August C25K challenge



  • arrae
    arrae Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on my second attempt of making it to a full 5k, last summer I made it to running 2 miles straight and got no further. I'm at week 5 day 2 as of today and it is much easier this time around. First time breathing was so very difficult but I've slowly been working on my cardio and I think I'm getting stronger with moving oxygen. :) Now my legs just kill.

    The issue I'm running into is even when I get to running a full 30 minutes I won't be at 5k, I'm far too slow. Do any of you use the distance vs timed runs? So glad I found this thread!
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    The issue I'm running into is even when I get to running a full 30 minutes I won't be at 5k, I'm far too slow. Do any of you use the distance vs timed runs? So glad I found this thread!

    How are you doing your runs? Treadmill or outside? If your outside and have a smart phone you can download a C25K App ( I use run double) that gives you the option of prompted runs for distance or timed. If you enable GPS you can do the timed and it will still show your distance to give you an idea of how far you are getting.
  • ladytrixibelle
    ladytrixibelle Posts: 22 Member
    Glad to find more C25kers!
    I've finished w5d1 and will do day 2 tomorrow. Not looking forward to the notorious w5d3....! I've done ten minute intervals before (got a bit cheeky and ran ten minutes instead of the recommended five, just to prove to myself that I could do it) but 20 just seems so daunting.
  • lablueluna
    lablueluna Posts: 52

    What keeps you motivated when you start feeling tired?

    On the treadmill, MUSIC. I made a working out play list that I can play while using the c25k app I use on my phone. Also, a lot of it is mental. I tell myself that I am able to finish this one interval I'm working on and just focus on that. When the weather gets cooler, I find running outside in general much more motivating. Maybe because I'm actually going somewhere and don't feel like a hamster!
  • hchdavies
    hchdavies Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you all of you i find your encouragement amazing and your stories are similar to mine so i love to come on here and read the latest inputs from you to see that i am doing well and there are other people going through the same as me!
    I started W8R1 last night, i am amazed with myself that i am still going. I run slowly but i run so very pleased. Like a lot of others i either run early in the morning or later at night so people don't see me, i have no self confidence and not losing weight so need to work harder food wise!!

    Thanks again all :smile:
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    I'm in. I started c25k a couple weeks ago, but got sick so stopped. I have been "run/walking" for about a month now and need something to start to push me to have it more running then walking so I thought c25k might work. Starting again (well week 1 day 2) tomorrow (if I can stop coughing long enough to run at all!)....I have a 5k run on the 24th of August and on the 13 of September, so hoping I can run more then I walk on both of those, but for sure for the one in September I want to run the whole thing!

    Starting Weight: 132
    Going to supplement with some walking and or strength training on days off
    C25K status: W1D2
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    The issue I'm running into is even when I get to running a full 30 minutes I won't be at 5k, I'm far too slow. Do any of you use the distance vs timed runs? So glad I found this thread!

    I didn't run the full 5K in 30 minutes when I graduated either. I still don't.
    My first 5K was run in 50 minutes (6k/hr on the treadmill). I'm currently running outdoors and completing 5K in 43-47 minutes (depending on how hot it is; heat really slows me down). My goal at the moment is to be able to complete 5K in 30-35 minutes, so I've got a long way to go but I will accomplish that in the fall when it cools down.

    Don't worry about your speed. That will come in time. You're doing great just being out there and running.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I'm trying to take breaks in between c25k. So this morning I went for a walk but didn't go very fast. I'm having a hard time coming up with something to do "in between"...if I supposed to be resting my legs I don't think a 30ds or fast walk will "rest" them. Tomorrow I do week3 day1. Wish me luck :)

    PS..On the running inside (Do what makes you happy!!!) I run at 5:30 in the morning so I don't really have to see anyone and usually cut down a street if I see someone I know. I'm embarrassed I can't run a mile yet (my husband doesn't understand why I can't...even when he's out of shape he can) so I like being out before everyone else.....When school starts again it'll be 5am...and getting dark so I'm not sure what to do yet come Sept.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Can I join in even if I'm doing my own adaptation? I went halfway through C25K and then switched to doing 5K distancewise in each session while working to improve my time. I injured my ankle, which put a temporary crimp in things, but I walked 5K yesterday and will try a run tomorrow to get back in the swing of things. I'm nearing 50, and both my parents died in their mid 50s and my brother had a devastating stroke at that age, so this is part of my plan to ensure I don't follow. I'm signed up,for the Orlando Color Run and two 5Ks that Disney this fall. Would love to give and get some support!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    This is the best discussion of running EVER. I have parts printed out and all over my cubicle walls.

    For treadmill motivation: a fan blowing directly on me lessens the "hamster wheel" feeling.

