2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Welcome back suzy!! im glad you got the hiking in you wanted; its always hard to follow any plan while travelling and on vacation so don't sweat it... how cool is it that you found a pretty similar program as Vails?? Way cool - I think its awesome these online programs are becoming more and more available; look forward to hearing about both your journeys!

    I never did find the tomato passata stuff yet btw lol

    and yes as far as the cataract surgery; my first one 5 yrs ago was no biggie as such either; once it was done I just had to wear the contact in the bad one.. the problem this time is the contact has to come out well in advancel... and so i'm kinda gonna be wonky for about 7 weeks.. like being a little drunk walking wise and some double vision while the good eye and bad eye fight to see together... really just a royal pain in the *kitten*. Not that I don't excel at sitting around doing nothing ……

    its been crazy busy at work; did a 16 hr shift sunday but regular days this week; going to see Wicked tomorrow night (my birthday present to myself) with some friends with dinner before hand; and I took Thursday off work so I didnt have to get up at 4am after a late nite lol.. yup i'm worth it!

    Speaking of which should get my butt in gear... have a good one !
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    Enjoy Wicked! It’s wonderful!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    That's great that your doing an online programme too, Suzy! I'll be really interested to know how yours goes. I have knee pain too (maybe it's a given if you're older and active!). As you say, I'm sure the weight affects it and it's one of my reasons for wanting to lose more weight. I'm worried that I'll just wear out my knees if I don't! I hope the programme goes well. It's great that it's individually tailored.

    I hope you enjoyed Wicked, Snooozie! I love going to the theatre - one of my favourite things. We have a Shakespeare season here at the moment - I've seen one play and hoping to go to more. I don't know how you cope with your shifts! I know I keep saying that ... but I do think shift work is much harder than working normal, steady hours.

    I got a shock this week with the programme I'm on - they suddenly upped our step goals! And they've also introduced an exercise programme today. I haven't done the exercises yet - I've done C25K this morning and a bit of a walk in the afternoon and I'm knackered. It is so hot and humid here.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    I’m looking forward to the program. We’ll see how it goes. Did they have any exercise requirements before they sprung this on you? Hopefully it’s something you can work up to and incorporate easily. Is anyone else chatting yet?

    It has rained nonstop all week so I haven’t been out walking. I could have gone to the gym but I didn’t. Perhaps I’ll find some motivation to go tomorrow. It’s supposed to rain all weekend and next week. Ugh!

    I agree about shift work. It’s got to be difficult!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Just got paid and trying the Spinach-stuffed Chicken and the Chicken Parmesan recipes tonight....before I run out of $$ ....lol doing half and half...should satisfy everyone, they can choose, or eat both, like me!!

    Suzy, sounds like a great program , like Vail's does.
    Snoozie, that does sound like a lot you have to go through with the surgery....but the outcome will be so amazing!!

    Finding out what the new g-Baby is today..... could be a rabbit or a frog!!! lol I am really hoping it is just healthy and happy...but secretly pulling for a little baby boy, since we have the 6 year old big sister.. but, either will be loved...... won't be due till Dec, I think it is.

    Hoping you all have an awesome weekend....think I am working this weekend...ugh! : )
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Hi all! Quick note before heading into work.. Gail a new grandbaby!! Woo hoo!! and perhaps he/she will be a Christmas present if due in December lol!! let us know how the chicken parm went? I'm off for a few days after tomorrow so hope to start checking out some of the recipes

    Suzy let us know if you need an ark built and sent.. we're on it!!

    Vail - sneaky little beasts slipping in the upped exercise !!! let us know when u get a chance to check out what they want you to do (besides the step count increase)…

    WICKED.. was awesome!! I just loved it..... went with 2 friends and had dinner just across from the theatre before hand; when we got out around 1030pm we walked the one friend back to her hotel (about a 10 min walk) which is right downtown in Toronto, and there were so many people on the street it was a gorgeous night... there were buskers playing music honestly it was too funny we were like a bunch of tourists just wandering and enjoying the hustle and bustle of the city... even tho i work downtown i literally drive to work and come home lol... we forget what a vibrant and fun time it can be just walking around there and taking in the whole atmosphere..

