July Accountability and Weigh-In



  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    @rianneonamission my Ultimate Goal Weight is somewhere between 120 and 124 pounds. I was this weight for almost a full year in college, and I loved how healthy and fit I looked. It gave me a lot of confidence, and I loved being in good enough shape to do intense yoga and daily strength training exercises that made me feel pumped instead of exhausted, haha.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2017
    Height 5'10"

    June 5th- 180. lbs
    June 9th-181.5 lbs
    June 12th-183.0 lbs
    June 16th-181.0 lbs
    June 19th-181.0 lbs
    June 23rd-179.2 lbs
    June 26th-177.7 lbs
    June 30th-179.0 lbs
    July 3rd-177.9 lbs
    July 7th- 181.2 lbs
    July 10th-
    July 14th-
    July 17th-
    July 21st-
    July 24th-
    July 28th-
    July 31st-

    End of July Goal: 173.5 lbs

    I was really not looking forward to this check in. I told my friend late last night that I didn't want to check in because I was so embarrassed. She convinced me that facing it and checking in was important! A little summary of how I think I gained 4lbs in less than a week....

    Lots of celebrating and drinking on the 4th of July, followed up the next day with burrito and lots of pizza eating. Pair that with hardly any cardio annnnnnd this entire week I don't know how or why, but I've been having break through bleeding. Even as I type this I'm curled over in my car trying to ignore the major cramping I'm having. I'm not due to have my period for another week and a half so I'm not totally sure why I've been bleeding the last few days. I know I had a couple of missed pill days and had to double up to make up for those days, but it is possible maybe I missed more than I realize? Seems so strange since I've been on BC for 7 years ish. I've had break through bleeding before but nothing I can remember in recent years being this painful. I'm having Advil for breakfast :( I had major bloating all day yesterday (probably also due to my diet this week).

    I'm looking forward to feeling better soon hopefully. As for now, I'm going to try to get back on track this weekend. I hope this cramping goes away :(
  • katgo9623
    katgo9623 Posts: 5 Member
    SW: 122.6
    June Goal weight: 115-118

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    28 May-115.0-GOAL
    Start of July-113.4

    Struggles: None
    Successes: I had a good week with one great epic sushi night. Totally worth it. Dropped 2% bf at dexa scan. Probably leanest I'll ever want to be.
    Upcoming week plan: I am going away for the fourth of july and will be eating and drinking more than normal. I hope to be able to get in some runs but mostly, be active with kids and family. Maybe I'll get to try surfing!

    Hi just wondering you said you had a dexa scan isnt that a bone scan?
  • thelittlewoman_2000
    thelittlewoman_2000 Posts: 45 Member
    Julianna in historic southern Maryland. Lots of muscle and physical strength for a little Grandma! But it is time to get lean, lose the fat around my mid-section, and regain the energy before menopause! The vegetable garden is fully planted and will be producing green beans and tomatoes shortly. There's a bed of salad greens out there just waiting to be picked, rinsed, spinned, and plated!

    Height: 5'2"
    Heaviest weight: 136 lbs
    Goal weight: 119
    July start: 136 lbs; BMI 29.7; cholesterol 264
    Bust 40; Waist 30 Hips 40
    July 31st goal weight: 131.5

    In pounds (lbs)
    July 4th -136
    July 7th - 135
    July 10th -
    July 14th -
    July 17th -
    July 21st -
    July 24th -
    July 28th -
    July 31st -
  • OfficerPeach
    OfficerPeach Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2017
    New to the group so this will be my first check in! :)

    Height: 5'2
    SW/CW: 110lb
    July GW: 105lb
    UGW: 105lb/TBD based on muscle gains.

    *This week I'm focusing on staying within my calorie range, limiting junk food and binge eating, and working out 5 days in a row.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Newbie 7/7/17.
    Highest weight 198.5 pds, 1999
    SW: MFP May, 2011 175pounds
    SW: 156.4 lb
    GW: 130 lb

    Body Fat 40%
    GBF 26%

    June- I started a LC nutrition eating plan to kickstart my weight loss. Never did LC before, always ate my macros like 40-30-30, with Protein always highest macro. I do not lose when I have carb macros higher than my protein.

    I've been yo-yo around 150 for 2 years now while trying to hold maintainence during physical injuries and some emotional stuff.

