Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • char1iej
    char1iej Posts: 36 Member
    @char1iej Wow, she is absolutely beautiful! I mean it, she's gorgeous :)

    Thank you. She's a lil stinker. So much personality for a 16 month old.
    They live 3 hours away, so we don't get to see her often enough. But, we treasure every moment we do get. :smiley:
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    Hey all, I am jumping on here (adorable baby, by the way) to say Hello and introduce myself. I started Keto WOE AGAIN after 2 years off and I am about a week in. Seeing improvements already. The struggles are there and I can always use support so I am throwing my hat in the ring.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    I feel like I eat SO MUCH MORE than all of my keto friends! :disappointed: I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to, sticking to my macros, and now that I've fixed my deficit problem, I'm feeling TONS of energy and happiness! But I EAT SO MUCH MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE!! :astonished:
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited April 2018
    I feel like I eat SO MUCH MORE than all of my keto friends! :disappointed: I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to, sticking to my macros, and now that I've fixed my deficit problem, I'm feeling TONS of energy and happiness! But I EAT SO MUCH MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE!! :astonished:

    The cool thing about keto is that it works best personalized. Many of my keto friends lose tons eating dairy and nuts and keto bread and keto desserts...

    it took me two years of trial and error and smashing my head against a brick wall before I finally accepted that all “keto friendly” foods are not “Christie friendly” foods and watching and doing what worked for other people was what was keeping me from discovering what works for me.

    In the end, I discovered that the only thing that works for me is for me to stay under 1200 cals/day, under 10 carbs/day and far away from keto desserts, keto bread and any kind of fibre.

    We all have to do what works for us and if what works for you is eating more food than others, I say ~ eat up and enjoy!

    (But be aware that that may change as you lose and get closer to goal).
  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    I've only been on Keto for 2 1/2 weeks so I definitely have not figured it out yet and will probably have to fine tune my diet still, but I agree with @4031isaiah. That's true with any diet, and anything really involving the body. Everyone is different. Reactions to food, medications, exercise will all be different, so don't compare yourself to anyone else. They might be envious of you because you get to eat more and are LOSING weight, compared to if they did that they would GAIN weight.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited April 2018
    Marcelyn remember you did not gain 5 pounds back you just refilled your glycogen stores. That's 3 to 4 pounds easy. I'm so glad to see you back in action! Fantastic picture of you and your family <3 I had my father move in with us and understand what you mean about food differences. Total change of diet when he came. It sounds like you have a fantastic Sunday with family! You are very fortunate!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Howdy howdy! I have been missing in action. It's been a stressful month. I've stayed "low-carb/high-fat" but eaten WAY too many calories and so have been stuck. In fact I gained 5 pounds back. It was totally stress eating. Life has been complicated here. My father-in-law is visiting with the intention of seeing if he would like moving in with us. It would be an entire life-change for him, new state, new everything. But he's reaching a point where he can't live alone anymore and we might be the best option for him. I would love having him here but it brings a whole new level of challenges to my life. It is a matter of waiting and seeing what is best for him. His memory is failing and he's confused much of the time so it's like watching a child sometimes. But then he has moments of total clarity and strong memory and it's okay. Anyway, I've basically been cooking two sets of meals as he is pretty set in his diet and the doctors say to just let him eat as he pleases. Physically he is doing okay, it all mental issues and they say diet won't change that. I haven't had this much sugar in my house for years! (I sneakily lower his sugar intake when he's not aware of it). Thankfully he likes much of our diet and I'm getting plenty of salmon since he likes it (my husband doesn't). :)

    I read everyone's posts that I've missed and I must say that it's quite encouraging. I appreciate everyone being so real and helpful!

    I've been stress eating or mainly just grazing. Nuts and fat bombs etc and it just means too many calories. And I'm terribly not motivated. So I've set some new motivating goals.
    1. Running a half-marathon over labor day in Wisconsin when I go visit my sister
    2. Fully marathon in December (not sure which one yet but it will be a trail run for sure)
    3. Slowly reducing diet soda intake to zero (I admit addiction). Not going cold-turkey as that never works
    4. My husband and I are doing the RunTheYear challenge of running 2018 miles in 2018. We are at a combined 600 miles for the year. I have found that I'm motivated by challenges and visual goals so our little chart in the bathroom keeps us on track. My husband is quite into it so I'm always motivated to out-step him. lol
    5. Immediate goal of dropping these 5 pounds. I have a diving trip to Belize in three weeks and I'd sure love to have that wetsuit be a little less bulgy...

