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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Totally stayed within my calories today and I walked after dinner! Go me!!!

    However.....tomorrow is July 4th and we’re grilling baby back ribs, having baked beans and I’m making banana pudding!!! I’m having salad instead of beans and limiting the number of ribs I eat but I am having my banana pudding. I’ll have to cut back on lunch and make sure I go for a walk! I’ll leave the leftovers at my parent’s house; that’s the only way that I won’t eat the whole pan!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    GREAT job on staying within your cals yesterday and the walkies!!!

    and happy July 4th to my amazing friends across the way!! Hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating your lovely country's birthday!

    Suzy, home made baked beans are one of my fav things... and remember they are super high in fibre if you decide to have a small side serving of em!! You can feel free to send the leftovers to me instead of your parents btw... lol just sayin...!!

    I did NOT manage to stay within my cals.. well i might have actually... by the end of lunch i was at about 3/4 of my daily content.. but.. i ended up skipping dinner to go play pickleball, so i had a bowl of oatmeal and an orange for dinner when i got home ha!! I didn't overdo it this time i dont think... i'm a little stiff this morning but will head to the lake and walk it out.. i have to sit for a few hours this morning as i booked a hair color and cut - so i'll have to make sure i get up and waddle around the salon a bit here and there hahahaha...

    I have changed up my shopping habit a wee bit too - I've decided i am only buying what i plan to eat over the next 2 days when i go to the store. I'm wasting too much food, and this way it will hopefully help with that and as well, keep me from straying into too much crap. I will still buy meat and freeze it when it's on sale, but the past few weeks i've been "eating" from my freezer and cupboard; i seem to have so much stuff in there i just keep buying and adding to... and end up throwing out down the road... so im not buying anything more until they are both pretty empty lol.

    okey dokey i'm off to the lake!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I also freeze a lot of individual servings of meat or bread and such. It sometimes sneaks up on me that I’ve run out and then I look in the freezer and am confused about where it all went. Personally, I try to go to the grocery store as little as possible. Every time I go there it’s one more chance for me to grab something that I shouldn’t eat. You’ve got to do what works best for you though.

    I did okay tonight with eating. I had a couple bites of the beans Snoozie. Worth it. I also had corn on the cob (which I wasn’t planning on but it was so good!). Ate one too many ribs and didn’t need the garlic roll but overall I’m pretty proud of my self control. I also walked today, so that helped.

    Snoozie, pickleball sounds like such fun! I’m glad you’ve found something you enjoy.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i'd say you did awesome suzy !! I am jealous of the beans and ribs … but I had corn on the cob the other day so that will have to console me lol.. how was the banana pudding???

    i'm not sure the whole shop more often is gonna work either to be honest; but i'll give it a few weeks and see if helps or hinders lol!

    off to the lake.. back to work today on evenings and was up at 5pm.. I wonder if they'll allow me a nap during shift tonite?? haaaaa
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I hate to blow my own horn but I made the banana pudding and it was incredible! One of my all time favorite desserts.

    Working different shifts has got to be hard on losing weight. I am so routine driven and when I get off my routine my healthy diet suffers. Hang in there Snoozie!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!! We had lots of rain/thunder and lightening last nite which blew out the heat and humidity we had been dealing with for the past week... I just stuck my head out the window and its lovely and cool and breezy and sunny... can't wait to head to the lake this morning! and I slept pretty good for a change .. altho i'm still yawning lol...

    Suzy the shift work does mess with me in many ways... but at least these few months over the summer where i'm not on nites helps big time; its just days and afternoons for a few months which is way better for me mentally physically and emotionally!! I'm down a couple of pounds but as Vail said in her post.. I'm waiting for a "new" pound before I log it.... which means i'm still have quite a ways to go … but that's ok at least the scale is moving in the right direction again and that's a start... so i'll take it!

