Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Yeah, it's not so much that I am hungry. I just always find myself thinking about food. If I preplanned my meal the day before, or earlier in the day, then I sit and think about eating that food all day long. Just thinking. Not like hunger pains in my stomach. It's all in my mind. I don't think I'm explaining this very well. But I feel food obsessed. u_u

    I'm pretty sure I understand what you are saying. Been there. Like Elize, some of it had to do with hunger and sometimes not. :/ I think when I changed my thinking regarding the purpose of food, is when the chronic food thoughts ceased. For me food was so often associated with entertainment, comfort, etc. Somewhere along the way, I re-framed food as fuel, necessary for optimal health, etc. I think that was about the time I was reading The Hungry Brain by Stephan Guyenet, PhD.

    That expanded into reading many books, many blogs and watching many videos related to many different diets for health. From those I pick and choose what may work best to nourish me based on what I have read and internalized.

    I still watch many cooking shows and subscribe to many food magazines. I still enjoy tasty food and love to cook but my purpose for food and eating has changed...and the obsession has subsided. Food is about health and nutrition. I was given only one body in this life and there may not always be a donor for parts. While I've not gone extreme in my thoughts and actions ;) a job high on my list daily, is nourishing my body. I mean, our bodies cannot get food and would die without food. I have to feed my body and choose to nourish it.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Yeah, it's not so much that I am hungry. I just always find myself thinking about food. If I preplanned my meal the day before, or earlier in the day, then I sit and think about eating that food all day long. Just thinking. Not like hunger pains in my stomach. It's all in my mind. I don't think I'm explaining this very well. But I feel food obsessed. u_u

    I'm pretty sure I understand what you are saying. Been there. Like Elize, some of it had to do with hunger and sometimes not. :/ I think when I changed my thinking regarding the purpose of food, is when the chronic food thoughts ceased. For me food was so often associated with entertainment, comfort, etc. Somewhere along the way, I re-framed food as fuel, necessary for optimal health, etc. I think that was about the time I was reading The Hungry Brain by Stephan Guyenet, PhD.

    That expanded into reading many books, many blogs and watching many videos related to many different diets for health. From those I pick and choose what may work best to nourish me based on what I have read and internalized.

    I still watch many cooking shows and subscribe to many food magazines. I still enjoy tasty food and love to cook but my purpose for food and eating has changed...and the obsession has subsided. Food is about health and nutrition. I was given only one body in this life and there may not always be a donor for parts. While I've not gone extreme in my thoughts and actions ;) a job high on my list daily, is nourishing my body. I mean, our bodies cannot get food and would die without food. I have to feed my body and choose to nourish it.

    Your explanation helped me a lot, thanks for sharing! I'll look into The Hungry Brain and try to find something to occupy my time/brain like was suggested. My job doesn't require many brain cells, so I find myself thinking a lot more than actually focusing on the work. And I usually just go to food. And while I do try to keep myself busy with other things like my bujo, and because I'm not allowed to read while on calls, I just end up sitting here thinking about random crap. Guess I just need to retrain my thoughts. ^_^
  • linsyrTX
    linsyrTX Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All!
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    1 week to go for my first month, feeling positive. Not trying to lose much weight but trying to build better eating habits.



  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    @skctilidie you're not the 1st to indicate that upping carbs helped with weight loss. I don't have a scientific reason for that but will suggest that perhaps keeping under 20 was just too much stress perhaps raising cortisol which can deter weight loss. Dunno.

    I know for myself raising carbs from 20 to 50 just made things easier and overall more pleasant with a higher variety of foods. Neither had an impact on weight loss since all my keto experience has been at maintenance.

    @loserlee123 that is awesome about you daughter's increased confidence/self esteem. It is important for all and particularly awesome/important for a 16 year old. <3
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    @skctilidie you're not the 1st to indicate that upping carbs helped with weight loss. I don't have a scientific reason for that but will suggest that perhaps keeping under 20 was just too much stress perhaps raising cortisol which can deter weight loss. Dunno.