    With my father-in-law here he requested a family picture so that he could keep everyone straight. Here's what our impromptu photo session resulted in. In the picture are my husband and I, our four children, 3 in-laws and 13 grandchildren (ages 12,10,10,10,8,7,6,4,4,4,3,1,1). Every Sunday we have lunch at our house and the kids swim etc. Yes, it's a wild time. :) And I love it.


    @Marcelynh - I don't know if this would help you on the diet soda thing at all, but try watering your soda down a little at a time...as in start with a splash of water, and gradually move up to letting there be more water that soda (and you can use sparkling water if need be to keep the fizz part)... Maybe make an adjustment every few days. For me, that makes it easier.

    I don't know if you enjoy your diet soda for the flavor, or the caffeine boost, or just for a fizzy beverage.

    You can try "better" diet sodas. Zevia is a brand that uses stevia and erithyritol instead of aspartame, AceK, and sucralose, etc. I know there are a few brands...

    If it is the fizz factor that appeals most, there are "flavored/scented" drinks like LaCroix and Sparkletts has some like Mandarin Orange or Lemon water, etc. You can also take a water or water with fresh fruit in it, etc., and use a carbonation injector like SodaStream to make any drink fizzy.

    And if you're really adventurous, you could try Kombucha, which is a naturally fermented tea based drink. There are some residual natural sugars, but the fermentation factor brings such a health boost!!

    If the caffeine is the need, one can make iced tea (even fruit tea bags, with no sweetener, can take that edge), or other unsweetened caffeinated beverages, or even capsules of caffeine pills, to use as needed, etc.

    Good luck kicking soda!! :)
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    If the caffeine is the need, one can make iced tea (even fruit tea bags, with no sweetener, can take that edge), or other unsweetened caffeinated beverages, or even capsules of caffeine pills, to use as needed, etc.

    Good luck kicking soda!! :)

    Oh gosh, I live in Texas I LIVE on iced tea. And I'm a rare breed here. I drink my iced tea unsweet. No sugar, no sweeteners. I probably down four to five 32 oz iced teas a day... I think the diet soda is more a flavor thing, it has a sweet taste to it that I just miss at times.

    I'll definitely try the watering down method. Hadn't thought of that. It might just do the trick. Thanks!

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @Marcelynh just wondered if trying to lower your father in laws carb intake would help his memory etc? It's only because I've been reading about how Keto helps with Alheimer's there's quite a lot about this on line as well as books on the subject. I know it's difficult to persuade older people at times to change what they eat though. Lovely photograph by the way!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    If the caffeine is the need, one can make iced tea (even fruit tea bags, with no sweetener, can take that edge), or other unsweetened caffeinated beverages, or even capsules of caffeine pills, to use as needed, etc.

    Good luck kicking soda!! :)

    Oh gosh, I live in Texas I LIVE on iced tea. And I'm a rare breed here. I drink my iced tea unsweet. No sugar, no sweeteners. I probably down four to five 32 oz iced teas a day... I think the diet soda is more a flavor thing, it has a sweet taste to it that I just miss at times.

    I'll definitely try the watering down method. Hadn't thought of that. It might just do the trick. Thanks!


    I grew up in Texas, but I have a tannin issue, so I can't do cold tea (iced, etc.), champagne, wine, or coffee... It leaves a weird and unpleasant feel in my mouth...

    I can tolerate hot tea, but just a little bit at a time. I remember my dad use to drink instant iced tea with lemon! I couldn't drink that at all... Once in a while I can do green tea or an Arnold Palmer cold...

    But while I can make southern sweet tea, it's not a thing for me. :)

    Watering down slowly helped me at lot.

    I've also heard that something like peppermint tea can imply the sweetness without actually being sweet...

    I kicked soda for years and years, and slid back into the habit, and I'm working to kick it again...

