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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Thanks Suzy I forgot about her!

    I also found this today - #3, #5 and #6 in the list are ones i may look into once i'm allowed to bend again and do more thank walk; hopefully just another few weeks before I get the all clear for that!


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Youtube has some strength training videos. This video doesn't have many moves, but I like the way she explains them, and that they are simple bodyweight exercises that can be varied according to ability https://youtu.be/XT2Xb5ul_kc .

    Of those apps, I've used You Are Your Own Gym, and the 7 minute workout ones (and C25K, but that's not strength training). YAYOG is great, and you can download videos, but the problem for me was that I used his other women-orientated programme, and the app didn't work with that. It's also a little bit complicated. The 7 minute workout one I used was not the one that's linked to - to be honest, I ended up using a printout of exercises, or sometimes a youtube video. At the moment I've been using the exercises on my weight loss app. I still have to find the perfect app, I'm afraid!

    I'm still going to my walking book group and have now been asked to be one of the leaders!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    i really like as you said how she explains each move - specially the knee thing with the squat.. im still scared of planks cause of my shoulder … but I remember now that was one of my goals during physio - to be able to do one plank! its funny I also remember those are pretty much the 4 basic moves the kiniseoligist gave me to do years ago... with a couple more thrown in... its definitately a place to start tho and that's my biggest prob - so maybe I should stop talking the talk and start doing the walk!!

    Suzy.. no its not too much to ask lol.. zackly what I want!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Gail - re the lipid tests and numbers - i'm assuming the 240 was the overall chol number? did they give you the individual HDL/LDL/triglyceride numbers as well? I'm just curious if they do that in the U.S. with the test? I can't remember if you had ever started the statin they wanted you on; (sorry i'm old and forgetful lol) did they talk to you about the statin again either way when they gave you the results? Again just curious.. while my sister was here we were comparing our statin doses.. she's on 5 mgs daily and i'm on 20mgs daily...she was put on 10mg but decided she wanted to start at 5.... I started at 10mg but cholesterol wasn't going down enough so they upped it.. i've had no adverse affects from it myself so was just wondering if you had decided to start taking it. Again just curious as I know cholesterol tends to increase with age in general, and with our T2 of course it complicates things even more..

    Last time I was in to see my Doc in July she wanted to add another T2 drug to the metformin because my blood sugar is just not going down and I flat out refused; with the plan being before my next 3 month apt I would get that sucker down.. I wasn't planning for the 6 weeks of sitting on my *kitten* before surgery tho, and the 6 weeks after with nothing more than walking.. so I may have another fight on my hands come the end of November ha!! But I am gonna work that *kitten* off to get it down anyway before then!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Quick note:

    Tried this recipe tonight and it was delish! I had to cook a bit longer than it said but not much.


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    That recipes sounds great, Suzy! I almost always have to cook things longer than it says. I think my oven might not be at the right temperature.

    The discussion about strength training got me thinking about how I keep missing workouts, despite having access to lots of material (apps, printouts, youtube, etc.). I had a bit of a revelation yesterday when I realised that I know enough exercises, and just need to get on and do them! It doesn't matter how many reps of this or whether I've got a timer for that, or what order. It's just better to do some than none at all.

    I know this is glaringly obvious! While the times and reps and great for monitoring progress and being consistent, I don't know if they are actually needed. If I do a plank for as long as I can, does it matter if I time it? If I do pushups until it's getting too hard, does it matter how many? I won't have done it any more or any longer just because I have a set number. And I realised I've been faffing about looking things up on the app to see how long to do things for, finding I don't have a timer, asking Alexa and her not understanding, etc., when I can just get on and do the exercise! There are several I know quite well, for instance, squats, lunges, planks, pushups, bridges, bird dog, superman, crunches, deadlifts, various exercises with dumbbells, etc. - I just need to a do a few of them and then get on with my day! No apps, timers, videos, printouts, etc. needed!

    I'm hoping this new strategy will mean I do it more often :smile:

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Vail, you are so right! If I spent as much time doing those exercises as I do making excuses on why I can’t then I’d be strong as an ox! There’s nothing stopping me from doing fifteen minutes of weight bearing exercise a few times a day....nothing but myself, that is.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes, 240 total …. Haven't started the Crestor....tomorrow I will...