    If i was rich Vail I would go to every play but admit I'm a particularly secret fan of any musical lol... i actually went ot the see the new Mama Mia movie (part 2) one afternoon last week when i was off and quite enjoyed it too... I only see about 1 movie every 5 years cause i'm not a big movie buff... but i thot i wanna see this and so i'm going.... part of the whole nourish the spirit move i guess! hahah.. ok … better get cracking .. have a good one !
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    We visited Toronto in ‘84 and fell in love with the city. I’d love to go back someday. We lived in Rochester, NY for a couple years and went there a couple times.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    That's great that you had such a nice time in the city at night. My city tends to get a bit rowdy at night! But Toronto sounds lovely with the buskers. I think it's great to be a tourist in your own city sometimes! I love musicals too, although I don't get to go very often. I do like films too, though. And musical films! I haven't been to see the new Mama Mia one yet.

    Very exciting about the grandchild, Gwen! I'm impressed with you making two different recipes at once and letting people choose! I am much too lazy. (Also I would choose the spinach-stuffed chicken every time. Although I meant to say ... it seems to take longer to cook in my oven than it does in the recipe! But I'm sure you are all used to knowing when things are cooked - it maybe depends on the size of the chicken breasts. I have one of those needle thermometers because I'm a bit obsessive and tend to overcook things if I don't know for sure). I'd love to know how it went and which was more popular!

    Suzy, that's a shame about the rain. I hope you can get out, even with waterproofs - or is it too much for that?

    Yes, there was a step total for the day when I got the app - 5000 steps. But I think the idea was just to get us used to and used to the eating programme, then after a couple of weeks they are bringing in more exercise. This is something I don't think the app is great at. It demonstrates the exercises, but I have to scroll through them to get to the right level, and there is no timer - I feel it could be designed better. But you can look at it online too. We are meant to do some strength training (things like pushups, squats), and some moderate/vigorous cardio, stretching, etc.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    The sun is out!!!! Yay!!!! It’s amazing what seeing the sun can do for your mood and motivation. Unfortunately I committed us to spending the day with my parents when the forecast said rain. Hopefully we’ll still have some sun tomorrow. The trails are probably all mud right now anyway.

    I’m the worst at over cooking meat of any kind. My meat thermometer is ancient.

    So.....is the new grand baby a boy or a girl? By the way....why doesn’t anyone want to be surprised anymore? I get the whole, “we want to be prepared” thing but it was pretty exciting to not know until the baby made an appearance. I’m (hopefully) about two years away from being a grandma. That’s a good thing because neither of my kids are ready for parenthood!

    I may see if my hubby wants to go for a walk before it gets too hot and we have to go to my parent’s house. Have a good weekend!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who overcooks! I have ruined meals that way, particularly salmon, which isn't nice if overcooked. I do have an old meat thermometer but tend to use the needle thermometer - it's really quick and doesn't leave a hole.

    Hoping the sun is staying out for you!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks, Vail, but I haven't actually made them yet, I forgot some of the ingredients. I am used to making two of most things, such different eaters in my household.. Son .... eats no onions, Hubby eats no onions, black pepper, red sauce...he gets heartburn so easily. ,... as for DnL , Gbaby and I, we eat anything not tied down!! lol

    Snoozie, I would love to see Toronto...also New York City is on my bucket list in a few years..

    Suzy, I thought it was just me..I can not cook meat to save my life. I think I was meant to be a vegetarian !

    It's a GIRL!! So I see a lot more pink in our future. I really felt like it was going to be a boy. I even stopped by and picked up a boy congratulations card to prove my assuredness....needless to say I now have a boy card ready for the next boy I hear off...lol

    Has anyone heard anything from Susan?

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    Congratulations on the granddaughter to be! Maybe if you were so sure, she's going to be a tomboy?

    I'm so lazy, I think I'd just cook things everybody could eat ... but then I would miss onions. I had to give them up when I was on that FODMAP diet, but I was able to eat the green parts of leeks and green onions. I wonder if that would work for your non-onion-eaters?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Hi all!

    i've been spending these days off trying to meet up with friends and get as many chores done before my housebound days; as a result of several lunches the scale is reflecting it.. gak! and at home i've been eating everything in sight; healthy and not healthy... im deathly afraid i'm going to turn into an oompa loompa while i'm off because i have always been an emotional eater and i eat when i'm bored... so i'm definitely going to have to try to find things to keep me occupied!! other than sitting on my *kitten* at the computer that is.... :)

    We are having a rain day here; cant complain as we need it but did have plans to meet a friend on a patio - maybe it's mother nature telling me i've eaten more than enough this week?? ha... yup lets make it all about me!