    I know for myself raising carbs from 20 to 50 just made things easier and overall more pleasant with a higher variety of foods. Neither had an impact on weight loss since all my keto experience has been at maintenance.

    @loserlee123 that is awesome about you daughter's increased confidence/self esteem. It is important for all and particularly awesome/important for a 16 year old. <3

    That’s interesting! Mine still haven’t been consistently over 20 and I don't think i was finding it stressful to stay under, but who knows. In my case, this last week and a half I’ve just indulged kids who were begging to go out for rolled ice cream twice and have had a bit of fun with the silly Snickers bar selfies that are
    the thing on the chit chat forum’s selfie threads. Some days have been 15-20 net carbs and some have been more like 40-50.
    I’m currently losing without feeling hungry/wanting to eat more than an average of 1300 calories or so and not having any cravings, so I guess I’ll keep being relaxed about it and see what happens. If progress stops, I can always get more strict again, right?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    skctilidie wrote: »
    kpk54 wrote: »
    @skctilidie you're not the 1st to indicate that upping carbs helped with weight loss. I don't have a scientific reason for that but will suggest that perhaps keeping under 20 was just too much stress perhaps raising cortisol which can deter weight loss. Dunno.

    I know for myself raising carbs from 20 to 50 just made things easier and overall more pleasant with a higher variety of foods. Neither had an impact on weight loss since all my keto experience has been at maintenance.

    @loserlee123 that is awesome about you daughter's increased confidence/self esteem. It is important for all and particularly awesome/important for a 16 year old. <3

    That’s interesting! Mine still haven’t been consistently over 20 and I don't think i was finding it stressful to stay under, but who knows. In my case, this last week and a half I’ve just indulged kids who were begging to go out for rolled ice cream twice and have had a bit of fun with the silly Snickers bar selfies that are
    the thing on the chit chat forum’s selfie threads. Some days have been 15-20 net carbs and some have been more like 40-50.
    I’m currently losing without feeling hungry/wanting to eat more than an average of 1300 calories or so and not having any cravings, so I guess I’ll keep being relaxed about it and see what happens. If progress stops, I can always get more strict again, right?

    I think that was internally stressful on the body and liver in ways we can't quantify without constant tests, not on your compliance. When blood sugar drops below a certain point, the body panics and dumps glycogen from the liver. In some people, this process is barely noticed, in others they feel it all, and some are in the middle... So that is stressful, and it releases cortisol, etc...
  • Uneeknitter
    Uneeknitter Posts: 134 Member
    New to the group...not completely new to keto, but I am doing Fasting Mimicking Diet which puts me in Keto for 5 days out of the month. My nutritionist was very happy with this plan and I have lost over 15 lbs since February. Tomorrow is my last day of FMD for this month and that means a few of the most recent pounds may come back on simply because of the bulk of food that is lacking when I am eating half my normal calories during this week. BUT, I have dipped below 200 which is AWESOME for me. My goal is to lose a total of 80 lbs which I anticipate taking another year (65 more to go) give or take a few months. I am fine with the slow loss as I have lost faster in the past and put it right back on again within a few months. So the fact I haven't put much back on and can say I lost a solid 15+ lbs at this point makes me happy. Always looking for new recipes and gld to find this group.
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    Yes I guess the average is good just have had so much up and down seems slow but I’m happy with the loss so far thanks for the encouragement
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    skctilidie wrote: »
    kpk54 wrote: »
    @skctilidie you're not the 1st to indicate that upping carbs helped with weight loss. I don't have a scientific reason for that but will suggest that perhaps keeping under 20 was just too much stress perhaps raising cortisol which can deter weight loss. Dunno.

    I know for myself raising carbs from 20 to 50 just made things easier and overall more pleasant with a higher variety of foods. Neither had an impact on weight loss since all my keto experience has been at maintenance.

