The endless plateau



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member

    So I was feeling REALLY good about my new weekend routine. I realized I had been probably undoing a lot of my work on the weekends with a couple of really decedent meals, so for the past month I really backed off. I haven't had our favorite routine of Thai food on Friday or Sunday (bummer as we love doing this). We were out for date nights a few times, and I worked super hard to eat just what I needed, skipped dessert etc. Doing this I wasn't going up 4-5 pounds by monday and then spending the whole week losing them again, so I felt a huge relief! I even got down to 148 which was HUGE for me.

    Well, I have been doing this and for 2 weeks now I have had no losses and even gained two pounds. My Fitbit/Scooby/Bodymedia/many other calculators have my TDEE at around 2700+ since I workout hard 2 hours a day most days (Les Mills instructor) so even if my measurements are SLIGHTLY OFF (and I weigh it ALL) I should still have a massive deficit and should continue to slowly lose.

    My TOM has been wacky for a couple of years and I'm rolling into day 40+ without my period this month so maybe hormones are adding to this (no pregnancy!)

    My diary is full on. I'm writing it all down. So with a full diary, and a pretty good grasp of my TDEE, am I missing something? I should at least be stagnant. Not inching up a bit.

    Thanks guys.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member

    So I was feeling REALLY good about my new weekend routine. I realized I had been probably undoing a lot of my work on the weekends with a couple of really decedent meals, so for the past month I really backed off. I haven't had our favorite routine of Thai food on Friday or Sunday (bummer as we love doing this). We were out for date nights a few times, and I worked super hard to eat just what I needed, skipped dessert etc. Doing this I wasn't going up 4-5 pounds by monday and then spending the whole week losing them again, so I felt a huge relief! I even got down to 148 which was HUGE for me.

    Well, I have been doing this and for 2 weeks now I have had no losses and even gained two pounds. My Fitbit/Scooby/Bodymedia/many other calculators have my TDEE at around 2700+ since I workout hard 2 hours a day most days (Les Mills instructor) so even if my measurements are SLIGHTLY OFF (and I weigh it ALL) I should still have a massive deficit and should continue to slowly lose.

    My TOM has been wacky for a couple of years and I'm rolling into day 40+ without my period this month so maybe hormones are adding to this (no pregnancy!)

    My diary is full on. I'm writing it all down. So with a full diary, and a pretty good grasp of my TDEE, am I missing something? I should at least be stagnant. Not inching up a bit.

    Thanks guys.

    5 day bump. Still maintaining. On day 47 of cycle with no TOM so maybe hormones are causing this? It should be SLLLOWWW, but with my measuring and no cheat meals there should be some progress?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Ultimately the issue is that if you're not losing at the current intake you can either reduce intake slightly, increase activity, or you could attempt to diet break as I indicated in a previous reply.

    To make something clear though, what you think "should" happen isn't really relevant unless perhaps we are talking about extreme abnormalities (none of which I've ever encountered). So for example just because you believe your current intake and activity should result in weight loss, if it doesn't give you those results you need to adjust your strategy accordingly.

    In your case, if we reduce intake I'm not certain you can adhere to it given that your adherence has suffered leading up to this.
    There's an off chance that you may perform better at a different mix of macronutrients and that could positively effect mood and maybe activity thermogenesis but that's something I would like to chat with Sara about.

    We will chat about this when I'm back in town this week.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Ultimately the issue is that if you're not losing at the current intake you can either reduce intake slightly, increase activity, or you could attempt to diet break as I indicated in a previous reply.

    To make something clear though, what you think "should" happen isn't really relevant unless perhaps we are talking about extreme abnormalities (none of which I've ever encountered). So for example just because you believe your current intake and activity should result in weight loss, if it doesn't give you those results you need to adjust your strategy accordingly.

    In your case, if we reduce intake I'm not certain you can adhere to it given that your adherence has suffered leading up to this.
    There's an off chance that you may perform better at a different mix of macronutrients and that could positively effect mood and maybe activity thermogenesis but that's something I would like to chat with Sara about.

    We will chat about this when I'm back in town this week.

    Sure thing. I'm not sure what you mean about me not adhering to the 1600. It's never SPOT on, but I try and hit it as close as I can, hoping it averages to around 1600. The past 5 weeks or so I stopped going over on the weekends and that stopped the yo-yo and I lost a bit....but now I'm bouncing around the same slightly lower number. Anything you and Sara come up with, I will listen. Thanks!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Set your calorie intake as follows while maintaining your current activity levels:

    Calories 1500
    Carbs 125
    Fat 55
    Protein 125

    Follow up with us in 1 week please (12/9/13).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Just as a quick additional comment to SideSteel's, can you double check your entries from the database when you select them. There are a few entries/days that have macros that do not make sense based on the food choices. For example, today, you had what looked like a breakfast out (I may be making incorrect assumptions here) - but there was no oils assumed for cooking the sausage, the pork skewer had no macros and the Thai pork and veggies had no carbs noted. There are a few examples last month of this - better than it was before, but with the challenges you are finding losing these last few pounds, accuracy is even more important.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hi Sara! I actually just microwave those sausages, so they aren't cooked in anything. Haha. Keeping it quick! :-) Good point about the Thai food. I've been avoiding it like the plague lately, as the calorie count is an absolute guess. (as are most things from a restaurant). Hoping to keep eating in the rest of the week, and my husband is out of town all weekend, which usually makes it easier to keep things under wraps. Thanks for the tip!