    Gail - i totally admire you for being willing to cook different things.. like vail i am so lazy i can barely cook for me..im not sure what I would do if I had to accommodate a bunch of other peoples preferences! ! My mom had a rule you eat what's on your plate or you go hungry... but that said we were each allowed one thing we never had to eat (mine was liver; my sister was mushrooms) but i distinctly remember hiding peas in my mashed potatos to get em down cause i wasnt a fan.. and when we would come home for lunch from school if my dad was making lunches (both my parents wokred shifts so whoever was home made it) he often made salmon sammiches.. not a fav but he would always put a handful on cheesies on the side so i could take a bite and shove a bunch of cheesies in to hide the taste lol...

    Suzy i hope you managed to get some time in on your sun day to enjoy yourself after the parental visit!

    Vail - hows the exercise upping portion of the program coming?? are there any more people in the chat room as yet???

    Well since i can't walk at hte lake this morning i better get my ever widening *kitten* off the couch and do something!! lol will check in later..

    Oh and Gail - i think Susan has left the site; her profile says its been 2 months since she checked in :( Haven't heard from Milove in a while hope all is well with her too!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    The exercise is going OK, thanks, but I haven't been managing my step count. It has been put up twice since I started, so I feel I'm chasing it. It's quite time consuming trying to fit it in, even though I probably walk more than most people (I usually walk to get my shopping rather than driving). I do cycle to the shops as well and that doesn't show on the step count. Also if I'm walking with heavy shopping that's got to count as extra? I know I'm making excuses!

    I'm quite enjoying the workouts, although they are really difficult to follow on the app. I can get them on the computer screen and that makes it a bit easier, but still difficult. I would love if they had some sound and a timer. They are strength exercises, which I know are good for me, with optional cardio.

    The lesson today is about exercise in relation to insulin sensitivity. Briefly, it seems to be saying that the normal exercise like walking and cycling that I do, doesn't do much to help insulin sensitivity. The key thing is high intensity workouts and building muscle.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Darn Vail I shouldn't have read your post before heading for my walk LOLOL... (because of the insulin sensitivity info).. I think I actually knew that.. or had heard it.. but was playing ostrich :( I honestly don't think at this stage of my life i'm ever gonna get into HIT workouts.. altho pickleball comes pretty close for me ha... but I DO have to start strength training just for the bone density help - but apparently as well as for the muscle building.. I guess I won't have any excuse after tomorrow with so much time on my hands.. I have kinda slacked off on my home physio exercises too.. so maybe that should be my focus.. I still have an exercise band somewhere and a card with a bunch of ST moves... so actually its probably good timing for me to read it.. and my walkies are more for my mental health .. so it's all good!!

    and yesssssssssss carting groceries does count as extra!! as does the cycling!!) rock on!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    Sorry, for posting that at the wrong time! And of course, walking has other benefits, as you say - it just doesn't seem to have the same effect on insulin sensitivity, according to my article today. I have done HIIT, but I'm always a bit wary with my heart anyway. Strength training I'm a fan of anyway, because of the inevitable muscle loss with aging. In regards to insulin sensitivity, I'm just not sure as it's such a struggle to maintain muscle, never mind build it. The ideal, they say is to have more muscle, and less middle body fat. I'm working on the latter, but I think the former is going to be pretty impossible. I suppose you might be able to concentrate on the physio and strength exercises when your waiting for your op, and can't do so much walking? I find it really boring, to be honest. But needs must!

    Meanwhile, my mentor has got me on to kombucha and kefir. No, I hadn't either! I now have giant jars of the stuff brewing away in my living room. What with buying all the stuff to make the kombucha it's working out more expensive than wine, so it had better be good! Anyway, the idea is to get more probiotics, through fermented food. Kombucha is fermented tea, and kefir is fermented milk - a bit like yoghurt, but more good microbes, apparently.