    Working through all week and weekends for a couple of weeks, so I am drained. Will catch up later. Nite
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    I’ve been noticing lately that I’m having mood swings when I didn’t have them at all while going through menopause. What’s up with that?!?!! I’ve figured out that I’m more of an emotional eater than I thought I was and these moments/hours/days of moodiness are not helping! Have any of you experienced this phenomenon and how do you deal with it?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hi guys!! Well i've been back to work for a few days now and lucked in going back on a holiday weekend (It was our Thanksgiving weekend) cause no bosses around so I had time to catch up on kinda figure out what I do again LOL.. and I didnt pig out on any turkey or stuffing or what not cause my tummy was off lol... im sure i'll make up for it down the road tho!!

    Suzy - re the mood swings... umm yes I can totally relate; for a while there I could literally go from normal to rage in a heartbeat, and usually over something trivial... in retrospect anyway.. it kinda snuck up on me to be honest.. til I started to realize I was kinda insane now and then lol.. someone at work would say something or do something that annoyed or pissed me off and instead of just being that.. I would over react something fierce.. and the moods would swing in a heartbeat too... I didn't realize it til I read your post but that has pretty much disappeared now (I think...) but mind you i've been off work and pretty much on my own for about 7 weeks now.. and it's hard to get moody with yourself lol. But I was having really big "lows" and then sudden highs too.. I DO know I actually started doing the breathing thing.. the 4 second slow inhale thru the nose/hold for 7/and the slow exhale thru the mouth for 5 seconds.. I aimed for 5 of those breathing moments when I could sense I was getting angry/crazed whatever.. and it actually did help.... so hopefully yours will pass too at some point? which I know is no help now but at least... weirdly I had some hot flashes for a while... real ones lol.. where I would break out in a sweat literally dripping down my neck and face. (which I know is nothing compared to what some people go thru).. I think that lasted about 2 yrs or so... then disappeared... but I had one or two again over the past year or so.. only 1 or 2... but I was like what the hell I thot I was done with you lol...
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    edited October 2018
    It's funny you should mention that, Suzy. I went through something very similar to Snooozie - it honestly felt like I was losing my sanity at times, even though the "highs" were sometimes fun! I'm much more stable now. However, just recently, I've started sometimes feeling like I did with PMS again. The moods aren't too bad, but I also used to get a strange buzzing feeling, feeling on edge, mind overactive, tired, etc. I'm puzzled because it's so similar to what I had with PMS but obviously there's no M now to deal with. The only change is that I've started temporarily on local estrogen, but you would think if anything that would replace hormones I'm missing rather than make things worse. I think I might be more of an emotional eater than I was too. I'm craving sweet stuff all the time, and I never used to have a sweet tooth. I hope this turns out to be temporary thing for you!

    I hope it's OK being back at work, Snooozie! Sounds like it was good timing! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Holy Toledo - I had a tooth implant a week ago Friday and, while the first two days were ok, Days 3 through 7 have been GOD AWFUL!!! Today is day 8 and is the first morning I haven’t woken up in extreme pain. And it’s like that whole side of my head - lower jaw, upper jaw, lower and upper teeth , neck, eye, Gums, inner cheek, lip, etc was beaten with a sledge hammer. Well , at least I am starting to improve.... I’ll be back when I return to the living fully !
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Oh, that sounds absolutely awful! Poor you! I'm glad you're starting to see some improvement. I hope you're fully better soon.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Oh gosh! That does sound awful! I’m such a big baby with any dental pain, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I’m glad it’s taken a turn for the better.

    I’ve really been battling this melancholy mood slump. Unfortunately that means I went off the rails with eating. I think I cooked dinner once this past week. I was having a pity party and didn’t want to cook. I’ve also been having the weirdest thing going on...y’all are gonna think I’m crazy....I’ve been smelling phantom smoke for over two weeks now. I googled it and it could be anything from a sinus thing to a brain tumor...not very helpful. It’s not a consistent thing, comes and goes, doesn’t affect my taste buds, don’t have headaches. It’s just extremely irritating. So...more fuel for the pity party.

