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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    So...does anyone else do this? There are foods that I have learned are “untouchables” for me. They’re presumably okay, not too bad in calories, okay in moderation. However!!!!! I can’t seem to limit myself to just one serving or even two! I find that I can completely lose my ever lovin mind and binge eat these foods. So much so that I have labeled them “untouchable.” Which means that I can’t even have them in the house. So I don’t buy them anymore. Well.....today I had two moments of weakness. The first was that I bought a box of Good Thins whole grain crackers and the second happened around 10:00 while watching the Olympics....I ate almost the whole box. It was six servings!!! Of course, afterwards I was calling myself all kinds of names and berating myself for being so weak. Ugh!!! Why oh why do I do this to myself?!?!?!!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes, anything Carby or sweety!!
    It's not you , it's the call of the carbs!! LOL You are doing GREAT!!

    .....which is why I gained back most of my weight..

    I did finally manage to re set my ticker.... so it reflects the real weight and the 5 lbs. I managed to lose...so here's to a new start this year, it's not too late for me to get back in the game I think.

    Horribly busy time of year at work, so not much time to write, I still read !!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    It’s NEVER too late!!! I know resetting that ticker can be really hard to do. Don’t let it get you down. Use it as motivation! I remember when mine said 45 pounds lost and it now says less than five but I’m determined to see it climb. I had been at 45 then my weight climbed and I was at (around) 25 for almost two years. I figured at that point that I may as well start over and I deleted all my previous weights and entered a new starting weight. I want to see that 45 pounds lost again and when I do finally see it I will be at my goal weight!

    Good luck with the extra work load. Remember to put your health high up on your priority list! You’re worth it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited February 2018
    Morning Suzy and Gail

    Umm I think everyone here pretty much knows my own personal kryponite is Lays Wavy potato chips.. that red bag is a like a siren call to me in the grocery store... i even started buying the cheap no name brand of ripple chips because i dont really like them so i figured i wouldnt eat them all...

    ya'll know how THAT turned out ...

    so... when i have those moments now... (and just let me clarify.. if there is a bag of chips in my place, i eat the entire bag....... it may be in batches (as i tend to fill a bowl... and say that's it.. then refill it of course).. but when i have em, i just count them now as my "20%" not so great choices... and get right back to normal after.... i don't stress over it anymore..

    a few days ago i ate probably 6 cookies from a bag of cinnamon break cookies.. cause ya know.. they were small.. and they were there.. when i started in on another row in the tray i knew it was time to put the brakes on....

    it happens.. and in my case quite likely will continue to happen... but i'm keeping my eyes on the prize of healthier eating and better choices 80% and not stressing over the 20% anymore

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    sorry.. my oatmeal boiled over in the microwave as I was typing above - and you know if you don't clean that stuff up ASAP it turns to cement lol...

    and i see suzy posted while i was gone .. so im just gonna say.. "yup exactly what she said, Gail!"

    I too had a very hard time re setting my ticker and deleting my old entries.... actually i think it took me about 3 days to actually do it!! I just did NOT want to let go of that pounds lost number either... i wanted to keep it quite frankly... but then i realized it was actually doing me more harm than good.. yes i had accomplished that.. yay me... but it really had nothing to do with where i was now.. or am now...or was when i reset jan 1st lol... it was just no longer relevant really... but it was hard for sure. In the end tho like suzy... it was the right decision for me cause i have a new goal now... and watching the weight go down again is indeed a motivator... plus i have adjusted my mindset to the monthly weigh in rather than weekly... this time around that's working far better for me because my goal of 3 lbs a month is easier to ..achieve i guess.. than looking for a pound every week - that was too stressul. I still weigh daily - and if i see a few ounces gone its still a high cause it's like yup thats another couple of ounces.... and i guess in my mind 3 lbs is a less intimidating goal than the whole thing? anyway... we all gotta do what's right for us, and now that you've taken the plunge and reset your ticker, its a fresh start.. and whether its today, tomorrow or the day after, its never to late to start working on what we want for ourselves, girl!! That expression about time will pass whether we do or don't do something.. is so true. So whenever the moment or day or hour comes when you decide to start going for what you want agian, its the perfect time!!! So congrats on having the courage to reset and go after what ya want!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Very proud of myself tonight. We ordered pizza for dinner and I stopped at two pieces! I usually eat three and sometimes four, if I’m just totally out of control. I ate two slices and was sufficiently satisfied. Yay!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks, girls. It really wasn't so hard to do it mentally, I just couldn't remember where to go to reset it...lol...once I found it , It was kind of exciting to reset it. I believe I used it as a crutch...."see how much you have lost?"..... well it doesn't count if you are steadily gaining it back! So I am trying to get back to where I know what worked for me...and chips, and whole Whitman's Sampler's valentines hearts were not on the menu!! Sooooo....Back to lo carb veggies and protein...and maybe more fish...not fried, though. It's a process, I can do it.

    I got burnt out with the bike, so I have been doing leg presses using 150 lbs along with a 20 lb hand weight for 5 minutes or so two or three times a day....gets the blood pumping, I hope it is helping with some extra glucose floating around in the shape of valentine choc..

    night , early morning ahead.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Oh Snoozie! I thought of you today. I walked in the neighborhood around our tiny little “lake” (it’s really a pond). It was 78 (25c) degrees and sunny! I wore shorts and a t-shirt! I hope you get some wonderful weather and can enjoy your beautiful lake soon! We may actually get to go for a hike this weekend!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Suzy - how lovely for you. !! your good thoughts must have impressed mother nature, cause we are scheduled for 3 days of sunshine and about 40-50F weather here starting today!! The only down side is i start midnites tonite lol... but.. i dont sleep much so i should be able to get down to the lake each day for a stroll, starting this afternoon and can't wait!! Won't be shorts weather altho we Canucks tend to slip into shorts at anything above 0 ... but so looking forward to it!! I saw on your feed you got your hike in too.. awesome!

