Optimistic for an Outstanding October!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Karrie - Congratulations on the 2 lb. loss and keeping it off. Weekends are so hard.

    I just figured out I can skip through commercials on my DVR! Don't laugh, we did not have this living overseas and I hate food commercials. They are brain washing. I binged watched Harry Potter movies last night. The ballet was beautiful. Giselle is one of my favorite ballets.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I am a Harry Potter fanatic. LOVE IT! I want to binge watch them all, but my household is too busy and everyone wants mom to do SOMETHING for them ALL THE TIME...
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited October 2017
    I usually binge watch Harry Potter during xmas but I was feeling lonely and missing my husband. Instead of binging on ice cream I binged on movies. It is hard to move to a large new city, having my husband gone and not getting unpacked or feeling comfortable driving. Okay, enough of the pity party. I made a great new smoothie this afternoon. It had peanut flour (less fattening than peanut butter), maca powder, ground flax seeds, 2 ounces of banana, no added sugar almond milk and ice cubes. I have a bad sweet tooth and afternoons are the worse.

    How old are your children?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Way to go Karrie! Another HP fan here. I prefer the books (I almost always prefer books) but the movies are very well done. One exception I can think of is The Horse Whisperer. The book got really weird at the end and the movie skipped all that stupidity.

    Happy to hear you enjoyed the ballet Donna. And yeah I have had DVR for years and only taped the first thing (on purpose anyway) a few weeks ago lol. Discovered I had accidentally taped a couple things, not even things I wanted to watch!

    I just made a pot of OSG glowing spiced lentil soup. I left out the oil but it's still not 6 week plan compliant with the coconut milk. I just had all the ingredients on hand, it's crazy easy to throw together, and delicious, so I made it. The weather has cooled off quite a bit and soup sounds lovely.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani - I looked up the OSG site and I am going to make the curry lentil soup today. I am far from perfect on the 6 week plan...some days I have an egg or a little fish and still haven't found a good milk substitute for my coffee. I have lost quite a bit of weight just giving up alcohol, sweets, meat, and cheese.

    I agree about the Horse Whisperer. I love horses and did not like the ending in the book.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I did 1.5km in my swim yesterday. I was originally only shooting for 1.25 km, but I was on a roll, so I went for it. Not too sore today either, so I think I can try for it again tomorrow.

    I have a job interview tomorrow for a mostly lateral move in my company, but one that I think is really well suited for me. I haven't interviewed for anything in 5 years. I'm nervous!!

    Bfast: half a pineapple, along with some carrot sticks if I can't make it all the way to lunch.
    Lunch: homemade tomato soup with rice
    Snack: small smoothie
    Dinner: unsure, but I'm thinking big salad
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Well done with the swim! Positive thoughts for the job interview! Just picture yourself calm, slow breathing and know that you deserve what you want.

    Our outdoor pool at the YMCA closed but there is a huge aquatic center close by with two pools. I am feeling shy about going alone for the first time.

    Great meal plan for the day!
    B- Fruit/spinach smoothie, coffee
    L- salad with beans
    Snack - peanut flour smoothie with 1/2 banana
    D- curried lentil soup

    Had a great 3.0 mile walk this morning with Miss Cleo, aka wonder dog.

    Just found my husband might come home in a couple of days!!!! I am 1/2 lb away from my goal of weight loss while he is gone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    You are doing swimmingly Karrie! :) Food plan sounds solid. Sending good vibes for your interview. It's funny I never interviewed for my current job. My boss asked if I would like to help him out with some freelance work, and I said okay, and when he bought the building where our office is now he said do you want to come on full time? I said maybe... I'll help out for a while but I don't want to commit. Going on 20 years later I'm still there, but I always joke I'm just temporary, I was never formally hired lol.

    Donna, glad you took a look at Oh She Glows. At times the ETL group has seemed more of an OSG fan club lol. I do love her soup recipes though. The red lentil kale, tortilla, and chili are favorite soups too, but the glowing spiced lentil is so easy it's my go to lately. No chopping other than one large onion and it's done in about 30 minutes. I haven't tried the curried lentil soup, let us know how it turns out. Nice walk! What is peanut flour? Like PB2? Yay for your hubs coming home, and that you'll be at your goal too! Well done.

    Speaking of soups, it got really cool today and I'm going to have to take a weekend day and have one of my soup marathons so I can stock my freezer up for the cold months.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Soup was delicious and easy. I like putting 1/2 the soup in the vitamix....then adding back. It really thickens up but without cream.

