JUMP IN June 2017: Week 1 (6/1-6/7)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,952 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    That's BodyFit by Amy's monthly workout calendar for June. I'm tired of picking workouts, so I'm just going to plow through that thing the rest of this month. Maybe add walks here and there on weekends or days that are less busy and nice enough outside.

    6/5: June 1st workout on the calendar. Basically circuit training with dumbbells.

    Where do you look up the workouts at?

    Sorry! Youtube. She has a channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA9k6Z3B9ywXmwKh-zpBwfw

    I use all the advanced versions and whatever weights I'm at.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    @baconslave thanks! It looks interesting I'm going to check it out!
  • thehappyelf1
    thehappyelf1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello All. Not completely new to MyFitnessPal, but just joining in the Community area. I hope for some motivation, accountability and help staying on track.. I have tried other diets and finally have decided that I have to cut my carbs to lose. I stick to fruits (not all of them) and Veggies as most of my carbs for the day! I do get horrible cravings for sweets, however. Very weak! My June goal is to get back started on counting carbs and cutting sugar completely!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm 60 years old and am wrestling with several health issues. For a while I couldn't even walk without help so exercise was something I hoped to get back to at some point. About a year ago I ran across a program by Dr. Sears called "PACE Express." What I liked about this program is that it could be done in one's home, it only took about 12 minutes and it featured 3 different exercise levels. When I began, I was barely able to do the modified level, sigh. Over time, I was able to see my strength and flexibility improve. My June JUMP is to try to do at least 1 set of the advanced PACE exercises each day. For anyone interested, PACE Express has 11 days of workouts. Day 1 is available at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub0eov_MxJs

    You don't have to do their exercises. Sometimes hubby and I do our own exercises using the same format as PACE.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    So far I've managed to do 1 LS mile (in addition to my lunchtime walk) every day but 2. Its getting easier.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Yesterday: 75 step jacks and 75 of the other 3 exercises I'm doing. Someone mentioned pickled eggs yesterday and it was a catalyst for me to put my walking shoes and my backpack on and take a 2.67 mile walk to the store for a dozen eggs and a couple cans of beets. I like my eggs pickled in sweet beet juice.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,952 Member
    6/6: Cardio HIIT and 6-Pack Sculpt
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Going well so far. I'm already sleeping better at night (\o/) and able to get out of bed instead of wanting to go back to sleep when my husband's alarm goes off. Today, I was out of bed a little before 7 (alarm goes off at 6:15 and I spend a fair bit of time stretching before I even get out of bed, because it helps my back pain).

    I'm at a bit of a loss for what to do for cardio, since my bellydance stuff doesn't seem to be quite high intensity enough (though it's still a great all-over muscular workout), and I don't really have room for much of anything except like running in place. I did bellydance for a while, then switched to shadow boxing (oh, how I wish I had a punching bag, then this wouldn't be a problem!). It's not a huge deal, since the idea is still to just get the blood flowing, so I'll keep an eye out for ideas and see what I can come up with.

    I saw a thing one time a while back about doing the Cha Cha Slide in plank position. If anyone's looking for a full body thing, I recommend trying that out. I did it a little bit, but it's more of a strength workout than I'm looking for for my cardio days, so I switched away from it. It's a killer workout, though.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,752 Member
    My goal is to stay in nutritional ketosis range so I will still be slightly below my original goal weight on my birthday 7/2. I use a breathanalyzer, so that means .05 or higher though out the day. I do at least two tests a day. So far I'm doing well,these are the kind of numbers I want to be seeing.

    6/1 1.0
    6/2 1.1
    6/3 0.9 (stopped fasting)
    6/4 0.9
    6/5 .07 (started fasting end of day)
    6/6 .05
    6/7 .09

    I notice I no longer like coconut oil in my coffee when fasting, a short drop of HWC does it for me now. I also don't feel the need for as much bone broth, skipping it most days now.

