August C25K challenge



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I just did W3D1. Had to walk a bit of the second 3-minute jogging due to 'no air' (should have breathed into a paper bag but you usually don't bring those along...). I had planned on another round of W2 so this still pleases me. Have a great weekend!
    You need to slow down some more.
    Yep, I also need to go my typical route in the opposite direction because right now I hit an awful little hill mid-run. My hope is that I'd arrive there during a walking interval then. I will conquer that hill one day but the time isn't here just yet.
    W3D2 done, in the opposite direction as planned.

    I had no idea where in the programme that little hill would appear and of course it arrived right after the first 3-minute run was supposed to start. I took a deep breath, looked up at it, told myself I'd give it a shot before deciding I can't do it - and conquered the blasted thing. When I started the 3-minute walk, a spontaneous laugh bubbled up and I found myself patting a shoulder, too. I kept smiling all through that walk and the 90-second jogging.

    I got a nice reminder of my personality once again. Don't overthink, don't build up fear before heading out, just give it a shot, because the worst that can happen is you have to retake a particular week a few times. The best thing that could happen, happened today; because I was caught unprepared, I kept going simply because of the momentum of running the first 90 seconds in a smooth motion.

    Another thing, too, while I'm at it. I keep experiencing side stitches once in a while. Try pressing with a hand in the area and walk a bit slower if necessary, because mine bothered me for a while, then disappeared.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    "I had no idea where in the programme that little hill would appear and of course it arrived right after the first 3-minute run was supposed to start. I took a deep breath, looked up at it, told myself I'd give it a shot before deciding I can't do it - and conquered the blasted thing. When I started the 3-minute walk, a spontaneous laugh bubbled up and I found myself patting a shoulder, too. I kept smiling all through that walk and the 90-second jogging. "

    WooHoo!!! Congratulations! You must be feeling great! It's a wonderful feeling to conquer a hill. Way to go! You're very much on your way now. Nothing can hold you back.
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    W5D1 complete....I know that we have been building to this over the past 5 weeks....but the 20 minute run that is on schedule to complete this week is freaking me out. Any suggestions on how to get through it?
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    For my calves locking up I have been using the Foam Roller that they use for connective tissue massage in Crossfit. When you first get on the roller it is very painful however with each pass it gets better and better. I have also found that since I started the roller routine I am not having as much issues with my calves.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member

    I had no idea where in the programme that little hill would appear and of course it arrived right after the first 3-minute run was supposed to start. I took a deep breath, looked up at it, told myself I'd give it a shot before deciding I can't do it - and conquered the blasted thing. When I started the 3-minute walk, a spontaneous laugh bubbled up and I found myself patting a shoulder, too. I kept smiling all through that walk and the 90-second jogging.

    I got a nice reminder of my personality once again. Don't overthink, don't build up fear before heading out, just give it a shot, because the worst that can happen is you have to retake a particular week a few times. The best thing that could happen, happened today; because I was caught unprepared, I kept going simply because of the momentum of running the first 90 seconds in a smooth motion.

    GREAT JOB! Isn't it funny how all streets look flat when you drive them but as soon as your running the smallest of inclines look like monster hills! Everyday I turn this one street and think OMG I should turn around!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Today was w4 day 1 WOW they really ramp it up come week 4. I was huffin & puffin but I didn't walk. I thought about it...but I didn't. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I've been doing two days on and one day off but I think I may switch to every other day now that it was ramped up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I just did W3D1. Had to walk a bit of the second 3-minute jogging due to 'no air' (should have breathed into a paper bag but you usually don't bring those along...). I had planned on another round of W2 so this still pleases me. Have a great weekend!
    You need to slow down some more.
    Yep, I also need to go my typical route in the opposite direction because right now I hit an awful little hill mid-run. My hope is that I'd arrive there during a walking interval then. I will conquer that hill one day but the time isn't here just yet.
    W3D2 done, in the opposite direction as planned.

    I had no idea where in the programme that little hill would appear and of course it arrived right after the first 3-minute run was supposed to start. I took a deep breath, looked up at it, told myself I'd give it a shot before deciding I can't do it - and conquered the blasted thing. When I started the 3-minute walk, a spontaneous laugh bubbled up and I found myself patting a shoulder, too. I kept smiling all through that walk and the 90-second jogging.

    I got a nice reminder of my personality once again. Don't overthink, don't build up fear before heading out, just give it a shot, because the worst that can happen is you have to retake a particular week a few times. The best thing that could happen, happened today; because I was caught unprepared, I kept going simply because of the momentum of running the first 90 seconds in a smooth motion.

    Another thing, too, while I'm at it. I keep experiencing side stitches once in a while. Try pressing with a hand in the area and walk a bit slower if necessary, because mine bothered me for a while, then disappeared.

    That is so awesome! Such an achievement!

    Re: sidestiches - they tend to happen more often if you eat right before you run. Otherwise, do what you said.

    Re: half marathon - what a coincidence! I graduated C25k in February, did my 5k in March, did a 10k in June and am training for a half in October. (I also lost 40 pounds during this period). So, it's totally do-able, even if it feels like it should be a dream for the next, oh, 3-4 months.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Today was w4 day 1 WOW they really ramp it up come week 4. I was huffin & puffin but I didn't walk. I thought about it...but I didn't. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I've been doing two days on and one day off but I think I may switch to every other day now that it was ramped up.

    Week 4 is designed to slow you down if you're not going slowly enough already.

    Also, YES. I totally notice inclines I don't before. There's one block in my neighborhood that looks visibly flat, but I always feel like I'm about to die when I run it. There's just that much of a grade.

    The trick to hills is short, light, quick steps.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Don't let W4 intimidate you! I had the same fear and surprised myself by making it through almost all the intervals! On the last 5 minutes I ran 3, walked 2, ran 2 and then the remainder of my cool down was walking. YOU CAN DO IT!

    5'4" , ~175 lb (I don't weigh myself regularly but last was around 173) and I'm on W4 D2 TODAY :o I'm hoping to make it through that last interval. Some helpful tips for me were to slow down, so that should make it achievable :) Slow & steady..
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    I beat my 'blerch' over the head! W4D1 completed last night. Didn't look at the time remaining for any of the intervals! I focused on how I was breathing, how the pavement felt, how slow I was going, the beat of the music.... and before I knew it I had completed W4D1 and could have ran longer. I'll keep that for my next day. THIS IS SO EMPOWERING!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words! I'm cheering you on equally intensely! toni_mmh uses the word empowering and it is, isn't it? I never was the super sporty one even though I've dabbled with different things (handball, tennis, tap dance,...) and this is the first time that I'm willing to work on the oxygen metabolism (uptake, heart strength) in a committed, hardcore way. I want endurance and muscle strength!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Today was w4 day 1 WOW they really ramp it up come week 4. I was huffin & puffin but I didn't walk. I thought about it...but I didn't. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I've been doing two days on and one day off but I think I may switch to every other day now that it was ramped up.

    Week 4 is designed to slow you down if you're not going slowly enough already.

    Also, YES. I totally notice inclines I don't before. There's one block in my neighborhood that looks visibly flat, but I always feel like I'm about to die when I run it. There's just that much of a grade.

    The trick to hills is short, light, quick steps.
    Thanks for the analysis! I'm dying mid-training if I don't know the look of a particular day, so now I read up on it before heading out. It helps a lot to be able to say "three more!" or "last one!" when it isn't going so smoothly. I didn't understand the reasoning of the programme though, this was helpful.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't have real insight into the dynamics of the program, but I've made some educated assumptions based on my own experience and seeing the experiences of the many, many, many people who hit a wall on week 4, slow down, and then complete the rest of the program easily.

    The hill running advice comes from Scott Jurek's book "Eat and Run" and is confirmed by the training I got in my running clinic.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm in! I completed w2d3 last night. For those who didn't read it on the other thread, I'm doing this as a family thing. Hubby and I are going through the program together, pushing our son (who will be 3 next month) in the stroller. We started with a week zero - brisk walks on a local trail. It gave us a chance to get to know the trail a bit & get a feel for pushing Little Man in his stroller on the trail. Took us 2 days to decide that we needed a stroller upgrade. lol Thank you Kijiji! :happy:

    As for the stats: I'm 33, 5'2 & currently 211-ish. There is a color run/walk happening in my city at the end of September and we will be in it! That is my motivation and reward for sticking with the program. Yes, we may have to walk some, but it will be so much fun!

    I would love to add anyone who wants to compare notes and encouragement. Feel free to add me.

    How does it go with your stroller? I have 2 boys, almost 4 (but 19% for weight so he really is probably more like most 2 1/2 to 3 year olds) and a 20 month old. We have a double jogging stroller. My husband pushes it on the days he goes with me. But I have never pushed it running. I either run on days when I have someone to watch the boys or have my husband to push the boys. I'm scared that I won't be able to run at all while pushing them but I guess maybe I should just give it a try.

    I use a stroller with a 3 yr old toddler (she is 32 lbs). My stroller is not a "real" jogging stroller. It is a Jeep 3 wheel all terrain stroller, but it works for me for now. I have only run two days without my daughter and stroller. Those two days were definitely easier and I run faster. Pushing the stroller in a breeze is the worst as I come into the wind. It's not so bad going with the wind. But I know there are people out there 250+ lbs running. So if they can run, then I can run pushing a stroller. Because at least the stroller has wheels! I am not carrying the extra weight! So the way I look at it is the added resistance will just help build speed and endurance later on! If I wait for circumstances to be perfect, I won't accomplish my goals.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I don't have real insight into the dynamics of the program, but I've made some educated assumptions based on my own experience and seeing the experiences of the many, many, many people who hit a wall on week 4, slow down, and then complete the rest of the program easily.

    The hill running advice comes from Scott Jurek's book "Eat and Run" and is confirmed by the training I got in my running clinic.
    I'll put the book on my wish list.
  • zoe534
    zoe534 Posts: 108 Member
    I just did W4D1 this morning, I'm loving it. I was doing a workout before I went out, but didn't this morning and it was so much easier, what was I thinking. So that's what I will do from now on, plus I get out with the sunrise, this morning was all fog, could barely see, it was so peaceful and quiet. I think my favorite thing will be running, that's how I see myself in the future anyway. Not there yet, but I look forward to it. Of course the longer running stretches are coming up......but this morning was a wonderful moment.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I did week 4 day 2 today (without a rest day in between) because I have to get my Dad from the airport late tonight and since I run at 5:30am I figure tomorrow is a good rest day! My back doesn't hurt but it is tight and slightly sore. I've also started running on the outside of my right foot. Hopefully I'll have time to go back to the running store today where I got my shoes and get some ides if I need different shoes or inserts. Hoping that will help. I felt good today, I timed it wrong and had a LONG incline to go up on the running part but that's ok, it'll make day 3 that much easier :wink:
    I'm not sure I ever included my stats... 36 years old, 5' 4" and weighed in this morning at 158.8...restarted MFP in Jan at 182lbs
    Found this this morning and it made me true!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Don't let W4 intimidate you! I had the same fear and surprised myself by making it through almost all the intervals! On the last 5 minutes I ran 3, walked 2, ran 2 and then the remainder of my cool down was walking. YOU CAN DO IT!

    5'4" , ~175 lb (I don't weigh myself regularly but last was around 173) and I'm on W4 D2 TODAY :o I'm hoping to make it through that last interval. Some helpful tips for me were to slow down, so that should make it achievable :) Slow & steady..

    How'd day 2 go??
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    HaHaHa! LOVE IT!!!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks for the chuckle! Fab t-shirt.