    I've found that getting a diet drink that isn't your favorite one can help, too. You'll get the light sweet taste and such, but won't immediately want another one. :)

    And remember to start slow on the dilution...we won't hardly notice 0.5-1 oz in 12 being water...but 3 oz will taste drastically diluted...
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    @Marcelynh just wondered if trying to lower your father in laws carb intake would help his memory etc? It's only because I've been reading about how Keto helps with Alheimer's there's quite a lot about this on line as well as books on the subject. I know it's difficult to persuade older people at times to change what they eat though. Lovely photograph by the way!
    I would love to try to change his diet but honestly at 87 yrs of age he’s pretty set. I have been feeding him Keto meals and he loves them. It’s the extras he refuses to give up. Cookies. Cinnamon rolls. Pie. Etc. he is very thin and has no cholesterol issues or heart issues so the drs day let him eat what he wants. And I’m okay with that. I would love for the memory issues to lessen but I think it’s more important for him to be happy and comfortable being here. If he moves here full-time we will address it more. He is much better today so much of it could just be being in a new place. He is a man of habit.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @Marcelynh yup, there is not way on earth I would have been able to change my dad we went for, he likes it he can have it <3<3
  • Time2LoseTheWait
    Time2LoseTheWait Posts: 154 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    So I just want to say kudos to all those on Keto who go to work and have families. I must confess that I work from home and I know that makes figuring out macros for lunch and then adjusting for dinner later a lot easier. I could do it if I went into an office again, I would just have to basically figure out my whole meals the day before. I just know this week in particular I've been planning my meals, and then when it comes to lunch time I decide to change it. Or have to change it because I was actually hungry for breakfast like this morning, and then I have to switch things around. Usually I just drink coffee.
    This week I did lower my carbs intake to about 15g total, originally I was aiming for the maximum of 30g, because starting out I did not think there was anyway possible for me to be able to eat things I like and ONLY intake 15g. But now that I have a better idea of how many carbs are in foods around our house, and have food that has little to no carbs in it, I find it can be a little challenging and I definitely have to plan my meals out more, but it IS possible, and I've done pretty well this week (pat myself on the back).

    I'm so glad I found this group and have stuck to this April challenge. We are 2/3 the way through April and I can't believe I haven't cheated once. :smiley: and I can honestly say it's been challenging, any diet or lifestyle change isn't easy at first, but it's actually been easier than I thought it would be. A lot of that is from y'all's encouragement, success stories, and me finding Keto desserts. HAHA. I KNOW I would of caved at some point if it wasn't for the Keto desserts, because I LOVE sweets.
    My originally plan was just to do this for a month and see how it goes, but now I think I'm going to do it longer. May will be a challenge because we are going out of town to our parents and I know neither side is going to help with low carbs meals, but I'm already thinking about going grocery shopping when I get there and I'm going to do my best. I have a little more will power to stick to it than I did previously. So we'll see how it goes.

    I really didn't mean for this to be so long, but if you did read through my little bit of a ramble, thanks!

    Amazing post. Thank you for sharing. I haven’t stayed true all month so far. Had a few really stressful days and kind of caved. But I am back on track and losing again. Any Keto people feel free to add me. HAGD!
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    @rae1388 I loved reading your 'ramble,' as you say, because it's so honest! I love your idea of going grocery shopping when you go visit your parents. I have been kind of worried about family get togethers myself, because during the summer, there are a lot! I think I'm just going to have to host them all, because I doubt my husband's family will even understand how I eat. They're very nice and understanding about keto, though.

    And you know, when I first started eating keto, I was worried about how I'd eat if I got hungry throughout the day when I'm at work. I get half an hour for lunch and work 40 hours a week, so not a lot of time to make myself something to eat. The first month of doing keto, I ate realllly simple! Hard boiled eggs, nuts, deli meats, cheeses. But I've finally tried meal prepping and I love it! ^_^

    I've decided I'm going to try Intermittent Fasting (IF) starting tomorrow and see how I feel. I really feel like I'm eating way too much. And I hate that I have to eat after work (I get off at 10PM) in order to fill out my macros. So I'm trying out different things to avoid that. I think IF will really help. :smile:
  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    @rae1388 I loved reading your 'ramble,' as you say, because it's so honest! I love your idea of going grocery shopping when you go visit your parents. I have been kind of worried about family get togethers myself, because during the summer, there are a lot! I think I'm just going to have to host them all, because I doubt my husband's family will even understand how I eat. They're very nice and understanding about keto, though.