    Sounds like a lot of us are moving more this month. My rolling 28 day average of steps is back over 10K which I like, wasn't a goal, it just happened.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    6/6: rest day
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    @retirehappy what type of fasting do you do if you don't mind me asking? I read the book The Complete Guide to Fasting by Jason Fung and have tried a three day fast to help encourage my body to produce HGH, (human growth hormone) which is considered the fountain of youth. I normally do the 19:5 fast. I am trying to rid my body of Lymes disease so I thought that the production of HGH would help with boosting my immune system. It sounds like you are doing fantastic!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,752 Member
    I started out just doing IF, 14/10, in January, I slowly cut back the size of my eating window. I learned a lot about my hunger signals doing that. Then I decided to try extended fasting,
    I use Fung's book as my guide. I got a cheap breathalyzer to monitor my ketone level 47 days ago. I started a 72 hr. fast, first extended one, during a group fast in April, I went over 81 hrs. So I have gotten into eating/fasting, using 72 hrs. as my target, I have done over 104 hrs. I do a liquid fast, coffee/coconut oil/HWC, bone broth, plain water (staying under 100 calories) the more I do this, the less I feel the need for either one. Water and Himalayan salt seem to tame the ghrelin peaks.

    I am using it for weight loss, I am now just slightly under my goal weight and want to learn how to stay there, I even decided to aim for a lower weight. I do get bounce ups, but they are tiny and come back down within a couple of days with minimal effort.

    For fasting to heal the body, even Fung agrees with Dr. Seyfried, that water only fasts are best. As I have no major health issues, so I haven't felt the need to push myself that far yet. But who knows? I love the way I feel after fasting. I might push myself further, but right now I am very pleased with what is happening. Just remember with issues like yours, you will want to stop any fast when you start to feel sick at all. Eat, stabilize yourself and try again when you feel well again.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    @retirehappy thanks so much for the input! I want to research further his food program as well which is based on keto for brain health in combination with HGH is a strong hormone in the healing of Alzheimer's and other brain diseases it's remarkable. I'm assuming that they probably use brain octane or whatever else it has been called can't quite remember. I know it is the condensed form of coconut oil. I'll have to go to my pharmacy and pick some up! It sounds as though you are having great success with your program.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,752 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Happy with progress in getting back to keto weight loss. This morning my weigh-in shows that I'm back at my January weight, and I'm relieved that it wasn't more. Still have that pesky 20-25 pound reloss to achieve and I've on track with my 3 month plan.

    Keto food is good, but what is messing me up now is extra liquor cals and carbs. Takes me just enough over carb and cals to keep me from getting anywhere. So that's my next target. I need to set a limit that works for me, but the truth is it has been helping me cope these last three months. I think I'm ready to handle things again though...and losing weight is a great motivator for cutting way back, and even for choosing no carb alcohol like vodka when I do drink.

    Jumping for joy this June. It does feel really good to be invested in setting and working towards my goals again.

    You seem to know what you need to work on, and congrats on getting down to your previous weight. Sounds like you are enjoying getting both feet back on the ground again. Wishing you much success.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,752 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    @retirehappy thanks so much for the input! I want to research further his food program as well which is based on keto for brain health in combination with HGH is a strong hormone in the healing of Alzheimer's and other brain diseases it's remarkable. I'm assuming that they probably use brain octane or whatever else it has been called can't quite remember. I know it is the condensed form of coconut oil. I'll have to go to my pharmacy and pick some up! It sounds as though you are having great success with your program.

    Fung's assistant, Magan Ramos says he prefers people fast without added fats, but if that is the only way you can stick with it, do it. You'll be better off than if you just give up. I only add fat to my coffee now if I feel I really really need something more in my stomach than the coffee. Also I have found that decaf is the better choice, caffeine tends to up your cortisol, and I don't need that upped at all.
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    6/5 - 6/7
    1. Tracked all my foods and most of my water (I drink lots of water, just not 100% on tracking it)
    2. Getting exercise in on treadmill (for the moment due to still needing space)
    3. Working on recipes this weekend
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    @retirehappy does Fung's assistant recommend a more Paleo type diet? Whole Foods diet? Or just not Keto? I know there's more research I will have to do! Thanks for your input! Appreciate your help.
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