    I made a last minute decision on the way home from the lake yesterday to go to pickleball.. this free program over june/july is great so I figure I might as well take advantage of it while I can! I was a good little pudge tho.. did the practice drills and then played only 2 games... I was still a little stiff last nite at work but I think scaling back when I play is helping.. it was kinda funny the instructor asked us if we'd like to have a little tournament at the end of the program.. honestly we were like abunch of little kids all shouting yesssssss wow ya that'd be cool and everyone was all excited... we are all SO bad just the thought is a giggle.. but it is very nice of them to give us our own little tourney .. you never know one day one of us might be in a real one! I don't think i'll get to play in it tho if they do it right at the end cause i'll be working dayshift... but... I am so glad I tried something new even tho the thought of that much physical activity scared the hell out of me... and come the fall when I have to start paying to play at the rec centres, I will def start working it into my budget! Thankfully it ranges from $2 to $6 for 3 hrs of play so definitely doable lol!

    ok time to get my butt in gear … Suzy I've never even heard of banana pudding.. can you believe that? I've had banana cream pie.. and various other things but never banana pudding.. s it actually pudding? like chocolate pudding?? or is that just a name? I suspect I would love it tho lol...cause I do like anything with banana.. i'm so glad it came out perfectly for you!!

    righto. nuff babbling.. hope everyone has a great weekend; and be good to yourselves in any way that nourishes you body, mind or soul!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Banana pudding is vanilla custard layered with bananas and vanilla wafers and topped with meringue. Delish!

    I like that...”new” pound phrase. I still have a long way to go to log a new pound loss. I know I should update my ticker but I just don’t want to see that number on here again. In some weird way it’s motivating me to get down to my ticker weight. Oh the mind games I play!!!

    Snoozie, I don’t know if you get the Haribo gummi bears commercials up there where adults are in a board meeting but their voices are little kids talking about the candy. That’s what popped into my head when you were talking about your group’s reaction to the tournament. Hahaha! I love that commercial! I hope you get to play in it somehow. Sounds fun!

    Have a great weekend everyone! We’re going to do some hiking if the weather allows. We’re getting that cold front from up north so it may only get into the mid eighties! But it might bring rain, so we’ll see.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    ok.... that dish should have a much fancier name than banana pudding Suzy lol - it sounds scrumptious and not at all what I imagined from its name hahaha!! And yep I like the "new" pound thing too.. well i'll like it a lot more when I actually get there...!! I am down 2 lbs of the extra I picked up, but still have a lot of that left to get rid of before any "new" .. however at least i'm on the way towards getting there so i'm on the right track again...

    Ha @ the commercial; nope never seen it but it prolly does look exactly like we did lol...

    I hope you got in your hiking; I did a walk at the lake this morning and I was going to come home a do a few chores before work but I have since decided i'm going back to bed for a bit instead... because I can!! I feel tired so … back I go lol... :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Popping in for a quick second before work.... had a nice walk at the lake and then had to figure out non meat menu for all of today as I have bloodwork I wanna do tomorrow; had a toasted tomato sammich for brekkie and a cucumber sammich for lunch lol.. some peanuts and an orange and I made up the kidney bean quesadillas (mashed kidney beans mixed with salsa in a tortilla and pan toasted on each side) .. i'm trying to stay cholesterol free for the 24 hrs before the test; a lot of docs don't require that anymore but mine says hey if you can do it its a more accurate reading so what the hell... I did have cream in my coffee and I sprinkled about 6 strands of grated cheese in the tortillas... I figure its only about 20mg of cholesterol so better than the pork chop I had for dinner last time before the test hahaha..

    Sundays are my weekly weigh in day, so yesterday seeing the couple of pounds of regain gone was great as it was my birthday - ha... i had a lovely walk at the lake in the morning, a cinnamon scone as a BD treat for brekkie and a couple of hours of pickleball before heading into work..oh and one of my guys brot me a cake pop from starbucks... they are pretty tiny but i still only ate half then thru out the rest wrapped in about 20 paper towels so he wouldnt see that i tossed it lol...

    hope everyone has a great week !!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Happy happy birthday Snoozie!!! I can’t believe you had the willpower to only eat half the cake pop! Wow!!!

    I had never heard that about avoiding eating cholesterol before your blood work. I’ll have to try that. Of course, I need to make my appointment for my blood draw first.

    I’m seriously considering pizza for dinner tonight. I’m exhausted and my neck is seizing up again so it’s killing me. I have an appointment at the stretch place tomorrow. It’s definitely a lazy pity meal. I’m rationalizing it because I hiked 8.5 miles over a mountain yesterday. Ugh. I’m hopeless.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    edited July 2018
    Happy Late Birthday, Snoozie!! I think you would like the banana pudding, if you like 'nanners...lol

    DNL fixed Red Beans and rice w sausage......delish. I think My pre set amount of 1 1/2 cups is off by about another cup....lol but delish!

    Sorry to hear you are having neck issues again, Suzy.

    Whew!! tough, long day, today...one more to go, then vacation for 6 days!!A friend and I are going to see my friend near the beach!

