Following Fuhrman in February!



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Congrats on being down 2 sizes!!! That is so awesome! It is annoying when pants don't have pockets. I have a pair that I like too, that are quick dry and perfect for walking but no pockets. I found a few cotton sports tops that have little side pockets, so at least I can bring along some kleenex and lip balm on my walks.

    It is sunny here but the temperature has dropped. I'm hoping it doesn't cool down too much more, or we may end up with a bit more snow next week after all. We have a tree blossoming that I can see from my kitchen window. I am ready for spring.

    I'm down about 3 lbs since getting serious about my food. My mood is improved too, and I have more energy.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    That's very cool you are into a smaller size Donna... congrats! Have you been shopping for new flooring? Have you heard any more about Italy?

    Carla, I am jealous of your warming weather. The snow is melting off now, but we're supposed to have ice storms on Sunday. Ugh. I hate ice even more than snow for driving. Well done on the 3 pounds!!! I am down 2, I haven't been quite as strict as I hoped, but I am going to buckle down even more in the coming week and get rid of the little bits of snackiness that are sneaking into my work days. I know I need to up my greens even more, so that's on the agenda this weekend too... hitting the produce section again and doing some prep work.

    Karrie, hope you are getting settled in your new house. We miss you!

    Lia, how are you doing with your new exercise regimen?

    Another good ETL day other than a handful of pretzels at work. I've got to stop that. It's my number one goal for this month. No snacking at work. I rarely snack at home.

    I've really been into teas lately. I can't seem to escape any store without another box of tea to try out.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss Mihani and Carla. That is awesome!

    I made a salad and TJ's super protein vegetarian burgers for us this evening with avocado and home made hummus. It was delicious. Brooks gave it two thumbs up. Then added almond milk, lemon and cashews to the hummus glob at the bottom of the vitamix to make salad dressing. Getting really good at that. It would have been a total vegan day except the 2 tablespoons of skim milk in my coffee.

    So glad it is Friday. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I had a great day yesterday with my mom. She came over and we went to the park on the ocean and went for a long walk. It was cool and sunny, perfect walking weather. While we were out, we walked to a shoe store and each found something. I bought her some polka dot rubber shorty boots for her birthday, and I picked up some walking shoes that are dressier than runners so I can wear them any time and still spontaneously go for a walk while I"m out. After our walk, we sat at a picnic table and ate the pears and pumpkin seeds I'd packed. Such a nice outing!

    I'm going to have to sub out 3 of the meals this coming week on the meal plan. For some reason this one is just too rich and bread-y. There's a few days with potatoes as the base for the meal, and one day with homemade biscuits and gravy. I know the biscuits will be made with healthy ingredients, but I also know I can't handle them. Once I have baked goods around, I can't stop eating them, and then worse yet, I end up making them over and over. We're going to make a few recipes that are tried and true from our collection, including the pinto bean chili that is easy and tasty.

    We've got another morning here without rain, so Joe and I will take advantage of that and walk through the local park again this morning.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    That's a cool idea to turn the remnants of your hummus into dressing Donna... will have to remember that one. Your dinner sounds very good!

    Glad you had such a nice visit with your mom Carla, and that your weather continues to be nice. It is rainy and cold here, but not down to freezing so I think the predicted ice storm will miss us.

    Stopped at the store on the way home. I'm going to do roasted veggies again. That was so good last week and I enjoyed them every day. I got home early enough I'm going to prep tonight and then I can work later tomorrow. I'll probably make yet another batch of the cheezy chickpeas. I really enjoy them on top of the roasted veggies or sauteed greens.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Mihani, fingers crossed for you that there's no ice storm! I still have to try those cheezy chickpeas one day.

    Yesterday Joe and I went for a long walk, and then later in the afternoon we ended up doing a bunch of pruning, then gathering all of the branches up in a pile. I am a bit sore today. We just spend about 3 hours batching our meals for the week - a tofu sausage, chili, a wfpb quiche, bean burgers, and more tuno salad for my lunch. I added a bit of dill weed to my tuno, and subbed some black salt for some of the regular salt. It turned out good.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Keep warm everyone up north!

    Carla, you have had some great walks this week! You have all those fruit trees you are pruning? Do you sell your fruit at Farmer's markets? I love Asian pears.

    Mihani, there is nothing better than roasting a big pan of vegetables for the week. I think I am going to do that tomorrow after tennis. I love to roast japanese eggplants but have not been able to find them in San Antonio.

    It was cold here this morning for Texas, 36*. We were going to go on a long bike ride. It is only 39* now...too cold for me to ride but Brooks is out there. We have that ride next weekend. 25 miles for me and 66 miles for Brooks. Yikes. I rode 8 miles easily on my mountain bike yesterday and my road bike is much lighter and faster so I hope I will make it. Need a couple of long rides this week. I will walk dogs later today.