    The good news is that our October trip is back on!!! I’ve just got to plan out the details, like where we’re hiking, where are the water sources, shuttle service, what to pack, etc. I’m also driving my parents six hours to the coast to go to the casinos, staying two nights and driving them back home. They want to go and dad isn’t confident in his driving anymore. I’m doing that on Wednesday and getting home Friday then we’re leaving Saturday for Arkansas for a week. Whew! Talk about stress! Everyone tells me how lucky I am to still have my parents but some days....they can be very difficult and argumentative so it can get very tense.

    Anyway....it’s a beautiful weekend with wonderful Fall weather! I hope you all have the same and get to enjoy it!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    You are so good to your parents :). What a drive! I'm glad you have your Arkansas trip to look forward to. And I hope you get some answers for the odd smoke thing and your moods. Have a lovely time on your trip, when you finally get there!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hiya Hatters

    Suzy - i have to admit i have never heard of that particualar phenomenom... and being that you smell smoke it would freak me out wondering if there was actual smoke anywhere! jeez louise girl... I hope it either goes away quick or you get in to see your doc if it continues?

    YAY on the October hike... woo hoo i'm so happy for you!! I know there' a lot of planning for it but it will be so worth it .. you're gonna get to climb ANOTHER MOUNTAIN... omg.. how many of us can say THAT??? clapping paws with glee ….. and just to clarify.. is the Arkansas trip the hike trip?? or is it separate trip after the parental excursion and before the hike??

    As far as the parental care goes.. Suzy; its perfectly normal to have mixed feelings when you end up becoming a caregiver and as our parents age and they get.. cranky and persnickety it can be harder to remember the love part .. and that's normal.. we tend to feel guilty sometimes when the frustration and even anger or resentment creep into our thoughts - but everyone has those moments when they are dealing with elderly parents; we just dont always feel comfortable telling people cause we think we will be judged or thought badly of for having them. when you start talking to other people doing the same thing tho you realize its perfectly normal... and it doesnt make us bad people!! We get annoyed and frustrated at lots of people - co workers, friends, kids, husbands lolol.. and nobody worries about feeling that way with them lol.. but when it comes to our parents we tend to think we shouldn't have those thoughts just because they're our parents and we love em yada yada… and at times its so hard to bite your tongue... and sometimes we can't bite it and say something we later think why did I say that.. it's because we're human just let everyone else.... and if you find that on day 2 you need to lock yourself in your hotel room and eat a piece of cheesecake, the world will not end and you will still climb that mountain!! Whatever gets us thru the day.. and in the end... what will really matter are not the little moments of crankiness you may have with them - or the frustration or anger or anything else.. it will be knowing that you made the time to spend with your parents, and do things with them, and just being with them while they are here with you.. because time is the most precious gift you can give anyone, and that's what you're doing.

    Susan - with all the dental surgeries I went thru a few years ago, I feel your pain .. except I never had to deal with anything like you're experiencing.. it sounds like you had some kind of awful reaction to the procedure??? there's no way that extreme swelling and pain should happen.. I hope you've checked back with the dental surgeon to make sure everything is ok and that you're feeling better soon....

    Vail - your line above "The moods aren't too bad, but I also used to get a strange buzzing feeling, feeling on edge, mind overactive, tired, etc." omg I went thru that during the first year of menopause .. or the pre meno time.. I cant remember exactly... but I am not someone who usually suffers from what I call anxiety normally .. but I suddenly became super anxious and feeling on edge just like you said.. the overactive mind .. I would start thinking about something mundane... I cant even think now of an example.. but I would just keep thinking and thinking about it til it turned into this huge thing.. it was so weird.. I would get anxious over something so small and insignificant and then not be able to get it out of my head... I was also doing things like heading out to work, and coming back up to the apt to check if I had unplulgged the hair dryer... ????? I wouold get down to the parking garage and think did I unplug it? what if I didnt.. what if it fell off the counter and turned on and the heat started a fire …. (really... get a grip Snooz).. but it was that kind of thing.. I thot I was losing my mind to be honest... it just kinda crept up too so it was going on for a while.. then I googled symptoms of menopause and started reading about each topic (I think they listed like 27 symptoms lol... so I would click on say anxiety and then read posts from other women saying what they were going thru and that these things were NOT normal for them.. and I was like phew.. thank god.. ok its not just me lol. it did gradually go away on its own at some point.....
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Menopause....the gift that keeps on giving.

