October chatting



  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Had a win on Thanksgiving dinner. Chose to barbecue pork tenderloin and served with roasted potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts. Didn't overeat and felt good at the end of day. There's just no way that moderation works for me when there is mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy so not putting it in front of me was a win.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    ajewellmom wrote: »
    Had a win on Thanksgiving dinner. Chose to barbecue pork tenderloin and served with roasted potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts. Didn't overeat and felt good at the end of day. There's just no way that moderation works for me when there is mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy so not putting it in front of me was a win.

    Awesome victory! I'm with you - out of sight, out of mind, or I'm not going to resist!
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    I didn't gain. For me it was 10mg of progestrone daily. I however was eating at the -2lbs a week and exercise on top of that and did not budge at all. I weigh what i eat. The loss just stopped. It was so frustrating.
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    If i wasn't watching my calories tho. I probably would have gained a fair amount in those months
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    that's why folks who claim CICO is easy frustrate me. On the one hand, the concept is fairly straight-forward, but the practice is far from easy. Our bodies are extremely complexly designed machines with a control system that even the best computer in the world can't even touch, and the body's ability to adapt to stimulus is absolutely amazing! So when folks say that if you didn't lose weight you weren't doing CICO right - you were either over eating or over-counting your exercised calories, but I say that there are extenuating circumstances. Some folks don't have a normal burn rate, so estimating both calories in needed and calories out isn't so easy. And it also doesn't help that that can change daily depending on things like hormonal balance.

    So while the concept is easy and works well for some, sometimes for some folks it doesn't work all so well - and if they fail, it's not just because they lost will power or wasn't doing it right - sometimes their body is more difficult to figure out than others; some folks' metabolism is more effient, etc.

    I think you did awesome to maintain, Ducky, and now that you're off the horomone treatment, I wish you best of luck in regaining your momentum!
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    I find the cico mantra hard too. It is so frustrating and too simple of an explaination. I think it encourages ppl to quit.

    Thank you! My last weight in I was at 317. Really hoping to break below 300 soon!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ShaDucky wrote: »
    If i wasn't watching my calories tho. I probably would have gained a fair amount in those months

    This is what happened to me. I am a type one diabetic and have always been heavy. Five years ago I had to go on the shots to control tumor growth and nobody warned me that depo + rapid insulin is a deadly combo. I gained like 100lbs in a few short years without even really realizing it until it was too late. At that point I have now ramped up my exercise and am more careful about how much I eat, but my weight hardly moves. My diabetic specialist has come right out and told me that I may never really lose much, no matter what I do. So far,, the only thing that helps even slightly is reducing the amount of rapid I take.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    That's awful that the meds designed to help are hurting people in a different way. I know with every drug there is a side effect and that it's a balance between them and the benefits but it's so frustrating.

  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    It is very frustrating! And discounted....because being fat is ALWAYS the result of being lazy or not caring.

    Thankfully I think my body is adjusting back to no hormones. I really don't know what I want to do now. It was to control horrible bleeding, but the side effects were just too much. I can do nothing and bear it or I can have a uterine ablation. Which I had scheduled but my insurance messed up. I was supposed to go in and get a few things done, they approved 2 and didn't tell me the main reason I was at the hospital wasn't approved until I was admitted and IV was placed. Now I have a $600 hospital bill, and the thought of a second one is too much, esp for something not guaranteed to work. So I am debating what I want to do. The health care here in America SUCKS! We have what is considered decent medical from my husband, and we are drowning from the medical bills this year. Our out of pocket is well over 3k.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I agree that health care in the US stinks now - my policy before all the changes was solid, but now, each year, the rates go up and the deductible goes up, but what they cover goes down.

    You are so right - I get it from so many sources, that being fat is always the result of being lazy. And you see it here in these forums all the time, too - "it doesn't matter if you have thyroid problems or horomone problems; CICO is king and if you'd just quit stuffing your face and get some will power, you'd lose weight".....I've seen things like that even on MFP more times than I can count.

    I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and that mantra has been drilled so deep into me that I'm still struggling to rise above it. I've been so trained mentally to believe my value was based on my weight, that I struggle to find victory in other accomplishments. I was taught by society around me that my value was dependent upon my size, and since I was large......

    That's what really gets to me whenever I read the comments made on folks striving for fat acceptance or who model plus sized, or whatever. I certainly don't empathize with those who use the movement to bully skinny folks, but I will say that it is extremely disheartening to see the comments made on articles written by large folks who are striving to have value for who they are not what they look like, or those who post videos about finding a meaning in their lives or peace. It angers me because folks think that because being large is "unhealthy" that that excuses them treating large folks shamefully or denigrating them. I hear "I won't support them in a unhealthy lifestyle because that just encourages them in a bad behavior".

