TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (March)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited March 2018
    That's a good idea @primekayprime i'll do mine too...

    Monday: 3 mile walk
    Tuesday: 4 mile walk
    Wednesday: 5 mile walk (with HITT)
    Thursday: 3 mile walk
    Friday: I'll walk down the aisle on my wedding day...does that count??
    Saturday: ???
    Sunday: 5 mile walk

    Yes, walking down the aisle does count!!! I wonder what kind of exercise you will be doing on Saturday?!! (wink/wink!)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    5th March 2018 - 323lbs
    12th March 2018 - 300lbs
    23lbs loss

    Did the scales 3 times, then did a wobbly happy dance & did the scales again to make sure..

    Congratulations on this formidable loss!! Wow!! Just, wow!! I am glad you said you weighed yourself three times, because I would have suggested a reading error!! (I hope it's not the battery!) Although that sort of loss is not normal, you have been eating at a deficit and you have been ill, both contributing factors. Is there anything else you did differently this past week? Did you eat any different types of foods? Please share!!!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    March 11-
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- yes
    Exercise- yes! Chased my little ones around an open bounce gym for an hour, my legs hurt today!

    That's the best kind of exercise....the fun kind!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    NEEENYA wrote: »
    Week 2
    Exercised - weights for 45 mins
    Calories - over
    Weekly weigh in - 179.4lbs (down 2.9lbs)

    My goal is to maintain 4 out of 7 days a week type of workout. Even if it's just 15 min in the morning following a YouTube workout channel.

    Nice loss this week!! Having a workout plan will help you stay on track!!
  • katevt78
    katevt78 Posts: 248 Member
    Username: katevt78
    Weigh in Week: March week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 185
    Today's weight: 183.6

    Heading out for a walk now before the storm hits. We are expecting to get 18 inches of snow! Tomorrow will be a lazy day since everything will be closed down due to the storm.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    This week 8/12/18 weight #165.4

    Just a slight uptick this had a big loss last week, so sometimes the body just evens things out!! Stick with the program and you'll see another loss on your next weigh-in!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: GardenMama129
    Weigh in week: March Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 158
    Todays Weight: 159

    Today's 1 pound gain was the result of a somewhat stressful last week that was completely off from my normal routine. Yesterday, rounded out that week with only a few hours of sleep Saturday night. This week, while not a completely normal schedule, should be far better and the cortisol levels more normal.

    Also this week, I had already planned to change things up a bit. I will be more focused on a strength training schedule and on better success with weekly meal planning and execution of said plan.

    I share your pain of not's not fun, and everything else suffers because of it!! Best of luck with your new training schedule and meal planning. Change can be good! (hugs)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    dopey520 wrote: »
    Username: Dopey520
    Weigh in week: March Week 2
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous week's weight: 330.6
    This week's weight: 327.1

    Another successful week...well on your way to reaching your goals!!! Nicely done!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    thedestar wrote: »
    Username: thedestar
    Weigh in week: March Week 2
    Weigh in day: Mon
    Previous Week's weight: 168.0
    Todays Weight: 164.0

    Thank you for all the encouragement last week. I tried to really focus on making better food choices for the most part, and not eating treats just because they fit in my calories for the day.

    I'd say whatever you focused on worked like charm!! You dropped your slight gain from last week and then some!!! Well done, and glad you are back on track!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    katevt78 wrote: »
    Username: katevt78
    Weigh in Week: March week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 185
    Today's weight: 183.6

    Heading out for a walk now before the storm hits. We are expecting to get 18 inches of snow! Tomorrow will be a lazy day since everything will be closed down due to the storm.

    Another nice loss, Kate!! Well done!! 18 inches of snow in March....not cool!! Stay safe and warm and enjoy your lazy day indoors!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Today I started my couch to 5k made it through day 1 round 1 with 42 min of activity and my Fitbit at 14,000 steps and counting

    Hey, way to go!! Day one, under your belt!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    holly2e wrote: »
    You are doing great, team! I’m happy for all of your weight loss and effort with the mini challenge! I didn’t do well at all this weekend, between birthday parties and my kids getting sick, I just kinda put myself on the back burner. You know how we do, moms. Today I am tracking again and have a good workout planned for this afternoon. Hope everyone is having a good Monday so far!

    That's the great thing about Mondays...we get a fresh start every seven days!!!
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    5th March 2018 - 323lbs
    12th March 2018 - 300lbs
    23lbs loss

    Did the scales 3 times, then did a wobbly happy dance & did the scales again to make sure..

    Congratulations on this formidable loss!! Wow!! Just, wow!! I am glad you said you weighed yourself three times, because I would have suggested a reading error!! (I hope it's not the battery!) Although that sort of loss is not normal, you have been eating at a deficit and you have been ill, both contributing factors. Is there anything else you did differently this past week? Did you eat any different types of foods? Please share!!!

    Just sticking to under 1500 (a couple of days at 1000ish as well), eatting lots more raw veg, and thinking about if I'm actually hungry or just bored..
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    5th March 2018 - 323lbs
    12th March 2018 - 300lbs
    23lbs loss

    Did the scales 3 times, then did a wobbly happy dance & did the scales again to make sure..

    Congratulations on this formidable loss!! Wow!! Just, wow!! I am glad you said you weighed yourself three times, because I would have suggested a reading error!! (I hope it's not the battery!) Although that sort of loss is not normal, you have been eating at a deficit and you have been ill, both contributing factors. Is there anything else you did differently this past week? Did you eat any different types of foods? Please share!!!

    Just sticking to under 1500 (a couple of days at 1000ish as well), eatting lots more raw veg, and thinking about if I'm actually hungry or just bored..

    Oh, that's good....thinking about if you are actually hungry!!!
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Username: MelsLeanDream
    Weigh in week: March Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 223
    Current Weight: 221

    The walking and eating at a deficit is definitely working....another two pounds!! Fantastic!!

    No doubt the stress of the ‘big day’ is a contributing factor, but hopefully this is something I can maintain.
    I have a goal to wear a particular dress this Christmas Day. I last wore it in 2012 (before my last kid) and brang it with me to Australia when we moved. I’ve decided either I wear it this Christmas or I get rid of it...and I really want to keep it :wink:
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    That's a good idea @primekayprime i'll do mine too...

    Monday: 3 mile walk
    Tuesday: 4 mile walk
    Wednesday: 5 mile walk (with HITT)
    Thursday: 3 mile walk
    Friday: I'll walk down the aisle on my wedding day...does that count??
    Saturday: ???
    Sunday: 5 mile walk

    Yes, walking down the aisle does count!!! I wonder what kind of exercise you will be doing on Saturday?!! (wink/wink!)

    After 10 years and two kids I think we’re more excited about being able to sleep though the night uninterrupted!
  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    Exercise- yes, lots of house cleaning today!
  • motheroftwins95
    motheroftwins95 Posts: 594 Member
    Mar. 12

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes (10,343 steps, 57 active minutes)
  • dopey520
    dopey520 Posts: 40 Member
    Mini Challenge Monday, March 12
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 1912/2180
    Exercise: Yes 3.5 mile walk/jog in 50 minutes.. super excited about this because within 7 weeks I'm under a 15 minute mile from a 21 minute mile when I started. Got in 18,989 steps today, work was busy lol
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