    Hiked up Blue Mountain today. 6.3 miles, 127 “flights of stairs” on my Fitbit which translates to about 1270 feet, 14,500 steps! Whew! I’m tired! The Arkansas trip is three days of day hikes and visiting with my brother in law and two sisters in law. Then my husband and I are hiking three days/two nights on the Ozark Highlands Trail. I have to admit that right now, I’m thinking it all sounds exhausting. I’m sure it will be great though.

    Thank you for the perspective on my parents. I’m just hoping the drive goes well. They try my patience but I’m sure I was no picnic growing up.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Well done on blue mountain! holy cow..

    Nice on the Arkansas visit and hikes - and the sound of the "Ozark highlands Trail" is so cool.. it may sound weird but I read a book years ago that took place in "The Ozarks".. I remember a placed called Little Rock being in there too.. but ever since I read that book I wanted to visit "The Ozarks".. I wasn't quite what they were lol... I mean where exactly they encompassed, but it was kinda funny for me to read you were actually gonna be in the Ozarks. I'm hoping maybe the foliage will be in full bloom for your drive to at least provide a little distraction for your parents! Have a great trip and take photos please!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Snoozie, I spent several years growing up in Little Rock. My dad was stationed there with the Air Force and then we returned when he retired. I met my husband in Missouri and we honeymooned in the Ozark mountains. It’s gorgeous!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    get out! So cool knowing someone who's lived where the book took place.. ya i know it sounds weird its just i have this vision in my head of what the Ozarks are from it.. and I guess i'm gonna have to put a trip there on my bucket list now lol! at least i'm a step closer knowing someone who actually lived there!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    That's quite some walk, Suzy! You're an inspiration! I'm hoping your upcoming trip will seem less exhausting when you've got the journey to the coast out of the way. Maybe it will help with your moods too, even if physically tiring - tiring in a good way?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    edited October 2018
    Morning Hatters..

    So... I've been tracking my weight for the past month; pretty much every other day and i am pretty sure my body has decided my current weight is it's "set weight" again.. no matter whether I eat 6000 calories for a few days... or 1000 cals for a few.. it hasnt budged more than one pound either way so I think it's settled into that set weight mode.. where its comfortable as such.. and i'm going to have to try to break out of that.. i know i'm still a fews week off from getting back into moving more but i can't wait til then.. there's only about 10 weeks left in this year and i want to be in a new set of numbers at least on NYE... I think i'm going to try a week of cutting simple carbs as much as possible and see if that will kick start some loss and get me out of this set #.. so I guess im going to have to search some meal plans for easily prepped and portable meals for work …

    Yesterday i decided to make a vegetable soup as the temps are dipping and figured would be good to have in the freezer, then i decided to pick up a chicken boob to poach to add.. long story slightly shorter prices were nuts for the chicken but i saw a pkg of 4 turkey wings for $3.53 and i thought hmmm.. so i bought them and just tossed them in a big pot of water with a carrot an onion and some celery stalks and a bit of thyme and simmered them for an hour.. took em out and the skin fell off super easy; bones and meat back in the pot for another hour and then took out the meat, strained it and it turned into a super delish turkey stock! i boiled the stock on high for 15 min (per Jamie Oliver) to reduce it and i have to say.. it is WAY better than any store bought stock! So i used it to make the soup, but i am definitely gonna pick up cheap pieces of chicken like thighs or wings (which i dont ever buy to eat) and make up a batch of stock every so often to freeze Who knew it was so easy to make your own stock (ya remember i'm the one who doesnt cook lol) but its so much better and i can control the salt - so many of even the reduced salt store bought stock have a full days worth of sodium per serving!! i didnt use any in the broth as i'll salt the soup as needed... but for sure i want to get a few tubs in the freezer. so that was my cooking revelation of the day lol... (oh and i got so much meat from the wings for the soup too!!) mmmmmmmmm