    We have tickets this afternoon to see the Greatest Show with Hugh Jackson. I have my diet tea ready and going to cut up an apple and take some nuts.

    I have to make a bunch of Mother Day cards before I go to Italy as my sister wants to sell them at her craft show in April. Too late for Valentine or Easter cards to sell.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Donna, we have a bunch of fruit trees. The mature ones are apple, pear, and 2 kinds of cherries. There are several apple and pear trees that are especially large and take a while to trim. We planted a peach tree and a few more cherry trees, as well as figs, kiwis, blueberries and currants last year. We haven't sold any at the local market, but we donate some to the food bank. I'm rooting for you with your bike ride next weekend! You do a great job of varying your activities. How was the show?

    We went for another walk yesterday afternoon. It was sunny and about 10 degrees warmer. I just wore a hoodie and ended up taking off my gloves. I don't have the car today, so I think I'll do some yard work once it warms up.

    I haven't returned to any of my previous hobbies yet, but I'm feeling better overall, so that will probably come with time. I might get into some sketching soon.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hello... still buried in work and super busy. Brought more work home to do tonight, but going to make time for treadmill too. Day 2 perfect ETL though... woohoo!

    You two are doing great getting exercise. I need to concentrate on that this week.

    Better keep moving!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    The show was a musical feel good movie. Good to see this on the big screen. Do you have Costco in Canada? On line there is a movie pass and you can go see unlimited movies any time of the day for a year with this pass.

    I finished all the Valentine cards and got them in the mail. I didn't do XMAs cards this year so this is my way to make up for that.

    Brooks has today off so we are going to go swim. It is grey and cloudy here but in the low 50's so maybe later a walk or bike ride.

    Mihani good job on another ETL day! Keep moving! It gets harder when you are older.

    Biscuits are a big weakness for us. We can't have them in the house...esp. warm home made ones.

    Brooks is making a vegetable curry for us today.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Donna, the movie pass thing is cool, I don't belong to Costco though. I don't see that many movies that I really want to go see on the big screen anyway. I usually wait for them to come out on streaming. Did you get your bike ride in?

    I woke up feeling dizzy and upset stomach and had to go back to bed for a while. Then I was so sick that I'm sure I'll be down a couple pounds tomorrow, which is not quite how I hoped to accomplish that! I made it to work later in the day but only stayed a few hours to get some priorities done and came on home. I am going to nap and then hopefully get a little work done later. I was able to eat a piece of dry sprouted grain toast around noon and a small serving of oatmeal just a bit ago, and so far so good.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi Mihani, I am sorry you are so sick. I Hope tomorrow you feel better.

    Rained today and it was suppose to be a long training bike ride. We did swim for 60 minutes. Good news that for now the leg/hip pain is gone! It seems every time I swim or bicycle it is better. I have not done a 5 mile walk in a couple of weeks...only 3 miles so I will see.

    Brooks vegetable curry was delicious!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day, my ETL Valentines!

    Traci, I hope you are feeling better. Sticking to bland foods sounds like a good plan.

    Sorry your bike training ride got rained out, Donna. That's great news about your hip pain being gone!

    My mom came out yesterday and we went for our walk along the ocean. It was quite cool out, but we walked fast and warmed up. When we got to one end of the park, we went up the ramp to the street, and then crossed the street and went straight uphill for a few blocks. It is steep and it goes up, up, up for many blocks. We didn't go to the very top, but we're going to keep at it and go further each time she comes. I'm sure we could get there just fine right now, but she doesn't want to push it.

    Joe and I went out for our Valentines dinner yesterday to avoid the crowds today. We went to a Thai place in our little town that is set up cute. There are tables with umbrellas set up in an indoor courtyard, and you cross a little footbridge to get to the restaurant. There's water underneath with Koi fish. I had a veggie stir fry with brown rice, and we started with some fresh spring rolls with a peanut dipping sauce. I didn't use too much of the sauce because it was super sweet.

    We had an unexpected snowfall overnight, so I guess I won't be doing the yard work I had planned! It's about an inch of sloppy, slushy, mess. I hope it is all melted by tomorrow before it gets cold again. I don't want to be stuck slipping and sliding every time I take Ruby out for the next week or so!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day ETL friends!

    Carla - next time you walk by the ocean take a few pictures. That Thai place sounds so fun. I hope the snow dries off quickly. It is another rainy day here so I guess I will go to the YMCA and ride the spin bike...sigh so boring compared to being outside. Dogs are going crazy.

    Mihani - How are you feeling today? I hope it was just a 24 hour bug and not the flu.

    Coffee & Pia - good job yesterday on your first ETL day. What are the plans for today?

    Brooks gave me HOT PINK.....bicycle gloves! My bike is mostly black with pink and white accent colors. He is so funny.

