Recommitting in January!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Lia!!! Glad to see you! Love the new profile picture. You've been doing great with trying to stay full on vegan. Justin's brand has a vegan PB cup, but they are pricey. Thrive Market has vegan candy like PB cups and M&M's. Not that they are ETL friendly. >:) I'm also a big fan of Dreena Burton, although the last cookbook (Plant Powered Families) didn't have as many things that jumped out at me. I think she was trying for a lot of kid-friendly recipes. I should send it to you.

    Donna, that is too bad about your friend bringing over things like that knowing you are trying to lose weight. I have clients who bring things sometimes but I just give them to someone else. They usually aren't vegan anyway and that's the one thing I totally stick to as far as diet. How is your back doing? I have been buying corn tortillas more often since they are made without oil. All the good flour tortillas have oil. I buy the sprouted grain ones sometimes, but they aren't as pliable.

    The sloth has made an appearance too!

    I got out of the office fairly on time for once, ran to the grocery, and now need to eat a bite and get to some work I brought home.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Wow, I miss a few days and come back to a little flurry of activity!

    Hi Scott! Cool image, did you draw it?

    Lia!! Great profile pic! I can't have any sweets in the house or I eat them until they are gone. Even if I put them away, they are on my mind! That apple crisp wouldn't have made it to the freezer over here! Is there still a bunch of snow at your place? I'm such a chicken about driving in the snow.

    Mihani, I'm glad you like the T-Crack! I wasn't sure if you would, with the tahini in there. A lot of the CleanFoodDirtyGirl dressings have tahini in them and we've been going through a lot of it lately. The BBQ tofu sounds good. Do you use regular bbq sauce or have you found a healthier version? When I use it, I just use the regular stuff which is quite sweet. Making it is a pain in the butt!

    Donna, too bad your friend brought the apple pie! A bouquet of simple flowers would be so much nicer to receive. (And give...that's what I'm going to try to remember to do from now on!)

    I just got back from my annual exam at the doctor's. I finally switched to a doctor in our new town, so it is only a 12 minute drive from my house instead of 35. I really like her and I'm so glad I made the switch. I had blood work done too, and it is very convenient at this new location, which is in the same building as the doctor's office.

    Joe's birthday is tomorrow so we'll be going out for at least one dinner to celebrate, possibly two. We're going to a Thai place with my FIL and his wife on Friday. The restaurant has the option of tofu for the protein with virtually all dishes, so we'll have lots of selection. They also offer brown rice as an option! Yay! We may have found our new favorite place nearby.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Scott/Sloth/Mr. White! Are you rocking a new look these days? You're the prodigal son/I'm the prodigal daughter I think. Just for now. I'll be a regular again soon... muahahaha

    I have heard of PPF from Dreena, Mihani, and was thinking it would be a good one for me to buy. I'm really hoping if I feed Edie what we are eating now that maybe she won't have a super picky toddler phase? But the kid-friendly stuff Dreena has looks neat. ANd who does like "healthy" two-bite brownies?! lol.

    Did you get your blood work back, Carla, or just get it taken today? Yay for a nice doctor. Seems so hard to get these days lol. So many of ours are located within walk-in clinics, so they are insanely busy (and filled with sick people, haha). My mom has a terrible doctor that seems to screw up things a lot but she's afraid to switch and get someone worse.... which is silly lol. Oh well. Happy birthday to Joe too! Yay for a veg-friendly Thai place too, that's the besttttt.

    I think i'm sick for the third week in a row... can't kick these colds!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Carla, I do like the dressing, but will do some tweaking as I make it more often to adjust it to my tastes. I think I will cut back on the dates so it's not quite so sweet, and add some lemon zest with the juice for more lemon kick. I added whole peppercorns to what was leftover last night and had some on my salad tonight. Really liked that contrast of heat/sweet. I love the lemon tahini dressing from OSG too, but it uses oil. I use the Kroger brand organic BBQ sauce, no oil or HFCS. I like Stubbs too. So glad you like your new doctor. Mine rolls his eyes at me being vegan, but I've been going to him for so many years I just roll my eyes back at him lol. Happy birthday to Joe!

    Lia, I think it would be a good book for recipes to try on Edie. She says they are all "kid-tested". I don't think I saw the two bite brownies. Problem with things like that is if you eat 10 of them lol. Sorry you are still not feeling better. Stupid weather and cold season!

    I have more work to do tonight, but I need to get to bed earlier. I'm feeling a bit out of it today from pushing so much Monday and Tuesday.