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Sounds delish! I’ve never thought about making stock in big batches and freezing it. What a great idea! I’ve got to do something to shake up my weight as well. I distinctly remember posting about not wanting to end 2017 at the same weight I started it and now here I am saying the same thing about 2018.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Well done on making your own stock! It will be great to have some in the freezer. I have done that, but I admit not for a long time.

    Turkey is relatively cheap here too. I used minced turkey leg as a substitute for pork the other day. I used to be able to get turkey legs really cheap and used to cook one as a big Sunday roast, but I don't see them any more, or if I do they're ready prepared and more expensive.

    Cutting out simple carbs sounds good. I had done that, but have had too many excuses recently to eat birthday cake, etc.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    saw this article today and thought some of these might actually be helpful for a change so thot i'd share

    Ten Tips to Calm Cravings!
    by Melinda D. Maryniuk, MEd, RD, CDE

    Everyone’s had the experience of working so hard to eat better– smaller portions. More fruits and veggies. But there are times when you are just craving something specific to eat. Usually it’s something sweet or salty. Your inner voices are driving you crazy taunting you with “Go ahead, you can have it….” or “It’s just this one time…” Sure, we know that allowing treats now and then is fine.. but we also know there are times when the “occasional’ treats become a daily (hourly?) thing!

    What can you do to calm the cravings? How can you feel in control and not let yourself give in when you don’t want to? Review these 10 tips and plan to try those you think might work bests for you. Also, check out our list of “Better Bites” for those who crave salty or sweet treats!

    1. Know your “PMR”– Everyone needs to identify their own PMR – a Personal Motivating Reason why you want to be healthier, eat better and lose weight. It might be so you can drop to the floor (and get up again) with more ease when playing with your grandchildren or your dog. It might be so you can take that walking vacation you’ve been dreaming of with friends without being the first to call it quits. Write it down. You don’t need to share it with others, but you may need to remind yourself of why you’re working so hard! People who hold health goals that are personally important are more likely to keep them!

    2. Resist and reward – It’s easier than you think. When a food seems to be calling to you, acknowledge the temptation and turn your back on it. Distract yourself by taking a walk, picking up a book, writing an email or just entering into your journal a congratulatory note to yourself. Most people find that “mind over matter” really does work. Then, give yourself a pat on your back for your accomplishment. It may take a little while to lessen some cravings, but you can train yourself out of them!

    3. Eat meals and snacks on time – Start the day off right with a breakfast that includes some protein (such as an egg, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt). Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time so you won’t be left wondering what’s to eat.

    4. Avoid hunger – Especially avoid going grocery shopping when you’re hungry. It’s so easy to pick up a bag of chip or chocolate – as no one will know except for you. Shop after you’ve eaten, but if that can’t be helped, put an item on your list that you can eat right away when you get in the car that you’ll feel good about such as a banana or a small granola bar.

    5. Limit exposures to food – Keep tempting foods out of sight and keep the better choices within easy reach. Consider recording your favorite TV shows and fast-forward through commercials if they serve as a trigger for you to eat.

    6. Eat enough protein and fiber – With more fiber (veggies, fruits, whole grains) and protein in your diet, you’ll feel fuller and be less tempted by cravings

    7. Get enough sleep – It’s true. Poor sleep habits can disrupt normal fluctuations of appetite hormones leading to cravings and poor appetite control (ya well that one is never going to happen for me lol..)

    8. Drink water – Sometimes cravings for food are confused with hunger or thirst. If you’re thinking about eating something you’re trying to avoid, start with a big glass of cold water or a cup of herbal tea.

    9. Be realistic – Remember the 80/ 20 rule. Healthy foods at least 80% of the time, but allow room for treats to fit in. Buy the tempting foods you crave in small serving sizes to reduce temptation to overeat.

