Super Shape-Up March 2017: Week 1 (3/1-3/7)



  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    SW for March: 223.8 lbs
    GW for March: 213 lbs

    1. Lose 10 lbs this month
    2. Drink a gallon of water a day
    3. Workout 2-3 times a week
    4. Stick to 20-25 net carbs a day
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    I can't find the lunge challenge, but I just figured I'd mirror the squat challenge with lunges.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Happy March!

    SW for March 1: 165
    GW for April 1: 158

    Goals for March: I want to be below 160lbs and really solid with my logging, Keto macros and drinking more water.

    Let's go do this!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'll do an 800 minute Mix-It Up March:

    Walking (after my blisters earned in February heal)
    7 Minute Workout App (android)
    Stationary Recumbent
    Low Impact Aerobics 25 minutes today youtube
    Basic Body Stretches 15 minutes todayyoutube
    Body Resistance Exercises (which I hate)
    Physical Therapy Resistance Bands
    Kettlebells- maybe. Depends on the arm.

    760 minutes to go. Trying to not be a warrior with this but rather daily and consistent.
  • hollyhappyhealthy
    hollyhappyhealthy Posts: 23 Member
    SW for March: 233.6
    GW for March: 223.6

    1. Log ALL food!
    2. under 20g carbs per day.
    3. workout at least 4x's per week
    4. No scale in March!
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    I have sadly fumbled over the past month, my excuse being that we're in the middle of a home renovation project and doing 80% of the work ourselves. (What were we thinking?) Hopefully we're back in our normal routine in another ten days and I can re-schedule regular fitness activities. Schlepping heavy buckets of water from bathroom to garage and back while my husband grouts tile is hard work but not exactly "fitness."
  • Mandamanda93
    Mandamanda93 Posts: 213 Member
    Goals for March:
    1) Get appropriate sleep each night. I have awful insomnia but am hoping with the lavender oil I made, the teas I bought, and some exercise each day, I'll be getting better...
    2) Speaking of which, exercise each day! Strength or cardio, does not matter, but I know I just have to get moving, every day, no excuses (within reason tbh).
    3) GET OUT OF OBESITY. I have 10 pounds, just 10 measly pounds (10.3, to be picky), until I'm there, and I know I can do it! Just have to be diligent in my carb counting and exercise.
    4) The real challenge: only drinking alcohol once this month. In borderline-alcoholic territory over here, and beyond it being bad for weight loss, it's bad for me emotionally and in other physical capacities. I'm on day 4. I feel confident (to a reasonable degree. It's St. Patrick's Day this month!) and I know you all can take on your big challenges headfirst and be great.

    We can do this, y'all! Anyone who feels like they might need a little bit of extra support, feel free to friend or message me =)
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    I definitely am in need of shaping up some things in my life. For this month I'm going to focus on two goals. I want to shape up my food intake. My eating has been all over the map for far too long. I would like to stick to my calories each day and stay under net 30g of carbs per day. I am also going to focus on decreasing the amount of alcohol I am drinking.
  • Mandamanda93
    Mandamanda93 Posts: 213 Member
    I am also going to focus on decreasing the amount of alcohol I am drinking.

    We can do it! Holler if you need some support <3
  • Jdkbs
    Jdkbs Posts: 98 Member
    I am going to commit to logging my food. 10000 steps daily. Carbs at 5%. Stick to keto foods even if over my calorie limit.
  • MrsReta101
    MrsReta101 Posts: 3 Member
    ok. I'm in. I haven't done one of these in over a year. goals are
    1. stay consistent with keto goals
    2. workout at least 5 times a week
    3. no electronics after 8 pm
    4. to bed by 8:30
    5. get in all size 10 pants/drop 8 lbs
  • JDUBtheRockstar
    JDUBtheRockstar Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new and posting for accountability. I was doing really well until I an allergic reaction landed me on prednisone. I gained 10 lbs in 2 months. All my fall work... gone! But I can lose it again plus another 10.

    My goal:
    Less than 30 carbs daily
    60g protein
    60 ounces water
    All my vitamins and consistent logging
    Title boxing and/or zumba 3 times a week
  • tinachris14
    tinachris14 Posts: 93 Member
    I'd love to join in if that's okay!

    My goals :
    1. Do Yoga...3 times a week minimum (hoping to find some YouTube vids for out of shape beginners)
    2. Drink more water. Holy crap that's hard for me. Getting time to use the bathroom at my job is a task in itself.
    3. Start c25k. Weather permitting I will get out on the pavement this month.

    March SW 233.3lbs
    March GW 229lbs
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    I would like to join as well.

    My goals get in 64 oz of water

    Get in some sort of fitness at least 5 days a week.

    Work to stay under a 100 carbs a day.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Ran today!
    Calories and carbs were also good.
    Strength tomorrow.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    3/1: carbs and weight are in range. Collagen taken. No workout. Relapsed with this beast of a cold. If I never see another tissue again it'll be too soon!!! Frustrating that I got into a great workout routine last month and now I've been sidelined almost a week... It is what it is though.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Day 1 I did my kettle bell workout and walked a couple of hours today. I was under 30 g of carbs as well yay!