    Meanwhile, here's another recipe I like from the book:

    Black Bean Patties

    • 4 spring onions, thinly sliced
    • 1 red chilli, seeded and diced (optional)
    • 2 x 400g tins black beans (you can use other beans like kidney or canellini)
    • 1 tsp smoked or hot paprika (optional. You can use what spices you prefer. I think I put cumin in last time)
    • 75g (1 cup) wholemeal bread crumbs
    • 1 egg, lightly beaten
    • 1 handful fresh coriander and/or chives, chopped (or fresh herbs of your choice)
    • 1-2 tbsp olive oil

    1. Combine all the ingredients except the olive oil in a large bowl. Add salt and pepper, mix well and work the mix into a large ball with clean hands
    2. Roll this into 8 even balls and flatten into patties (I tend to make more small ones). Place on a plate lined with baking parchment in the fridge for 10-15 minutes
    3. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Fry the patties for 3-5 minutes on each side or until lightly browned. Use an egg turner to turn them just once. Make sure the pan temperature is not too high
    4. Serve in bread rolls with salad and tzatziki or with hummus and your favourite vegetables.

    I've been making half quantity if it's just for myself, and that does two meals. They are fine cold the next day with a dip and salad.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    This-> " The key thing is high intensity workouts and building muscle. " is why I have to do boot camp style cardio and 150 lb leg presses....cause my doc said just walking or slow bike rides wasn't doing it for me....

    But I have fell off from either of those, but going to try and get started back up next week. I am slowly backing off the sweets, too... maybe it will all come together .

    Vail, I don't always have to cook different things, but on spaghetti night , I have to make a red sauce and a cheese sauce. I do try to sneak in some green onion tops. Never used the leeks, but I know I would love them.

    I hope Susan is ok and just taking a break from us....
    I think I saw Milove had posted a few weeks back, she is probably running wild with working and stuff.

    Snoozie, I sympathize with you on the eating type...I too eat with all those symptoms. Maybe get in some sleep at your worst eating times of the day? lol It might work.

    Hi, Suzy!

    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

    OH, yes,It will be a lot of fun to buy girly stuff! She can be a tomboy too. I was and still am, but love girly stuff too...lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Vail - i've tried both of those and frankly … well it's right up there with kale for me HAHA.. but I do agree on the acidic foods being good for u … rumour has it nothing can live in an alkanline environment.. I do love sourkraught tho (sp?) pickled cabbage lol... so maybe i'll buy a jar on chow down on that!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit...more parental issues this week. My dad fell this time but luckily he’s okay, just banged up a bit.

    I so desperately need to get back to the gym and doing some strength training. This week was supposed to be “the week” but I haven’t been once. I start this online knee strength program on Monday so it looks like next week will be “the week” instead. I talk with my coach today via phone so I’ll know more about it all after that.

    I’ve read up on kombucha and it sounds disgusting to me, still....I’d try it if I didn’t have to make it. Are the ready made versions that you can buy any good? Do they still have all the good stuff? I’ve thought about substituting kefir for Greek yogurt in my smoothies. Is it that kind of thing?

    I have one more closet to go through today and I will have been through everything closet and drawer in my house getting rid of unnecessary stuff. I have a truckload of donations to take somewhere. I may try to sell some stuff. My house is a shambles right now! Hopefully by the end of the month it will be set back to rights.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    I hope your dad is recovering OK, Suzy. Good luck with the decluttering. I always want to sell stuff, but realistically, I don't get round to it, so I end up giving it to charity, or throwing away. I do think it's quite a hard job, deciding what to keep, sorting things out, and so on. I tried Konmarie a couple of years ago, and that was good (I still fold my socks!), but I didn't finish it.

    I'm making kombucha at the moment, and have to admit it does look absolutely disgusting. I'm not convinced that I'm ever going to be able to bring myself to drink the stuff. I feel the "scoby" is staring at me out of the murky water in the jar. It's like a big flat eyeball with floaty bits, sitting in dirty, brown water. I don't know if the bought stuff is as good. I didn't know you could buy it when I committed to making it, and then later I found a bottle in a health food shop for an extravagent price. I like making things myself, but I might change my mind after having this malevolent looking thing in my living room.

