal. At least they weren't as evil to tell me "Congrats. There's nothing wrong with you" like the last one did... :rage: There is def something wrong with me. Normal humans aren't so dried out despite normal electrolyte and liquid consumption that their eyes attack them at night. They told me we'd talk at my appt next week. Meanwhile, I slept poorly again last night with one of my eyes pulling some minor, but still ouchie, stupid *kitten*. Another 8 days of this...before what? More chasing of wild-frickin-geese, that's what. SMMFH. You can imagine what the MF stands for in the middle of it...

    Anyway...Happy Valentine's Day or something. We don't celebrate it.
    Don't get into trouble...mmmmmkayyyyy. :wink:

    We don't celebrate it either. Rather, we have a long rant about corporate *kitten*. :D it's just one more money making scheme for the big wigs.

    Anywho, maybe you could lube up your eyeballs with the miraculous coconut oil? :D jk. It must be a real mean *kitten* *kitten* *kitten*, lady. You can borrow my blind *kitten* eyeballs for awhile....
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Goal: Walk 80 miles in February, 3.5 mph or greater.

    Week 1= 24.1 miles. Speed AOK

    2/8: 4.4 miles, 3.55 mph.
    2/12= 4.7 miles. Only 3.4mph.

    2/13: I was dressed and ready to go for my walk yesterday. Sitting, I leaned down to tie my shoes just as I do all the time. I pulled a muscle in my back. Felt the damn thing flutter. No walk. I've found that it is way more comfortable to remain standing than to sit but I'm still debating (2/14) what I'm going to do about it overall. Stand a lot. Gently stretch a bit. Move, just more slowly. Dammit.

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    2/13: Weight is in range. Carbs good. I did a morning strength training workout. Collagen with my coffee. I skipped the household chore.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm doing the thing.
    Did my Hero90 workout yesterday.

    Got some bad news. The dr office called tell me that the bloodwork showed everything as normal. At least they weren't as evil to tell me "Congrats. There's nothing wrong with you" like the last one did... :rage: There is def something wrong with me. Normal humans aren't so dried out despite normal electrolyte and liquid consumption that their eyes attack them at night. They told me we'd talk at my appt next week. Meanwhile, I slept poorly again last night with one of my eyes pulling some minor, but still ouchie, stupid *kitten*. Another 8 days of this...before what? More chasing of wild-frickin-geese, that's what. SMMFH. You can imagine what the MF stands for in the middle of it...

    Anyway...Happy Valentine's Day or something. We don't celebrate it.
    Don't get into trouble...mmmmmkayyyyy. :wink:

    We don't celebrate it either. Rather, we have a long rant about corporate *kitten*. :D it's just one more money making scheme for the big wigs.

    Anywho, maybe you could lube up your eyeballs with the miraculous coconut oil? :D jk. It must be a real mean *kitten* *kitten* *kitten*, lady. You can borrow my blind *kitten* eyeballs for awhile....

    I have indeed used CO in the eyes. It's okay. But castor oil is more smooth. CO sometimes has a little grit in it.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @baconslave I wonder if your doctor would send you on to a rheumatologist? It seems clear this is autoimmune and I know there are a few good rheumatologists out there who will consider treating a seronegative patient.