Optimistic for an Outstanding October!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani, I was just watching a you tube video of Dr. Furhman explain when he is traveling and lecturing a lot he gets off the airplane and goes to the closest WF to stock his room. Was interesting.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What a great title for October!!
    It has started off ROUGH with all that's going on in the world, and how hectic things have been for me. And THIS title is just what I needed. In fact, I'm going to re-read a Furhman book on treadmill this weekend.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    bisky wrote: »
    Mihani, I was just watching a you tube video of Dr. Furhman explain when he is traveling and lecturing a lot he gets off the airplane and goes to the closest WF to stock his room. Was interesting.

    When we go to London (at least once a year) for work, we get off the plane, on the subway, and get off near the BIG whole foods. We stock UP for the week. At least then we have breakfast and snacks taken care of.

    Hopefully WF's prices are going to be better!

    Hi all!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Sabine - I love London. I love the indian restaurants. I do not like typical english breakfasts. I did not know they had a WFs.

    I really felt lousy yesterday and no appetite. I took dogs to dog park so they could get some decent exercise. The gentle yoga class was hard. I kept getting dizzy getting up and down. I listened to a you tube Dr. Furhman stating in the beginning of the Eat to Live diet fat is releasing a lot of stored junk and normal to feel bad. This morning I feel great. Going to go play tennis.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited October 2017
    bisky wrote: »
    Sabine - I love London. I love the indian restaurants. I do not like typical english breakfasts. I did not know they had a WFs.

    I really felt lousy yesterday and no appetite. I took dogs to dog park so they could get some decent exercise. The gentle yoga class was hard. I kept getting dizzy getting up and down. I listened to a you tube Dr. Furhman stating in the beginning of the Eat to Live diet fat is releasing a lot of stored junk and normal to feel bad. This morning I feel great. Going to go play tennis.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Check it out. This is an amazing whole foods. THREE floors. An entire cheese room. Restaurants. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/kensington

    Glad you're feeling better!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Hey Sabine! Have missed you around here. That London Whole Foods sounds amazing! It has been a rough week definitely.

    Donna, glad you are feeling better. How was tennis?

    I got to Whole Foods today. A lot of stuff is expensive, but produce is okay price. I got asparagus, broccoli, rainbow chard, purple and lacinto kale, and several containers of salad greens. Bok Choy, green onions and shiitakes for a stir-fry. I didn't buy peppers thinking I had plenty, but got home and only one pepper in the fridge. I'll stop at the regular grocery tomorrow and get more. The 365 brand beans were only $.79 per can so I got quite a few of those, and some canned artichoke hearts for my salads, and a whole bunch of frozen veggies. I'm all set to start the 6 week plan reboot on Monday. I am looking forward to knocking off some pounds before Thanksgiving.

    I messed up today, got up early but just puttered around too long, then took a nap, got up and went to Whole Foods... never got to any of my work! I think I'll plan on staying home again tomorrow and concentrating on what I brought home rather than going to the office. I'm really tired of spending all my weekends in there.

    B - avocado toast with sliced tomato
    L - just grabbed an apple
    D - baked potato with steamed broccoli and 'cheesy" chickpeas, salad

    I'm going to miss all the extra starches that I've been allowing lately when I start the 6 week plan!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Wow Sabine. That is amazing! FYI there is a nice WF in Hawaii. We stayed in cabins on Camp Bellows a few years ago and did not have cooking supplies so we would go to WF and get picnic stuff. There was also a wonderful juice bar called Lanikai Juice. The best green smoothie I have ever had.

    Milan - I can't wait to see what you are going to do with all those wonderful vegetables you bought. You won't miss the extra starches that much once you get back. I had the most perfect mango today. It was so flavorful and sweet. A couple of times last week I felt I wanted something crunchy starchy and had a few Mary's super seed crackers.