    Crosstraining - Riding a bike works different muscles than running. Swimming. Yoga. Pilates. Weight training. I stretch on my total rest day (Not yoga, just stretching).
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I love, love, LOVED C25K! I started 3/18 and I have not looked back. I see so many people saying, "I am not sure if I can do WXDX.... I might have to repeat the previous week..." Trust the program. Trust that your body can do it. It is your head in most cases that cannot do it. Once you break through that wall and show that pesky mind of yours that it is WRONG you won't have to fight that battle anymore!

    Week 5 Day 3 was my favorite day. I was terrified (not sure why... what's the worst that could happen?), but I told myself I could not stop. I didn't care if I was essentially only running at a slower pace than I would walk... As long as I was still trying to run I was winning!! I have never looked back. I get so excited when I see other people doing the program and I want to shout it from the rooftops "IT WORKS" :heart:
  • arrae
    arrae Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks MsGusMama I will try the timed. I'm outside.
  • arrae
    arrae Posts: 5 Member
    The issue I'm running into is even when I get to running a full 30 minutes I won't be at 5k, I'm far too slow. Do any of you use the distance vs timed runs? So glad I found this thread!

    I didn't run the full 5K in 30 minutes when I graduated either. I still don't.
    My first 5K was run in 50 minutes (6k/hr on the treadmill). I'm currently running outdoors and completing 5K in 43-47 minutes (depending on how hot it is; heat really slows me down). My goal at the moment is to be able to complete 5K in 30-35 minutes, so I've got a long way to go but I will accomplish that in the fall when it cools down.

    Don't worry about your speed. That will come in time. You're doing great just being out there and running.

    Thank you for your vote of confidence!! Really hoping I can make it though one this year, last year I came short by about one mile. Yes the heat is the worse to run in! Hopefully it cools off soon by you, it's been a nice 60-70s range around here lately. :)
  • FaithtoHope
    FaithtoHope Posts: 15 Member
    Tomorrow is Wk5 Day 3 yikes. Glad to see everyone on here working to complete C25k. Excited about tomorrow morning...thank God the tempreture has been cooler in the mornings here in the North East.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hi team, this is my first post. I don't think it's about trusting the programme, but about trusting my own signals. If I can't move on to a new week, because I'm very unfit and very overweight (I'm carrying 30 kg excess weight after all), then so be it; I'll retake sessions of a particular week until I feel like I'm not dying, only half-dying. I don't think it's helpful for me personally to force myself beyond my abilities, but I prefer a mindful approach to the programme or I'd risk stopping completely like twice before. I know many, who have retaken training passes several times, so nothing wrong with that. This isn't "all or nothing", but about racing against oneself rather than an idea of someone else, who isn't perhaps struggling with the same things as I am. My humble two cents.

    And on to where I'm at right now. I've started C25K in the beginning of the summer, but took a break in July. It's been a hard thing for me, so I'm just back home after retaking a W2 pass. It felt very heavy today so I'll take another round later this week before moving on to W3. My aim is to do three sessions weekly, regardless of the week number.

    I'm 178 cm (5'10'') and currently weigh 100 kg. I train outdoors and have never become friends with the treadmill, which is why I'm trying to get fit enough before winter so I can keep training outdoors then, too.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Tomorrow is Wk5 Day 3 yikes. Glad to see everyone on here working to complete C25k. Excited about tomorrow morning...thank God the tempreture has been cooler in the mornings here in the North East.
    How'd it go??
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I love, love, LOVED C25K! I started 3/18 and I have not looked back. I see so many people saying, "I am not sure if I can do WXDX.... I might have to repeat the previous week..." Trust the program. Trust that your body can do it. It is your head in most cases that cannot do it. Once you break through that wall and show that pesky mind of yours that it is WRONG you won't have to fight that battle anymore!

    Week 5 Day 3 was my favorite day. I was terrified (not sure why... what's the worst that could happen?), but I told myself I could not stop. I didn't care if I was essentially only running at a slower pace than I would walk... As long as I was still trying to run I was winning!! I have never looked back. I get so excited when I see other people doing the program and I want to shout it from the rooftops "IT WORKS" :heart:

    I wish I hadn't looked makes me worry already and I'm only on week 3! I need to not look and just do what the nice lady on the app tells me to do, lol
    Thanks for the encouraging words for us all!
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    W4 D2 completed last night. I look forward to reading everyones trials and victories on these forums. My husband has been running for 4 years but is sticking with me through the progrm. I had bilateral uni-compartmental knee replacements in 2011 and have been riding a bike since I was released back into the wild! I am all about challenges and the opportunity to to prove to myself that I CAN do something so I decided to try the C25K program. Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement! WE GOT THIS!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    While I support going at your own pace, I think that people's weight gets blamed more than it ought. My experience with the program (and I started C25k back in December) is that difficulties are more likely to stem from:
    1) going too fast
    2) wearing the wrong shoes
    3) going too fast

    After all, I was 40+ pounds overweight when I started and Julie Donahue ran her first 5k with over 75 more pounds to lose: