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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    sorry haven't been in much been a busy week BUT. .I have been reading.. and suzy your comments about dancing and the jokes like the treadmill guy made me think well hell you're sitting on your butt when you get home from work.... so I googled a few videos.. keeping in mind I have very little flexibility or mobility at the moment.. anyway I found a few cute little dancercise type videos... "silver sneakers" type dance routines for exercise.. and tried a few.. I didn't last very long (one is a full hour and no way at this point could I do that one even as mild as it is!) but.. I did 15 min of one and then a short classical stretch routine for relaxation... I like the music they play and i figure its better than nothing right now and hopefully progress to moving the parts more and more - and if it will start to unlock a lot of the muscles and parts that haven't been used in ages... well, its worth a shot. and since I've now come to think that NOT moving is causing a lot of the all over pain ... then at least it wil be easy to track to see if theres improvement... worth a shot anyway!

    and maybe one day.. that'll be me on the treadmill !!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Good for you Snoozie! Any movement is good movement!! I’m trying to mentally talk myself into going for a walk after dinner. I don’t want to do it. I need to do it. I just want to sit on the couch but that’s how I got into this condition!!

    I guess I’m going for a walk.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Excellent idea about getting up and moving, Snoozie & Suzy, instead of just sitting on the couch! I know I am soooo guilty of hardly getting up except to go to bed once I hit the couch.
    15 min is an Awesome start!!

    Raining cats and dogs here, so I am puttering around trying to get some organization completed in the kitchen.... a pantry full with nothing to cook cause I can't see it.

    I hope next week will be better for me. I gained back the four that I lost a while back, which is why I don't log weight loss much... lol it always seem to come creeping back.

    Little bit of a funny story.... I had been doing leg presses at work for a few months now, well no more for a while..... I BROKE the cable... Yep , I must be the only one to use it at 150 lbs. It just went SNAP!! while I was doing them , the bottom fell to the floor, I just sat there stunned for a bit, then I grabbed my stuff and got the heck out of there!! I went back a bit later and let the assistant know, since I figured they had me on camera....lol

    They are trying to restrict our internet usage again,. which we abide by for a while then we creep back in... so we'll see how long this lasts.
    I hope you both have a great week,
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Gail, that’s hilarious!! I can’t imagine what my reaction would be if I broke the machine! You must have worn it out! Good for you!

    OMG! I sat on the couch all darn day!!! It was a rainy yucky day and I had computer work to do. I managed to get the laundry done and make dinner but that’s all. I have less than 900 steps for the entire day!!! I think that’s a first!

    I managed to get to the gym twice last week and it felt great! My mom gets out of the rehab place this Thursday! Yay!!! We took them for a tour at an independent living place Saturday. I’m hoping they’ll bite the bullet and get on the waiting list for an apartment. Time will tell.

    My eating is still erratic but I’m hoping with mom going home that my schedule will get back to (somewhat) normal. At least I haven’t gained all my weight back, just about three pounds.

    Here’s to a successful and motivated week!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    You'd think these machines would be designed to cope with heavy weights - a bit worrying that it broke! Impressive that you were the one to break it, though, Gail! It looks like you can leg press more than anyone at your workplace!

    I'm glad your mom is doing well, Suzy. Good luck with the independent living place. Glad you could get to the gym!

    I'm struggling with the whole eating and exercising thing at the moment. I'm only a few pounds over my normal maintenance weight, but it feels like much more. I am finding exercise difficult. In fact, it feels very like when I was much more overweight a few years ago. Everything's a struggle, and it all hurts! I still seem to be recovering from the flu last year. I struggle to get any level of fitness at the best of times, no matter how much work I put in - maybe because of my medication? Or is it just much harder to increase fitness as you get older? - but I'm really, really struggling now!

    Anyway, I have taken a tip from Snooozie and decided to some short, fun exercise videos on youtube, instead of worrying too much about getting the "right" sort of exercise. I will try to aim for every day instead of three times a week. Or at least, a little bit on most days! I don't feel fit enough to go back to the gym, which is frustrating, and I don't want any more injuries, so looking at home exercise for now. (While still paying my gym membership - lol!).
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Haha…I think I do press heavier than the men…. I like to leave it set at my weight, so they will wonder which guy presses heavier than them …not knowing it’s a woman!

