Athletic in April



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla, I just love handspun. I've been (slowly) learning to spin my own yarn, but I've only just made a couple of mini skeins so far. Nothing as beautiful as that, though!!

    Last night we had little baby veggie samosas with salad for supper, and then I made the OSG nutty granola cluster (I ran out of time and didn't make it on Monday night).

    We've had banana ice cream smoothie bowls every morning this week, and the kids are still having fun with it. we put something different on them every day. Willow wants to have her bff over for a sleepover this weekend so she can have banana ice cream for breakfast too. :smiley:

    Bfast: see above
    Lunch: kohlrabi, mushrooms, peas, carrots, cauliflower, hummus
    Supper: unsure; we have to eat on the run tonight, so it might just be a quick salad or more cut up veggies...

    Tomorrow night I'm making the OSG noodle bowl with edamame and peanut sauce. I haven't made that one in ages, so I'm really looking forward to it!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I can't remember I shared a pair of my most recent socks... So here they are:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    OMG love the socks Karrie! How cute, and such beautiful colors. Enjoy your noodle bowl. Have you tried the orange sauce variation? I really liked that one too, it tastes light and sunny.

    I fell face first into some brown rice crackers today, they were weirdly addicting and I just kept eating them. Should have never bought them, I know I can't control the snackiness when the urge hits so best never to indulge it. Oh well, back on the wagon with dinner, the last of the leftover fajitas. I need to prep salad stuff tonight.

    B - oatmeal with greens, banana, and a few walnuts
    L - bowl with brown rice, black beans, carrot, super greens, salsa
    D - leftover fajita
    S - aforesaid crackers

    I am super tired, didn't sleep well last night and work is stressing me more than usual the past couple days so I am going to hit bed early. I need to do laundry first. And prep salad fixin's.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani, I was worried when you said "fell face first" that you had an injury, then the rest of the sentence made me giggle. I'm the EXACT same way. I've really gotta smarten up!

    There is a man at work who had a medical emergency here at work at xmas. He lost his vision in the middle of a meeting. And I think something else too, but I wasn't there and it doesn't seem polite to ask. Since then, he was diagnosed with diabetes, went on a diet to lose weight so he wouldn't have another episode like that, started walking 10km+ per day, and in just 4 months he lost 70 lbs. (!!!!!!!)

    While he's very inspiring (very!), he also puts me to shame. I am literally ashamed that I can't seem to get it together. What is my problem?!?!?!?

    I fell face first into the pretzels last night. This morning I weighed the same that I did at the beginning of the week. Grrr. Stupid!!! Lost my progress...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I sat staring at a blank screen for about 10 minutes trying to come up with a title for our May thread before finally giving up. Sorry guys, the best I had was 'May we all improve in May!' and I just couldn't do it LOL.

    Karrie, love your socks!! So fun with the different colors on each sock. It reminds me that I need to pull out a certain half-finished sock I have hiding in my closet. How do you like spinning? Is it difficult? Mmm! The OSG noodle bowl. I need to make this again!

    Mihani, I'm with Karrie, for a brief moment I was worried you fell face first on cement or something and then I cracked up at your expression. Is your boss still away? Hope you get some R&R in this weekend, or at least some time away from the office!

    Lia, how are you feeling? 5 more days to go (give or take)!

    We have such pretty lettuce growing in our garden right now! I will have to take a picture of it for you guys. The green lettuce looks just like a green rose, and we have a deep red one and a speckled one that it cool looking.

    The yarn shopping frenzy continued after I last posted, and I have more on the way. My only fear is that the yarn is so beautiful that anything I do with it will only screw it up! Here's what I picked out:1znpqd7j668r.png

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    edited May 2017
    Oops, sorry I worried you all with my fell face first lol. Carla, I too realized last night we hadn’t started a May thread and pondered it a bit as I was drifting off to sleep and came up with nothing. I will do something in a few minutes. Just want to reply to y’all first.

    Karrie, that is an amazing story about the man you work with. I wonder why sometimes it takes us to a real health crisis to think yeah, I should really DO something. I don’t want to do real damage to my health before I get off my *kitten* and get these habits ingrained. My cheats are of the better sort, generally, but they are still cheats and I’m still overweight, and I'm not at all consistent with exercise which is important. I’m 53 years old now, I can’t keep playing this roulette game. On the bright side, my guess is the pretzels were salty and you are just retaining water from that and you didn’t lose all your progress at all. Drink lots of water.

    Carla did you find your unfinished sock? Love those yarns, so beautiful and interesting textures to them. My boss is not planning any more trips soon. Wish he would go away for another week though lol. I get so much done when he’s not in my hair.

    Lia, you doing okay? Miss you!

    I think I've decided on a Force Be With You sort of thing for our May thread, since I just saw something about Star Wars being a May the 4th be with you thing now.