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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - being the good friend I am - I am letting you know you can feel free to just pack up the sourdough and mail it off to me... yes I would make that sacrifice for you. I wouldn't do it for just anyone mind you... but for a Hatter.. yup I will take it off your hands so you don't have to worry about eating it o:)o:)

    I was drinking my coffee while reading your post.. and I have to say... when I got to the line
    "I was hoping my chickens would eat them, before I decided not to have chickens." I nearly spewed it all over the keyboard... it was just too funny! But I do hope you go ahead with the veg for sure - and Suzy I had to laugh at you getting the tomatos after all; since they were free it was like fate was saying yup you're gonna grow tomatos!

    I ate too much yesterday. Plain and simple i just ate too much. Some of it was healthy, some of it not... but i just ate so much thru the day i actually felt uncomfortable going to bed; that didn't stop me from eating an orange on top of everything right before bed.... so today im just gonna chug water and wait til i feel actual hunger before i eat anything.. and keep it to small bits of "knoshing" rather than any actual meals..

    oh and Vail i admit that's one diet i never herad of - the "s" diet.. and i honestly thot i'd heard of (or been on) every diet known to man!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I ate too much this weekend as well. Why, oh why do I do this to myself? I’m trying to figure out why I continue to sabotage my efforts. It’s ridiculous!!!

    The whole chickens eating the slugs made me laugh, too! You could get the chickens and put out the beer dishes and the whole yard would be fat on veg, drunk on beer and happy happy happy!

    Homemade bread has to be absolutely everyone’s weakness. I make a loaf in my bread machine about every 12 days. I slice it and freeze them in bags of four slices. I use it for my husband’s lunches. I can avoid it out of the freezer but the day I make it? Smelling it bake? Warm from the machine? Oh yeah, I have to indulge in a slice.

    I’m going to really make an effort to get to the gym this afternoon for some strength training.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I dunno if it was all the chicken talk but I made a batch of that greek chicken; so easy just throw the chicken in a big baggie (or a dish but I hate doing dishes so ya, I used a big baggie) with 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup lemon juice, and 1 tbsp. dried oregano (or 3 tbsp. fresh);; bit of salt and pepper and leave it there for an hour or so, turning it over 1/2 way. IF you have warm weather where you are you could grill it on a bbq if you left the breasts whole; lol... but I had chopped 2 boneless ones into 1" pieces and just cooked them for a few minutes in my Tfal pan on the stove.. so good and so fast and yep had some tiziki on the side and a greek salad.. and loads of leftover chicken for dinner tomorrow or I may freeze it ... anyway it was so quick and simple and so good.. I forget sometimes that simple is really good too lol.

    I can't believe btw you both make your own bread.. now I feel like a slug (as in a lazy thing lol)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Thanks! I’m gonna try that one!

    I may make my own bread but I’m doing it in a bread machine. Super easy. I would have no idea how to make a sour dough starter! That sounds way too complicated for me.

    I did NOT make it to the gym. I’m in a bit of a funk and need to pull myself out of it. I totally see why they say that caregivers need to be sure to care for themselves first. It’s very easy to slide into a little pity party binge. I’ve got to snap out of it!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I need to get to the gym too. I had to run for a bus yesterday, and wow, I could really feel the extra few pounds of weight, and being less fit.

    That chicken recipe sounds delicious! And not to complicated, and not too much washing up!

    Suzy, I used to use a bread machine a few years ago, and I still have it packed away at the back of a cupboard, but I was watching a video on making it without the machine and it looked much easier than I remembered! The only thing was, with the recipe I used, you had to come back to it a couple of times, so although I went out, I couldn't be out too long in case my dough overprooved or whatever it does! Quite a responsiblity! The sourdough starter is very easy - just mixing flour and water and leaving it with something porous on top so it can pick up wild yeast, then feeding it with more flour and water. It sounds like a recipe for food poisoning to me, but amazingly it has a nice yeasty smell at the moment, so I think it's working.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - this just popped up in my FB feed..... I couldn't help laughing so I thot i'd share!