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow and weekend!


    edited for grammer...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes !! slept like crap but was 2nd in line at the lab for the bloodwork; but there was an accident blocking the road i take to the lake and it started to pour rain so i grabbed a coffee and came home.. the sun is alreayd back out but i'll do a few chores then head down before work.... and yes i'll be picking up something with MEAT on the way in ha!

    Gail - awesome you are getting some down time at the beach no less!! Hope you have an absolutely amazing time!

    Suzy - i only found out about my doc's preference for the no meat/dairy animal product the day before the test when i asked why i had to fast for my bloodwork.. i assumed it was for the A1C but everyone was telling me they didnt have to fast for that .. so when i asked she said it was for the cholesterol (lipids) test and that if i could go without meat for the day before as well, it would give a more accurate reading... before that i assumed the fasting was for the A1C blodo sugar test lol.. who knew??

    Anyway it wasnt that hard - the quesadillas were yummy and i topped up with nuts and fruit.. most people could have just had pasta but its a huge carb load for someone with type 2 diabetes so i wanted to avoid that if possible..

    and just a little .. nudge i guess... i know you are struggling with getting the blood work done.. and i totally get it.. i realy do.. but maybe think of getting it done as simply finding out your baseline numbers; dont focus on the results just tell yourself you are just getting the numbers as a starting point so you can see your progress as you move forward... its always scary getting em done.. but you may find out some good news too - but either way you will have a starting point for comparison.... i find it kinda helpful now to look back and see where some of my numbers are.. if they are higher it kinda reminds me ok i got em down before.. smarten up lol... if they are lower i get to go "yay me" lol.. so i hope you do decide to get the lab work done soon :)

    and btw.. remember there's ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with an occasional pizza in our lives!!! absolutely nothing at all!! its the 80/20 rule right? that 20% is there for a reason to enjoy and indulge on occasion without guilt or recriminations.... so i hope you enjoyed!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. I’m going to schedule all my doctor appointments; mammogram, pap, blood work, bone density. I need to put on my big girl panties and just do it. The baseline approach sounds like a good plan.

    I wish I had stopped at the pizza. I don’t know why I continue to sabotage myself. I start on this downhill slide and I just go with it. I’ve got to seriously work on allowing myself a night and then get back on the horse (so to speak).

    We’re driving my parents to Huntsville (about 3.5 hours away) to see my mom’s brother and his family this weekend. Who knows when they’ll get to see each other again. They can’t drive that far by themselves anymore. So no hiking this weekend. I’m cleaning out my basement for the next two weeks; having to move absolutely everything out of the storage area due to some foundation work we’re having done starting in August. It’s keeping me occupied so I don’t snack! Ha!

    I’m wondering where all our Hatters have gone! I know summer is busy but I hope they’re all checking in. We miss you! Come back when you can!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Happy belated birthday, Snooozie! Sorry, I missed it! I hadn't heard that about avoiding meat before the cholesterol test. Interesting. I don't know about you, but over here when I get my cholesterol tested, the results are only for total cholesterol. I'd love to know the results for LDL and HDL and whatever the other one is, because it would be really interesting to see how diet affects those. Some people see it's more important than the total result? Mine is always low in total anyway, because of the statin.

    Suxy, I sympathise over the pizza. I do that sort of thing myself. And yet, of course you are going to want something easy and tasty if you've hiked over a mountain!

    Enjoy your vacation, Gail!

    Sorry, I've been MIA again ... have had tonsillitis which I haven't really had seriously since my teens. I forgot how painful it is! Obviously I couldn't eat like normal, so I did lose some weight ... every cloud!

    Meanwhile, I'm starting on a weight loss programme on Monday that my doctor kindly referred me for. It will be free for six months on the NHS, as part of their diabetes prevention strategy. I'm quite excited about it! I've been assigned to a support group, and I have a mentor who is a nutritionist. It's all online/on the phone - they've sent out scales and a fitness tracker that sync to an app. Looking at the diet, it's pretty much healthy eating - nothing too extreme, no low fat, etc, just mainly less processed foods, balanced nutrients and portion control. What we all know, but don't always do - lol! What I'm hoping, is that because it's basically public money paying for my weight loss, I really will feel like I have to commit and not let the side down! I'm hoping this is my final push to a healthy BMI, after hovering at overweight for the last few years.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    How exciting Vail! I’m looking forward to hearing how you like the diet and perhaps sharing some insights with us. Good luck! I used to have regular bouts of tonsillitis when I was in my teens. I never had them taken out but haven’t had a reoccurrence since. I remember how painful it was though. I’m sorry you went through that and am glad you’re feeling better.

