February 2018 Challenge!



  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Did my second One Meal A Day (OMAD) yesterday. This time it was intentional. My first OMAD wasn’t planned but happened so naturally that I thought I’d go for it again. So, I’ve done it two days in a row now. I think I will go back to two meals a day today.

    The truth be told my main motivation for the OMAD twofer was the scale. I’ve NOT looked at it because of our NO SCALE challenge this week. In the back of my mind I may be a bit paranoid that not obsessing about my weight daily will lead to failure. Believe it or not though, eating one huge meal once a day, I’ve logged less calories than I would have eating two meals a day.

    Another motivation is I really like eating one big meal. Yesterday at 6pm I had a huge pork chop cooked in bacon fat, sauerkraut and keto thousand Island dressing. My macros were 3% carbs, 15% protein and 82% fat. The recipe was called Rueben Pork chops. It was delicious. I woke up this morning not hungry and I know I won’t be hungry by noon when I break an 18 hour fast.

    I <3 Keto.
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    I've rarely been able to hit my calorie goal when I eat OMAD. I have to pack so much food on my plate that I'm too full to finish. Of course that's because I don't add fat to my meals beyond what's needed to cook. Cheese & butter on everything would remedy that I suppose.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    I've rarely been able to hit my calorie goal when I eat OMAD. I have to pack so much food on my plate that I'm too full to finish. .

    I've only done two OMADs, and the first one was almost by accident, so I'm far from an expert. What I did to get my fat macros up to 80% without getting too bulky to eat was using secret sauces. Example: my keto thousand Island Has very low carbs, no protien and mostly all fat. I used enough of it to kick up my fat but still stay calorie ristricted to avoid disaster on the scale this Sunday.

    Hopefully this will work? BTW Thanks for the challenge. I think taking a break from weighing in every day and focusing on details of correctly logging food and OMAD experiments will be benificial. Who knows, maybe I'll stick with the no scale plan if it works.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Remember, when you have weight to lose, the stored body fat on your body provides the calorie and fat difference from your expected macros. As long as you hit your protein macro and keep carbs low, the rest will work itself out.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Thanks KnitOrMiss, good advice. I’m still learning the ropes at keto (8 weeks). My second OMAD ever was also my very first 23 hour fast. I wasn’t sure how I would react to the longest fast I’ve ever done, so I was reluctant to lower my dietary fat. I was afraid I’d get hungry, which has been my downfall in most of my weight loss attempts in the past. I was surprised how little I was hungry I was after a 23 hour fast.

    I have to say I liked OMAD but I’m not quite to the point where I want to do that daily or even often. But I do think I’ll try it again. Perhaps I’ll have more confidence in lowering my dietary fat intake the next time. Gotta say though, I <3 eating fat! I honestly have not been hungry for the 8 weeks I’ve been on keto. That is what is different to me than all the weight loss efforts I’ve attempted before.
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    My issue with eating OMAD is that I have difficulty hitting my protein goal without feeling gross. I try to get around 100g minimum and I find it hard to do in one sitting. Not only that, but from what I understand your body can only absorb so much protein at a time. Maintaining lean muscle is definitely one of my tops goals, so losing it, along with the fat isn't something I'm keen to let happen.

    Actually does a low carb diet affect how the body digests & absorbs protein? I know there are a few people around here that eat 0 carb.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    This happened today, my hubs and I went gun shopping. I'm getting a protection weapon...and he is getting a for fun weapon. We do a lot of shooting, love it! Anyway.... I was filling out my form and it has to be very accurate. They have you fill it out according to your license so everything matches. I got to the height and weight part. This is the first time EVER asking, "does my weight have to match my ID or can I put what my actual weight is?" HAHAHAHA!!! It was AWESOME!!!! Now I kinda wanna lose my license and my work badge so I can new pictures of a skinny me :wink:
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    edited February 2018
    February 1st: 239.0
    2/4: 242.8
    2/11: 237.2
    2/18: 234.8
    2/25: 233.8
    February 28:

    Grumble. I know I should be satisfied with 5.2lbs so far this month, but I'm not... I stayed on plan, drank water, slept well and increased my steps... I think I just expected to do a bit better... like 8 lbs would have felt ok? I still have a lot of weight to lose, in my mind it should still be coming off easy!

    I lost 60 lbs in the first 4 months. It's taken me another 4+ months to lose 20 more pounds... which feels slow considering my current weight.

    I am not giving up or anything, and I've been doing this long enough to know weight loss is not linear, it comes in waves, it's better if it comes off slow, etc etc... I know all the pep talk...

    I know if I saw someone else saying all this I'd remind them patience and persistent pays off, you're doing great/keep going, the scale isnt everything, etc... but I just feel like complaining about it today. :(

    Here's to carrying on... and hoping my March #s are a bit more generous!!