    And you know, when I first started eating keto, I was worried about how I'd eat if I got hungry throughout the day when I'm at work. I get half an hour for lunch and work 40 hours a week, so not a lot of time to make myself something to eat. The first month of doing keto, I ate realllly simple! Hard boiled eggs, nuts, deli meats, cheeses. But I've finally tried meal prepping and I love it! ^_^

    I've decided I'm going to try Intermittent Fasting (IF) starting tomorrow and see how I feel. I really feel like I'm eating way too much. And I hate that I have to eat after work (I get off at 10PM) in order to fill out my macros. So I'm trying out different things to avoid that. I think IF will really help. :smile:

    @xDaniDragonflyx thinking about my shopping list while we're at family, I'm just going to make sure I have my kind of snacks and sides and suggest some kind of meat during dinners. So I'm going to get eggs for hard boiled eggs(eat as is or make egg salad for lunch), salads and ranch dressing, celery, deli meat, maybe precooked frozen chicken, heavy whipping cream, and now that I think about it, I might take my Swerve sweetener in my suitcase and I can make Keto desserts to share with everyone like cheesecake or cookie dough balls, and if they don't like it more for me and my husband. Lol I think I'll be good as long as they don't make bean soup or spaghetti for dinner. Maybe I could make a dinner or 2 for them while Im there, if they let me. I know there's a chance though that I will have at least a couple of days that I might go over in carbs, but I'm not going to beat myself up for it. As I've heard a lot on here, sometimes you just have to live life and by happy. If you fall off the wagon, just climb back on and keep going.

    As for IF. I do it really unintentionally most of the time, just because I try not to snack at night and I'm not usually hungry for breakfast. I love doing it because since I'm not eating breakfast, that means I have more calories for lunch and dinner, or snacks in the day, or dessert right after dinner. Idk if I could ever get myself down to OMAD, but it really works for some people. Good luck with it regardless of how you decide to do it. :smile:
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    @rae1388 Looks like you've got a real plan! Very smart. And if you have a vegetti, bring it with you to make zucchini noodles if they do make spaghetti. ^_^ I think the most important part of keto is being prepared. Because as long as you can plan ahead, you'll be successful. At least, that's how I feel about it.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member

    I've decided I'm going to try Intermittent Fasting (IF) starting tomorrow and see how I feel. I really feel like I'm eating way too much. And I hate that I have to eat after work (I get off at 10PM) in order to fill out my macros. So I'm trying out different things to avoid that. I think IF will really help. :smile:

    If you are not hungry when you get home from work, unless you have a medical reason that causes you to need to eat, I would not recommend eating just to “fill out” your macros.

    I say, just eat when you’re hungry and stop eating when you’re not hungry anymore.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    I started IF yesterday, 18:6 and it worked! I was hungry in the morning but I used to wake up and drink my version of BPC immediately after waking up. So I wasn't surprised by that. Just drank a couple bottles of water and distracted myself until my window opened at 12:30pm. Then the rest of the day, I was great.

    Until 10PM came and I was sitting on the couch, watching TV. I should explain that while I was eating after work 'to fill my macros,' I was also hungry. However, some nights, I wasn't. I eat very much out of habit because I can only eat at certain times of the day due to my work schedule. Well, last night, to no surprise, I wanted to eat - snack I should say. I always snacked. And it just boggled my mind that I KNEW I wasn't going to be snacking, and yet some part of me still wanted to and I couldn't control it.

    It's a very frustrating habit, and one of the most difficult ones I've tried to break and haven't been able to in the past. It is not because I'm hungry. It's because of this ingrained desire to eat while I'm watching TV on the couch. I think IF will help me finally break this habit.

    And I feel great, and don't have to worry about what I'm going to eat on my half hour lunch. I've already pre-planned it and it makes my life so much easier. ^_^

    Just wanted to share. :smile:
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