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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - I know exactly what you mean about having to be on the meds - my goal is to get OFF the metformin but I know I will have to be on the others pretty much forever - so I choose to look at those meds as beneficial - for me the sign was more about reminding me eating an entire bag of chips is simply NOT good for me lol... and that the more good food I put into me the more it will help me hopefully stay off any further drugs... but the ones I have to take I try to see as beneficial for my overall health rather than as omg not another pill I have to take... cause I dunno about you but sometimes when i'm taking my morning ones and opening 3 bottles I occasionally feel like omg - so I have to turn it around in my head that they are helping me :)

    I haven't looked at where I was in January - but I know i'm up from where I started when I got serious again.. im honestly not sure why... I have been brutally honest looking at what i'm eating and how much; and with the better choices especially and moving more I am somewhat flummoxed... so I think I will have to start logging again much as I don't want to.... just to see if i'm actually way over consuming calorie wise...

    I am absolutely loving the pickleball; its extremely addictive but I have learned to tone it back a bit... I played too long the first few times and as a result ended up in pain in various parts.. so I am forcing myself to only play for an hour instead of 3.. and to sit out a game or two inbetween… I did that on sunday and so far seem to be ok... I guess I need to remember most of my muscles have done nothing for the last 20 yrs and I am hoping that by starting off not going crazy I can build up some stamina and then increase the play time.. expecially while it's free right now lol. even once it starts up again at the rec centre it is only $2.75 for a 3 hr session so I can easily do that.. but free is better lol

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m so glad you’ve found something active that you really enjoy. That makes all the difference! I think logging is a necessary evil for me. I just lose track.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    The very words "3 hour session" make me feel tired! I'm laughing at you forcing yourself not to play for the full three hours - not laughing at you, but laughing at me being gobsmacked at somebody having to force themselves to do less! It's fantastic that you feel like doing more! It does sound like a very active sport, and I'm glad you love it so much!

    I can't face logging again. I normally cook everything from scratch, and make up recipes as I go along. They thought of having to weigh every single ingredient - and then I divide it up between my son and me, so I suppose I'd have to weigh the individual plates and do the calculations. It just seems like so much work, when I just want to eat and get the dishes washed! Although I suppose I could go back to just keeping a food diary. That seemed to help. One thing that always, always helps, is limiting food to mealtimes. Whether it's three meals a day, or whether I'm doing fasting and it's just one meal, I think just eating at mealtimes allows me to see the food altogether and have more of an idea of how much I'm eating.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    count me in... I'm up 4 lbs from the last weigh in....I called myself eating better...just breakfast, no lunch..... can't win. not giving up though.lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Trust me Vail - i'm laughing too cause never did I think those words would ever leave my mouth!! Too funny!! I wish it was because I was |exercising too much" LOLOL.. but its just my poor old body can't handle that much activity without completely breaking down on me! Which has opened my eyes tho to just how badly out of shape I am fitness wise! and if you're a very good player it's not crazy active like tennis; its only if you suck at it like me that you are doing a lot of running around, mostly chasing the ball you just missed!! HA!

    And omg yes on the logging.. honestly I dread the thought of doing it again, but I have 7 days of dayshift coming up next week and im thinking if I can just do it for that time frame i'll get an idea if i'm actually over eating calorie wise... as Suzy said it might have to be a necessary evil for me for a while.. and I did log faithfully for almost 2 years when I lost the majority of my weight...so I think i'm going to have to try to force myself to get back at it!

    Gail - good on ya for NOT giving up on getting what you want for yourself!! yay you!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Oh y’all, you will not believe what I did this morning! I decided to try making something different so I tried pumpkin for my smoothie. At the last minute I decided to add some cinnamon to give it a spice flavor. Unfortunately I grabbed the ground cumin which looked almost identical to the ground cinnamon bottle! OMG!!! Worst thing ever!!! Hahahahaha!!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg suzy LOLOL... I cant even imagine - cumin of all flavours !!!!!!!!!!!! I did that once with something; cant remember what but very probably looking for cinnamon and got something savoury instead..... gakkkkkkkkkkkkk
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Lol! Might have been OK if you turned it into a soup instead?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I don’t know, Vail. The French vanilla protein powder did not go well with that Mexican spice. Yuk! I’ll try again tomorrow or Monday.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'm laughing with you not at you , Suzy.. been there and almost grabbed the cinnamon for paprika.... they look so much alike...at least it wasn't cayenne pepper!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Tried again and it was delish!!! Am at the beach with my daughter and I’m enjoying every moment instead of stressing over food. I’ll get back to it on Sunday. Have a great week everyone!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    All I can say is...wow. Got on the scale this morning and was shocked. I haven’t been this heavy in four years! So it’s back to basics for me. I’ve got to go back to logging (it’s been hit or miss this summer with all of our trips), back to the gym and walking, eating within my calorie goal and drinking my water.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited July 2018
    Suzy if there is any truth to the idiom "misery loves company".... you're gonna love me... I have been on a bender; had a lot of social events and basically even at home eating like crap.. I SWEAR its because I know I have my A1C (blood sugar) test coming up next week... and you would think logically I would be the opposite.. anyway... I hopped on the scale and i'm into a new set of numbers... I stepped off and back on again... now its just barely there but like you... i'm done.... I was at a pool party yesterday for our Canada day party and ate like a pig because there was all this lovely food I never get (cause I never make it) and while I spent most of the day in the pool... I turned a noodle into a "U" and sat in it and just floated around.. so didn't burn one calorie there...