    Peanut flour is ..well this explains it better than I can:

    "Protein Peanut Flour is a dry powder formed after the partial extraction of oil from the roasted peanut seed. It is used to add flavor and protein to processed baked goods, nutrition bars and snacks, as well as to marinades, sauces and dressings. Worldwide, peanut flours have been limited to use by industrial food processors as a major food ingredient. While peanuts are about 25% protein, peanut flour is about 50% protein. That's because the process of mechanically removing fatty oil from roasted peanuts enriches the levels of the remaining peanut components. The resulting flour is naturally low in fat, high in protein and relatively low in carbohydrates." The brand I ordered from Amazon is called Peanut Flour by Protein Plus. It makes a delicious shake...has a stronger peanut butter taste than peanut butter. I want to try a Thai Peanut sauce with this flour some day...mixed with a little coconut milk. I almost went out for Thai food by myself...but then considered the sodium load. Sigh

    Hubby called...not sure when they are going to let the team come home. They seem to be in limbo. I was rather disappointed so I went shopping and found a wool rug in Tuesday Morning for our new house. Did not consider how I am going to drag it into the house. Will sleep on that! Bought some fresh berries and more mangos. Oh and Carla, I found the coconut creamer you recommended! Thank you.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Ah, ok... thanks Donna. I googled the difference and PB2 has additives like sugar and salt, so peanut flour would be better. I bought a jar of PB2 when it was all the rage a few years ago, I used it a couple times finally threw it out. I will give the peanut flour a try. It might be nice for that nutty flavor without all the fat. Sorry for the limbo on hubs arriving home. Glad you found a rug to welcome him home. Do you have an immersion blender? I had one for years, got it for Christmas one year and never used it, then one day I was making split pea soup and decided I wanted it smooth and remembered the immersion blender. I love that thing now, fun watching soups go from chunky to creamy (or somewhere in between sometimes depending on my mood, but I always tend to get carried away with it). I have a decent blender, but haven't made the plunge on a vitamix, they are spendy.

    Karrie, how did your interview go?

    Carla, how are you doing?

    I bought a bunch of Dr. McDougall's dried soups. I'm having trouble with prep and time for lunch. I keep buying food that goes bad and it's such a huge waste of money. Work has me so nuts. Figured if I have oatmeal and berries for breakfast, one of the soups and some fruit for lunch, then I can concentrate on salads or some type of cooked bean/veggie concoction for dinners, when I have more time to chew!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    bisky wrote: »
    Hi Mihani,

    Thank you, somewhere I did not realize that we could have unlimited fruits. I have a weird mental reaction to fruit, believing that it has too much sugar and I am going to gain weight???

    That's a pretty much universal reaction to many foods. No matter what sort of 'diet' we're on... We always have these odd ideas from who knows where pop into our heads.
    Mihani wrote: »
    Scott's back! But only to talk about how fussy he is about his lanes lol.

    What else have to got to add? This wouldn't exactly be the best forum to promote The Raisin Bran Diet. :huh: :)
    I eat 'crap' and I'm not crafty. I'm lucky you guys haven't banned me from the group. B)

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    The interview went well, but I won't know for 2-4 weeks whether they select me or someone else. So now I just wait. It sounded like something I'd be interested in, and I am hopeful. :smiley:

    Last night's swim was a bit rough. I could really feel the muscles in my shoulders and my back, so I guess my swim on Monday was tougher on me than I thought. And then there was a slow guy water jogging in the fast lane. Really??? Of course I had to go in that lane, because the other lanes all had 3 people in them. Normally I try to swim in the medium lane. Thankfully he didn't stay long. But then another man joined me and he was only marginally faster than the water jogger. It was frustrating because he was always in front of me. I felt like a bully, but I was just trying to do my workout. Sheesh. I think I was a little pissy, though, and I was swimming faster than normal just to prove a point. So I was really sucking wind. The whole thing just made me grumpy and I finally quit in frustration after only 1km. Grrrrrr....

    I finally had a good sleep last night. Yay! I haven't had a decent sleep since Saturday night. Sunday my daughter joined us because she was having trouble sleeping. Monday my son joined us. Tuesday the cat was going mental all over the house and I could hear everything he was up to. He jumped on me a few times and then on my night table when I finally had enough and put him into his room and closed the door (shoulda done that hours sooner). Wednesday we had a wind storm with winds gusting up to 119km/hr. It even made the house shake a few times. I was worried that the roof might come off! But last night the kids both stayed in their rooms, and the cat slept peacefully. I even went to bed earlier than normal because I was so tired. THANK GOODNESS everyone cooperated!!! But even so, I still feel tired today. can't wait for the weekend.

    Being tired made me indulge in a few too many carbs last night. Oops...
    Back on track today, I hope.

    Bfast: Apple sauce, nectarine, grapes
    Lunch: Homemade tomato soup with rice
    Supper: No idea yet.

    I have guitar lessons tonight and I've barely practiced. I feel like a bad student. Gotta smarten up!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani - your name autocorrects to Milan if I don't catch it :smile:

    - I like my vitamix....I had a good blender that died and the military exchange had a great deal on them 4 years ago...so far it works well but if it died I doubt I would replace it for what I use...I would just get a good blender and chop up my food in smaller pieces. Plus it is bulky compared to my old blender, takes up a lot of counter space. Has a strong motor. I mainly use it for smoothies and soups. I was given an immersion blender and have never tried it. Now that I am thinking about it an immersion blender might give me better control with soups. I like creamy chunky. I tried to make hummus in it but blended the beans too long and it was rather runny...could have used it for salad dressing :).

    Carrie - there is nothing compared to a good nights sleep. I am so frustrated and cranky when I can't get my sleep in.