    I’ve always been blessed or cursed with large strong thigh muscles. We lived on a farm growing up and I had to feed the chickens. It was a long house, so I had to fill up the wheel barrel extra high to get through quickly…so it was a muscle building experience for sure!

    I too am struggling, with the eating especially. I can do great 2/3rds of the day and then I crush it at night. My school reunion is in June and it looks like I won’t be losing anything before then, the way I am heading it will be larger! I am still going to the gym after work and putting in a hour of circuit type training, but at an slower pace. Fingers crossed xxxx it will help the eating even out soon. Lol

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Vail, I do think that it’s harder to achieve the same level of effort/results as we get older but I’m concerned that you feel like you haven’t recovered fully from the flu. Have you had blood work done lately? I don’t know what kind of medication you take but do you also take any kind of supplements? My husband and I have the “do you think these supplements really work” discussion quite often. We don’t know the answer but we’re feeling pretty good so we’ll keep taking them...just in case. Hahaha! That being said, I think the short fun approach sounds perfect. Do what you can, while you can!

    Gail, I don’t press very high weight (yet) but I actually saw a young guy move the weight up AFTER he was done to impress his buddies that were working out at the same time. It cracked me up! You have an entire month before your reunion so hang in there! I completely understand your struggle. My daytime eating is totally under control but I completely lose all sense at night. I try to analyze what’s going on in my head but I still go for the bad eating choices. If you come up with a strategy to conquer this phenomenon, let me know! I’ve been thinking that I just need to get to bed earlier...can’t eat while I sleep!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Suzy, I do take some supplements, but not every day ... I also go back and forth over whether they do much good, so I tend to mix them up, taking none most days, and different ones on other days. But you're right, it might be something to look at as all else appears to be failing! I am loads better than I was a few weeks ago, though. I do feel I need to set my mind to losing the weight, and life will be easier. I'm pretty good most of the time ... and I think that's the problem, that I'll be good 90% of the time, but whereas a few years ago the 10% didn't matter, now it's enough to throw the whole thing off!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi Hatters...
    Sounds like we are all struggling at the moment - i am frustrated that i keep losing and gaining hte same 5 lbs... i can't break through that "set weight" my body wants to stay at.. i have to figure out what i need to do to lose enough to break that cycle - well that's not completely accurate i KNOW what i have to do... i still firmly believe weight loss is 80% inthe kitchen and only 20% exercise, but like the rest of you i am struggling with doing well for most of the day then going to hell in a handbasket - even my signs aren't helping right now...

    i am still improving on the more movement and yes as Vail said, im still just doing fun stuff.. i don't torture myself with stuff i hate right now like the treadmill... the home video silver sneakers episodes are fun, and low impact but i can feel em. I am getting in my lake walks but those are def more mental health walks rather than exercise - but that makes them just as important for my overall health imo.. and it counts and for me the important thing is just making sure every single day i get in something more than the walk... movement wise. But i also need to stop stuffing my face. I think perhaps I've been "winging" my meals too much; not enough planning and so i end up grabbing stuff last minute. So i am going to have to shelve the frustration, make a plan for May and commit to getting what i want. That committment part is what's been missing actually - i realize that as i wrote it. Hmmmm. ok... maybe that's the direction i need to go in.. focus more on committing to getting what i want...

    Gail - i admit i kinda loved a female broke the machine.. but scared me reading about it... holy cow! i hope the equipment is well maintained and checked daily by someone if you guys are using it!!

    Suzy - how are things going with the decision about independent living for your folks? did you get to take them around to the place? any idea if they may consider it yet?

    Vail - i read an article just this morning that was talking about 10 ways to incorportate fitness for us older folks.. and it reinforced that its all about doing things you enjoy that make you move - gardening, hiking, dancing around the house with the tunes cranked, cycling, etc.. Especially if you are not feeling 100% i think its great to focus on bits you can and want to do ... are you still planning the garden ?? one of my friends decided to start one in her backyard this year - i already called dibs on any excess she ends up with lol. If you have any websites or videos for fun exercise stuff (altho i'm liking the dance ish ones its getting a bit boring too lol) please let me know?

    Its just a few days away til the start of a new month - maybe we can all figure out for each of us what will kick us out of this current wave of "stuck" to move forward and kickstart things for May ?


