Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    @xDaniDragonflyx - how exciting! It's so great to see people achieve their goals. Thank you for sharing - the visual is very noticeable!
  • Uneeknitter
    Uneeknitter Posts: 134 Member
    I am going to try some calorie cycling this week....4 days of 1200 which is 60% of my normal calorie intake....before I go camping this weekend. Not sure how I am going to keep track over the weekend actually. You know how camping makes you hungry to eat more. Anyone else ever do calorie cycling or reduced calorie days?
  • nadean1980
    nadean1980 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone, feel free to add me. I am new to the group and I look forward to making some new low carber friends.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone! I’m so happy I found this group and so happy that you welcome new members!

    A little about me...

    I’m new to keto. I’ve successfully been doing the keto lifestyle for 48 days consecutively without « cheating » once. I’m amazed at the transformation! Emotionally, and physically! I have lost 15 Lbs so far and I’ve lost all my old cravings. I don’t even miss all the junk food I used to love (and this is HUGE for me because I was addicted to food and especially sugar!) I used to be completely controlled by food... i never had any willpower and I would binge far too often. This is the first « diet/lifestyle » that I’ve ever done (after a lifetime of yo-yo diets) where I’m finding success and I feel soooo good!

    I’m proud of my progress and I’ve been desperately looking for a keto-friendly forum because there’s a lot of negativity out there about such a « radical » change in lifestyle.

    Starting weight on May 9th 2018: 210.4
    Current weight on June 25th 2018: 195.4
    Ultimate goal weight: 145 Lbs

    I’d like to lose another 10 lbs before September because I’ve got 2 weddings to attend, but the rest can take as long as it would like. I just want to get healthy again. (I gained all the weight very quickly due to heath problems, but I know it will take some time to lose.)
  • Re_Banana
    Re_Banana Posts: 73 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Looking for some keto friends for inspiration and motivation. I dont have any keto friends IRL so it would be great to have a community i can reach out to for support. I haven't been great at tracking my meals recently but would like to get back on that horse.

    Accepting friends of all ages, but I'm 29 if anyone Is looking for a friend in their age range. I'm also from Canada so would love to meet some fellow hosers.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited June 2018
    Ha ha! I. AM. CANADIAN. Feel free to add me.

    ... a warning though, I will be going away on holidays this Thursday for a week. My scale died a few weeks ago and I haven’t replaced it yet. I have also taken a little hiatus from keto and logging. My plan is to get a scale and get down to business when I get back.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    This week has been really good as far as getting control over my need for 'crunchy' snacks at night, after work. I've been buying these 1 oz bags of pork rinds instead of the larger 10 oz bags and eating them all in one sitting. I've been grabbing 1 oz and the crunch I like has been satisfied by far less. And I didn't even eat them 2 nights this week, so progress!

    Also, rejoined a local gym and have gone twice this week! Feeling really good about that! ^_^ I have a three month pass, so I'll be able to go and use their cardio machines, strength machines, and pool through the summer when it's too hot (and smokey from local fires) to do my favorite neighborhood walks.

    On Friday when I walked on the treadmill, I watched an interview between Healthful Pursuit's Leanne Vogel and Keto Clarity's Jimmy Moore talk about cholesterol, because my levels are not good. Even understanding that my total cholesterol will be high, it is not high because of my HDLs or triglycerides. My LDLs were high. Very informative video, and much better than watching the crap on TV that the gym has on (which wasn't bad, I actually like watching futbol ^_^).

    Anyway, lots of wins for me this week, I think. Oh! Also almost finished reading The Keto Diet by Leanne Vogel, and have Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore coming on Monday to start reading. Does anyone else swallow up all the information like I do? I am LOVING the reading lately! I read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung, and have The Diabetes Code to read too. I am just so fascinated by all of this, I'm actually considering going to some nutrition classes at the local college! ^_^

    Okay, that's enough from me. Have a great day and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!! :heart:

    I lobe the reading too. It is indeed very fascinating. I do not have enough time to do unfortunately because of bb but also bc im in class taking online courses to become a science teacher . If you can, yes go back to school.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I don't normally post pictures of myself, ever, unless they're just of my face at a certain angle... but I'm seriously excited about this one! Because I can finally SEE the progress I'm making!



