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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks, Vail, She is out and doing better, I think I need to call her.
    Yes, we are kindred spirits with the exercise equipment.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Carol, I’ll check out that other yogurt. I just really liked the high protein in the triple zero.

    I think my wagon has lost its wheels and is being pulled in the dirt by very tired old horses. Still no movement on the scale and it’s so disappointing. I was looking online at my BMR and BMI and all that initial stuff. I wonder how much importance we can really place on all that. I finally just figured that if I’m going to lose a pound every two weeks then by this time next year I’ll be 26 pounds closer to my goal. I just don’t want to get discouraged and go on a brownie bender. I’ve got to change my mindset to that of showing a loss of three pounds a month is a success....embrace it and keep trying.

    I am soooooooo ready for spring!!!! I want to get back out there and do some hiking without freezing my tushie off!!! It’s all I can do to make myself leave the house! And I live in Atlanta!!! I can’t imagine living where some of you do!! Brrrrr!!!

    I hope y’all have a good weekend! We’re hoping to hike tomorrow since it’s supposed to rain on Sunday.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited February 2018
    Suzy I'm pretty sure I read somewhwere that the whole BMI BMR thing has pretty much been thrown out the window now.. especially for women I think the big culprit is simply belly fat for us as it indicates fat around the organs or something.. I honestly can't remember the exact particulars so not really much help, eh? sowwy lol..

    I totally get what you mean about the mindset change... I am averaging for January 3 lbs lost.. and I was thinking the same thing in regards to my birthday month cause I want to be well on my way in losing this by then.. but when I counted out the weeks It will take me to lose everything I AM going to, at 3 lbs a month that's only going to be 15lbs gone by July.. BUT.. I did exactly what you are talking about - I changed my mindset to I'll be at least 15 lbs down by then.. woo hoo!" rather than focusing on the final goal i'm just thrilled that i'll be able to see that 15lbs gone by then...

    and honestly having those damn signs on my cupboard? stops me in my tracks all the time now... (it doesn't work mind you when I grab the bag of cookies and eat them in the living room so I can't see it haaaaa) but I will say seeing that "What do you want MORE" sign as soon as I walk into the kitchen is definitely helping..

    on a completely boring and useless piece of info tho... i use the oatmeal packets a fair bit in the winter for brekkie at work.. easy to carry etc.. and i've been buying a brand here called blue menu which is a steel cut oatmeal yu just have to add water and nuke.... it's 3.98 for a box of 12 packets right? but today i thot crap thats expensive for oatmeal.. and i started looking at the labels of other oatmeals to see if any of them compared to the fibre and protein ..... well i'll be damned.. don't i find the cheapest "no name" brand of oatmeal... which is $2.29. well..... the cheap one actually has LESS carbs (like almost HALF the carbs for the same size serving) 20 carbs in the cheap one and 33 in the spensive one.. there is only slightly less fiber in the cheap one (3 vs 5) and almost hte same protein .... and the cheap one has only HALF the fat of the steel cut instant ones.. AND 60 calories less......!!!! what the hell??

    soooooooooo needless to say i bought the no name cheaper brand... less carbs, less fat, less calories, same protein and almsot same fiber... and almost 1/2 the price .... honestly it's no wonder many of us struggle when we are duped into believing the advertising that something is good for us!!! and i could buy 2 boxes of the cheap one which is better for me... for the same price as 1 of the spensive.. !! grrr
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited February 2018
    I had a similar “gotcha” moment at the grocery store today but with the opposite effect. The store was offering a “buy one get one” promotion for the juice that my husband drinks....however....the one with no added sugar was NOT included in that deal. So, if you wanted to save money then you had to buy the unhealthy version!

    We didn’t go hiking but we did get a 5+ mile walk in. It was a bit chilly but not too bad.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

    and yay yay yay!!!! your consistency and sticking with it made it happen Suzy - huge congrats!!!! keep the faith!!!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning Ladies, Congrats on the loss any decrease is good. I use to work nights and it was always good to get a break.

    I thought I had gained this weekend because I went out two evenings in a row and just ate to my heart's content. I did pretty well yesterday. And on the scale this morning I was down. I AM so happy with myself.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I can’t tell y’all how many times I’ve walked into the kitchen, thinking of eating a cookie and then said to myself, “which do you want more, a quick cookie or a long term loss?” I make myself stop and think about how dang hard it’s been to lose any weight lately and then I decide against the cookie and drink a glass of water. I consider this a victory. Now if I could just get myself to exercise more regularly. I feel like I’ve become a hermit!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Total score Suzy!!! Way to go!! These are my signs on my cupboards - no matter which door I go thru there's one to remind me why I'm here....and what I want for myself !
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Well...bummer...I went off the rails these past two nights. Last night we went out to eat with my nephew and tonight was pizza. Add to that little fiasco the fact that I didn’t exercise at all this week. Ugh!!!!!! I want a do over!!!! Back on track tomorrow!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited February 2018
    Suzy I had a girls night out where I ate everything from cheese fondue to perogies and oh ya wine .... Since I don't plan to ever give up wine therapy nights or pizza nights and the fact our social world will always revolve around food - we have to learn not to guilt out or see it as a negative - more of an awareness those meals are nothing more than a planned detour off the path we're on and no cause for concern, as long as we simply get right back on the path and keep going towards our goal... those social events are an important and lovely part of our lives and we don't want to start dreading them or seeing them as a "bad" thing - for me, the day after my night out I did keep to a lighter day than usual, most fruit and some soup and scrambled eggs for dinner and lots of water type of thing.. I took today off work and a friend and I are driving up north to take our friend who had the brain surgery out to lunch; so tomorrow i'll keep it light again... the weekly calorie intake should even out and as Milove experienced, shouldn't impact our long term goal..

    so please don't sweat the detours - or think about a "do over" cause ya don't need one.. you're doing great and you're automatically going to just go back to your new "normal" eating today .... and remember its lovely you had a chance to spend time with your nephew - and you'll be just fine my friend!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Suzy, Snoozie said it all...