    @NikkiJRM would you pls update my stats next time you're in the spreadsheet? Thx! :heart:
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    I'm feeling stuck this month also. I haven't been on my best behavior, I still expected more since last month was so great
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    @River_Goddess: people like you are an inspiration to newbies like me. I know it must be frustrating for your weight loss to slow down or stall when your effort remains the same or even better. However, 80 pounds in only 8 months is a remarkable accomplishment and something you should be extremely proud of. I hope to have success like yours someday. Hearing how real people keto-veterans like you struggle with their bumps in the road, gives us insight to deal with challenges that will certainly come our way on this keto journey.

    @HaideeJo13: You crack me up. I had a skinny weight on my license for many years (40 pounds less than I was). In fact, on an earlier version of my MFP profile page, one of my goals was to be at the weight I had on my license. Now I have my heavy weight on my license too. I guess I can live anther 20 years with my license and reality out of sync. :)
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Thanks @stormywxs288 ... that means a lot to me! I was feeling down and a friend showed up at my door... we had some laughs and I feel way better now. Coming back here and reading this kind post helped. It's true.... 80 lbs in 8 months IS fantastic. I know that. It's funny how we can get in a funk and lose perspective. Thanks for your words of encouragement :):)
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    edited February 2018
    Well, I've lost 1.6 pounds of the weight I gained on holiday however I had lost more during the week but it's my birthday weekend and that of my closest friend who is staying for 'our' birthday weekend with her husband and we've eaten and drunk well, no make that very well indeed!
    Though I've been relatively careful I haven't bothered too much and I have a huge wine tasting tomorrow for my son's restaurant (there are some perks!) so as we say here it's a bit of to *ell in a handcart! However and it's a big HOWEVER, I am NOT giving up, I WILL be back on it by Tuesday and will have lost some weight by next Sunday which is the first of the March weigh in Sundays! (mental note to self, post the challenge!)
    See, that's the difference now I think for us all: we may break it, we may have off days but we get back at it and the off days are just blips along the way and not disasters which make us think it's not worth it, what's the point, I'm just going to eat and eat and eat.
    So to everyone out there; we have done amazingly well; we are still at it; we haven't gained a shed load (or several shed loads!) of weight; some of us have lost a ton of weight; some slowly and some more quickly but we have stuck to it and that's what counts. Also we will get there and even if we stay about the same or don't loose much, the food we eat is healthier and we support each other through this way of life/ weight loss journey which is certainly one of the things that keeps me going with this rather than wanting to give up. Happy Sunday everyone <3<3<3
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    01/31: 192.2
    02/04: 188.6
    02/11: 188
    02/18: 186.4
    02/25: 185.8
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @jazzb9363 remember when you were striving to get into Onederland? Soooo far from that now! Well done!
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    2/1: 223.8
    2/4: 222.4 (-1.4)
    2/11: 223.4 (+1)
    2/18: 222.6 (-0.8)
    2/25: 221.2 (-1.4)

    Ready for March.
  • squeeeyk
    squeeeyk Posts: 165 Member
    Weighing in. Not too much loss this month. I think I've indulged a bit too much with homemade cheesecake and diet soda.

    2/4: 219.0
    2/11: 218.0
    2/18: 218.0
    2/25: 217.8

  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    edited February 2018
    With only 3 days yet to go and 3.5 to lose I don't think I'll hit my stretch goal of 12lbs but I'm happy to have lost 8.5 with it being the shortest month of the year ;) .

    January 1: 266
    January 31: 249
    February Goal: 237

    2/4: 246.5 -2.5lbs
    2/11: 246 -.5
    2/18: 243 -3 (Yay!)
    2/25: 240.5 -2.5

    On to 3/4 :D

    Congratulations to everyone this month no matter the amount of loss (or not) because if nothing else you learned something and that can mean more than a number!
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Had to trust the keto process this week because I accepted a challenge NOT to step on the scale until today’s weigh in. Because I couldn’t weigh myself daily, I turned my OCD attention to other things. Here’s some things I noticed. I had to get a new watch band because I ran out of notches on my old band. Had to adjust the finger holes in my bowling ball (boney fingers). I bought a size smaller pair of jeans and I donated/repurposed some of my fat pants to make room in my closet.

    Trusting the process worked for me this week (Lost 3.4 pounds). I hit my goal of being under 175 by the end of February. Just missed 30 pounds - weighing in at 29.6 pounds lost this year so far. However, I will revert back to my OCD weighing in daily routine because I’m afraid I’ll go (more) insane if I don’t know where my weigh is at least once/day.

    My goal for March is to weigh 160 something. I know in my heart that setting weight goals is not the true and only milestones that count. But, when I consider I’m now NOT carrying around almost 2 full bowling balls (30 pounds) of weight, I feel good. I <3 keto and I <3 eating fat.

  • shizzlebeef
    shizzlebeef Posts: 26 Member
    SW 256.5 1/07/2018

    Sunday 02/04: 240
    Sunday 02/11: 239
    Sunday 02/18: 237
    Sunday 02/25: 230

    Phew! I didn't think I'd hit 230 this week but I did! I'm ready for March. Hopefully another 10 lbs!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Yea! Well done everyone, March is coming!