    Raining here again today so this afternoon I am going to the YMCA to ride a spinning bike. It is so boring compared to being outside but I need to get some miles in before Saturday. Yikes.

    Cupcake dilemma: Brooks loves his sweets. I made a couple of cute cards for his flight commander and squadron commander. They basically say You can't be sad when you are holding a cupcake...Happy Valentines day...then decorated with cupcakes and hearts. We went to a cake store and bought cupcakes to give to them. He bought himself one and me one for tonight. Usually I just eat the tops off cupcakes...I think I really have changed. I have no desire for the cupcake...too sweet. I told him today he could take it to work but he didn't. There is no way I am going to eat that cupcake. Something like that would cause my sugar cravings to awaken and if I am going to splurge I would rather have a Moscow Mule or pure chocolate. I have 2.6 lbs to go to meet end of month goal.

    Card and envelope I made.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Carla, the restaurant sounds very cute. Glad you got a nice romantic night out with Joe, and a fun day with your mom. Hoping for quick-melt snow!

    Donna, your cards are so pretty. Good for you resisting the cupcake! I agree, things like that get my cravings started, and I don't even really enjoy them that much so it's not worth it. Love the hot pink bike gloves!

    Feeling better today but my stomach is sore like I did 200 crunches! Ate very light today just some toast and a little rice with peas. Also a banana. I am so hungry, but afraid to eat much.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 129 Member
    Happy Valentines Day! I'm not sure if it's all the chocolate the kids have brought home today or what, but I'm having a cravings kind of day! I'm holding my own, though, while I prepare our annual family spaghetti dinner - mine will be spiral zucchini, low-sodium low-fat sauce and mushrooms w/a side of broccoli. And part of a cupcake, probably. Our daughter made them for our dinner. However, if I'm satiated with dinner then I will pass and "maybe" have a piece of very dark chocolate instead. Dark chocolate doesn't send me into cravings - refined carbs and chocolate do!

    I live "up north" so I walk at an indoor track. I had a good 2 mile walk today and even tried some intermittent jogging. My steps goal is 6000 per day during winter. This will hopefully increase with spring and summer coming. My cardiologist said that a brisk 20 minute walk is all I need to keep my heart healthy, but I shoot for 30-45 minutes.

    Bisky, what a beautiful card! And a great idea since you missed Christmas cards! Wish I'd thought of that....
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi C&P, great idea to sub spiralized zucchini for spaghetti. I love spaghetti squash too. Do you have a fitbit or some other gadget you measure your steps with? I'm not too fond of sweets, but I love pasta and bread, and I have to avoid them other than bean pastas and sprouted grain bread.

    Just wasting some time this morning before I drop my dog off for surgery to remove a lump. Not cancerous thank goodness, but it is growing quickly and needs to be removed. He can't figure out why he's being deprived of breakfast and treats this morning. Poor guy.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 129 Member
    Oh, poor puppa! Hope all goes well with surgery! As for my spaghetti, I think it would have been better with spaghetti squash or fresh zucchini. The zucchini I used was from the freezer section, so even though I microwaved it for the least amount of time, it was a bit slimy.

    I use a phone app, Pacer, which seems to be farely accurate compared to other gadgets that I've used in the past. And, it will link to MFP and sync the data for you!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Mihani - sending positive thoughts for your dog's surgery. I hope all went well.

    C & P - At least you tried with the zucchini. My husband has used the spiralizer with sweet potato and made some yummy dishes with that.

    Carla - how is Ruby doing? Do you add vegetables to your dogs diet? I cook frozen pea & carrots or green beans and add them to their morning meal along with either rice, pasta or lentils and one egg between the three of them. I have a good dog food, Fromm that I add to that.

    Woke up late today and made "brunch" a bowl with quinoa, avocado, sautéed red pepper, mushroom, shallot, spinach and one egg. I still have not decided on an IP and use my rice cooker for the quinoa.

    I was down 0.1 lbs....lucky as we had Prosecco with dinner last night and I usually don't lose after wine. 2.3 lbs to go for goal this is going very slowly. I gave the cupcake a lick and then gave the rest to Brooks.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Ladies... surgery went well thanks. He is home and getting some much needed sleep. Problem is he totally flips over the e-collar. I have never had a dog have such a bad reaction to that. I don't have it on him right now since he's completely zonked and right here where I can keep an eye on him, but I'm going to have to deal with it and get him to accept it before I can sleep. I am hoping I can get someone to watch him or take him to the office with me over the weekend. I am pretty firmly convinced he's going to be able to get the collar off one way or another.

    I am down 4 pounds this week, but it was just because I've been sick and unable to eat much. All the prep work and groceries from last weekend are going into the trash since I couldn't eat. What a waste of both money and time! I am going to have to get back to the grocery this weekend and start over.

    Will check out the Pacer app, thanks C&P.

    Donna, excellent work passing on the cupcake! The brunch bowl sounds tasty.