    Tennis was good. I had a few nice shots and met a lady from Oregon. I had a big weight loss (for me anyway) this morning...I had lost all week but then 1.2 lbs in one night...afraid to weigh tomorrow..might wait until Monday...you know how it goes big weight loss then shifting of fluids...it was definitely a lot of fluid weight...probably from the other night at the Southwestern Restaurant. Did not have a lot to eat or drink but the food had extra salt.

    I accidentally ordered Dr. Furhman's book, End of Dieting to my husband's kindle. He is going to be down there in Puerto Rico a couple of more weeks so maybe if he gets bored he will read it and be more supportive. He has a sweet tooth but runs & lifts weights so no weight problems.

    Oh this was a little victory. I am down around 14 lbs total and can get my wedding band back on!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    bisky wrote: »
    Wow Sabine. That is amazing! FYI there is a nice WF in Hawaii. We stayed in cabins on Camp Bellows a few years ago and did not have cooking supplies so we would go to WF and get picnic stuff. There was also a wonderful juice bar called Lanikai Juice. The best green smoothie I have ever had.

    Milan - I can't wait to see what you are going to do with all those wonderful vegetables you bought. You won't miss the extra starches that much once you get back. I had the most perfect mango today. It was so flavorful and sweet. A couple of times last week I felt I wanted something crunchy starchy and had a few Mary's super seed crackers.

    Tennis was good. I had a few nice shots and met a lady from Oregon. I had a big weight loss (for me anyway) this morning...I had lost all week but then 1.2 lbs in one night...afraid to weigh tomorrow..might wait until Monday...you know how it goes big weight loss then shifting of fluids...it was definitely a lot of fluid weight...probably from the other night at the Southwestern Restaurant. Did not have a lot to eat or drink but the food had extra salt.

    I accidentally ordered Dr. Furhman's book, End of Dieting to my husband's kindle. He is going to be down there in Puerto Rico a couple of more weeks so maybe if he gets bored he will read it and be more supportive. He has a sweet tooth but runs & lifts weights so no weight problems.

    Oh this was a little victory. I am down around 14 lbs total and can get my wedding band back on!

    Fabulous! How long have you been at this?
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited October 2017
    I have been on Eat to Live for 3 weeks since my husband has been gone...I also call it my deployment diet because the last time he was deployed for 9 months I lost 40 lbs. After he came back I slowly regained the weight because I did not make a lifestyle change....I went back to our previous unhealthy diet. I am sure the first 10lb weight loss was fluids because I lost it so quickly. I rejoined MFP about a week ago. It really does help to keep me aware of what I am putting into my mouth and the nutritional value.

    The first time I was on Eat to Live I followed general guidelines and did not do the 6 week plan. I hate to say this but honestly when I cut out the margaritas, moscow mules and wine plus cookies the weight does drop. I only have 1-2 drinks a night but they are full of sugar. I don't miss breads, pasta or meat but I do miss chocolate and sweets. Lots of fruits help with this. I did not give up coffee this time. I think last time I was not aware that on the 6 week plan we can have up to 4 fruits a day. Is that correct?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Donna, great loss so far! Congrats! Alcohol is tough for me too, I enjoy drinking some wine or beer on the weekends. I don't drink too often during the week. Since I hit my 50's it just saps my energy. I am tired enough when I'm sober lol. Plus the empty calories, and the fact that I crave starchy/fatty foods more when I drink, it's just better for me not to drink at all, at least for the next 6 weeks. Sweets aren't a temptation for me, I'll eat them sometimes, but they aren't something I crave. It's crackers and blue corn chips, pasta and bread, etc. that call my name. I drink a lot of flavored sparkling water when I'm avoiding alcohol. La Croix and Dasani are both good.