    So now my husband is suppose to leave at 0300 in the morning if the last general approves the team coming home!!! They (higher ups) want to split the team up but that is not what this advanced surgical team signed up for. It was a good team building experience. They will be deployed together for 6 months so they had a chance to figure some things out.

    I reached my mini goal of 10 lbs loss today while he was away (a little over 5 weeks so = 2lb/week). I have an 8 lb weight loss goal for now until Thanksgiving and to start riding my road bike by myself or start spin classes at least twice a week. I have a Dr's appointment on Monday. I will ask to get my cholesterol/hdl/ldl levels drawn and see how I am doing on Eat to Live. Last year they were elevated after I joined a group of friends on a rather unhealthy diet.

    I am very worried about him accepting this way of eating. I don't expect him to change but I don't want him to pressure me into joining in having a drink every night, eating cheese, meats and junk food. He has a PT test coming up next month and his waist line is the only thing that might make him fail....he can easily run, do the sit ups and push ups but their waist line has to be less that 40 or 42". He has been swimming, running and lifting weights with his team while he has been gone...but also drinking and eating out a lot.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    We did ban you Scott… how the heck do you keep getting by the gate? :huh:

    Glad to hear the interview went well Karrie… hope it comes through for you. Grrrr on the swim frustrations and YAY for a good night’s sleep. I’m with you on tired = hungry for carbs. I’ve slipped more than once this week with crackers and blue corn chips.

    Donna give the immersion blender a try, I think you’ll like it. Glad to hear your husband is coming home. Way to go on 10 pounds down!!! Hope you can stick with it when he gets home. Maybe try out some tasty plant-based recipes he might like. I’ve been vegan so long (and vegetarian before that) there really isn’t any temptation for me to eat meat or dairy. I just don’t even consider it food at this point. Wish I could do that for vegan junk food and alcohol!

    I ate the last of the soup last night, not sure what I’m having for dinner now. Maybe a tofu scramble with some sprouted grain toast. I was thinking about the other lentil soup I froze, but 3 nights of soup and soup for lunch today, I’m ready for a change.

    Think I mentioned a month or two ago, that I had a lot of way past expiration stuff in my freezers (I have the one in the fridge plus a small chest freezer) and I have been throwing out some things each garbage collection day. Going to throw out a few more tonight since collection is tomorrow, then I can move what’s good out of the chest freezer and defrost, ready to fill with homemade soup soon.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I love my immersion blender. I can't live without it for my soups; I use it all the time...

    Donna you've been doing great! Keep at it! Your Thanksgiving mini-goal sounds great. I have just set up some goals myself and I want to lose 10 lbs by this time next month.

    I agree with you Mihani, I don't even consider meat or dairy at all anymore. Ever. But then there are the carbs.... sigh.

    I have the last of my soup today, so I'm gonna have to cook up a storm this weekend... Busy, busy!

    I have to clean out my freezer too. I was just thinking that this morning, funny you should mention it, Mihani. :smiley:

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I am pleasantly surprised to see that others have the same 'swim lane' issues I have. I have sometimes wondered, are all these other people thinking the same thing I am... or do they just jump into any old lane willy-nilly with no regard to how it affects others?

    And please check out this video. It's a good friend of mine, who is trying to get some exposure.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Your buddy has a good voice Scott.

    Oh Karrie, my little chest freezer was holding more than I anticipated! I even found lots of bags of beans that I had cooked from dried and then froze in serving sizes. I think it was at least 3 years ago last time I did that so they got thrown out… so wasteful! My garbage bin was getting full so I bagged up the rest of the stuff to be thrown out and put it back in the chest freezer until next week. Then I should be set to defrost. Still a lot of good stuff though, that I will start using up before I buy anything new to throw on top of it lol.

    I have two major projects that must be completed this weekend. I threatened my boss with bodily harm if he shows up at the office and distracts me from getting them done!

    Enjoying the McDougall dried soup cups for lunches. Filling and very ETL friendly with lots of fiber, low fat, no oil, no fuss to prep. The black bean lime and the split pea are my favorites.

    Tonight is going to be some balsamic roasted brussels sprouts and brown rice. Simple.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani - I love roasted brussel sprouts. I used the immersion blender with my roasted autumn vegetable soup recipe. It worked great and much easier and less mess to blend in the stock pot compared to pouring it into the vitamix.

    Thank you Carrie - I am trying to set very realistic goals. We went to the movies tonight and then to Zoe's kitchen. I had great quinoa salad. Hubby ordered the Mediterranean salad without meat! Maybe hope for him. He had a long talk with one of the guys on his team who is vegetarian. He is willing to try it. He looks great but his waist is 1 inch over so he has to lose that by next month.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Donna, that's cool your husband is on board with giving vegetarian a try! Glad he's home safe. And that you got to try out the immersion blender.

    I slept a looong time... ready to head to the office. Going to a garden exhibit with my sis-in-law this afternoon not sure if going back to the office after that or just home and put in a full day tomorrow. Probably grocery, home to do laundry and some cooking.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Stayed at the office too long today, made a couple stops, got home pretty late. Probably just going to heat up some soup with toast, still need to do one quick project before bed. I wish I could get my weekends back. My house is a disaster.