    Rather than purchasing harsh chemicals, give these treatments a shot:

    Slugs – Removing slugs by hand is effective but tedious. A much more satisfying solution is to make a beer trap by burying a plastic container to ground level and adding some beer.

    Aphids –The nice thing about tomato leaf spray is that it will not harm the beneficial insects in your garden. It’s made by chopping up a cup or two of tomato leaves and steeping the mixture in two cups of water overnight, strain, then add two more cups of water before transferring to a spray bottle. Be sure to spray the underside of the foliage, as this is where aphids love to hide.

    Potato Beetle – Not just limited to destroying potato crops, the potato beetle will also do damage to eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes. Placing floating row covers over your potato plants will still provide good airflow and sunlight but also prevent these bugs from feasting on your plants. Adding a thick layer of straw mulch will mess with their ability to find your plants.

    Cutworm – Feeding at night, cutworms can have a devastating effect on young and vulnerable plants and are capable of making the whole plant disappear. The simplest solution is to provide a protective barrier by placing a cardboard toilet paper tube around your seedlings, setting them in about an inch in the ground.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hey Suzy...

    I was watching one of the "Classical Stretch" videos this morning... for the spine... and the instructor was talking about connective tissue (fascia) stuff like you've been getting the stretching for... she put it into pretty simple terms (for me) and it kinda hit me between the eyes just how important it is to start moving more - and i can see how that stretching you're getting done on the fascia would so help now!! she said..

    "If your connective tissue is glued together - which happesn when you don’t move everything – it's like sheets of tissue paper becoming glued together, and then you’re literally so stiff you’re restricted from moving".

    I thot well lord love a duck, that's me!! I have decided the whole fibromyalgia thing is NOT what's wrong with me, i'm just a lazy slug who sits way too much and doesnt move any parts other than my feet occasionally... so im about to sit down and work out a series of things to do every day; even if it's just while i'm watching tv at night rather than just sitting on my butt to do some of the resistance band work and add in more stretching etc.. on days off i literally sit on my butt most evenings and sometimes part of the day due to my love of reading.. im kinda alarmed at just how much i sit around to be honest.. anyway i'm def going to think of it as conducting an experiment for a few months - see if intergrating more movement makes a diff in the ow's etc... but im gonna have to make a sched or i know me i'll start sluffing it off.. anyway.... there ya go.. and good morning everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited April 2018
    These are the baby woodpecker pics I couldn't load the other day ... this morning the sun was out for a wee bit so i headed to the lake; spring may not have actually arrived here yet but so many birds were out and about - little goldfinches darting around, robins, and the baby woodpeckers.. nests everywhere in the trees.. gave me hope it will come soon lol


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    They’re sooo cute! I’ve never seen babies!!!

    I think we’re twins Snoozie! I sit waaaay too much. Flippingfifty calls it NEAT (non-exercise activity time). You’re supposed to stay active even when not exercising but I don’t seem to be very successful at that. I have good intentions but my follow through is severely lacking. I like your idea of a schedule. I’ll have to think about that.

    My eating has been out of control. I’m making poor choices in the evening. Mornings are smoothies and afternoons are tied up with my parents, so no food. Than at dinner and afterwards I just implode. I’ve been letting myself off the hook because of everything going on but I’ve GOT to cut it out!!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!

    I’ll get there. I will. I am determined!

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello, ladies

    I have also been MIA and I can relate Gail, For years I have suffered from depression and any negative change in my life brings it on heavy. I am grateful also Gail for you and everyone on here.

    I read the information Snoozie about postmenopausal women and losing weight. I guess I do agree, I will get down to 175 and then I climb back up again. At least, so far I am staying under 180. I just gave up coffee for a week so far because I was having uncomfortable heart palpitations, and the palpitations went away. However, I am not ready to give up my red wine or bread. I have slowed down to almost no intake of rice and potatoes, I have increased the salads without dressings most of the time.