  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    YES , I agree!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Vail, that's exactly how I take my vitamins and supplements..... I can't seem to remember to take them regularly , or I am too full to drink a glass of water with them. Guess we never have to worry about overload..

    Snoozie, I agree with the 80 % / 20 % That's exactly why I am gaining...all the exercise in the world will not work against my bad eating in the afternoons. I may need to do as Suzy said and go to bed early. : ) I may have to get G-baby and I to cut on some loud music and jump around like a idiot....lol me, not her, for 5 years old , she's got some fierce moves...too fierce!! lol

    Suzy , I hope all is working out with finding the parents a better place of living that works for all of you. It's such a hard time in life for all sides. best wishes
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Yes, I am right there that is definitely my moves at the gym lol

    I am 12 lbs over my last recorded weight, but it still is better than where I was last week.
    I had back pain last week so I was taking naprosyn and ibuprofen whatever I could get my hands on but thank God I am a lot better today hope to make it to my dance class Tues.
    Everyone have a great week.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Glad you're better, Milove. It's so miserable being in pain.

    Snoozie, yes, I'm still trying to grow veg - I have some radishes coming up, already. Also a lot of weeds (why do the weeds grow so much better?). I have some other things planted, and had the presence of mind to put in some markers to show what's where. It's going to be experimental this year to see what likes growing in my garden and can survive the various predators.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi all! Off from work today to get a prevention health screening done this afternoon. They check for Peripheral Arterial Disease, Atrial Fibrillation,Carotid Artery Screening , and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm...along with the regular fasting blood work tests. It is a traveling road show of sorts, they set up in rural areas and check out us old folks(just kidding) ......I'm not old, hubby may be. lol
    He's a bit sick today, not sure why, but he is always feeling not great. He never took care of himself in his past years and he's to far gone now to try and change. I can't get him to drink water. He lives on coffee and cokes...literally, no water in its pure form. No doctor visits except for his psoriasis meds....and the occasional severe cold or flu. Guess I'll just have to keep nagging him about it all, since he says I am so good at it...Ha

    Milove, sorry to hear you have been having back issues again. Dance class sounds fun! Aren't you enjoying these cool spells!! I know I am. Cause you know it is coming...HOT with a side of HOTTER!! not to mention the H>U>M>D>I>T>Y!!! ugh!!

    Vailara, I wish I could set up a mini garden. I would love some fresh cucumbers , tomatoes, squash....mmmm...
    We grew some fabulous tomatoes one year when we first got married ; left home one day came back that afternoon and they were almost eaten up by those worms, the whole leafy green stalks!!

    Snoozie, the machines are probably not reg. maintained, and we got them from another plant , so no telling their age... I was so stunned to see the bottom foot part just fall to the floor!! would have made a great video. : )

    Suzy, Hope things are great with you and yours.

    I actually show a drop in weight , but not enough to catch up to my ticker weight loss, maybe three lbs... and I'll be there.
    I have moved from the weight room ...(blushing) since I broke my only machine in there that I use... 2 or 3 times a week I have been going to the other workout room with the stair master, elliptical, treadmill, and bike, I do an hour on the treadmill, 15 on the bike, and 3-5 on the other 2 machines....Stairs and elliptical are HARD!! so I think it is a win if I can do 5minutes.... : )
    I have been doing better with the sugar demon, and taking sliced lunch meat , cheese, tomatoes, romaine ....and making breadless wraps for lunch...quite tasty in fact...going to try and keep it up at least 3 or 4 days a week.
    It helps my pocket book also. I actually had 4 $$ left from last week, imagine that!

    Gotta go put on a face to get my tests done.
    Have a lovely week everyone!

    Shout outs to Susan , Carol, and anyone else I missed!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Good luck with the tests! It's great that you can get those done.

    I remember one of the trainers at the gym telling me that the stairmaster was the best machine there. It is definitely hard. I used to go and start off thinking it was easy, as I don't have any problem getting up a flight of stairs. But after a few flights it starts getting really hard! I suppose you are lifting your bodyweight over and over again! I've sometimes gone to the gym and felt I've had a work out just from using the stairmaster.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I am resigning from the tap dancing for now, the back flared up again, and I started having palpitations. Ah
    So as hard as it is, I stopped caffeine, no coffee no Lipton tea (I was hooked on it) and for now I have also given up the wine for three days now. Well, I am drinking lots of water, and so far no palpitations.