    The kefir jar looked much more wholesome. I'm sure you could use it in smoothies. I'm not sure what I'm going to use mine for. I'm tempted to make kefir cheese, but then it seems to be an awful lot of faff for not much end product.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Vail - I almost choked on my orange reading this:

    I feel the "scoby" is staring at me out of the murky water in the jar. It's like a big flat eyeball with floaty bits, sitting in dirty, brown water.

    omg... girl if you can even TRY that stuff after what you wrote???????? I will bow down to you in highest admiration !!!!!!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hahaha! There’s absolutely no way I could drink that after I imagined it was looking at me! I had to google Konmarie. It sounds pretty severe! I am purging a TON of stuff though. I have one more closet to go through. I thought I was done but then I remembered the closet in the basement under the stairs. It’s full of suitcases and bags. I still have the set of luggage my parents gave me when I graduated high school in 1979!!!

    On a sour note: the tablet I was given for this whole exercise/fitness program stopped working this morning! I hope they’ll send me a replacement. I talked with my coach via phone yesterday. She made me commit to three days a week to do the exercises and I had to tell her which days and what time I’d commit to! Talk about being held accountable! I’m expecting good things!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    Snooozie, I'm going to have to try it, after having had it's company in my living room for a month! It does make me laugh though. It's like something out of Frankenstein's laboratory.

    It's a shame about your tablet, Suzy. I have had problems with my "tech" too, not working as intended. But thankfully I can still do the programme (I have to enter weights manually at the moment). It's good that you can talk to your coach on the phone.

    I'm not losing weight fast (although I do think there's a slight downward trend), but the programme does seem to help me stick to it. We are on week 4, and I had my first proper slipup last night. I had a handful of salted peanuts, which I regret! But I think that before the programme, I was slipping up every week, at least! Recently I've been forgetting to do my gratitudes (each night we have to write down three things we are grateful for and one positive experience) and I honestly think if I'd done that, I wouldn't have had the peanuts. (Of course, I could not have peanuts in the house. They were hidden in a cupboard, but they fell out when I opened it and I couldn't stop thinking about them).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    edited August 2018
    Vail i don't suppose we could talk you into taking a selfie the moment you try it?? lol

    i'm a little behind in replies so I'll start there -

    Suzy I hope your dad is ok? super job on the closets.. I should do the same while im stuck at home... unless you wanna volunteer to come with me? I did laugh at your suitcase from high school.. I still have a few of my dad's soft sided suitcases =; why I don't know. I'm sorry the tablet is broken; I do hope they replace it; I gulped at the demand to provide the days and times to your coach... but... as you'll see later I think its a great idea .. !

    Gail I'm sure your gonna have a blast buying stuff for the new grand baby.. these days so much is unisex that you can indulge yourself when you feel like frills and lace or a pair of coveralls for her you can do what ya want cause you're grandma - no rules apply!!

    One of my friends when her daughter was expecting her first, woudl drag me along to garage sales while we were up at her cottage to the point where her daughter forbade her to buy anything new.. joanne however outsmarted her cause she said it was all stuff to keep at the cottage so they wouldnt have to lug a playpen or toys up when they came lololol.... !

    So i'll try to keep this part short.. but we all know i fail miserably at that lol. so read at your own risk! In a nutshell, yesstreday was day 1 of being with my contact lens in.. if you've ever tried on a pair of someone else's high prescription glasses you'll get the idea of what my vision is like; wonky works best .. anyway i had a complete pity party for myself.. i got c aught up in the whole woe is me thing and literally ate from sunrise to sunset.. well, past sunset to be honest... and i did absolutely nothing except sit on the couch or nap... and wallow. it sounds so stupid out loud, but i was feeling sorry for myself thinking i'm gonna balloon in weight just hanging around here and be bored outta my mind and even today i could feel the ow's from not moving at all yesterady... and of course while i was wallowing i was stuffing my face.