    Latest challenge is LNS=Late Night snack eating and beverage when I'm not Hungry. I have a mini goal established for this challenge and joined the LNS group forum here.
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    Height 5'10"

    June 5th- 180. lbs
    June 9th-181.5 lbs
    June 12th-183.0 lbs
    June 16th-181.0 lbs
    June 19th-181.0 lbs
    June 23rd-179.2 lbs
    June 26th-177.7 lbs
    June 30th-179.0 lbs
    July 3rd-177.9 lbs
    July 7th- 181.2 lbs
    July 10th-
    July 14th-
    July 17th-
    July 21st-
    July 24th-
    July 28th-
    July 31st-

    End of July Goal: 173.5 lbs

    I was really not looking forward to this check in. I told my friend late last night that I didn't want to check in because I was so embarrassed. She convinced me that facing it and checking in was important! A little summary of how I think I gained 4lbs in less than a week....

    Lots of celebrating and drinking on the 4th of July, followed up the next day with burrito and lots of pizza eating. Pair that with hardly any cardio annnnnnd this entire week I don't know how or why, but I've been having break through bleeding. Even as I type this I'm curled over in my car trying to ignore the major cramping I'm having. I'm not due to have my period for another week and a half so I'm not totally sure why I've been bleeding the last few days. I know I had a couple of missed pill days and had to double up to make up for those days, but it is possible maybe I missed more than I realize? Seems so strange since I've been on BC for 7 years ish. I've had break through bleeding before but nothing I can remember in recent years being this painful. I'm having Advil for breakfast :( I had major bloating all day yesterday (probably also due to my diet this week).

    I'm looking forward to feeling better soon hopefully. As for now, I'm going to try to get back on track this weekend. I hope this cramping goes away :(

    It's awesome that you posted your check in, even though you felt embarrassed. Don't be! It's normal to have slip ups (like 4th of July) and to gain water weight if you're having menstrual stuff. When I was on the pill, I missed 2 pills once and had my period for 14 days! I would definitely check in with your doctor, maybe explore other BC options.
    Hope you feel better soon!
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    @katogo9623. No, while a dexa scan does measure your bone density, it also measures lean tissue and body fat. It measures by location as well so you can see where you are losing fat/gaining muscle. Pretty great test and relatively inexpensive in my area. @2tall4thisworld I hope you feel better soon! I also had a bad/ really fun 4th of July where I really fell off the wagon, so to speak. I think that you friend gave you really great advice. Face the music. We all fall down, but it's the getting back up that defines us. Like a muscle, it will develop as long as we keep showing up. We've got this.
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    W 1/5/2017: 118
    W 1/7/2017: 111.2
    W 8/7/2017:110.4
    W 15/7/2017:
    W 22/7/2017:
    w 29/7/2017:

    Less than a lb but I guess slow is more sustainable
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Height: 5"3
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    July SW weight: 134.7lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    July goal weight: 132lbs

    03/07: 134.7

    Too much snacking this week!
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Late check in for yesterday

    Target weight range 56-58kg

    30 Jun: 57.9kg
    7 Jul: 58.4kg
    14 Jul:
    21 Jul:
    28 Jul:

    So after the big whoosh in the last week of June that got me into my goal range I've had a bit of a bounce. Not overly concerned as it's happened a number of times while losing and I'm sure it will go back down again in the next week or two as long as I stick at it.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    edited July 2017
    First check in for me:

    Height: 5'8"
    Heaviest weight: 160
    Goal weight: 145
    July goal weight: 151
    7/1: 153.2
    7/8: 153.2

    No loss this week but I am OK with that for now. My back injury (sacroilliac joint) flared up this week so I had to skip some workouts and am now taking a few days off entirely in order to let it heal. Annoying but necessary - if I work through the pain it just gets worse. Better to rest and then get back to it when I am 100% again.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    @evergreenlake and @bringbackthejoy thank you for your support! This menstrual stuff really does have my body turned around. Yesterday I checked in at 181.2 today i weigh 178.6. I'm all over the place. I tend to spike up and down, but checking in here makes such a difference! Have a great weekend girls!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @2tall4thisworld I think in a couple of days time this will all just be a bad dream. :wink: Plus you'll also lose the weight of having extra food/drink in your stomach. People always forget that when they eat more and 'gain' loads. But actually confronting it all at a weigh in is something that we should all learn from. The scales can only make you uncomfortable if you let them. You didn't, so you win. :smiley:

    @__freckles__ Maintaining is great, especially through an injury. Better now than laid up in bed and doing six weeks of physio because you pushed too hard.

    I was going to try and say a little something to everybody but we've got so many ladies now it seems impossible. :astonished: Lots of good strong losses of a pound. The closer you are to goal the harder it is to shift whole pounds just because there isn't as much to go around anymore so don't feel like you've not done your best because to lose a whole pound is pretty darn amazing. :heart: The same for anyone whose weight went up. There are too many factors for you to blame yourself for your increase. Plus weight loss, like everyone says, is never linear. You ate in a deficit but you might not see it come off for 8 days instead of 7 so your loss next week will be greater, y'know.