    They pretty much always break down my cholesterol results anymore. They say that the individual numbers are more important than the total overall number.

    Keep us posted on your new program!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Wow vail how awesome is that !!! so glad you were able to take part in this offer from the NHS; like Suzy I can't wait to hear how it goes.. and the ability to do it online/phone? wowsa that's great!!

    ouch on the tonsillitis... I had mine out as a kid but I had strep throat once years ago and it was like there was broken glass in my throat every time I swallowed! so im thinking it must be the same type thing for u … and same here with the cholesterol tests we get the good the bad and the big number.. and yep I think as suzy said here the general consensus is the good and bad cholesterol numbers are more important.. but that said, with the type 2 diabetes here, my doc wants me a little under the "acceptable" big number.. the statin (and i'd like to think the changes in how I eat) brot my whole number down significantly but i'll be getting the latest results next week and i'd like to reduce the milligrams of the statin I have to take if they're good...
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Thank you for sharing the enthusiasm, Snooozie and Suzy! I'm so excited! It's not any miracle cure, I know that, but I'm hoping it will stop me making excuses, when I have to report back to the group. It's mostly done through a phone app. There are two "chat" areas: one with your group of people (a small group starting the same day as you), and a one to one with your mentor. Then with the wonders of modern technology, the scales and the fitness tracker send in your weight, steps and sleep and they're put on a graph for you. There's also some psychological stuff like stress management and positive thinking, and some "lessons" that get gradually revealed to you as you work through it.

    The actual diet, as I mentioned, is pretty straightforward, and won't be too much of a change for me as I'm used to cooking from scratch (and you don't have to follow their recipes, just the rules - avoiding processed foods, sugar, etc.). I think that for me, actually, it's not the diet that will be helpful so much as all the other stuff. I do know roughly what I should be eating, and I do know how to lose weight. But I don't do it as well as should. I think this will give me the motivation to stick to it.

    I'm thinking of things like your pizza, Suzy, because that is exactly the sort of thing I do sometimes, and I'm hoping that when I'm tempted now, I'll think of this programme and the fact that the NHS is paying for me to not eat pizza!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I love that idea Vail - I didn't realize the trackers would send the stats automatically too.. and as you said by now most of us know enough about "how" to lose weight to write our own book lol... we know the technical ways but I think this is awesome your health service has put this program together - and ya no doubt there are areas they are gonna wanna track outside of it like the positive thinking and the psych stuff.. i'm sure its part of the overall study to incorporate all kinds of things to help support the person and get info for them as well.. I think I mentioned I saw a documentary one time done in Britain where they hooked up a bunch of electrodes to a few people and watched their stats all day from blood sugar levels, dehydration calorie intake as well as posture and body movement - it was kinda fascinating ao i'm def looking forward to hearing about your journey1 and I think you're gonna do awesome - love the chat room idea; kinda like groups here on MFP - cept maybe you can talk to people lin live time? like if you're about to consider pizza you can go into the chat room and find someone to talk you off the ledge as such?

    I set Sundays as my weigh date; i got on this morning and thot ok yay.. down a bit.. but when i went to check in i realized my weight was exactly (i mean to the ounce) the same as last week... yeesh lol.. lunchbag letdown! Oh well.. I considered fudging one ounce just to see a loss lol.. but i didnt.. :) so will have to wait til next week - guess i'll look at it as time to do better since no change this week! ha....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Read an article this morning that is a good reminder for me about how it may be a little more difficult at my age to lose the fat but it can be done! specially the strategic eating - I still tend to eat my biggest meal at dinner time - decades of habit I guess!

    5 Habits That Help You Lose Fat
    JULY 14, 2018

    As you age, it becomes harder for you to lose fat. About the time you begin to experience menopause, you tend to notice you’re a bit more tired around noon and you don’t always have the energy you need to exercise like you should. Part of the reason for this is that your metabolism is changing. Your hormone production is changing and slowing down. With metabolism and hormone changes come mood swings, a mess of unwanted pounds and feelings about the fact that you are getting older.