    So this morning when i got up I thought ok enuf.. and reading the posts from Suzy and Vail about the programmes they're involved helped me realize i needed an attitude adjustment.. and a plan.. I have LOADS to do around this place from sorting paperwork i've let grow for too long to putting away stuff i dragged out eons ago yada yada.. and i have slacked off on my physio stretches, and somewhere in this clutter is the stretch band they gave me for some beginning strength training stuff..

    so... today i am going to make a beginning plan - but not look ahead too far which is what did me in.. the thought of weeks stretching ahead... so i am going to use the treadmill every day in the gym downstairs, and every day do the physio .. and on mon/wed/fri i will use the band and go thru the exercises they gave me for it.. i will have no excuse not to as i have nothing but time on my hands, so i'm going to use my calendar as my accountability - my paper wall calendar .. i will have to check off every day that everything was done. And at least all the crap it sout of the house food wise now so i have no excuse there either. I feel better today having gotten thru the pity party (?altho i'm a little miffed none of you sent gifts.. just sayin'.. hahahaha kidding!!) and knowing i have a plan to avoid the feared oompa loompa status while i'm off will hopefully keep me focused - as well hearing about both your programs is helping me too so pls keep up the reports on how its going!!

    ok.. phew.. i'm done lol. And that said.. i must now get off my EWA (ever widening *kitten*) and get cracking!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    You go, Snoozie!!!! It sounds like you’ve motivated yourself into action!! I’m so proud of you for pullin yourself out of that pity mode and into action mode!

    I tried my tablet again last night and out of the blue it worked fine. Who knows what I did. Now I feel like one of those old people who doesn’t understand technology! Ha!

    We did an absolutely grueling hike today. Nine miles up and over two mountains! The terrain was so treacherous that we found an old service road and hiked back to our car on that instead. It was difficult as well but not as bad as the trail!

    At dinner my husband started talking about how he wants to cut back and lose a few pounds, too. He encouraged me to only eat half of what I ordered and he did the same. I’m still full and so pleased with myself for not over eating just because I hiked.

    Vail, I’m the only one (out of 20 people on my “team”) that has posted in the “chat” room for this program. Hahaha! I guess we’re both just extremely social people and they aren’t. I’m hoping that others will join in.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,477 Member
    I'm glad you've got the tablet working, Suzy. So funny that you're the chatty one in your group too! I wouldn't even say I'm that sociable ... but I do find it helpful to talk to people.

    Wow, your walk sounds hard! I hope it was enjoyable as well and not too exhausting! What an achievement!
    It's great that your husband is thinking of cutting back. I'm sure it must be easier if you are doing it together and encouraging each other. Well done on sticking to half the meal. Half the calories!

    Thinking of you Snooozie, at the moment. Sounds like you have a great plan! And I'm sure you're right about just thinking day to day. Time goes so quickly if you're not watching it! I completely understand the "pity party", and the fear of gaining weight. But to be honest, I don't find exercise really makes much difference to my weight - I don't feel so hungry if I'm not exercising, so the lack of moving might not affect you so much, hopefully! But I do understand - it's not just the lack of moving, it's being in the house with limited activities available, possibly boredom and so on - it's so easy to spend your life thinking about what your going to eat next - lol! But I love the idea of doing all the things round the house that you have been neglecting. I could do with making a plan for that myself. I hope it's a fun and productive time for you, despite everything!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,472 Member
    Morning all! Well the best laid plans lol... I haven't managed to accomplish any of my 3 goals every day except the walkies every day - however I am finally back to my last check in weight logged... its annoying i'm right back where I started from at my last effort but that's ok.. I haven't given up and I will get to where I want to be. I didn't make it by my birthday, but I have 4 months to the end of the year.. 16 weeks... but i'll be working on me one week at a time.. 7 days is a much more manageable chunk of time for me so moving forward again.. i'd say upwards and onwards but technically I want downwards and onwards lol

    Suzy I got exhausted just reading about that hike i'm so glad you took the alternate route back! and as Vail said, perhaps having hubby on board and supporting each other will be a super positive thing for your journey you're undertaking right now..

