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  • therealgem
    therealgem Posts: 20 Member
    Its my 3rd day of IF today. I am trying out alternate day fasting at the moment, testing if it will suit me. This means today is a fast day with 500 calories allotment.
    Please add me for support. :smiley:
  • karina90pp
    karina90pp Posts: 1 Member
    Tell us

    1. How long you have been fasting
    2. What questions do you have?

    1. I started this week on Tuesday. I do 20:4 fasting
  • ImmortalFire
    ImmortalFire Posts: 31 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hey Team! I'm 21 and started IF a couple of weeks ago. I thought I'd start of easy and am doing the 16:8 split. So far loving the fact that my boredom snack fests have reduced to nothing and the clarity and increased focus I have in the mornings - AH-MAHZ-ING :D

    However, because of variations in my class schedule, I've found that my eating window isn't consistent (esp since I can't for the life of me work out on a full stomach). Is is alright to have some variation between days? Any thoughts on when one should start upping the ante as it were and going for a longer fasting period?

    Feel free to add - would love to have some IF friends :blush:
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone. I am interested in starting IF doing 16/8. Do I need to keep my daily calorie goal the same as when I was eating 3 meals a day?

    Thanks for letting me join!
  • goldentamarin
    goldentamarin Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm about a week into Intermittent Fasting - I started with 16:8 then moved onto 23:1 after finding it pretty easy. I feel like I've finally found the solution to my emotional eating, as this kind of eating schedule has helped me relearn my relationship with food. It also makes so much sense to me from an evolutionary perspective. I feel clear-headed and sharp, have a lot of energy, and don't have to worry about meal prep as much.

    I would really love to have some more IF friends on my feed, so please add me :)
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Tell us

    1. How long you have been fasting
    2. What questions do you have?

    1. I have been fasting for exactly 40 hours this time around. My last fast was 14 days
    2. My question is does anyone have an issue with gaining all the weight back after an extended fast? How can I avoid this? I am eating keto during my refeed but still gaining back the weight that I lost during the fast.
  • priyasrini
    priyasrini Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I am fairly new to IF. I am currently doing 16:8. Looking forward to lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle
  • BATassMOFO
    BATassMOFO Posts: 1 Member
    HI everyone! I have been doing IF since around August 2017. I had done it back in 2014 or so but kind of fell off. I just joined MFP because my girlfriend just started IF but feels it's really all about calories in v. calories out so even though I ~despise~ it I am now logging all my food as well as fasting. I have to say its been eye opening especially over the food crazy holiday of Thanksgiving.
  • kam6318
    kam6318 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all--I just started IF this week. In the past I tried 5:2, but found it hardto stick to. Yesterday I started OMAD, which I found pretty easy--we will see if it stays that way. I'd like to lose 30 pounds.
  • hillarymouse
    hillarymouse Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all! I'm 40 hours into an 181 hour fast for health, weightloss, and spiritual growth. I did a 4 day fast a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it, and have done intermittent fasting off and on for about 6 months.

    My main question is how frequently can you do 7 day fasts? Or extended fasts in general? It feels like finishing this fast, eating keto for a week, and then doing another 7 day fast ending 12/23 could be a great way to save money and get myself ready for self-control at family Christmas celebrations, but I don't want to be stupid.
  • kam6318
    kam6318 Posts: 11 Member
    I’ve always heard week-long fasts should not be too frequent. You might check out, I think they discuss frequency for different fasts.
  • annedeux
    annedeux Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm only day 2 into IF 16:8 with a feeding window of 1-9pm and I'm loving it. Couple downfalls I've noticed is that I'm pretty fixated with the clock and get a little concerned about being hungry when my fast is about to start but I'm assuming that the feeling will go away with time. Doing this because I have a tendency to overeat and this way I don't have to be as strict about counting calories. Hoping to lose some weight, get toned, and develop a healthy relationship with food.
  • Thr33N1N3
    Thr33N1N3 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi. I started OMAD/Keto/IF a few days ago. I was just going to ask if I'm eating one meal a day, all 1500 calories, am I absorbing all of the protein and fat from that meal? Does anyone know?
  • bandwidthbandit
    bandwidthbandit Posts: 74 Member
    Hello all. Day 10 of 4:3. I seem to be getting used to the fast days. Anyone doing 4:3, 5:2 or alternate day eatig a minimal amount of calories on fasting days?
  • peginnc279
    peginnc279 Posts: 1 Member
    Peggi from Eastern NC. I decided to try IF for my own experience. I have lost 14 lbs on Keto but am at a plateau. I've only been doing it for 3 days. I am concerned about the side affects for hypothyroid, if any. I am 51 years old and a wellness coach and I like to speak/coach from experience!! Thanks.
  • ksimmo2
    ksimmo2 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m new here and also Hypothyroid. I’m 55, and IF had actually helped with digestive issues and also was key in lowering my AC1 (pre diabetes) number. I just started doing keto in hopes of getting weight reduction moving and am moving towards OMAD.
  • bandwidthbandit
    bandwidthbandit Posts: 74 Member
    ksimmo2 wrote: »
    I’m new here and also Hypothyroid. I’m 55, and IF had actually helped with digestive issues and also was key in lowering my AC1 (pre diabetes) number. I just started doing keto in hopes of getting weight reduction moving and am moving towards OMAD.

    I transitioned from 4:3 to OMAD about 3 weeks ago and I find it to fit really well with my schedule. I am still new to IF in general, but I love not having to plan days around eating 2-3 meals. I get a lot more done at work as well. Great news on your AC1 and welcome to the group!
  • Ellisons2
    Ellisons2 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good Morning! I am new to IF. Started 16:8 on 1/29/2018. I am 54 and have already found that I like not having to plan breakfast and it is easier not to eat anything until this period of time. I have lost 3 pounds in the 2 weeks and although it's not as fast as I had hoped, I try to remember that this is not a race. I am learning new habits in a goal to change my lifestyle. Glad to see all of you who are doing the same thing.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Hello! I started weaning myself into 17:7 a couple of weeks ago. I started out with 14:10, then 15:9, and skipped over 16:8 just simply because of how my lunch break falls. This week is the first one I've been able to skip breakfast entirely on more days then not. I haven't weighed myself just yet for this week. But, I love that it has given me more freedom to eat what I would like for dinner without blowing my calorie budget for the day. And, I feel like it's helping me control my hunger queues too. I've been surprised how long I can be a little hungry before I go into "hangry" territory. ( Bad mood, shakes, low energy, etc) Meaning, if I'm a little hungry first thing in the morning, I most certainly can wait. It won't kill me, lol. I'm excited about this as I feel this is a change I can probably incorporate into the rest of my life.
  • bernadettemariev
    bernadettemariev Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I've been alternating keto/low carb for about three years now and despite my efforts, I cannot seem to get below 30 lbs above my goal weight (140 lbs for a 5'4" frame, nothing outrageous). I have a friend who swears by intermittent fasting and I've been reading up on the benefits of autophagy, so I'm giving it a go. I've been doing 16:8 for a week now and it seems to be getting a little easier. I'm not watching the clock as much. I don't really have any burning questions yet, but I'm sure I'll have plenty after a while.