    anyway... it is what it is... only I can change it... so... nuff screwing around.. its back to basics for me too …. so i'm IN!!!

    Edited cause i changed my ticker weight to what it is... the only good thing is plan to log every single OUNCE as it comes off so I AM going to be seeing it move FREQUENTLY!!! (that's positive thinking coming in there !!) lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I thought about updating my ticker weight but I just can’t do it. Seeing that number would totally depress me. I did great yesterday and am feeling motivated. I just got back from the grocery store so I have loads of healthy food and snacks. I’ve got a pool party/family reunion at the end of the month so I really want to see a loss before that.

    We can do this!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Must come in threes ....I am back to within 13 lbs of being at start weight... just started a losers challenge to see if it will motivate me...Hope so!! We can do this!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    edited July 2018
    I had actually done quite well in that I'd got back to my previous maintenance weight. Still working on it, but inexplicably the scales are creeping up again! I say inexplicably, but I have been indulging a little at weekends, and I really need to learn that I can't do that any more. Also, I made some shortbread, only because I've started growing lavender in the garden and wanted to know what lavender shortbread would be like*. I didn't eat it all, but what possessed me to bake such a calorific treat! Anyway, I'm not going to give up things like that for ever, but they really need to be an occasional treat. Not every weekend. I end up knocking out the whole week's worth of work!!

    Good luck to all of us over the summer! It's time for a change!

    (*it turned out that it was very nice indeed! I also made caraway shortbread and hazlenut/currant shortbread. All very nice, but don't make shortbread! All that butter!)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited July 2018
    Vail I love shortbread.... but fortunately for me people usually make it at Christmas here so I only have to face the trauma once a year lol... so I feel for ya!! I had a piece of home made strawberry rhubarb pie at the pool party.. .which set me off as it's my absolute favourite.. so what did I do yesterday? yup picked up a store bought one. It was a small one .. but... I was perfectly happy with the one piece at the party so why did I buy an entire pie the next day???? splain that to me Lucy !! :(

    Did a long walk at the lake this morning, basically because I got to the top of the hill and thot screw it.. tht's far enough.. and when I turned around down the hill were a couple I met a few years ago and hadn't seen this year, so I joined them and ended up walking an extra hour or so lol... wish I could say it was cause I was motivated but alas... nope... however, whatever gets me there i'll take right!!

    im about to start logging today... blech.... but... it's what worked for me on the big loss and i'm hoping perhaps seeing the actual amounts i'm taking in will help me deal iwth the reality of what i'm shoving in my mouth... hoping to hit pickleball tonite so that should burn off a few and i'm about to start making a shopping list .. i may search out some meal plans to take the pressure off about trying to decide what to have for dinner... ya 1st world probs.. i know lol

    Edited: so turns out coffee, toast and pb equals almost 500 cals ... its suddenly becoming clearer .... :o:o

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Vail....STOP!!! OMG, now I want all the shortbread!!! Hahahaha! The concept of only indulging occasionally has eluded me...hence the weight gain. I get on this roll where I totally rationalize eating more and more unhealthy food. Kind of like Snoozie buying that pie, “well I already had one piece, what’s the big deal with a little pie, I’ll start back tomorrow, I already blew it today so I’ll just eat this carton of ice cream...” :D

    I’m down a few pounds in a few days, so there’s the water weight gone. I’m dealing with parental issues today and I do like to stress eat, so wish me luck!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Yay on losing a few already Suzy !! Lordy tell me about the stress eating I hear ya! I am more an emotional eater one and the problem is it doesn't matter what the emotion is😛😛. Good luck with the parents today !