    @loserlee123 that is awesome about you daughter's increased confidence/self esteem. It is important for all and particularly awesome/important for a 16 year old. <3

    That’s interesting! Mine still haven’t been consistently over 20 and I don't think i was finding it stressful to stay under, but who knows. In my case, this last week and a half I’ve just indulged kids who were begging to go out for rolled ice cream twice and have had a bit of fun with the silly Snickers bar selfies that are
    the thing on the chit chat forum’s selfie threads. Some days have been 15-20 net carbs and some have been more like 40-50.
    I’m currently losing without feeling hungry/wanting to eat more than an average of 1300 calories or so and not having any cravings, so I guess I’ll keep being relaxed about it and see what happens. If progress stops, I can always get more strict again, right?

    I think that was internally stressful on the body and liver in ways we can't quantify without constant tests, not on your compliance. When blood sugar drops below a certain point, the body panics and dumps glycogen from the liver. In some people, this process is barely noticed, in others they feel it all, and some are in the middle... So that is stressful, and it releases cortisol, etc...

    I suppose so. Dunno. My "stress" was just from looking at a nice collection of green beans, cucumbers, bell peppers or tomatoes fresh from the garden and thinking, "Really? I can't eat these"? :)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    New to the group...not completely new to keto, but I am doing Fasting Mimicking Diet which puts me in Keto for 5 days out of the month. My nutritionist was very happy with this plan and I have lost over 15 lbs since February. Tomorrow is my last day of FMD for this month and that means a few of the most recent pounds may come back on simply because of the bulk of food that is lacking when I am eating half my normal calories during this week. BUT, I have dipped below 200 which is AWESOME for me. My goal is to lose a total of 80 lbs which I anticipate taking another year (65 more to go) give or take a few months. I am fine with the slow loss as I have lost faster in the past and put it right back on again within a few months. So the fact I haven't put much back on and can say I lost a solid 15+ lbs at this point makes me happy. Always looking for new recipes and gld to find this group.

    I find Valter Longo's research fascinating. If anything would cause me to lean towards fasting, it would be his research. I'd probably have to do it more often than his recommendations though. I'm pretty far from "vegan and a little fish". ;) My diet (at this time) includes vegetables, fish, a couple dairy products for protein, some meat, very occasional fruit (other than berries) and maybe a bit of grains or legumes every now and then. I don't eat keto. I do eat LCHF.

    Will you be following the rest of his plan the other 25 days of the months or are you just using his ProLon for the fasting part of the diet? Was the food good?
  • Melissapaige1
    Melissapaige1 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you're all well. I'm very new to keto...I started just over 1 week ago. I have a question please...I've been doing intermitten fasting, and only ate one meal yesterday, i know this isn't smart, but i just was not hungry after fasting, and then eating some protine with some fat. Today, i had a celebration, and after went to a restaurant, i ordered a 3 cheese omelett, with avocado, salsa and sour cream on the eggs, along with a side of bacon...it was so good. But i am not sure if i am doing this all correctly...I cut out all carbs, and don't have alot of fruit in my diet either. Is there a good book, with foods list i can buy, or how can i know for sure that i am following this diet the right way? I did lose 4lbs this week, but i have heard people losing 7-10lbs in one week, i know it's not a competition..and im very thankful for those 4lbs gone, and i want to make sure i am following the diet well. Any feedback is superhelpful. Thank you :) I would love to lose 25-30lbs in 10 weeks if that's possible on this lifestyle.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Is there a good book, with foods list i can buy, or how can i know for sure that i am following this diet the right way?

    Sounds like you're doing great so far! When I was researching Keto last year, I read a lot of info on the internet at websites like ruled.me and dietdoctor.com. But I also looked a lot on Pinterest, because there are a lot of pictures of food lists, what to eat, what not to eat, what to eat sparingly.

    As far as books, I've read The Keto Zone by Dr. Don Colbert, The Keto Diet by Leanne Vogel, and I have bought Keto Made Easy cookbook from KetoConnect. There is a lot of info out there! Hope this helps ^_^
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