    Gail - total kudos on the leg presses and hand weights.. well done you!! And always good to mix it up for sure! I've been trying to take the stairs more at home and at work; but admit its usually "down" not up lol.

    However I did find an excellent website and youtube video series called "flippin50's".. some great core exercises that are doable at my age and won't hurt my back, and some "Batwing" exercises and stretches.. all designed for those of us women .. well not 20 anymore let's say !!

    My monthly weigh in is coming up on wed (the last day of feb) I feel gyped tho cause it's a short month! Ha... plus being on nites is gonna mess up my weigh in time.. yup if it sounds like excuses they are! I am pretty sure i'm going to be a little shy of my 3 lb goal for the month, totally self induced tho... I was doing great and then whammo.. for some reason went on a total binge for a few days.. all kinds of crap .. took a LOT to rein myself back in .. I don't know why I did it.. I tried to think if there was some emotional baggage setting me off but I couldn't find anything... anyway it's all good i'm back on track but did enough damage to affect my results for this month I wanted - but it's all good and perhaps another lesson learned - either way just a blip and I ain't stressing over it at all. which is also progress I think ... !

    oh and i burned off a hell of a lot of calories yesterday at 4am! I took a cup of tea back to bed to read for a bit... and being a moron, decided it would be a good idea to set the cup of tea on the bed beside me for a minute... WHY i did that when the nightstand was 6 inches away you ask? because i was a moron.. and yep... the damn thing tipped over and spilled all over me (hot!) and the sheets and pillows... i will say i learned i can move pretty damn fast when i have to - i jumped up and pulled all the sheets and mattress covers off... thankfully the mattresss didnt get hit but had to strip the whole thing and spend the whole day doing laundry.. everything fro the pillows to the mattress cover... no more than i deserved for pulling such a bonehead move .. i did the same thing last year at my sisters to HER bed.. only she didn't have a mattress cover so her new mattress... yup.... lol

    but its nice to know i can still move my *kitten* when i have to!!!! haaaaaaaaa

    rock on hatters!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Ouch! Hot tea can be painful but it does make you jump! There’s a meme online about walking into a spiderweb makes us all bring out our ninja moves....you made me think of that. :D

    I don’t think I’m going to meet my goal for February either. I don’t understand it. I’ve been exercising, eating at my desired calories, drinking plenty of water. I hiked five miles on Saturday, climbing approximately 850 feet, and managed to gain a pound and a half. Go figure. Oh well....slooooow and steady wins the race.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I've seen that cobweb one and yup that was me LOL..

    and yes suzy... I feel for ya.. we just have to remember the loss won't be linear.. the woosh will happen as long as we are consistent and keep going and doing the right things it WILL happen.... !! keep it up !
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, I’ve been reading all the available information on the flippingfifty website. It’s a good one. I’m going to try adding a protein smoothie to my day...perhaps for breakfast. I’ve always eaten Kashi with almond milk for breakfast and even though it’s higher in protein than other options, I think it’s not helping my weight loss goals. I’m also going to increase my “good” fats intake. That “whoosh” is soooo sloooow in making an appearance for me. Sometimes I really wish I could find a good nutritionist to just tell me what to eat each day.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Glad u liked it Suzy - I did her YouTube video for abs this morning and am gonna try the stretch one tomorrow. And oh my God do I ever wish the same with the nutritionist actually honestly I wish I just had a chef who would cook me what I need to eat !!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I waited an extra day to weigh in because of midnight shift..and because I got my hair cut yesterday; let him take 3" off cause I figured might be enough to push me over the 2lb mark HAHAHAH... and it did.. by an ounce!! giggle snort.... yup I credit the haircut.. was below my goal for the month by one pound, but will add it to march's plan.. I cannot believe we are into march already!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    That’s fantastic Snoozie! Good for you! It can’t possibly be March!!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    We are having absolutely beautiful weather here in Atlanta this weekend and I’m having some weird pain in my ankle. :s This is so unfair! I was fine all day yesterday...actually had a lot of energy and was making huge progress on household tasks then...wham! I have no idea what happened. Today I have intermittent pain when I put weight on it. Getting old blows.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    There's no "sad" button to click and i couldn't click "like" on your post Suzy.. that totally sucks!! did you twist your knee or leg in some way that might account for it...? i hope whatever it is goes away soon so u can enjoy that beautiful weather! we had a huge snowstorm the other day and now its sunny and about 30... but more snow coming next week.. it's like a crap shoot weather wise here but i honestly think these little peeks of nice weather here and there for us is just mother nature's way of saying hang in there.. spring IS coming! before whamming the hell out of us again lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I have absolutely no idea what I did. Just got back from running some errands, determined to not let it slow me down and it’s about the same. I thought that maybe, if I got the blood flowing and warmed up, it might loosen up. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow but I doubt I’ll be hiking on it.

    When we lived in Rochester, NY we would get that glimpse of spring and then usually get slammed with another doozy of a snowfall. Notice that we don’t live in Rochester anymore!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yay! My ankle was better today so we were able to get in a walk!! Only a few twinges and was able to walk about four miles!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Where is everyone?!?!?!!

    How is your year going so far? Everyone must be busy busy busy! Remember to treat yourself well...like Snoozie has said in the past, talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend. Don’t fall into that downward negative spiral. We’re all in this together and chances are that whatever you’re going through, we’ve been there, are there or will be there soon!

    Have a good week Hatters! I am feeling positive and determined!