No F-Ups February 2017 Week 2 (2/8-2/14)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited February 2017
    I need. Scratch that. I WILL. NO SCRATCH THAT. I AM GETTING A HANDLE ON MY CONSUMPTION. I mean, WTF. I did it for SIX MONTHS, now suddenly I can't limit the *kitten* I put in my mouth. I don't care, yes, I'm beating myself up. I deserve it. OH YES THE *kitten* I DO. Poor me, can't eat whatever I want and lose. Oh poor, poor me. THERE ARE PEOPLE STARVING IN THE WORLD AND I'M GOING TO FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF THAT I CAN'T TRUST MYSELF WITH NUTS IN THE HOUSE. I'm sick of my own *kitten* *kitten* excuses.

    I'm even sick of others *kitten* *kitten* excuses, only because I know that's my forte as well.

    I'm doing this. *kitten* excuses. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I can't run off and use a wee bit of crack or heroin, and I seem to be doing just fine without that *kitten*. So anything less than my full cooperation is a lame *kitten* excuse. I'm FAT. I don't wanna be fat? THEN I NEED TO GET MY *kitten* TOGETHER.


    Preach, girl!

    I ate too much yesterday, but I count it a win in that I STAYED AWAY FROM THE BOOZE! Good for me.
    Elizabeth Benton says the best way to improve is to pick one thing to work on and nail it. "What constitutes an improvement for YOU? Pick one thing. DO THAT!" And when you master that issue, you can work on the next thing.
    "What one thing can you to today that will improve you TODAY?"

    And also remember that exercising makes you more hungry, so try to figure out how to trick yourself into handling that change. For me it's gum and tasty sweetened teas. No cals, but keeping my trifling mouth busy.

    Instead of resting yesterday, I did a Hero90 workout. I was sweating to death after, but that workout was so freaking fun. I might do a HIIT today before sitting on my butt again and playing Battlefield 2 with the kids again.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Still feeling awful. Haven't been eating, but haven't been moving either. Today I put my Vivosmart back on in an attempt to meet my step goal, however slowly. Not looking good, but we will see.

    I vote we all reset the F up counter to zero for the month and regroup Monday with a vengeance. Any takers?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Still feeling awful. Haven't been eating, but haven't been moving either. Today I put my Vivosmart back on in an attempt to meet my step goal, however slowly. Not looking good, but we will see.

    I vote we all reset the F up counter to zero for the month and regroup Monday with a vengeance. Any takers?

    Sounds beautiful to me.

    If we mess up, EVERYTHING ISN'T RUINED! We've been given the opportunity to examine what goes wrong with us mentally under a microscope, so we can analyze what we need to work on and devise strategies to fix it or avoid a situation next time. It's an opportunity to improve what we haven't nailed down yet. That's an essential process in forming our lifestyle, one that will serve us the rest of our lives once we get to maintenance. It's not the apocalypse. It's a chance to fix any hiccups. It's a dry run, a dress rehearsal. Learn the lesson, and hack your problems.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Only 0.4 down in almost two weeks. I notice some change otherwise. Still. Not the feb progress I'd hoped for. I'm not totally discouraged as there was travel and lots of calories involved. But also my metabolism has slowed down a bit (as per tests). I walked a lot last week but still not sleeping great and have stopped biking for a while. Maybe time to go back to that. I want to count calories everyday but give up on that. Also stopped starting the day with bpc and fats. It helped with calories but I wonder if overall it was counterproductive.
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    Just working on logging my food daily which is the first thing to go when I begin slipping. So have been logging daily. @SuperCarLori I've been running into the same recently. Mine has been emotional eating. (That's my "kitten" excuse). The irony is my emotions are pretty level when I'm in ketosis and eating keto (less than 5 g carb).
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    2/11 check in: weight good. carbs good. forgot collagen. No workout...had to watch the wild toddler for a bit. No chores as I had a big birthday cake project that took until 2 a.m. to finish. Hopefully my daughter likes it!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    2/11 check in: weight good. carbs good. forgot collagen. No workout...had to watch the wild toddler for a bit. No chores as I had a big birthday cake project that took until 2 a.m. to finish. Hopefully my daughter likes it!

    Happy birthday to your daughter! Show us the cake!

    (Virtual cake is guilt free)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Goal: Walk 80 miles in February, 3.5 mph or greater.

    Week 1= 24.1 miles. Speed AOK
    2/8: 4.4 miles, 3.55 mph. Typical walk to the grocery store. Asparagus, radishes, ribeyes.

    Today: 2/12= 4.7 miles. Only 3.4mph.
    1st half averaged 3.71mph, uphill, against the wind which is part of the problem. It's unseasonably very warm today (80F) and I guess I forgot what it is like to walk in the heat. Needed a salt fix and had a boullion cube in my backpack. Bought a bottle of water at the store. Slowed down the pace on the way home. A lot. At least my grocery store walk is taken care of. All else is good. Usually is.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Still feeling awful. Haven't been eating, but haven't been moving either. Today I put my Vivosmart back on in an attempt to meet my step goal, however slowly. Not looking good, but we will see.

    I vote we all reset the F up counter to zero for the month and regroup Monday with a vengeance. Any takers?

    Sounds beautiful to me.

    If we mess up, EVERYTHING ISN'T RUINED! We've been given the opportunity to examine what goes wrong with us mentally under a microscope, so we can analyze what we need to work on and devise strategies to fix it or avoid a situation next time. It's an opportunity to improve what we haven't nailed down yet. That's an essential process in forming our lifestyle, one that will serve us the rest of our lives once we get to maintenance. It's not the apocalypse. It's a chance to fix any hiccups. It's a dry run, a dress rehearsal. Learn the lesson, and hack your problems.

    Sounds beautiful to me too. :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    We are huge fans of Twin Peaks
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    2/12: Carbs good. Weight good. Took a run on the trail. Collagen was taken. Dealt with the whole cat litter thing and some dishes. Made my daughter's cake full gluten so no sampling was done. I just drank coffee for the celebration!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »

    We are huge fans of Twin Peaks

    That is...just fantastic!!!!!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    edited February 2017
    Ok. F up counter reset. Activity tracker rolled into new week. Still feeling pretty bad, but tough noogies.

    Today I WILL:
    Meet my 12,500 step goal
    Make a sizeable dent in my activity minutes

    I have eaten very little since Friday and am still not hungry, which is a bonus, I guess? Feeling really swollen and bloated though. Was not impressed by the size of my muffin top when I pit on my jeans. Muffin, begone!!!
  • TravellerRay
    TravellerRay Posts: 94 Member
    Feb goals. 3 to 4 workouts per week, last week did 6,probably over did it. Now carrying small leg injury. Also no more than 6 days with alcohol, still sitting on 2 despite real temptations.

    This thread is a great idea.

  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Yes! Tough noogies it!

    Okay, official reset day!

    Keep it simple, sweetheart.

    -carbs under twenty
    -calories under 1700
    -15 minute hiit

    Keep it small.
    I used to say the time is going to pass anyway, why not just do the dang thing.

    I'm going back to how I did it in the beginning.

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    2/12 report: I messed up 2 days in a row!

    It was a busy day so I didn't exercise (so my goal was 1450 cals). I ended up eating almost 2000! Part of it is I went to a catered dinner where salad, pasta and dessert was served. I'd actually brought my own little container of shredded cheese and meat to add to the salad for my dinner. But I was still starving when I got home and ended up eating like 500 calories when I had almost none left. And 90 gm carbs!!

    However, then I realized it's time for TOM so no wonder I was ravenously hungry all weekend so the fact my weight is up 3 lbs isn't as crazy as it first seemed. :tongue:

    One important lesson I learned is that I apparently cannot be trusted with Zone bars in the house. ;) (I ate two a day both Sat and Sun!!) And that I need to spread out my calories a bit better through the day so I'm not left with almost none by dinner/evening. (My lunch was LCHF but the cals really added up.)
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    My relationship ended very suddenly early last week and I haven't really taken care of myself at all since.
    I spent most of last week messing up, massively undereating in terms of calories and yet still managing to go over my carb goal on 2 days.
    That stops today. I've had a weekend with good friends and family and I'm feeling a little less bruised.
    Today I am eating proper food.
    Today I am drinking my water.
    Hell I might even do some exercise.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    LEAS86 wrote: »
    My relationship ended very suddenly early last week and I haven't really taken care of myself at all since.
    I spent most of last week messing up, massively undereating in terms of calories and yet still managing to go over my carb goal on 2 days.
    That stops today. I've had a weekend with good friends and family and I'm feeling a little less bruised.
    Today I am eating proper food.
    Today I am drinking my water.
    Hell I might even do some exercise.

    Well those are the pits, honey. Hugs to you.
    Maybe the exercise will help with the stress and grief.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    @LEAS86 hugs, twinkly stars, and loves. What a crap pile. Proud of you for picking up, dusting off, and being the best you ever!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    LEAS86 wrote: »
    My relationship ended very suddenly early last week and I haven't really taken care of myself at all since.
    I spent most of last week messing up, massively undereating in terms of calories and yet still managing to go over my carb goal on 2 days.
    That stops today. I've had a weekend with good friends and family and I'm feeling a little less bruised.
    Today I am eating proper food.
    Today I am drinking my water.
    Hell I might even do some exercise.

    I'm so sorry. :cry:
    Good for you for coming back. You absolutely deserve to take care of yourself though. Exercise is great for mood. Hang in there. :heart: