How are you getting on with C25K?



  • MegansMom2011
    MegansMom2011 Posts: 355 Member
    @rianneonamission Thanks, that's my plan. To just keep at this distance, but slowly improve my time. I don't want to go too fast too soon, as that's how I previously injured my knee. I'm so amazed at how my body has healed myself to the point that I'm able to run again.

    @TheGaudyMagpie Thank you. I'm very lucky that there is one here, (only one) and it's only 10 minute drive. Maybe someday I'll run to the parkrun, do my 5k run, and then run home. Especially since I'm planing to transition to the 10k program. So many options for new goal settings!

    @tinkerbellang83 You continue to motivate me with your perseverance despite having an injury. Hope you're fully recovered soon!

    @beerfoamy That's a great run time to be proud of, even if that technology is off a bit! Keep it up!

    We are such a rockstar group of runners, just look how much we've all improved in these past weeks!
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member

    We are such a rockstar group of runners, just look how much we've all improved in these past weeks!

    hell yes!! B)
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I didn't run this morning because I was really feeling the class last night. It was a tabata class last week but this week the regular instructor was back and it was a boot camp set up. I'm sore. The good news is that my running partner is actually available tomorrow morning, and I generally struggle to get activity in on Friday, so we'll be running tomorrow morning. I'm planning on doing 5K.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    Did my 5K this morning at 5:30ish. It was so nice and cool and I'm doing much better with my breathing. I can see a lot of improvement in the effort required, probably due to the hill runs and strength training. I did it in 34 minutes, exactly. Last PR was 35:39. I signed up for another road 5K in October, a week after my trail 10K. I'd love to be closer to 30, but I know that's a big jump in that amount of time. In any case, it will be a nice test for progress.

    We're probably making the Friday morning 5K a scheduled thing and I'm hoping we can get a few people on board to make it a parkrun kinda thing, without the financial commitment, etc. that an actual parkrun requires.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member

    @TheGaudyMagpie Your parkruns cost? that sucks! hope you get one going yourself like you say.
    And excellent run!! nice and early.

    Did my final C25K official run this morning at 8am, and it was misty rain which was quite nice, but it got a bit warm. 33:02 but shaving that 20secs had me really dying at the end! :/
  • Tiikerinraidat
    Tiikerinraidat Posts: 61 Member
    Week 5, day 1 behind me! It wasn't bad at all and I am feeling like I am finding a "comfortable pace". Feeling this definitely eases my mind for the week 5, day 3 run.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    @TheGaudyMagpie Your parkruns cost? that sucks! hope you get one going yourself like you say.

    Nope, we don't have any at all. We (a local fitness group I'm in) looked into starting an official one, but they cost money to put on, and the organization wants the local organizers to raise at least half of the money, which none of us have time or funds to do.

    So we've been discussing having unofficial gatherings on a regular basis to run 5Ks. Just no formal organization or timing or anything.

    I'd like to run tomorrow morning, but I've been a little migrainey tonight, so we'll see. If I don't my next run will be hill training on Tuesday morning and I'd like to be more regular about my longer runs. We're also going to our local pride festival, which is not very local to us as we live outside the city by quite a distance, so I don't know what kind of time I'll have available tomorrow. Still hot as heck here so if I don't go in the morning, I won't be able to. Kicking around hitting the boot camp again Monday night, but not sure I can handle that and then hills the next morning. I'm just getting over being sore from boot camp on Wednesday.

    This heat is really messing with my schedule.
  • Tiikerinraidat
    Tiikerinraidat Posts: 61 Member
    First time in 2 weeks my calf hasn't been tight when I've woken up - the yoga and rest days must be doing the job. Have a great weekend guys ☺

    That's great news @tinkerbellang83 :)

    Now my ankle or something right below it is acting up. Did a new weight workout yesterday and I feel like I might have done something wrong there -_- When I went for a walk later it started hurting. I was thinking to do my week 5 day 2 run today but might have to delay that if my ankle doesn't feel alright.

    I haven't missed any days of my runs, I am already feeling slightly disappointed if I need to take a break.. I've started to look forward to them :D.

  • Tiikerinraidat
    Tiikerinraidat Posts: 61 Member
    Yep, trying to stay off my feet at least today, as even walking hurts :/. I just hate setbacks like this as exercise is the thing that keeps me going and feeling good.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited July 2017
    Yep, trying to stay off my feet at least today, as even walking hurts :/. I just hate setbacks like this as exercise is the thing that keeps me going and feeling good.

    You could always do some seated workouts while you're resting your foot.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Finally did the first 'proper' day of the plan today.... I'd been working up to it veeeeeery slowly for months, started out running 30 seconds of every 5 minutes and gradually tweeked the times. I'd been repeating weeks and this was supposed to be my second week of 1 minute run/2 minute walk but this morning I just ended up thinking s*d it, I'll try the 90 second walks and see. In my mind, as I've been repeating weeks, I have told myself I'll do each C25K week twice too. Guess we'll see what actually happens!
  • MegansMom2011
    MegansMom2011 Posts: 355 Member
    So this past weekend, I was unable to do my parkrun. Showed up to do that 9am run, but no one was there. Found out from a running friend that during the summer it starts at 8! :D So I went home, caught up on sleep, and never did my run that day, or Sunday. But yesterday, I got back into it and ran the 5k in 40:15. Only 15 seconds faster, but that was after 5 days between runs. So any time improvement I'll take. I know it's a slow process and I don't want to injure myself again. Looking forward to the day when running a 5k is as easy as it is to run for 90 seconds now. (Hope that made sense - it did in my head this early in the morning, lol)

    @tinkerbellang83 and @Tiikerinraidat I hope each day your injuries are improving to the point that you're able to run again. Positive thoughts for you both!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    So this past weekend, I was unable to do my parkrun. Showed up to do that 9am run, but no one was there. Found out from a running friend that during the summer it starts at 8! :D So I went home, caught up on sleep, and never did my run that day, or Sunday. But yesterday, I got back into it and ran the 5k in 40:15. Only 15 seconds faster, but that was after 5 days between runs. So any time improvement I'll take. I know it's a slow process and I don't want to injure myself again. Looking forward to the day when running a 5k is as easy as it is to run for 90 seconds now. (Hope that made sense - it did in my head this early in the morning, lol)

    @tinkerbellang83 and @Tiikerinraidat I hope each day your injuries are improving to the point that you're able to run again. Positive thoughts for you both!

    Oops I did that at a Marathon I was meant to be walking before. Ended up going out on the drink in Dublin instead.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    My sinuses are pretty full of cold so I highly doubt I would get enough oxygen for a run. It's been 1.5 weeks, and I miss it already.

    Does that mean I've caught the running bug?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    My sinuses are pretty full of cold so I highly doubt I would get enough oxygen for a run. It's been 1.5 weeks, and I miss it already.

    Does that mean I've caught the running bug?

    I think so lol.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I did my first non-stop run yesterday (I did have one on C25K but had to drop to walking about 10 mins in for a short burst) - 21 mins, fairly slow (approx 9:30-9:45 mins per km), did just over 2km, it wasn't part of the C25K program, I still kind of have that on pause until my leg is 100%, I set my timer for 5 mins on my watch and just kinda kept going so pretty happy with that.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    That's brilliant @tinkerbellang83! Nice work! How did your calf feel afterwards?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    That's brilliant @tinkerbellang83! Nice work! How did your calf feel afterwards?

    Tight but not painful and it's seems ok today - still not 100% but think if I keep up the yoga and don't overdo it I will be fine.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Did week 1 day 2 this morning, no major issues except the mental ones..... my brain, which I feel will be my enemy during this adventure, is insisting on trying to convince me that the 90 second walks in between 'runs' (by which I mean turtle-speed shuffles) are a million times harder to handle than the 2 minute walks I was doing last week.