February 2018 Challenge!



  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Been in the gym more consistently and seeing the scale move in the right direction! Only 1 lb 4 oz to go to reach 50 lbs gone...I would love to reach that by Wed.

    Great job lisbydezign! You have at least one fan rooting for you - Me. Curious, how long have you been chipping away at this FIFTY POUNDS?

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @veronicaringel 60 days!! Whoooooo!!
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    @stormywxs288 I NEED that t-shirt!! HAHA
  • valleygirl74
    valleygirl74 Posts: 159 Member
    February 4th 212.2
    February 11th 213
    February 18th (231.8) 213
    February 25th 212
    February 28th

    Thanks, everyone. Yes, an error. Should be 213!
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hit my February goal of being less than 175 by weighing in at 174.0 this morning. Looking at March, my goal will be far more conservative, as I feel I’m fully keto adapted and my weight loss is tapering off. With 31 days in March I think I can lose 5 more pounds. That will be one pound every 6 days with a day to spare. Also, that follows a trend: Jan, 20; Feb 10; Mar 5.

    Hope to hear many success stories from my keto friends on this thread during March. I <3 my keto-friends.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    Ending the month at 129. Started the month at 138. I am still tagging a long with you guys!! I love the inspiration you all give. I am focusing now on getting a strong body. I got in pretty darnngood shape a few years ago with Jillian Michaels so I am going back to her. I got her app and am incorporating her workouts in. I am SORE!!! So with 3 kids and weight loss I have a little extra skin on my belly. Not bad l, definitely not surgery worthy by any means. But i would really like to find something to help to tighten the skin. Anyone have suggestion?
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    edited February 2018
    cgcrutch wrote: »
    February goal weight: 185 lbs

    January 31st: 195.2 lbs
    Feb 4th: 192.4 lbs
    Feb 11th: Mardi Gras weight gain! 197
    Feb 19th: 192.4 again
    Feb 25th:

    February total loss:

    probably not gonna hit my goal this month =[

    February goal weight: 185 lbs

    January 31st: 195.2 lbs
    Feb 4th: 192.4 lbs
    Feb 11th: Mardi Gras weight gain! 197
    Feb 19th: 192.4 again
    Feb 28th:189.8

    February total loss: 6.4 lbs

    I did NOT reach my goal weight of 10lbs this month. I hadn't been sticking to the plan the entire month. :-( ...But SOMEHOW I did reach my "acceptable and still on plan considering how bad I've been" goal of getting out of the 190s by the end of the month! It's like a miracle lol! Just yesterday I was still at the same weight as right before Mardi gras. I didn't think I would make it, especially not after a night of drinking!
    Next month goal is lose 10lbs.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    HaideeJo13 wrote: »
    Ending the month at 129. Started the month at 138. I am still tagging a long with you guys!! I love the inspiration you all give. I am focusing now on getting a strong body. I got in pretty darnngood shape a few years ago with Jillian Michaels so I am going back to her. I got her app and am incorporating her workouts in. I am SORE!!! So with 3 kids and weight loss I have a little extra skin on my belly. Not bad l, definitely not surgery worthy by any means. But i would really like to find something to help to tighten the skin. Anyone have suggestion?

    Build those muscles underneath and give the skin some time. I don't have studies to support this but have read over and over and over how excess skin tends to disappear (to varying degrees) over a year or so. I've never had children so never had that extra stretch but even my 60 year old skin tightened up/minimized over time with no specific diet change (and not a lot of exercise). Work it girl!
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    Great work, everyone! Looking forward to March when the weather warms a little and I can be outside walking. It's been a loooong winter here in Nebraska with lots of snow and I miss being outside. The gym just isn't the same. And I don't have any vacations or trips planned so it will be easier to stay on plan. March on!
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    1/31: 162.2
    2/4: 161.6
    2/11: 160
    2/18: 158
    2/28: 156.8

    Total calories lost in February: 5.4

    I don't think I made a particular goal for this group this month. I did have a body analysis done today (from 4 weeks ago) and I have great news! My body fat went from 34.9% to 32.8%. So in 4 weeks it went down 2.1%! I am SO excited about that. Even more so, my muscle mass remained exactly the same. I've really been working hard on all three fronts, cardio, diet, strength/resistance training so I am super stoked that I didn't lose muscle this month!

  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    February was a month with lots of learning and successes for me. Another 3.3lbs are gone! Definitely better than January. I'm revisiting some of the basics I was doing when I first started my LC journey. I'm looking forward to the start of a new month, refreshed and recharged.

    January 31st 198.1 (-.5)
    February 4th 195.3 (-2.8)
    February 11th 194.8 (-.5)
    February 18th 192.2 (-2.6)
    February 28th 194.8 (+2.6)
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    edited February 2018
    @stormywxs288 that's excellent! <3 to you too!
    @cgcrutch nicely done, also think about setting a slightly smaller goal as you've been doing this a little while and may loose a bit less, as we know the important thing is to keep going and not to feel you've failed which you won't do as you will still be going down!
    @143tobe welcome and am I guessing that's the weight you want to be??? Good work on the loss of body fat! @NikkiJRM me too........ o:) the refreshed and recharged bit and hopefully less visitors and holidays!
    Here's to March!!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    February 1st: 239.0
    2/4: 242.8
    2/11: 237.2
    2/18: 234.8
    2/25: 233.8
    February 28: 233.6
    Loss this month: 5.4 lbs

    Well even if I didn't make my goal of getting out of the 230s, there were still some milestones in February. I beat my personal best for steps on Fitbit, surpassed 80 lbs lost, and today I wore a shirt that hasn't fit in 5 years. So, February wasn't a total bust :tongue:
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @River_Goddess yippee doo not a bust at all :)
  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry I didn’t check in as I had planned. I’m trying not to focus too much on my weight but I do want to be mindful so I don’t gain too much by the end of my pregnancy. My final number for February is kind of a wash because I am recovering from the stomach flu. I am going to just say that I made my goal of not gaining any weight this month. On to the next!
    Jan 31- 261.9
    2/4- 262.6
    2/28- 256.8
  • JoannaVenuto
    JoannaVenuto Posts: 46 Member
    I got really nice, long braids installed last week and now I am scared to weigh myself :D .
    I am going to measure them first, I am pretty sure they are at least a pound!
  • noorapu1000
    noorapu1000 Posts: 37 Member
    @NikkiJRM 176.4
    thank you!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @Figaver glad the pregnancy is going well. <3
  • Lisbydezign
    Lisbydezign Posts: 49 Member
    Curious, how long have you been chipping away at this FIFTY POUNDS?

    @stormywxs288 I started Keto officially Oct 16, 2017!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    HaideeJo13 wrote: »
    Ending the month at 129. Started the month at 138. I am still tagging a long with you guys!! I love the inspiration you all give. I am focusing now on getting a strong body. I got in pretty darnngood shape a few years ago with Jillian Michaels so I am going back to her. I got her app and am incorporating her workouts in. I am SORE!!! So with 3 kids and weight loss I have a little extra skin on my belly. Not bad l, definitely not surgery worthy by any means. But i would really like to find something to help to tighten the skin. Anyone have suggestion?

    My understanding, along with what @kpk54 already said, is that you need to focus on getting enough protein, especially collagen, combine those with time, and workouts... And the occasional massage, just for supporting blood flow and natural processes...

    But above all...patience. It takes a while for our bodies to relax and go, okay, I guess you're REALLY not going to regain, so we can do something about this loose skin thing... @HaideeJo13