    Whatever happen to a person's life is their own and to value a person based on who they are? I always felt that as a morbidly obese person, I didn't need to be told my weight could lead to health problems; I was fully aware of that. What I long for is to find folks who can accept me as a friend and as a valuable contributor to my community and my family no matter what I weigh. Unfortunately, that can be very difficult to come by.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    @bmeadows380 , I hear ya! I get tired of people treating me as though I am stupid due to my size. In fact, I am as smart, if not smarter, than most of them. I do have issues with self confidence which manifest in overeating and stress leads me there as well. Confidence does not improve when others continually rob you of it. I am the queen of harmful self talk, but when I really think about what I am saying to myself, it can be hard to turn it around . . . but it can be done.

    The good news, for me, is that I have found my resolve again. I have had two VERY stressful weeks and yet I have logged every day and have seen the beginning of my weight loss journey begin . . . AGAIN!

    Cheers to each and every one of us who are made to feel lazy, stupid etc! Our lives have value.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    if you're the queen of negative self talk, then I must be a multi-universe empress! lol I have extremely low self-esteem, and I hate that I am so badly affected by my perceived view of what people think of me, but my perception of myself and thus how I project my view of myself onto others has been shaped by a lifetime of little hurts that, even if they were not meant to be hurtful or denigrating, was nevertheless how I perceived them, from movies to books to comments made by other folks about me and about other people who were similar to me. I'm harder on myself than what anyone else is, and negative comments, whether they were meant to hurt or were just careless, just re-inforce those negative thoughts. I know that people probably don't even come close to seeing me the way I think they see me, but its so very hard not to project!

    Because of this negative self image, I keep to myself mostly, and find it very hard to socialize outside of a keyboard and outside of a work setting - I'll talk to other folks and carry a conversation, but its afterwards when I'm reviewing mentally what I said that I cringe and feel that everything went wrong, that I came across as awkward, weird, and annoying. I wanted to be a wife and mother since I was a little girl, but I'm 37 and have never had romantic prospects at all, and society's message has been to me that that was because I was obese and thus unattractive - no matter how smart or funny or caring I could be.

    It's extremely hard to overcome such a mindset; thank you, jewell, for the positive response! It is heartening to know that it CAN be overcome; hopefully, I'll be able to follow you and achieve that for myself!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Thanks for sharing this bmeadows, ajewellmom And shaducky, I think these are things we all feel at some time but often leave un-said, Because I have a fat body, I can't be who I am or who I want to be!!!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    How was the weekend for everyone???

    My weekend was mostly about getting stuff done for other people, today I had my yearly thyroid ultrasound, should find out by the end of the week how that went, and I went to the carpal tunnel doc, and she is sending me to a surgeon so hopefully sometime next year I will have my hands done.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Good weekend for me, although I had a hard time logging food due to social scenarios.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Okay, so I have taken seven pounds off, but yesterday I felt like my pants were looser in the waist. Taking that as a WIN!! Might have just been my mind playing with me, but it can continue to play with me and make me feel good about myself instead of bad.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    ajewellmom wrote: »
    Okay, so I have taken seven pounds off, but yesterday I felt like my pants were looser in the waist. Taking that as a WIN!! Might have just been my mind playing with me, but it can continue to play with me and make me feel good about myself instead of bad.

    Our bodies change even if the scale doesn't move a lot!!!! Great Win for you!!!

  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Tomorrow I get to do a first appointment with a new gynocologyst, I feel like the harder I try to fix myself the more I find wrong with myself! I just want to feel good.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    Tomorrow I get to do a first appointment with a new gynocologyst, I feel like the harder I try to fix myself the more I find wrong with myself! I just want to feel good.

    Oh, I hear that! Newly diagnosed as diabetic means I am on meds including cholesterol meds. Going today for a stress test with a cardiologist because the kinesiologist at the diabetic clinic has referred me. Sure as heck hoping I don't have heart problems to add to the mix.

    Again, the good news is that this diabetes diagnosis was enough wake up call to get my health in order.

    Good luck with the gyn!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    OBGYN stuff is so hard for me. I have a terrible fear of them and always cry and often throw up during an exam.
    I hope whatever you have going on is an easy fix!

    I do know the feeling of getting one thing under control and someone else pops up, that is a specialty of mine lol

    I have been a type one diabetic for nearly 30 years now. I am sure the DRs told you this, but it is not a disease to be taken lightly. It literally effects every single part of your body. Going to the cardiologist is just a precaution, so don't worry about it for now. One you are diabetic long enough you tend to see every specialist there is :|