Daily Meals/ Exercise



  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member

    Oh yes. Broccoli and cauliflower are the same plant selectively bred for certain traits. There are in between-ers aplenty, like the delightful broccoflower. Cabbage is a cultivar of the same species too!

    Learn more about the crazy and fascinating Brassicales here:

  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member

    The beauty of OMAD is that you can eat all the pasta ever and still lose weight.

    Today's haul. Will last me a maximum of 6 weeks. 6kg in total. Oregano for scale.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Erotyka wrote: »

    The beauty of OMAD is that you can eat all the pasta ever and still lose weight.

    Today's haul. Will last me a maximum of 6 weeks. 6kg in total. Oregano for scale.

    Holy guacamole! That's a lot of noodles!

    Your kitchen is hella cute, btw. I love the subway tiles.
  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member
    Pasta <3<3:*
  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member

    Oh yes. Broccoli and cauliflower are the same plant selectively bred for certain traits. There are in between-ers aplenty, like the delightful broccoflower. Cabbage is a cultivar of the same species too!

    Learn more about the crazy and fascinating Brassicales here:


    I'm also a big fan of the sweeping umbrella of a vegetable family that is Brassica
  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member
    Also, mmmm, it's lunchtime! Open you lunch boxes so I can see what you all got! The stars of mine are broccoflower and Dubliner cheese.


    I'm still devouring my Kobes leftovers over the course of the day lol. Is that a little blep of Sriracha? That lunch looks fab :*
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    You know it is! Moments later my vitamin fell in it.

    I still ate it. :blush:
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member

    Oh yes. Broccoli and cauliflower are the same plant selectively bred for certain traits. There are in between-ers aplenty, like the delightful broccoflower. Cabbage is a cultivar of the same species too!

    Learn more about the crazy and fascinating Brassicales here:


    I have learned a thing!
  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member
    Holy guacamole! That's a lot of noodles!

    Your kitchen is hella cute, btw. I love the subway tiles.

    Thank you! I don't think I know what subway tiles are... like, the food place or the... underground train system? Or a very specific type of tile?! :tongue:

  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Erotyka wrote: »

    Thank you! I don't think I know what subway tiles are... like, the food place or the... underground train system? Or a very specific type of tile?! :tongue:

    I think they are a kind of tile that are named that because they look like the tiles in the underground train place. Probably not the fast food joint, unless they are names so because each tile is the size and flavor of the bread? Now I'm not sure! Ask me about plants again! ^_^
  • CalorieCounterGuy
    CalorieCounterGuy Posts: 27 Member
    I am having trouble eating my daily minimum requirement, at least that has been the case for the past two days. I am doing intermittent fasting, and my first meal starts at 2, and the thing with eating healthy foods (at least some healthy foods) is that they do not have a lot of calories but you are actually physically eating a lot and so you get full. At least this has been my experience this week. Also, I am just not as hungry anymore. Maybe my body is still adapting to Intermittent Fasting, I don't know.
  • incendiumx
    incendiumx Posts: 18 Member
    Erotyka wrote: »
    I am firmly on the IF train. I don't think it gives me a weight loss advantage, but I like it and it's generally how I've always eaten, so it works for me. I work with a 23/1 window. AKA OMAD (one meal a day). So my food diaries are terrifying. I am evidence that you can eat a kilo of mashed potato in a day and still lose weight.

    IF is great. I do IF paired with Keto. I only eat between 12-7 so not quite as strict as yours, but it works for me :)

    Glad to have another faster in the group.
  • incendiumx
    incendiumx Posts: 18 Member
    And I don't know how you guys do vegan/veggie stuff. Not a condemnation or judgement... I just found when I ate that way I was ALWAYS hungry.
    I eat cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, eggs, bacon, fatty steaks, avocados, spinach, coconut oil, etc etc. i hardly eat veggies at all. :-P
  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member
    incendiumx wrote: »
    And I don't know how you guys do vegan/veggie stuff. Not a condemnation or judgement... I just found when I ate that way I was ALWAYS hungry.
    I eat cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, eggs, bacon, fatty steaks, avocados, spinach, coconut oil, etc etc. i hardly eat veggies at all. :-P

    Likewise, I don't know how you can eat that! I am a rare breed though - a vegan who vehemently loathes avocados. Yeugh. Weird green slime.

    I tried vegan keto very briefly... nightmare zone. Vegan without the vegetables (or the wheaty stuff...). I was practically drinking oil to keep up. Never again.
  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member

    I think they are a kind of tile that are named that because they look like the tiles in the underground train place. Probably not the fast food joint, unless they are names so because each tile is the size and flavor of the bread? Now I'm not sure! Ask me about plants again! ^_^

    They're all orange on my underground so I didn't make the link :tongue:. And as for the food place... I've never been inside so wouldn't know!

    Plants! Erm... Only stuff I can think of is 'why are dandelions furry?' and 'why are roses sadists?'. Quality questions. *cough*
  • incendiumx
    incendiumx Posts: 18 Member
    I am having trouble eating my daily minimum requirement, at least that has been the case for the last two days

    You and me both brother. I've started adding in a tbsp of coconut oil or a serving of peanut butter at the end of the eating window if I'm low. 2 or 3 days in a row MFP was yelling at me because I only ate like 1100 calories.

    I wouldn't worry TOO much provided to get enough protein.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Roses! Like with broccoflower, we're the culprit. We've selectively bred them for desirable qualities. It turns out that the things we generally like about roses, the smell, the color, the way the petals grow, hearty-enough leaves--these traits are also tied together with the prickles. Breed out the ouchies = Boring scentless roses.

    Fun fact: People say roses have thorns, but they are mistaken! The pointy bits are technically "prickles". The difference is more than semantics, thorns and prickles are very different kinds of structures!


    As for dandelions, they are fluffy for the reasons you've probably guessed. To ruin my lawn. ;)
  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member
    Humans destroyed the rose of murder! How dare we! I seem to get nicked by them every time I handle them. I assume our piddly British roses haven't been entirely voided of prickles yet. And I am absolutely stealing that factoid about prickles.

    Haaa. Very good. A+ plant knowledge.
  • autumnleaf259
    autumnleaf259 Posts: 7 Member

    Here is my lunch.. a bit later than most. But having salmon, vegetable soup, and dried peas.