    Wow fantastic job!!!!
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    So this week has been interesting. I did not reached my goals but I am too far. I started strong : lost 1 pound then gained almost 1 pound and half. Now I have also changed my macros because I need a bit more carbs than what I was having. But I am thinking that my issue is still with eating too much protein and not enough good fats. I am slowly finding my balance though. Although since I did such a bad job planning my meals, I had to skip lunch many times and by consequent having too much at dinner time. Also I discovered that I might be fighting a small cold as well. More reasons to stay healthy and keep up right? How is your week ending? Have you reached your June goals?
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited June 2018
    So I’m on my 52nd day of keto and I’ve lost a little over 15Lbs. I’m very proud of my progress, but I’m finding that I’m starting to get food-bored. Im eating the same things all the time. Ex. Broccoli, mushrooms, cream cheese, beef, chicken. I eat them in stir fries and salads etc but no matter what form they’re in, it’s the same old ingredients.

    As a result I’m munching on cheese and putting extra cream in my coffee and eating more (85%) chocolate than I should be. It’s not because of cravings... I’m “pampering” myself with things I like because I’m bored. But I know I need to just get out of this food slump before the weight stops coming off.

    I’m pretty sure that my biggest issue is that I’m not eating enough veggies. I hate salad, but don’t know what else to do in order to up my veggie intake. Does anyone here have a good reference for how to get out of a food slump? I’m a terrible cook so simple recopies/ideas would be greatly appreciated!!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Checkout the diet doctor site, they have some great and easy recipes!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Checkout the diet doctor site, they have some great and easy recipes!

    Thank you!!
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    ugh - this week's heat and humidity is messing with my numbers - up 3 lbs from Thursday to Friday despite still eating in deficit, dropped 2 of those by Sat but the last one is hanging on. Weird that I actually did not bloat during my recent TOM, but did the week after.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    They'll probably only fit me through the end of this summer, ^_^
    I love your attitude, just wonderful! :drinker:
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    My body is so happy with this new WOE. The constant battle between my mind's "stop gaining it's unhealthy! Why are you killing yourself" and the body's carb-addicted message "you don't have enough, eat more!" has ended. My body is getting new signals:
    • you have enough nutrients
    • you've had enough food, you're full
    • your tastebuds are happy
    • drink more water (okay, it's not quite perfect yet)
    • you're losing weight healthily
    • you don't have anything to feel guilty about
    • you're good to yourself, you're good to the world
    • take a deep breath, enjoy life, be happy.

    Exactly! Sometimes it's a struggle to be hungry enough to eat enough calories! What kind of a crazy, wonderful diet is that?!
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    My body is so happy with this new WOE. The constant battle between my mind's "stop gaining it's unhealthy! Why are you killing yourself" and the body's carb-addicted message "you don't have enough, eat more!" has ended. My body is getting new signals:
    • you have enough nutrients
    • you've had enough food, you're full
    • your tastebuds are happy
    • drink more water (okay, it's not quite perfect yet)
    • you're losing weight healthily
    • you don't have anything to feel guilty about
    • you're good to yourself, you're good to the world
    • take a deep breath, enjoy life, be happy.

    Great words to repeat to oneself as well.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    NSV for today: tried on a smaller size of capris today and they fit beautifully! Bought them and another in a different color. ^_^ They'll probably only fit me through the end of this summer, but they're super cheap, cute, and comfy! ^_^

    Good job 🙌🙌🙌
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    So I’m on my 52nd day of keto and I’ve lost a little over 15Lbs. I’m very proud of my progress, but I’m finding that I’m starting to get food-bored. Im eating the same things all the time. Ex. Broccoli, mushrooms, cream cheese, beef, chicken. I eat them in stir fries and salads etc but no matter what form they’re in, it’s the same old ingredients.

    As a result I’m munching on cheese and putting extra cream in my coffee and eating more (85%) chocolate than I should be. It’s not because of cravings... I’m “pampering” myself with things I like because I’m bored. But I know I need to just get out of this food slump before the weight stops coming off.

    I’m pretty sure that my biggest issue is that I’m not eating enough veggies. I hate salad, but don’t know what else to do in order to up my veggie intake. Does anyone here have a good reference for how to get out of a food slump? I’m a terrible cook so simple recopies/ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

    I have been following the Ketoconnect on youtube a lot. And there are recipes online, youtube. You can also chect out some books like Simple Keto or the ketocrockpot. I hope this will help as well. They have veggies tots , penne, spaghetti in frozen bags at most grost stores. Just watch for the carbs. Also Sautee vegetables like stir fry are also great. Add them in your omelets make them fun as well. Make some quiche....Do not get discouraged you got this.
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