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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    So glad you were able to get on the hike Suzy! Too funny.. I used that very line on someone the other day.. " would you say that to ME? " They were horrified at the thought.. and i said well then why is it ok to say it to or about yourself... wasn't actually about weight loss.. to be honest i can't remember what it was about.. but i do truly believe in it!

    I am OVER the moon happy because i am now done with NO MORE midngiht shifts as of this morning til at least October!! I'm exhausted. but still literally doing the happy dance!! AND I know it will help with my eating habits and moving more - woo to the hoo!! Slept a few hours and up to try to get switched over quickly; off to take my senior friend out for a few chores and I am craving red meat so I think there is gonna be a steak in my future soon!! HA!! I'm pumped too about continuing working towards my goal for July... its been slow weight loss wise but it IS coming off so .. continuity and commitment in my choices will keep it coming off !!

    Have a great week Hatters - can anyone else believe its already March?? wowsaaaaa
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Well, my ankle continues to give me little twinges off and on. I have no idea what’s going on. There’s a place near me that just opened up that’s about stretching at the fascia level. I’m not sure what it’s all about but I think I’m going to check it out. They give you a half hour intro free so you can see what’s what. I’ve read that some people swear by it for relieving pain and really loosening up muscles. I feel like I need it for my whole body! I refuse to believe that I have to live the rest of my life in pain. So, I’ll let you know once I check it out.

    I’m feeling good about the nutrition side of this quest. I’ve switched to high protein shakes for breakfast after reading all the info on the website Snoozie recommended, flippingfifty.com. She has some great and easy to follow suggestions. Now I’ve got to get back to the exercise component of getting and staying healthy. I can’t seem to stay consistent (mainly due to pain...ugh!).

    How is everyone else doing?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Susie I think that's an amazing idea and I really look forward to hearing how it goes. A kenisiologist told me about someone here who works on the fascia as well - kinder described it as saran wrap that is over your muscles and tendons and any injury makes it stick to them and they can work on releasing it Can't wait to hear how it goes I'm sorry to hear your ankle is still. Bothering you apologies I'm using my phone and Siri
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Just made my appointment for my stretching session! Monday at 11:30. Sounds kind of like a medieval torture session! :D I certainly hope that’s not the case!! I’m pretty excited and am hoping for good results. I know it will take multiple visits...like therapy or chiropractic but if it helps then I’m all in!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    SO glasd you booked it Suzy - can't wait to hear how you find it physically and informatively!! Yikes on the torture session tho... i'm afraid to ask why THAT particular reference - LOLOL

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    hahaha....those eyes were the first thing that my computer pulled up!! they were just peering at me! I am here in spurts , we are so busy at work 6 & 7 days a week....that I have no time to look at or even write, but I still read when I can......
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Well come back when you can! We miss you!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I went to my stretch session today. It was a free introductory appointment so I didn’t get the whole body thing but they worked on my neck/upper torso and my calves. All I can say is wow!!! It’s kind of a mix of massage and stretching. They target the muscle with deep tissue massage while you stretch and move the muscle. It goes deep into the fascia. It was a bit painful but oh so good! It’s not cheap!!! They recommend once a week and it’s about $40 a session!!! You can buy a membership and knock it down a few bucks a session. I’ve got to see if we can swing it for at least a month or two. I really think it could make a difference. He was surprised at how tight my calves and trapezius muscles were.... I wasn’t.

    I’ve also been watching the flippingfifty videos and am trying some of the exercises. I’m enjoying the breakfast smoothies and am having absolutely no problem getting all the protein I need every day. I had a couple blips this weekend though....pizza, popcorn, three cookies. At least that was spread out over three different days!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    That deep tissue stretching sounds painfully good, Suzy. Wow , $40 sounds painful too, but seems like it would really be worth every bit. in the long run.

    I could use a massage , maybe I will cash in my chip they gave us at work. They give out safety tokens and you can use them for a massage or $5 in lunchroom . A 10 minute massage sounds like more for my $$.

    I'm still trying to get in the leg presses 2 or 3 times a day...just long enough to get my heart up and pumping. About to run out of valentine candy...so what do I do????? Me and Madalyn go buy up three different types of ice cream products!! Gotta' love a sweet addict. I'm going to try to find a 3 step program, I'm to ADD to go through 12 steps!

    Be good girls!!
    So tired ........I am going to go pass out and call it sleep!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Definitely go for the massage! Breaking the sugar habit is awful hard. I’ve never been able to do it. I think I’m getting better but then I fall off that wagon...waaaaay off.

    Here’s how I managed to mess up today: I took my dad to his pre-op cataract appointment and it was a doozy! Three and a half hours!!! Almost five with the travel time! So I had my protein smoothie for breakfast and didn’t eat again until 6:30!! I ended up eating a great healthy dinner but then ate popcorn then peanut butter pretzels!!! Ugh!!! I think my brain was convinced that I was hungry even though I really probably wasn’t. On top of that, I’ve had a brutal headache all day. Sometimes I get it in my head that eating will make me feel better. All it does is make me angry at myself later for going off the rails. Oh well, chalk this day up to lessons learned and move on!