    Gail I wish you well with your prevention health screening.

    Good for you Suzy a drop in the weight is always good.

    Vailara, I hate doing the stairs-master and yes it is difficult.

    Snoozie, I agree to create healthy habits not restrictions. I will be adding my wine back into my intake. I am just taking a break for now just to see what is going on with the palpitations and I also have a doctor visit with my cardiologist next Friday with blood work.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited May 2018
    Speaking of stairmasters and what not... Since I live in a 22 storey building I'm thinking perhaps I should try the "KISS" method and give this a go!!

    Start climbing, ladies.

    Stairs are your new best friend, especially if you’re a postmenopausal woman.
    A new study published today by the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) shows that stair climbing not only lowers blood pressure but also builds leg strength.

    That’s especially important for postmenopausal women with estrogen deficiencies who are more susceptible to vascular and muscle problems.

    It’s important to identify the right form of exercise to achieve the desired benefits without creating additional health problems for older women, suggests NAMS.

    High-intensity resistance training, for example, can be effective for reducing age-related loss of muscle strength in postmenopausal women.

    The problem is that it can also increase blood pressure in middle-aged adults with prehypertension or hypertension.

    This risk can be offset by combining aerobic and resistance training, but that usually means gym memberships and making public appearances in lycra.

    Or, as NAMS puts it, ‘real and perceived barriers include lack of time, money, nearby fitness facilities, poor weather, and a sense of embarrassment.”

    But the good news is that stair climbing, in contrast, offers the benefits of aerobic and resistance exercise for improving cardiorespiratory fitness and leg muscle strength in postmenopausal women without their having to leave home or pay a fee.
    Even better, it offers the additional benefits of fat loss, improved lipid profiles, and reduced risk of osteoporosis.

    Before this study, stair climbing had not been evaluated for its effects on blood pressure and arterial stiffness, which is a thickening and stiffening of the artery wall.

    The study participants were Korean postmenopausal women who trained four days a week, climbing 192 steps two to five times a day. The results showed that stair climbing led to reductions in arterial stiffness and blood pressure and increases in leg strength in hypertensive postmenopausal women.

    “This study demonstrates how simple lifestyle interventions such as stair climbing can be effective in preventing or reducing the negative effects of menopause and age on the vascular system and leg muscles of postmenopausal women with hypertension,” said Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, NAMS executive director.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi all!!

    Milove- so sorry to hear you had to give up the tap dancing and the reasons for it!! I can totally relate to the back pain... i have and would pop any muscle rleaxant and/or painkiller i've had in the house too... Hoping you are feeling 100% again soon!

    Gail - i can't believe those tests they offered at the prevention health screening - did you get them all done? wowsa girl! Let us know ?

    Vail - hows the garden coming??

    Suzy - hope all is well in your world - any word on if your parents would consider the assisted living place yet?

    I can't hit the lake this morning; the marathon is on and all the streets around me and the lake are closed off and the rain is scheduled to hit later this aft so i'm going to walk to the coffee shop and grab and coffee and then just wander the streeets lol I bought new sneakers finally so might be good to try to break them in...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hi everyone! I’ve been reading but not commenting because I’ve been in San Antonio visiting my family for my great nephew’s second birthday! He’s adorable but you couldn’t pay me to be raising a little one now! Whew! He wears me out!

    Milove, I’m sorry to hear about your recent issues. Hopefully you’ll be able to get back to the tap dancing one day soon!

    Gail, keep us posted!!

    I worked up to 25 minutes at level two on the stair master before I went on my trip. It definitely is pretty brutal. My goal is one hour at level three by September. My weight is much higher than I had hoped for by this time. I want to get to my goal weight but I have physical activity goals that I’m more concerned with right now. I need to be ready for the Grand Canyon by the end of September (we’ve sent in our request and we’ll know by middle of May if we get the permit).

    My parents are refusing to put down the deposit and get on the waiting list for the independent living community. I’m completely frustrated and trying not to get resentful. Mom has gotten worse since going home. Ugh. I’m just tired of it.

    I go back home tomorrow and I’m sure I’ve gained a few pounds. Oh well....I’ll deal with it later.