    Actually, you can have unlimited fruit! Four servings a day is the minimum you should try to get in. Fruit, beans/legumes/tofu, cooked and raw non-starchy veggies are all unlimited. I try to get greens in at every meal, although sometimes it's harder to do at breakfast unless I'm making a smoothie. I think for the 6 weeks I'll go back to smoothies for breakfast, plus then I get my chia or flax in with the smoothie. I love my oatmeal, but I think I'm going to try to avoid the starches completely for the 6 weeks just to maximize weight loss. Maybe oatmeal on weekends for a treat.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Also, Donna, I love "Deployment Diet" that's funny. Must be tough when he's away though. That's very cool he's helping in Puerto Rico, so much work to be done there. What branch of service is he in? Yay for the wedding ring fitting.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited October 2017

    Hi Mihani,

    Thank you, somewhere I did not realize that we could have unlimited fruits. I have a weird mental reaction to fruit, believing that it has too much sugar and I am going to gain weight??? I feel like I am eating candy when I eat it. I think because years ago my mother and sisters were on Atkins and at that time it was really strict about fruit. I was not overweight at the time but they all thought Twiggy, the model was the goal. To this day both my older sisters keep telling me fruit has to much sugar. It is so stupid. Cookies, cakes,candy, scones, alcohol, bread all have too much sugar but not fruits. I felt very indulgent yesterday and today having a whole mango for a snack. Then today I bought the holiday grapes...they are so good.

    My husband is in anesthesia and belongs to an advanced surgical team with the Air Force. He might be coming home next week or at the end of the month...I miss him but it is good for him to be there helping. If it is the end of the month I will almost be finished with my 6 weeks. So this is funny, at least to me. The surgeon on the team texts me and says he is sorry to inform me but my husband has crabs and better that he should tell me. I text my husband, what the hell? He had opened up one of his equipment bags and found a live ghost crab. All week the guys have been teasing him about having crabs. Sigh...these guys...and they are not young kids!

    Last two weeks were good but the week prior,.. a girlfriend had come to visit and she had agreed to do the eat to live diet with me but then we did have Prosecco a couple of evenings which definetly slowed the weight loss down but we had a fun time. So I am not counting that week. Since then I have been down almost every day! I did weigh today and was very slightly down.

    Fresh organic strawberries for breakfast tomorrow!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I remember the Atkins days, my mom did that in the 70's and I followed along. You can't eat fruit, but lots of meat and mayo lol.

    OMG, I would freak if I opened my bag and found a live crab in it (or a dead crab for that matter). It would be hard to refrain from the jokes though!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Early morning check in... starting my first day of the 6 weeks off with a smoothie of half a container of baby spinach, frozen blueberries, water and a tablespoon of chia seeds. Packed a really basic salad for lunch, just spring mix and chickpeas with balsamic and a little nooch. I need to chop up some more veggies for my salads. I have apples at the office so I'll have one of those at lunch too. Dinner is yet to be determined.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yay Donna! Grats on the wedding band fitting! I cannot wear mine yet. I checked recently and have a ways to go. My husband and I lost a lot of weight together and then had our rings resized smaller. Now I'm thinking maybe the larger size would get more use over my lifetime haha! Time to slim down and fit the ring. Funny about the 'crabs'!

    Great start to your reboot, Mihani! I would like to have joined you but I just don't feel that fire within to take a serious stab at it again quite yet. I need to switch from oatmeal back to smoothies and stay away from the bread! My teeth are bugging me again lately so all the crunching of a gnarly salad is just too difficult.

    I'm still in a creative lull, so I haven't been making much. I did finish a hat and I think I will send it to my aunt. She lives in a remote area of bc that has harsh winters.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani - you are off to a great start. Did you decide on dinner? I am going to try to make some vegetable soup. That really helped to come home in the evenings and have that ready to go and add either quinoa or brown rice.

    Carla, the hat is beautiful! You are so talented. Your Aunt will love it. Carla I have this chopper thing that I chop my salads. If you ever have been to, sorry to admit this, the cheesecake factory they have a great chopped salad. This thing I have looks like scissors but with four blades and you just go through your salad chopping it as fine as you want. I have had a lot of dental issues and it is a life saver. I got this crunchy salad mix from trader joes that was sliced red cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts but I chopped it up a big more otherwise too crunchy.

