Active April 2017 Challenge: Week 2 (4/8-4/14)



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    4/10 in the morning I did strong lift workout B. In the afternoon I walked over 4 miles. And in the evening I did a kettle bell workout. Carbs and calories were good.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    Happy Monday.
    Walked along the beach on Sunday in Maine. So much fun, the dogs are still allowed until Memorial Day. Love to see them running around having such a great time.

    Just got back from my lunch walk. I walked for the first time in a long time with my co-worker Ms. Speedy. She slowed it down today and walked with me.

    Since January I've been half-arsed at trying to get back at losing the weight again, I think last week I REALLY turned the corner. No alcohol over the weekend, so that helped a lot. I have no spring clothes that fit any more. Last year at this time I was 30 pounds lighter! I got rid of all my big sizes in summer clothes. Tomorrow is going to be really warm. Egads. I've got some serious motivation!.

    Sounds like you have some great motivation. You can absolutely do this! By summer, maybe you will be the one referred to as Ms. Speedy.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!!
    Yesterday's food was a little high in carbs but not as bad as the weekend.
    Hit the gym this morning and burned legs for an hour in the weight room - did an ab set as well.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @cstehansen. Thanks for the kind words. Love your fitbit app. Just wondering why does it indicate weight gain 5 pounds? That would bum me out. I've been considering getting some sort of tracking device I have an android system on my phone. However, I need to wait until I pay off my vacation and new camera first.

    Today, my hip has flared up again, so I declined walking today. I will probably go by myself after lunch.
    Packed my lunch today. May have to go out with my aunt tonight tho..

    Happy Tuesday! Staying strong.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    @cstehansen. Thanks for the kind words. Love your fitbit app. Just wondering why does it indicate weight gain 5 pounds? That would bum me out. I've been considering getting some sort of tracking device I have an android system on my phone. However, I need to wait until I pay off my vacation and new camera first.

    Today, my hip has flared up again, so I declined walking today. I will probably go by myself after lunch.
    Packed my lunch today. May have to go out with my aunt tonight tho..

    Happy Tuesday! Staying strong.

    The gain 5 pounds is because it synced with MFP and I didn't start using MFP to track weight until I had hit goal, set a new goal, hit that and was halfway to another goal, which after reaching it was about 10 lbs lighter than I really should be. I started at 223 with a goal of 195 that became 185 that became 175. At 6'1" and much more athletic than most, I am much healthier at 185 than I was when I got down to 175. BF% is still around 15% which I think is pretty good for a middle aged man. I wish there was a way to just delete starting weight.

    Regarding your hip, I may be able to help. I was having a lot of issues with hips, knees and ankles for years. A few years ago, I did a bit of research and found that part of the problem was the way we now walk/run. If you look at the Kenyans that win all these marathons but learned to run barefoot, they run much different than those of us in the west who were taught to go heel-toe.

    It took me a few months of really being conscious about my stride, but learning to walk (and especially run) as if I were barefoot where the I wasn't coming down so hard on my heel with every step made an enormous difference. For decades, they have made walking and running shoes with thick cushioned heels which only made people more prone to this bad form.

    For me, one of the easiest ways to make sure I am walking properly is to walk barefoot on our hardwood and tile floors. You will find you walk more toward the outside and ball of your foot. That change in stride eliminated 90% of of all my hip issues and nearly 100% of the issues with my knees and ankles. The remaining issues with my hips were resolved with better stretching AFTER I did a lot of walking/running. Stretching before is good. Many times people don't realize how important it is to stretch afterwards.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    4/10: Buns and Guns Barre workout (strength) plus cleaning like a madwoman

    Active April 10/10
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @cstehansen. Thank you again. Nice job on your fitness goals and shooting for a health.

    I'm not particularly keen on the sneakers I have at work. They are more like aerobic shoes. I'm going to switch them up with another pair that have much less cushion and more for running. The reminder about stretching is also very helpful. Boston Marathon next Monday!! Hoot. (not that I'm running it, but it's a good excuse for a day off.)
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Well I'm still here but ended up sick as heck (just sinuses/allergies) so my step counts suuuuuucked for 4/8 - 4/10 So did my eating. Of course I keep on keeping on so I'm doing much better today. Calories weren't terrible but my carbs were. Since I'm feeling better today, getting my 20-30 minute walk in and doing some food prep are on task for 4/11.

    Oh and final weigh in for our work event is tomorrow. I should have it but I'm paranoid as heck. Cross your fingers eh?
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    edited April 2017
    4/11: 60 minutes OTF - power day (HOLY ROWING!) 892 calories burned

    -Hit the halfway mark on the marathon challenge!

    -Shaved another 48 seconds off of my fastest mile.

    I also got an inbody analysis done today. Started tracking 2/2/17.

    -Down 9.5 pounds of body fat (decrease in body fat percentage of 3.3%)

    Active April is going great!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    No workouts since Friday. Big family weekend with a funeral and out of town cousins. Then Sunday I got hit with a virus. Feeling a good bit better but still feverish and a little achy today. I'll see how I feel tomorrow on the exercise front.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I felt like a slug today but got in 34 active mins/over 10,000 steps so I'm happy with that. :)

    Also, my weight had been climbing up and bounced up another 2 lbs so I was glad it dropped back to normal (middle of maintenance goal range) this morning.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    4/11 Kettlebell workout in the morning. Walked around an event for 6 hours. Kettlebell workout in the evening. Carbs and calories were good.
  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    Treadmill walk 4/5 complete. My eating has been on point. No alcohol so far this week! I was able to get my 10,000 steps in for Tuesday, which is significant because Tuesdays have been the only day for the last 4 weeks that I haven't hit my goal. Maybe TMI (sorry!) but my menstrual cycle has been seriously wonky since starting this diet. I hope that changes soon.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Wednesday morning - April 12
    Diet - much better yesterday, stayed away from the jelly beans and chips, ate lots of protein, even got the better half and the daughter ice cream from the store and wasn't tempted to get any for myself or eat any of theirs (could be that they both like Dolce de Leche which I think is disgustingly sweet and gross!).
    Exercise - did cardio intervals and triceps workout at the gym this morning.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,598 Member
    Met with the trainer at my work gym yesterday and she gave me the kick in the butt I needed. I added lunch time workouts to my calendar reminders 2 days a week and she challenged me to go to our local gym by myself once a week. I've been copping out lately when my gym buddy cancels on me.

    Although I did not workout last night, I was busy painting and not on the couch. I also took a goal setting class yesterday which will help me focus on what I want and how to get there. I really need the structure to get some momentum going.

    Diet have been good but next time my husband wants a jar of peanuts, it has to be out of my sight!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    4/12 I did my strong lift workout A today. I went on 4 walks for a total of 6.5 miles. In the evening I did my kettle bell workout. Carbs and calories were good!
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    4/12-Rest Day
    4/13- Rest Day

    Back at it tomorrow with a 60 minute OTF class.

    Weight as of this morning 199.4
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    Managed 3.5 miles yesterday since it was nice and I could walk my favorite trail. I can't do my lunch-walk today because its my day for allergy shots and that takes up my lunch time. If its nice this evening I plan to hit the trail again tonight.