    [quote=" .... Since I don't plan to ever give up wine therapy nights or pizza nights and the fact our social world will always revolve around food - we have to learn not to guilt out or see it as a negative - more of an awareness those meals are nothing more than a planned detour off the path we're on and no cause for concern, as long as we simply get right back on the path and keep going towards our goal... those social events are an important and lovely part of our lives and we don't want to start dreading them or seeing them as a "bad" thing -

    so please don't sweat the detours - or think about a "do over" cause ya don't need one.. you're doing great and you're automatically going to just go back to your new "normal" eating today .... and remember its lovely you had a chance to spend time with your nephew - and you'll be just fine my friend!! [/quote]

    I love this Snoozie!!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone! We have a lot of rain coming...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Stumbled on this article this morning which reminded me why I need to get back to my walking everyday - it's never too late to reap the great benefits!

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good Morning ladies

    [quote=" .... Since I don't plan to ever give up wine therapy nights or pizza nights and the fact our social world will always revolve around food

    I agree with all of the above, no more guilt tripping.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Thank you Hatters! I’m struggling a bit but I’ll get there. I’m dealing with some parental health issues and I think I’m stress eating. Recognizing the problem is the first step. Now I need to figure out how to be prepared and how to make healthier eating decisions when faced with so many unexpected events. I’ve just got to regroup. I appreciate your support!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy - totally agree that recognizing the stress eating is a huge part - I've always been an emotional eater so I can relate.. and done the parental health situation which is honestly when I gained a lot of my weight; travelling pretty much every day from work to their place and eating on the run at every take out joint between here and there... the only unsolicited advice I have now is maybe have a few of the things you really LOVE ready in the fridge that are easy to "grab and go"... if you get any down time and can cheat with say a bbq chicken from the grocery store, can make up some chicken salad say (if that's your thing) and you can toss it in a tortialla or a fold over bread to eat on the run; or some cheese cubed up and ready to go... if you like kidney beans a quick and easy fav for me is mashing up about 1/4 cup, mixing in a tbsp. of salsa and some green onion, dump into a tortilla and top with some shredded cheese and cook in a non stick fry pan for about 3 min on each side til crisp and warmed thru.... they keep in the fridge and you can nuke em for 30 seconds to warm em up (they lose a bit of crisp in the nuking but .. fast and easy to take on the run and high fibre). I also like to keep some rollups in a baggie or plastic tub in the fridge.... turkey or ham slices with a bit of mayo or mustard spread on em, then rolled around cucumber sticks or red pepper sticks or both lol.... easy to grab and run with...

    But finding the time to even prep anything can be a challenge too... but if you can get some stuff in the fridge or freezer make sure it's stuff you LOVE .. it'll make it easier to make better choices when you have no time to think when you enjoy what you grab...

    That said... sometimes its just about surviving getting everything and everyone taken care of ... however you can... so know that we're here for ya, and do whatever ya gotta do to get thru this hectic time! Hugs!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Great ideas! Thank you!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    if you like kidney beans a quick and easy fav for me is mashing up about 1/4 cup, mixing in a tbsp. of salsa and some green onion, dump into a tortilla and top with some shredded cheese and cook in a non stick fry pan for about 3 min on each side til crisp and warmed thru.

    This sounds great, Snoozie!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    They ate really good on the BBQ in summer if u brush a little olive oil on outside of tortilla - then cut in wedges and serve with salsa and sour cream - also sneaky way to get veg in kids I made chicken ones and bean obes and didn tell the kids and they all liked the beans ones better lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    I am officially done with winter now... which is nothing unusual mid february of course.. but i'm feeling it more today...seems like a never ending cold and snow and ice and i want sunshine and margaritas and i want them now.. ! ok.. i feel better now after my rant.. ty!

    I burned a lot of calories doing 2 events on the weekend; one of which was a dance school competition; its apparently one of the top schools here and as i was watching the kids (from 6-16 probably)... and seeing them move and how limber they were... it quite suddenly occurred to me THAT'S how our bodies are designed to move.. and should be moved... and can be moved...

    not that i plan to suddenly start doing high kicks and bending backwards and flipping hands free cartwheels in the air.... but it really did strike me just what our bodies are capable of.. and how amazing our parts really are.. and how our bodies are designed to move a LOT in so many ways... kinda freaked me out what we really are able to do with it and the only thing standing in my way of doing a lot more with it .. is me.. i thought back to when i was a kid and how much i really moved everything... i know its a whole different ball game at this age and the parts are starting to succomb to general wear and tear... but it definitely has got me determined to find ways to start moving more... so that's on the agenda for this week!

    I'm a little short of my goal for this month so far weigh loss wise.. the scale is still slowly moving down and it's def helping only officially weighing in at the end of the month rather than weekly.. but staying consisitent with less junk and more veg and fruit and water.. enjoyed a few meals out with friends and off plan, but have gotten back to my regular eating plan right away each time - so that's helping with learning to integrate social times and celebrations better this time.

    and I'm now hungry so off to make brekkie... have a great week Hatters.... remember this is one area where we CAN get what we want for ourselves!!