    Vail - I am in total agreement that weight loss is 80% food and 20'% exercise - you can't outrun your fork. And yes its the extreme boredom that kicks in; which is kinda pathetic cause I really do have tons I could do around here and SHOULD do... i'm just not interested hahaha. but I had an outing to work yesterday; my boss is retiring and they did a presentation thing at work so I took a bus to the train and the train halfway in and one of the guys I work with picked me up there and drove the rest of the way.. it was a lot of travelling for a 1/2 hr lol... but... I was able to manage ok with the wonky sight and tonight is the annual bbq for the volunteers at the living arts centre - so i'm going to splurge and take a cab as it's only 2km away lol.. I was going to take the bus but altho we have a great transit system here, it does take EONS to get anywhere lol... when you're used to driving that is.. however i'm grateful i'm mobile and able to get out and about so no whining .. and one of my friends is hoping to take me up to her cottage for a few days next week (I'm using my vacation time for the next two weeks as i'll have to use up my sick hours in September).

    I'm going to walk over to the grocery store today; just need some light things so I figure it's about 8km return trip.. I have stores closer but that's my favourite one and I have nothing but time on my hands lol.. but I am determined to make some progress on the cleaning/purging here today.. i've narrowed it down to working on one room only til its finished... as I tend to get distracted if i'm moving thru another room and see something .. then I end up with everything half done and nothing finished lol.

    hoping to hear how both programs are going for you and Vail Suzy... I know you had to commit to your coach on the exercise days.. how'd that go this week? Vail anyone else showing up in the chats? Do you still get the daily motivational things and the recipes?

    Gail - hope all is well in your world!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes, all is well here. Just a bit busy with work and trying to help Young Son get his yard in order at his new home, that he can't afford to live in yet....lol

    Snoozie, I have been trying to keep up with the reading ....I got exhausted just reading about your trip to work for a 30 minute gathering... I am glad your co-worker helped get you through the last part. : )

    Vail, Oh my goodness...to even attempt to make Kombutcha ...is noteworthy, but to achieve it is awesome!!..I would love to see a picture of it...especially if it is staring back at you! hahaha..

    Suzy, I am always in awe of you and your hikes!! I have fallen off all my healthy stuff...hardly get in any walks at all....just a bit of boot camp occasionally. I'm too lazy to try and outrun my FORK!! Sugar consumption has lessened along with cravings, but I still eat too much. So I can relate to your issues .

    We're still doing much better than we were before we started this trek...don't ya'll think so?

    Take care, talk later

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hello Hatters! Sorry I’ve been MIA this week...things have been crazy busy. I really don’t do well with crazy busy. I ate an entire container of Haagen Daz last night at my pity party for one. Ugh!

    Snoozie, I hope things are going well for you. I know it’s got to be difficult but this too shall pass and I know you can pull it together and make the most of your time. Hang in there!!

    Vail, I was looking at my “team’s” discussion page and a couple other people have made comments. However, we get points for each exercise or task we complete and it shows how many each person has next to their profile pic. I have 11 by just doing what they require each week. There are 12 out of 20 people that have zero points....meaning they haven’t done anything at all!!! Why sign up for this program if you’re not going to do it?

    Gail, does that mean that you’re doing yard work at your son’s house? That is hard work in itself! I absolutely hate working in the yard...HATE IT!!!

    This is the first day that I’ve done well with my eating in a very long time. I’m hoping to see a trend of making healthier choices. I know, I know...it’s up to me!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    yes, I went with him , to be there since he was going to be using a ladder and cutting low hanging limbs from tree all around his huuuuuuuumongous yard. : )

    His wife is pregnant and can't take the heat. My husband has the PAD stuff with his leg and does not need to go....but he got his feelings hurt when he wasn't asked to go..I think. It was hot, can't lie, but I got plenty of sun and burned some calories off...no weight, just calories! lol

    I may end up helping him some more, don't know. I do know he signed us up to come help tear out CARPET!! Now that is a job I will hate. I think we will have to tie it to the lawn mower and pull it out of the house...Looks like it is as hard as trying to carry a dead person out rolled up in a rug...I wouldn't know this personally since, I have never rolled up a dead person in a rug.....just carried them out as they were....hahahaha...just kidding.... we did roll them up!

    Suzy, I am not saying I am giving up, but sometimes I wonder if it is worth the trouble of never being able to lose it and keep it off.... cuz, I love to eat too much....hmmmm I just don't know sometimes.

    Keep doing all the good things you do!

    Snoozie, did I see you stumbling around again. Seriously though , I hope you are doing ok with it.
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