    Everyone should be really proud. :smile:
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    @2tall4thisworld hope you're feeling better.

    Hello to all you other ladies.

    7/7 136lb

    No change in my weight this week, I've not been disciplined at all, had a really emotional week. I was so motivated last week as I'd just started BBG but this week although I've completed the workouts I haven't eaten as well as I should have been.
    Holiday is 2 weeks today, I need to get a grip and be good!!
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Name: Raechel
    Heaviest Weight: 152lbs
    July Starting Weight: 137lbs
    July Goal Weight: 132lbs

    6/3: 144
    6/10: 144
    6/17: 143
    6/24: 141
    7/1: 137
    7/8: 136

    Weekly Strength: I had some really solid workout times this week, including going hiking twice with my new fiancé in a gorgeous local park that has some great waterside and hillside trails. Being out there for 2 hours each time exploring made burning calories super easy! We hope to go back again soon.

    Weekly Struggle: Last night my fiancé and I had our engagement party at my parents house. We did a simple garden party with champagne and dessert trays and BOY did I go over my allotment for sugar! Hopefully that won't reflect too badly on my weight going forward, I just couldn't help but have a cheat day in the name of celebration. Coming up this weekend we will be at the Renaissance Festival for 2 days in a row, so I do worry a little bit about keeping up our diet, as Ren Fest food is plentiful, delicious, but decidedly NOT healthy. Great job to everyone for your steady losses, and/or your continuing commitment to accountability!
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    June 5th- 180. lbs
    June 9th-181.5 lbs
    June 12th-183.0 lbs
    June 16th-181.0 lbs
    June 19th-181.0 lbs
    June 23rd-179.2 lbs
    June 26th-177.7 lbs
    June 30th-179.0 lbs
    July 3rd-177.9 lbs
    July 7th- 181.2 lbs
    July 10th-178.6 lbs
    July 14th-
    July 17th-
    July 21st-
    July 24th-
    July 28th-
    July 31st-

    End of July Goal: 173.5 lbs

    Hi Everyone!! Just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you commenting with words of encouragement after last week's check in. :blush: After a full 6 day period mid birth control pack, I am happy to report that it's finally over. The bloating has subsided, and it's time to really push myself to bump up my workouts. I've been a little laissez faire lately about my exercise routine. I notice I'm either focused on eating right, or working out regularly. Still trying to master both at the same time. This week is the week! Happy sweating.
  • jlmiller22
    jlmiller22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm Jaimy and new to this thread and group as well, but I've used MFP for a couple of years off and on. Kind of late starting this month, but better late than never.
    I have a stubborn 15-20 pounds that needs to come off, and I'm fed up! I'm used to trying to do this on my own, but realizing that I need some accountability and support to get this done once and for all!!
    Height: 5"7
    Current Weight: 167 lb
    Current BMI: 26.2

    Goal Weight: 150 lbs

    I'll be back to check in weekly.

    Can I ask what kind of macros you guys are using as your goals and what you think is best for results and feeling full/satisfied?

    Right now I'm trying
    carb: 30%
    protein: 30%

    Great work everyone, your progress is inspiring!

  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I eat at sedentary maintenance + exercise added and I'm tall so I have a lot to play with but I generally like to keep my protein high, fat moderate, and carbs tend to revolve around how long I'm training for (normal split being; 35%C,25%F, 40%P).

    But since training is a bit of a non-sequitur at the moment, I basically aim for 80-100g of protein a day, preferably higher than lower. Carbs range from 150-200g and fat is a bit of a whatever fits at around 50-70g. If I was training my protein and carbs would both increase to upwards of 40-50g of each.

    The thing is, everyone is different. I have always found that protein leaves me feeling full, sometimes uncomfortably so, and I generally don't have any problems with carbs whereas some people retain a lot of water eating high amounts so it's all a bit of trial and error on your own part to see what works for you.

    I know it's late on Monday and my weigh in is Wednesday, but I don't think I'm going to have made any positive progress this week, as I'm averaging out at 142.3 atm, down from 142.6. I really thought I had it this week but I guess post-op wins this round, but week 3 is mine, I can feel it!
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! So good to hear about people's progress so far. So here's mine:

    07/03: 64.4 kg
    07/10: 64.5 kg (142 lbs)

    Pretty much no real change on weigh in days, but I had some bad stomach problems this weekend and could barely eat anything/all I ate was rice and chicken. So I was actually down to 64 kg. But now that my stomach is feeling better I'm looking forward to eating more regularly and working out again.
    I'm also considering lowering my calories from 2000 back to 1700, although I usually don't eat the full 2000 every day.