    10. Be prepared – If there is a particular food you crave, make your own list of “better bites” to be prepared as a substitute. If you find yourself craving ice cream, instead of eating out of the gallon container, find a lower calorie single-serve ice cream bar you can enjoy instead.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Woo hoo.. saw the surgeon yesterday and been given the green light to return to pickleball - as long as i wear my shield over the eye!! It will be another week or so before I can get to a drop in one as I have stuff already sched this shift, and the dreaded midnights are coming up next but i'm so excited lol... (I really DID ask first how the eye is doing .. but once I got the reassurance it was doing just fine, the PB question was next on my list! HA!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    That's great news! I bet you're itching to get back to it! Who'd have thought exercise could be such a treat?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Yay! That’s great news! Congrats!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Vail - I think you've hit on something with your post and it really made me think.. you said who'd have thought exercise could be such a treat" and when I read it, my first thot to myself was .. exercise? no its not exercise its pb... lol and it made me realize .. i honestly don't think of pb as exercise at all.. its something that's just so fun that i so enjoy and it never crosses my mind to think of it as ";exercise".. and i'm wondering if you hit on the key for me - that i just need to find things that i really enjoy that get me moving rather than keep worrying about "i need to exercise"! ( except the strength training stuff.. that's the one thing i absolutely have to figure out and consider exercise.. ) but i think i'm gonna shift my focus from finding other ways to "exercise" to finding fun things that just get me going! With winter coming that might be a bit more of a challenge but i did see a badminton sign at one of the rec centres a few months ago and i used to love that as a kid so i am gonna check that out as well.. but it was funny how that one line of yours really opened my eyes!

    Suzy... if i remember the sched right, you've been on the parental trip and back and you're now headed for the family visit and hiking this weekend.. with the big hike to follow? I hope everything went ok with the drive and trip... and cannot wait to hear how the hikes went.. i'd sing "Climb every mountain" for ya as inspiration (from the sound of music?) cept i like yu too much to subject you to my singing... hahaha

    altho i am going to the "Choir choir choir" show at the art centre next month. woo hoo!!! Dont know if anyone's heard of it.. but they basically turn an audience into a choir.. they've done big huge shows in times square and various other places.. anyway as i've prob mentioned before i cannot hold a tune at all.. not even one note.. but i love music.. AND i love hearing choirs of all kinds.. and my theory is if you cannot sing well, sing loud LOLOL.. so we got to pick free tickets to one of the shows for being a volunteer and yup.. i picked that one!! so looking forward to it - if your bored sometime google choir choir choir you'll see what they do... hahaha... but its ok i wont be with anyone i know whose ears will be assaulted - just a face in the crowd!! giggle snort

    oh and i lost 2 pounds thanks to a terrible bout of some kind of food poisoning.. im not sure what i ate but it did a number on me for 24 hrs... so i didnt eat just drank water ... i knew the scale would return to its normal self as soon as i ate as much as a cracker so i didnt log it lol.. and yup.. sure nuff.. back to normal .. sigh... oh well thats ok it was way too hard a way to lose any weight !!!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    I hope you're better now! I would still have logged it - lol! I've gone the other way today - ate crap food yesterday, some I have excuses for and some not! So I'm a bit annoyed at myself.

    I'm glad my comment gave you a light bulb moment! I wish I could find exercise I really enjoy. Or, lets call it "an active hobby" rather than exercise! I am the most un-sporty person, but maybe I just haven't found the right sport?

    I don't know of any way to make the strength training better - lol! However, my idea of just stopping and doing some instead of sticking to a workout is working very well. I've decided that with strength training, even a minute of exercise can help! A plank, a sumo squat hold, some pressups, deadlifts or something. It's not going to "not work" just because I haven't done a whole workout around it! So I have my equipment out where I walk past it all the time in the living room, and sometimes instead of walking past, I'll do a couple of exercises. Now, I know you are supposed to be warmed up first and so on, but I think if I've been walking about I'm kind of warmed up anyway. Maybe I will regret that!

    The choir thing sounds fantastic! I'm not a good singer (I wish I was), but I love singing!
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