    How was everyone else’s day?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm sorry for being MIA - well, lurking, because I like to read all your posts, even if I'm not posting. It has been an odd time recently. I still feel as if I'm recovering from the flu I had in December. I lost about 7lb then, so didn't pay much attention when I gained weight afterwards, as I thought it was just the weight coming back. Well, it came back right enough and now it's brought some friends! I'm 5lb over my normal maintenance weight.

    To make matters worse, there has been some body recomposition going on, and not of the good kind. I know we've talked about this before. Even before the weight gain, I seem to have been accumulating fat round my middle. I always had an hourglass type of figure, even when I was bigger, whereas now, my body seems to have forgotten what a waist is, other than a place to dump fat. It's more worrying because of my heart disease, and I'm hoping this isn't a sign of higher organ fat. The awful reality is that to get rid of it, I probably need to lose a lot more weight, rather than settling at my happy maintenance weight.

    I have been ambivalent about exercise too, haven't felt up to the gym classes since the flu. I have been walking and cycling a little, but not enough. At the moment, I'm just trying to concentrate on home exercise, and thinking about giving up my gym membership (I do need to cut costs at the moment). I'm retrying the Mark Lauren women's programme "Body by You".

    I hope you are all getting through the winter OK. There's light at the end of the tunnel now! We have snow here at the moment, but if I'm not having to drive in it, I kind of like it as it brightens everything up.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited March 2018
    Vail - lovely to hear from you - sometimes we all need to take a step back and focus on ourselves so no worries about being MIA... I did see your post comment on the regain and put a little note in reply.

    As for the body recomp - I understand completely where you're coming from.. most especially worrisome as you said in case it's fat around the organs. Honestly at this stage of the game that for me is the more important thing too rather than the figure looking good.. I know i'll never be a "lean machine" but getting rid of the visceral fat is a huge goal.. and so is the necessity of getting serious about some form of strength training - I know its absolutely imperative at this age but I admit I'm struggling !! I remember hearing/reading somewhere that you have to get rid of the fat before building muscle and I think I've been using that as an "excuse" for not starting as I still have a ways to go with getting rid of the fat..... but I think I need to research that a bit more. The trainer who runs that "Flipping 50's" site has a lot of good info about body recomp as we age; don't know if it might help but perhaps worth checking out her website...

    and I think part of it is also the winter months.. I've been fighting the February "blahs" and just so sick of winter that I think I need a mindset adjustment - spring is supposed to here soon but the weather doesn't seem to know that;

    but maybe spring starting in a few days.. is a good time now for us to take a few minutes or a day or two.. and really think about what we want, and commit to set out the plan to get it.. and get cracking. Shrug off the blahs or the blues or the what ifs and do a little research to help us with whatever goal we have... spring is a time of renewal and fresh starts so perhaps a good time for a mental and physical shakeup? and dont forget to acknowledge that we hae all made wonderful changes from when we first came here.. we have come a long way and accomplsihed a lot and we need to remember that.. because moving forward its a great foundation knowing we've done well and done a LOT... and we can use it move forward and do more and get more for ourselves! we rock!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hi Vailara!!! I’m sorry to hear that you feel like you’re still recovering. Have you had your blood work done lately? I wonder if your iron levels are low or something.

    The whole visceral fat thing is a huge concern for me. I’ve carried a lot of my weight in my stomach area ever since my pregnancies in the late 80’s. I’ve read that it’s the hardest fat to lose....I’ve just got to work harder then.

    I agree with Snoozie on the flippingfifty site. It really has been helpful. I’m struggling with getting in the strength training as well. I can’t figure out why I’m fighting it so hard. I guess I grew up hearing that cardio is the way to lose weight and weights will make you bulky. Time to rethink all that!!!

    I’m so ready for Spring! We were going to go hiking again today but my mom is in the hospital and we’re going to see her then go for a walk. She’s probably moving to a rehab facility tomorrow. My dad and I went and looked for one yesterday. Hopefully she will regain her strength and be back home soon. This whole thing has just reinforced that I want to go into my golden years as strong as possible.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Thank you - yes, I did have bloods done a while ago, due to some other health problems. I get them done once a year anyway because of my heart disease. All is fine, but I've been dealing with some stress and I'm convinced that can slow recovery. I definitely feel I'm on the up now, I'm really feeling this extra weight - lol! I think getting weaker makes the weight feel like even more than that is!

    I'm a big fan of strength training for health, and have done various types. Yes, I did have a look at the flipping fifty site, thanks! In my view, strength/weight/resistance training (I get them mixed up) are more important for older women than anybody! I've heard that view about losing the fat first and working on the muscle later too, but I'm not a fan of it. I think it's best to do both at once, because you're naturally losing muscle anyway, so need to work to maintain it. I think the idea maybe comes from the fact that it's difficult to gain muscle if eating at a deficit. I do think it's very, very difficult for women to bulk up without steroids, so it's not a concern, especially for me being older, with less testosterone and so on!

    I'm glad your mom is on the mend, Suzy, and hope the rehab works well for her and she gets home soon. I agree so much about being strong later in life.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Suzy/Vail ..