    In addition, I hurt my arm so I could not do any planks or wt lifting but after 2 months of physical therapy, I was able to do push-ups against a table. On a good thread, I just started adult tap dancing on Tuesdays. (never took it before, really never took any type of dancing) but I am having fun for now and I seem to be working up a sweat.

    I don't want to overwhelm anyone of you with all of my stressful life right now (mostly with my job) now I know why people retire not because they cannot do the work anymore its because you cannot deal with all of the nonsense.

    Love to all of you,
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Well done on the tapdancing, Milove! I'm sure I've mentioned before I did adult ballet a few years back and I loved it! Exercise is so much better if it's fun. And it's great that you managed to "cure" your palpitations. And soring out your diet and staying under 180 too! It sounds like you really have things in hand!

    I'm with you on the work stress ... I don't tend to talk about mine here, because this is kind of an escape from it! But I'm more than happy to read about other people's. If anything, it would take my mind off my own! So I hope you will post if you want to and not worry about overwhelming people.

    Suzy, you are so right about NEAT. I really need to get moving more. My favourite thing is to sit down and do nothing - lol!

    Love the baby woodpeckers! Thanks for the advice on garden pests! I hadn't even heard of cutworms! Maybe this vegetable growing thing isn't going to be as simple as I thought. But hopefully I'll get some fun out of it. I've risked planting a few things today (I've been holding off as it has been so cold).

    Meanwhile, I finally made the sourdough loaf after feeding my starter for a week or so. I thought it had completely failed - then it came out of the oven and was gorgeous! I'm definitely going to do it again and have a sourdough starter on the go again.

    Obviously, I'm talking about anything but my actual weight here, but thankfully, it's not too bad. I do still need to lose some, but at least I'm not gaining. Always a bonus!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    just popping in for a quick sec.. because I saw this ad today... and I started laughing so hard I'm sure I burned off a few hundred calories -

    the caption above this picture.... said

    "what can you do about neck wrinkles and turkey neck??


    i thot omg that has to be the best ad EVER.... i thot it was just hysterical using a sharpei for a wrinkle ad.......

    i can't even type it without laughing again.............................

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    hahaha...I wish I looked that cute with my wrinkles!!

    Thinks are getting better, not so down in the dumps.
    Milove, sorry to hear you suffer from depression. I shouldn't really call what i was dealing with as Depression, since there are some that really suffer horribly, and mine was a bit self -induced. But I am seeing a rainbow at the end...

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I absolutely love to dance! It’s such great exercise and so fun! Good for you Milove! We should all make an effort to dance to one upbeat, toe tapping, can’t sit still song this week!

    I’m pretty fortunate that I don’t really have many bouts of depression. I think part of the reason for that is that I’m married to an incredibly positive man. He had a car accident when he was 17 and lost the use of his arms (he can use his right just a tiny bit) and he doesn’t let anything stop him. He has no tolerance for self pity...understandably. So his attitude has helped me with my outlook on life. I really feel for people with depression issues. I do hope that it’s getting easier to discuss and get treatment in this day and age though.

    Snoozie, if only our wrinkles made us look that cute and cuddly!!

    I actually made the time for myself today to go to the gym! It’s a major IPOM moment!!! I also did 18 minutes on the stair climber and climbed 315 feet or 31.5 floors!!! Yay me! I concentrated on strength training and feel really good about it. Now if I can just get my eating back under control. My weight has been creeping back up and I refuse to change my ticker again!!! Ugh!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited April 2018
    lol ok Suzy .. you're ON.... this will be my dance move okay??? haaaaa

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I don’t know if that move is a good idea but that song is a real booty shaker!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Lol did you watch the whole video? I'm pretty sure I could do it all.....
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    What are you talking about? I always do that at the gym? Is there another way to use the treadmill?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    haaaaaaaaa Vail!!