    I had a good start today with the fresh strawberries, blueberries and walnuts but after washing and slicing them I was late to tennis so I only had half a bowl and 1/2 cup coffee. Tennis was not good. Dizzy and it is still hot in San Antonio, today in the 90's. I kept drinking water but that did not help. I came home and added a banana to the strawberry mix and that was a little better. I decided to add a little tuna to todays salad to see if that helps. I think I have been losing too fast. I was down today again but I don't want this to be a quick weight loss and then gain it back overnight. When I was on this diet several years ago the weight loss was much slower but I felt good overall.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Love the color of the hat Carla! I like deep colors like that. You've been doing great with keeping things ETL-ish latey, and as long as "ish" is still working I wouldn't worry about being stricter. I seem to have hit a wall here, and I think full on 6 week plan will knock me off this plateau.

    Donna, are you eating much in the way of beans and tofu, and a tablespoon of chia or flax seeds, plus an ounce of nuts/seeds, and the starch serving? Those will help keep your calories to a reasonable level. You may not be eating enough. Those scissors sound intriguing, I'll check them out on amazon.

    Stuck to the plan today for breakfast and lunch. Forgot to eat an apple at lunch so I will get some fruit in after dinner. I have a container of strawberries. I left work a little early and came home to do half hour on the treadmill, cleaned and steamed broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and kale, so I have lots of goodies to add to my salads now. I am going to have some of the veggies for dinner, and I made a pot of "cheesy" chickpeas that will last several meals.

    After dinner I will be heading up to my home office to work on some things. Hoping to get done by bedtime, but I am very happy I got a little treadmill time.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Canadian Thanksgiving was yesterday. :smiley:

    I set my alarm today to get up earlier so I can start doing the treadmill again in the mornings, but since I stayed up so late all weekend, I had a really hard time falling asleep last night. So I might have hit snooze a couple of times.... Oops!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani -

    Good job yesterday with the foods and getting on the treadmill!

    I have doubled my fruits last two days (thank you for correcting me) and was down again today. The fruit I think has been the missing link in my diet for most my life. I would eat berries and a little bit of fruit....but never a whole mango or grapes! Now, I never felt guilty about drinking a glass of wine but did eating grapes? I wonder what other lies I have believed in.

    Sadly, I can not eat Soy or Tofu due to their high level of phytoestrogens. I have severe endometriosis found during a simple surgical procedure. I think maybe adding egg whites or a little fish here and there works for me. I had a huge salad yesterday...I was sure I was going to be up today but avoiding salt and eating clean is working so far (except the coffee creamer, I did not get to Whole Foods yet).

    It is cooler today in San Antonio, going to try to take my sweet little Schnauzer for a big walk now before the rains come in.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    How did your veggie soup turn out, Donna? I love having a big pot of something prepared, especially something warm at this time of year. I LOVE me some fruit with nuts on top. OH! I almost forgot, thanks for the great tip about the salad scissors. I ordered a pair immediately off of Amazon! They'll be here tomorrow! You might want to check out the free app from Dr. Greger, the daily dozen. It has check boxes to make sure you are getting everything you need for the day. Very basic and easy to use. I tend to punk out on the exercise so I never get to check that box, but with your tennis you'd be good!

    Mihani, you are an ETL rock star and you don't even know it! Are you eating the Honeycrisp apples yet? They are in season! Yay! (At least I think so, they grow here, but I would think they'd be everywhere now). The only thing I don't love about the HC apples is that they tend to be so huge. They are a meal unto themselves. Did you find working from home a bit more this weekend helped you out? (The ETL-ish plan is going like it always tends to...slowly more and more "-ish" until they cravings are back and I need a reboot. Pretty much time for one, I just need to gather some oomph for it.)

    Lia, where are you hiding? Miss you! Hope you and the fam are doing well. I loved your little video of Eddie <3

    Karrie and I are starting our shawls this week! She cast on last night and I will be casting on today. Brace yourselves for progress pics! ;) I've been in a creative slump the past few weeks, so hopefully this projects sparks something.