    Suzy - i was so sorry to read your mom was in hosp - i hope she is into the rehab now and on her way to a full recovery.... and yes absolutely understand the reinforcement of getting stronger as we age!!

    Vail - i watcheda video the other day on stress and how it affects us - causing overall inflammation everywhere and just in general all the icky stuff it brings.. we've always known that but i never realized the full impact of it.. i just wish someone would tell us how NOT to stress at times... !! or how to handle it better I guess... and one of the things they mentioned was that it indeed can slow recovery.. I sent the video to my friend who had the brain surgery in December cause she is frustrated at her slow recovery but is dealing with a lot of stress in her family situation too... I hope you are soon on the mend!

    and Vail you are absolutely right imo about more important for us than anyone else! I honestly have to stop procrastinating and get doing SOMETHING .. anything... to bring in at least resistance training to start with.... that will be on my agenda for today!!

    I just read this little nugget on the FF website too..

    "You may be thinking easy weight loss isn’t even possible after 50. If you’re doing aerobic exercise – and skipping weight training – there’s a reason why weight loss seems so hard.
    If you’re Flipping 50 hoping to keep it going into your 60s and 70s with a faster metabolism hop off that treadmill right now.

    Aerobic training during intentional weight loss results in lean muscle loss.

    That is a fast track to a slow metabolism, which means weight will return with a vengeance.
    A study in Obesity comparing weight loss with no exercise, weight loss with aerobic exercise, and weight loss with resistance training found aerobic training THE most detrimental to muscle loss.

    So yes, it’s true, aerobic training can make you fat.

    Cycles of weight loss that includes significant muscle losses will slow metabolism. Weight regained after dieting is predictably 100% fat. Combine muscle losses during weight loss, and regain of all fat and you have a problem. Repeats of that cycle don’t bode well for a healthy metabolism. Still, there’s hope.

    Women (average age of 70) lost 19% body fat when they did resistance training – the greatest fat loss among all three groups.

    This study of 249 older women confirms weight training is your best friend when you’re trying to lose weight. Other studies – all included in the Fit U program research – confirm that aerobic activity + resistance training + adequate protein at the right time results in long term success, without deprivation. This is your trifecta for metabolism success (and longevity).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    On that note.. I went for my scheduled blood tests this morning; the whole panel, cholesterol, lipids, A1C etc.. I went meatless yesterday (so as not to repeat the pork chop for dinner before the cholesterol test incident!!); i didn't have to but I figured why not have a meatless day anyway... I see my doc next week and these results had better have improved since the ones three months ago! or i will be very gruntled...

    The scale is NOT moving this month so far.. and yet another reason im thinking i need to stop yapping about the ST and start doing it! I have today off so this afternoon will commit to figuring that out and STARTING IT!

    I foolishly booked a bunch of eye tests for tomorrow at 6:40 am. which means I gotta get up on my day off at 530am.... I am so used to booking an early apt with my eye doc himself (so i'm in and out before the crowds land) that I forgot for the tests I didn't have to do em at the crack of dawn... duh..... well.. they may have to figure out how to pry open my eyeballs before doing them!!!!!!! haaaaaaaaa

    rock on ladies...!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Good luck with the results, Snooozie! And the eye tests at that early hour!

    Thanks for the info. It's interesting the point about weight gain being 100% fat - since I lost the weight recently with the flu, then regained, it definitely feels like fat. Probably 150% fat - lol! It's only about 5lb over my usual weight but clothes are tighter and there is more visual fat.

    Why not start with bodyweight exercises that you can do quickly and easily at home? (I say "easily", but I mean "with effort" - lol!). I like to focus on full body exercises. I have unfortunately had to go back to modifying exercise that I could do before (e.g. pushups), but it's still good exercise. The problem I found before was with squats as my legs are fairly strong and ordinary squats don't feel like they're doing much at all, but you can look at progression to pistol squats - not that I could ever do them, but I was somewhere along the way! At the moment I'm doing squats with one leg raised on the sofa behind me, so there's more work on the supporting leg. I'm doing incline pushups, and doing "pullups" with my head under the table holding on to the edge and so on.

    I googled "squat progression" and here's an example of the kind of thing I'm talking about http://www.startbodyweight.com/p/squat-progression.html . If the first one is too easy, you can find out where you are and work on that (and even hopefully progress!). It looks like my current exercise is called Bulgarian split squats.

    Sorry to go, but I'm such a believer in strength/resistance training! I'm sure that better bones and muscles and hlep people live longer and have better lives! I'm annoyed at myself for having stopped recently after keeping it going all through my weight loss and maintenance before, but hoping now I'll keep going well into old age!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hi Snoozie and Vail. Just stopping by to catch up on your posts. I’m completely overwhelmed and stressed out with my mom’s situation and now my dad is staying with me because he has cataract surgery tomorrow. Oh y’all...this is so hard. I just want to cry most of the time. I’ll stop back in soon.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy.. sent a PM... i'm so sorry you're going through such a hard time - and have no doubt its so overwhelming dealing with everything you barely have time to breathe... just know we're here anytime if you just need ... a break... and sending virtual hug!