Optimistic for an Outstanding October!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Hi Carla,

    Just got back from a walk with my favorite piece of exercise equipment. It always works in rain, heat, cold, snow and in wind. It goes at my pace and guards me too!

    Miss Cleo. This was a picture of her last winter in Austria.


    I left the boy dogs at home because they have squirrel brain. This is the difference: walking all 3 at once - 35 minute/miles. Just Cleo: 18- 20 minute/miles.

    I will check that app out. I was down almost a whole lb. this morning. Did not make the soup yet, going to make two types today: Roasted root vegetable soup and lentil vegetable soup. In San Antonio today it dropped from high 90's yesterday to 60's. It feels so good.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I really really really wish I could get up and treadmill in the mornings, Karrie. I should try again. My problem is if I get up earlier my brain says “get to work earlier” … sigh. Happy Thanksgiving! (belatedly) Are you still outrunning zombies? Are you still taking guitar lessons?

    Glad you are enjoying guilt-free fruit Donna! I ate some strawberries last night, and they were so sweet and good! I have bought so many containers of strawberries that were just so-so this year. I have the same problem with melons. I’ll go through several that are meh, then I get one that renews my faith in perfect fruit. Ugh, endometriosis is awful, sorry you have to deal with that. Your pups are so cute. When I had multiple dogs I would often just take one at a time out for walks, otherwise it was mostly an upper body workout getting jerked in every direction by leashes.

    Which reminds me, we haven’t seen any Ruby or Reba pics lately Carla, not to mention the ladies of the coop. How are all the critters doing? I checked out the salad scissors too! Will be ordering soon. There were a lot of different styles though… which one did you decide on? Donna has started a new craze on ETL group. Looking forward to seeing the shawls.

    I miss Lia too!!! Put Edie down for a nap and pop on Lia!

    Trying day at work. Got through. Going to eat leftovers for dinner. I probably should cook up the rest of the greens I bought and freeze in servings, because I got carried away shopping and won’t be able to eat them all before they go bad. I was going to do it tonight but too tired and lazy, will do it tomorrow night. I want to get to bed super early. I didn't sleep well at all last night.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I did try to get up and go on the treadmill this morning, but I couldn't get it to turn on!! Maybe I just missed something, but I could not get the darn thing started. I'll get my hubby to check tonight. Of course it doesn't start when I'm finally up early... sheesh. I would have been listening to my zombie stories this morning too, oh how I miss the undead! :wink: On that topic, The Walking Dead season 8 starts in just a couple of weeks; I can't wait!

    And yes, I'm still taking guitar lessons. Start of my 3rd year now. I played Romanza for my recital in the spring. Google it; it's a beautiful song and I played it nearly flawlessly. I was very proud of myself!! This year I'm going to try to tackle Pachelbel's Canon in D. It's quite a lot more complicated, so I might need 2 years before I can play it at a recital. I'm going to be working through a lot of other songs too, but that's my big one that pushes me to the next level. My "easy" songs are going to be Halleluja, House of the Rising Sun, Greensleeves and probably a handful of others that we haven't picked out yet...

    Today's plan is to try to swim a little further. I'm gonna shoot for 1.25 km. And then I'm doing flyers with my son; his route is 5km. So I'm not terribly upset that I couldn't walk on the treadmill this morning. Tomorrow morning will be just fine... :wink:
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Pachelbel's Canon in D is one of my favorite. That is a wonderful goal. If I didn't have to walk dogs I would be on a treadmill at home.

    I finally made the Autumn vegetable roasted soup from my vegetarian cook book. I think my
    veggie broth might be high in sodium so next time I will look for lower sodium but it is fat free and delicious. It has carrots, buttermilk squash, onions, shallots, garlic, turnip, parsnips and herbs in it. Roast the vegetables with herbs, then add to broth and put it in the vitamix. When I serve it to a friend today for lunch I am going to do a squiggle of balsamic glaze on top. She is coming over for lunch and then we are going to go see Victoria and Abdul.

    Just got news my husband will be in the Virgin Islands for at least two more weeks. Bummed out but maybe I will have cleaned up my eating habits and can be disciplined when he comes back. He is scheduled for a long deployment next spring so that was when I was going to restart Eat to Live so I am ahead of my mental schedule!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I was looking at the scissors like that Donna, I will definitely get some. They sound useful, and fun too. The soup sounds really tasty. I love roasted root veggies. And I loooove balsamic glaze! I only tried it for the first time earlier this year, and now I want it on all the foods! It's so tasty and a little goes a long way. Sorry your husband won't be home for a bit. How was the movie?

    I will make a mental note to listen to those songs Karrie. I can't on my laptop, it's so ancient that facebook and youtube make it shut down in exhaustion. I listen to classical music a lot on pandora at work, but I don't really know what's what. I used to play piano and had a pretty good repertoire of classical then. Did you get the treadmill working?

    Left the office reasonably on time, home and doing laundry, going to bed early again. I seem to have twinged my back a bit, not sure how, other than the 10+ hours a day I sit in an office chair. I'm trying to remember to get up and stretch/walk around more often. The treadmill helps too, so I'll be heading up to do that once the laundry goes in the dryer. When I had the major back problems some years ago they stressed a lot keeping your core strong which helps take pressure off your spine. The pain should be a good motivator to take some of this weight back off and get back to working out, although I need to stick to moderate speed walking and gentle yoga until my back starts feeling better.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    That's the style I ordered. It arrived today! No groceries in the house though and I have a nasty headache so testing them out will have to wait for tomorrow. That's one thing about doing strict instead of "-ish" is hardly ever any headaches.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member

    I am sorry about your back pain. Gentle yoga is so good for yourself. I have my mat out and going to do a few poses in a.m. before taking the terrors out for their walk.

    Movie was good but sad. I looked up the history regarding Queen Victoria and Abdul and it is even sadder than the movie.

    Carla, I hope you headache is better.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    no treadmill for me this morning. I went to bed early last night and I was absolutely freezing. I had extra blankets on me all night. I slept in a bit, but then got up for work and since being awake, I've been cycling through hot and cold - probably about a half dozen times. Right now I'm warm, but not hot. I'm not even sure why I came to work today, but I'm here... but probably not for long...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Ugh, how you feeling now Karrie?

    Hope your headache is gone Carla.

    I read about the story when the movie came out Donna... will probably see it at some point.

    Sooooo glad this week is almost over. Work has been more stressful than usual. I keep thinking I'm making progress then reality slaps me in the face. I'm never ever going to be caught up. Ever. Seriously. We got in like 6 new cases just this week so far, and two more new clients tomorrow. It's good to have all the work, but I am swamped with what we already have going! Planning to bring home work tomorrow so I can do a little housework during breaks, and need to make something for a get-together Saturday evening. Not sure what I'm making yet, maybe I'll finally get to the protein power bowl. I think people might like it.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Did they ever hire someone to help you, Mihani? That needs to be a priority, I think!!!

    I went home sick yesterday, soaked in the tub for a bit, laid in bed for a bit. But when I got up I felt a lot better, so I'm back at it today.

    Treadmill in the morning? CHECK
    Packed healthy food for the day? CHECK
    Ready for the weekend? HECK YEAH!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Glad you are feeling better Karrie, and yay for treadmill and healthy food! And no, we haven't really made a decision. There's a lot of back and forth discussion on it, we haven't made a move yet though. Sigh. We have more than enough work for another person, but it's just what do we need? Personally, at this stage in my life, I think I'd like to see an associate and let me concentrate more on the administrative, but we'll see. My boss and I are both exhausted and stressed so something is going to have to give. Sorry, that was probably more answer than you expected lol.

    Tomorrow night birthday celebration for my brother. We'll have plenty of ETL-ish food and I'll skip the wine.

    Treadmill time!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    No sad movies for me! They bring me down long term, so I have to avoid them. Too bad, though, because I do miss out on some quality pictures.

    Wow, Karrie, you bounce back quickly from illness. That's so good! Go get that weekend! *ROAR*!

    Have fun at your bro's bday celebration, Mihani. Great that you'll have lots of ETL food around. Hope you had a good workout.

    I'm working a bit today and possibly tomorrow, too. Each quarter we update the software and everyone knows it is coming...so WHY on the last day for testing do they make changes? Ugh. Now it all has to be re-tested, every function of the software in case the changes impacted another area. So. Boring. To. Test. Okay, I'm done :) At least it is easy to do and I'm making some extra money.

    All the animals here are doing well. I don't have any recent pics, but I'll take some next time I think of it. Ruby has gotten into a really cute habit lately of being very nuzzly and cuddly. She nudges up right against my neck and rests there with her puppy dog eyes (yes, 80 lb dog right there on my lap). Of course then she decides to lick me in the ear hole and it is less fun!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Hi Carla, what kind of dog is Ruby? I am baby sitting my friend's tiny 4 lb yorkie. I have 3 dogs, one a big 10 lb yorkie and it is so funny to watch them play.

    I understand about sad movies, I don't enjoy most violent movies.

    I did not sleep well but had to get up and take neighbors to airport then play tennis. I tried soaking my oatmeal in almond milk with frozen berries last night. So glad I had that ready to go. Just added ground flax and walnuts.

    Work sounds very stressful. I have to renew my CA nurse's license, apply for a TX license and then start looking.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I was munching away happily on my salad for lunch when I realized I forgot to report back on the salad scissors. They are working out great! I'm so pleased with them. I ordered a second pair to give to my mom. Thanks for the suggestion, Donna. Ruby is an Australian Shepherd.

    Do you need to take different classes or anything before getting your nurse's license in TX?
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    well I let it lapse while we were overseas. I need to take 30 credits of CEUs.

    I am glad you are finding the scissors useful. If you like to sauté or roast brussel sprouts it is great to use them to shred. I hope they are helping with your tooth pain.

    I had an aussie...great, smart dogs.

    First time cravings for everything bad has really hit. I think it is because I am watching T.V. and tons of junk food commercials, right now tacos, before that pizza and cocoa puffs. I forgot while living in Italy how brainwashing commercials are. We only had net flex.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Had fun last night. Did have one glass of wine, but stuck to salad and half a baked potato, some watermelon. Been getting a few things done around here this morning, so I really need to get moving to the office now.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Good job Mihani. Sorry you have to work so hard at the office.

    I made it through the junky commercials with some almond butter and apple. Last time I am going to watch a movie with commercials. It was good thing I did not have any junk food in the house. I don't know why last night was so hard.

    Going to afternoon ballet to see Giselle. Better go walk dogs now.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I don’t like sad or scary movies either, although I do like big action movies which can be sad and scary in parts. I hate, hate, hate thriller type movies, like slasher/supernatural stuff. Even at my age they will give me nightmares!

    Hope you got your testing finished up Carla. Glad to hear the critters are all doing well! I just placed an order on Amazon yesterday and totally forgot the salad scissors… doh!

    Good choice for craving control Donna. I like apples with PB or other nut butters too. Hope you had fun today, I love ballet.

    Hope y’all have had nice weekends. Mine was actually fairly pleasant as my weekends go. I got to nap a bit, and got some work done, did a little housework. I love autumn, with cooler days and strong breezes, crunchy leaves.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm not into stupid thrillers with jump scares and gore; there has to be a good story. But I do like twisted stories; things I wasn't expecting - anything that goes sideways. I do like supernatural if it's done right. I do like things that you think about for days afterwards. But there HAS to be a good story.

    I managed to lose 2 lbs last week and keep it off over the weekend. I didn't get on the treadmill this morning, because I sat awake last night forever; I just couldn't fall asleep!!! I figured I'm going swimming after work, so that'll make up for it...