


  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    @my4andme333 the "old fashioned" ;) analog pedometers run about $10 at Walgreens. They're accurate once you find the right spot on your waistband to hang them on (more difficult if you're morbidly obese and they lay flat over a skin roll rather than upright). You can look up online to get estimates of calorie burns for mileage with your height/weight/ etc.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    so it sounds like its possible that you are getting so much your body is just dumping it right out since you aren't retaining water are you peeing a lot. ive had the same issue with keto I just could not ever get it in check. id drink some salt water then feel fantastic do some heavy yard work and sweat it all out then feel like I couldn't move and needed to keep drinking more salt water at some point I think my body just kept dumping all of it cuz the balance was so off I couldn't get it in check. I had days over 8000 and still my head hurt and I felt exhausted etc. but I would pee like a maniac which tells me my body wasn't holding the water I was taking in and was pushing more sodium out each time. im still always dehydrated now after keto and ive upped my carbs to a middle low carb range, I don't have near as many issues as I was having and don't need to supplement with more sodium, I still take magnesium. I think its possible your body hasn't adjusted because you are forcing more and more sodium before it figures out if the amount you had was sufficient, i once read on here that when it comes to your sodium levels its what you took in a few days ago that is affecting you today. so think if you were feeling too low on Saturday then pounded so much sodium that your body worked overtime to flush it out you are going to feel even lower today. does any of this makes sense lol. maybe try scaling back to about 5000 a day and stick with it for 3-5 days then reassess?
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I've often wondered what those paleo, cavemen, stone age, etc people did so many years ago in regards to balancing electrolytes. Never researched it....
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I know you'd be able to shed some light on that subject @Dragonwolf. :)