    1. Get Your Hormones Checked
    With the decline of progesterone, testosterone and other hormones, our body begins storing instead of losing weight. Although many focus on estrogen loss at this time of life, having sufficient testosterone levels can help women slim down by reducing blood glucose levels. By reducing the glucose levels, you promote weight loss and have a better chance of losing that oh-so-stubborn belly fat.

    2. Eat Smaller Meals More Often
    Your digestive processes also start to slow down, which means more nutrients are lost as your food remains exposed to the harsh acids for longer periods of time. This decrease in nutrients can lead to fatigue, lack of energy, and weight gain. If you want to keep your digestion up to par to lose fat, eat fresher foods more often. Make sure you are getting enough usable calcium in your diet. If you know your diet isn’t what it should be, start taking a dietary supplement that is designed to meet the needs of women over 40. Smaller meals and smaller portions will prevent your digestive tract from being overwhelmed and will actually allow your body to take in the nutrients it needs before they are destroyed by an acidic environment. Also, remember to eat your biggest meal towards the middle of the day so you have a chance to burn off most of the calories you take in.

    3. Stay Active
    Even if you don’t have the motivation to do so, find a way to stay active if you want to lose fat. While most women stay active due to work and family obligations, those who have a job where they sit for several hours at a time can find themselves sitting at home as well. When you’re at work, take a few minutes every hour to stretch. Either stand up or stretch while you’re sitting in your chair. A few minutes of solid stretching (where you can actually feel your muscles working) will improve your circulation, send fresh oxygen to your brain, and help to keep you motivated to move. Once you leave work, take a walk or go straight to the gym to burn off the frustrations of the day.

    4. Eat Strategically
    Keep a close eye on your diet. It’s important to eliminate the fats that can clog your cardiovascular system, but don’t eliminate the fats that help your body function better. Mono-unsaturated fats are necessary for good heart health. Omega three fatty acids like those found in fish, flaxseed, and olive oil will help your body to function more efficiently. A more efficient metabolism means more calories are burned and fewer are stored. In fact, eating the right fats will allow your body to burn more fat and less muscle. Add more protein to your diet as well. Many people don’t realize that when they don’t consume enough protein, the body pulls it from their muscles.

    5. Make Positive Lifestyle Changes

    The only way to lose fat is if you make a conscious effort to not make the same mistakes that caused your weight gain in the first place.
    o Change the way you think about food. Enjoy every bite and take the time to chew your food thoroughly. You will feel full faster and smaller portions won’t be a problem.
    o Make mealtime a neutral zone. Share family conversation, but avoid topics that cause frustration and anger.
    o Remember the formula and apply it constantly. Calories out should always be greater than calories in if you want the result to be weight loss.
    o Maintain a positive attitude. Even if you have a bad day, look for the silver lining.
    o Exercise as often as possible. Staying active will increase your motivation and improve your mood.

    Anyone can make positive lifestyle changes at any time. Sometimes, you may need something to motivate you. For others, it’s the realization that something needs to change if you want to improve your health. Making several changes at once can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of frustration. Don’t push. Take things one step at a time so you won’t be so easily discouraged. Losing weight while you’re in your 20s is a chore. Losing weight after you’re in your 50s and older is a challenge. It may be a little more difficult to lose fat, but it can be done.

    If you are truly ready to commit to losing those extra pounds, take things one day at a time. Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed. If you slip once or twice, make up for it by taking a walk or a yoga class. Spend more time with family and allow yourself to smile. Losing those extra pounds should not be a life sentence of frustration. Instead, it should give you a new lease on life. One that allows you to be yourself and enjoy every minute of your time, no matter how you spend it. The more you focus on putting life into your years, the less likely you will be to stress over a few pounds. Before you know it, the pounds will be starting to melt away and your health will gradually improve.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I think it's a lifestyle thing too - I can cook a meal in the evening, whereas during the day, I don't know when or where I'm going to get a chance to stop to eat! So it's about working round your circumstances. When I retire, I might think about moving my main meal to the middle of the day. I do need to slow down when eating, so will try to concentrate more on chewing. My cat loves human food so I'm often trying to wolf down my meal before he steals some off my plate!

    Yes, I think in theory, the chat function on my programme could work for support and talk-downs. However ... so far, I'm the chattiest person there, and some people haven't said anything yet. I'm determined to keep posting, because the programme encourages you and says that people who engage in the chat thing have more chance of success. But I think we are just randomly assigned to the group, and there might be people in my group who just want to do the programme without talking about it - lol! So I don't think I'll be able to use it for "don't eat the pizza!" emergencies in my particular group.