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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sounds like great motivation. Have you thought of cranking up that music and throwing down some moves? That would be fun...no one to worry about seeing the dorky moves I have anyways....my problem is finding time alone... somehow my moves don't look as cool as I may have thought they did in my youth, maybe it was the alcohol....
    Yes, I think as we get older we definitely move less and walk slower.

    I am ready for some SPRING!

    Have an awesome week, Snoozie and all the other Hatters!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, I was a dancer in my (much) younger years. I actually looked for adult dance classes in my area recently. They are very hard to find. I’m considering taking a Zumba class at the Y. I absolutely love to dance and married a man who hates it. :D Oh well. Have you ever done yoga? It certainly makes you move in ways that we don’t normally move!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Gail / Suzy - I have always wanted to be able to dance... I simply have no ability whatsoever (even with alcohol) I am a 2 left footed klutz.. with all the grace of a ruptured gazelle lol.. but its one of those things I've always wanted to be able to do... I did actually look into classes too around here Suzy but it's all ballroom or ballet for adults.. (and I did try Zumba once if you recall.. I think I injured about 6 people around me lol)...

    I have actually tried yoga and pilates.. but i'm just not able to do the moves... when I was tested a few years ago to find out why everything hurt when i tried to move, or not move...they said I only had around 56% flexibility/mobility because all my muscles had frozen into the "fight" mode of flight or fight.. anyway long story short(er).. yesterday I did an experiment I went to a mind body and core class at the rec centre.. a yoga/pilates mix.. it was a pretty easy class.. I was the youngest in there by about 15 yrs... and I couldn't do half the moves, even getting up and down off the mat was a challenge. At one point we used little weights on the arms, I picked 2 lb ones and had to put them down before the end of the segment.. the reason I went was to see just how "bad" I was if you will... and it was a success in that regard because I realized.. just how little I actually do and how little i CAN do right now..moving the parts (some of it is cause I don't wanna hurt!) but a lot was I simply wasn't able to do it.. I can't even sit on the floor and put my legs out straight my hamstrings are so tight I have to keep my legs bent I can't straighten them) but also made me realize I HAVE to start fixing it.. also realized not worth joining the rec centre right now.. but I am going to start doing the basic stretches my physio gave me along with some classical stretch videos etc.. and will measure my progress in 3 months and see how far I can progress. it will be easily measurable as I know what I can and can't do now... but I also believe a lot of the pain i'm having is NOT from fibromyalgia or whatever else the doc thinks, that It may simply be from lack of movement of all my parts... so... the next three months will be dedicated to that aspect of my health to see if indeed my theory is right! :)
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    >>>that's the beauty of Dancing in the Dark! no one sees you!!

    I believe you are on to something, Snooze. One of my biggest fears is that if I don't start moving and keep moving then I will be moving at the pace of an 80 year old when I am 80 years old...but if I continue to move like I am 35 ( in my mind) then I will continue to degress slower.
    sorry, gotta go...meeting time.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Everyone has to start somewhere. I can’t do all the yoga moves but I do what I can. I’m not disciplined enough to make myself practice at home so, for me it’s better to go to the class. Any movement is better than no movement. I can only imagine what I must look like doing those poses but who cares?!! I’m also one of those weirdos that doesn’t care what I or anyone looks like when they dance. To me it’s such a joyful expression that I just love to see anyone dance like nobody’s watching!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    lol i'm not worried about anyone watching me ... Im simply one of those people with no rhythm and no natural ability to dance.... I just kinda stand there wondering what to do lol :)

    and for sure down the road I will try yoga again, but right now its not a viable option as my muscles need to lengthen and strengthen before I get any benefit .. and totally agree any movement is good!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I made this tonite from the skinnytaste website and it was awesome so just passing it on


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    That sounds delicious! I’m going to have to try it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    After being a complete slug yesterday, today turned out to be one of those beautiful winter days here - the kind that make me remember why I usually do like winter LOL.. and it was soooooooo nice to get down to the lake and walk in the sunshine...

    the birds were playing hopscotch on the little ice floes..


    a snowman was sitting on MY bench enjoying the lake.. so i didn't have the "heart" to make him move lol


    and hearts abounded everywhere in the snow LOL... THANKS MOTHER NATURE for the lovely break from the cold!


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    How pretty but it looks way too cold for my southern blood! Happy Valentines Day Hatters! I splurged and had two chocolate chip cookies but I worked hard at the gym today. My dear hubby surprised me with tickets to see Chris Young tomorrow night. I’m so excited!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Oh! By the way...10 minutes at level 2 on the stair climber today!!! It said I climbed 20 flights! I was so proud...and winded! Very winded!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    wowsa suzyyyyyyyyy up to 10 min?? you started at 4 if I remember - that's AWESOME!! well done YOU!! I heard something on the news yesterday about climbing stairs being a super exercise for women btw... so climb baby climb!! Have a blast at the concert tonite - and wtg hubby lol!

    And it was almost 35F yesterday here Suzy - so compared to the deep freeze we've been experiencing it was downright balmy ha... it was just so good to get out and actually enjoy being outdoors for a change I was doing the happy feet dance for sure!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I was off this week for Mardi Gras was able to get out on Fat Tues and I truly enjoyed the day with my grandkids. You either join the festivities or stay in the house because basically, the city shuts down. Had a lot of Mimosa and food, but had a good time, went up about 2 pounds so I am trying to stay under calorie count the next few days.

    Nice to be able to verbalize on here and yes I agree its time for summer. I am lucky here we can have a few days of 40's and 50's weather and in one day or the next day, it will go up to 60's and 70's. We are having 70's and 80's this week.

    Enjoy the weekend Ladies' Hatters
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I tried to post a pic of my grandson at Mardi gras, you might can see it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Milove you can definitely see the picture if you click on it it goes big what an absolutely fab picture of yr grandson he looks so cool!!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time at Mardi Gras which I believe is the whole purpose of that festival so good on you'. Once you're back to your regular routine that wee gain will be gone in a heartbeat!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    It sounds to me like you enjoyed yourself and lived in the moment. You gave yourself permission to make memories with your family. There’s nothing better than that! You’ll rebound quickly!

    Our weather has been warmer but it’s rain, rain, rain. Very depressing. I need to head to the gym today. Where is my ambition?!?!!! Ugh!!! I hate getting out in the rain.

    I went off the rails for four days last week and I’m still trying to get back to my weight before that happened. I’ll get there and beyond....just gotta stay the course.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited February 2018
    Suzy - how was the concert? I hear ya on the rain, but i'll personally take it over snow lol.. after a few days of it tho everything seems gloomy! Maybe you should buy yourself a little bunch of tulips; I dunno why but tulips always make me happy I think maybe because my mind always believes if I have them.. spring isn't far away (even if my calendar says its only mid feb I ignore it ha!)

    Just think of the couple of days of "off plan" as the trees in a forest... social occasions are the trees... but in our big picture a couple of trees really won't matter at all, nor will they be noticed at all when you view the whole forest. We are learning how to incorporate those moments and not fear them, and part of that is realizing that as long as we simply return each time to healthy eating, and working on using up more energy than we consume and/or need, until we get the excess weight gone, we WILL get what we want! And if you don't feel like going out in the rain? don't do it lol.. yup I know I sounds like i'm saying sluff off the gym but i'm really not ...

    I watched a show called "calories" on PBS the other nite.. (channel flipping at 3am.. it's amazing what you find!) It was a scientist and doc and reporter from... Brighton? or Sussex in England... but it sounded like the testing was done in Scotland... anywayyyyyyyyyyy

    long story relatively short

    They fed 3 couples a 600 cal breakfast... then from 9am to 1pm they had all 3 couples do different things.. one couple had to go to the gym and do an intense workout for an hour; one couple did household chores for the whole time (vaccuming laundry washing floors the usual stuff); and one couple had to just sit on the couch and vegetate for the 4 hours.. (that couple had the hardest time cause they were the usually very active ones lol)

    They had em all hooked up to see exactly how many calories they burned in that 4 hour period after consuming a 600 cal breakkie. Who do you think burned the most??

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited February 2018
    Answer: The housework couple!

    Turned out they actually burned off all the calories consumed at brekkie and a little more.. about 620.

    The gym couple came second around 450-500, because although it was a great workout, both felt themselves fading and getting exhausted early on...about 20 min into the hour... they weren't able to sustain the same level of physical activity for the full hour...

    and even the couch potatos.. burned about 200 cals during that time, just from their bodies needing calories (energy) to function at all.

    The most interesting thing was finding out WHY the housework people burned more - and the doc splained that when it comes to burning calories... its continuous MODERATE activity that actually burns more....

    while working out at the gym is great for you physically, most people can't sustain the high energy level for the hour.. we tend to peak early and get exhausted quickly... so we fade out and don't work at the same level for the full hour..

    whereas the housework peoople maintaned a level of "moderate" activity for a much longer period.. so for strictly burning off more calories, sustained moderate activity is better for a calorie burn, than a workout tht may be intense, but.. because most of us can't put the full effort in for that full hour it's not a long enough time of high intensity effort to benefit us for a calorie burn (not to say the exercise isnt good for us in other ways).. but stricly for burning off cals? longer moderate activity wins out over short intense activity.

    So all of this.... is just saying if you dont wanna go out in the rain today for that workout?? , turn on the tunes, put on your sloppy clothes and keep yourself moving doing stuff at home for a few hours! You'll burn off some cals and maybe take care of a few chores at the same time.. win win!! :smile:
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Interesting! I guess that’s a good thing because I can’t do the extremely intense workouts anyway! We had a break in the weather yesterday and managed to get a nice walk in. The concert was fantastic, Snoozie! We had a great time!

    I woke up to sunshine this morning!!! We’re hoping to get a walk in before it starts raining again. We’re just itching to get out for a nice long hike but this will have to do...for now. Spring is in the air here in Atlanta...my daffodils are blooming and there are buds on the trees! It won’t be long until I’m complaining about the heat and humidity!

    Snoozie, I noticed how many people were working at the venue showing people to their seats and such. If it wasn’t so far away from where I live I would seriously consider doing that. The upcoming shows were Shania Twain, Justin Timberlake, U2, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill...just to name a few! How awesome would that be?!?!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suz - i'm somewhat jealous of your weather i'm not gonna lie lol.. altho the sun is shining today.. and next week we're supposed to get a few days up around 50F ... but.. I know it's only mid February here so i'll enjoy it when it comes - cause I know it aint gonna last lol.. I saw a post on my FB page from March 21st last year when we had a huge snowstorm.. gak!!

    sooooooo glad you had a great time at the concert - and how funny is it you're noticing the people checking tickets and showing patrons to their seats now.. and i'm noticing much more about the lighting and sound during shows since you mentioned your son is a lighting tech!
    OMG... ok that would be a FABULOUS gig if you could get that.. holy cow!! You should definitely call and ask em if they are volunteers or paid or what... and how you can apply!!! Fingers crossed!!!!!