TEAM: The Slimsons (March)



  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Sunday, March 11th
    Track yes
    Calories no
    Exercise yes dog walking 5 times -total 1 hr.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Daily Post (Saturday)
    Day/Goals: Calories.. yes. That new workout plan will have to start tomorrow hahaha.
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: No
    Water Intake: Yes

    @missemmibelle I'm a big fan of the routine. I have a few favorite go-to meals which sure do make the logging easier.
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    I am so sorry that I didn't post on Saturday. I have been in a really bad place (emotionally) and just had no energy for anything. It was my son's 8th birthday so I made sure I was mommy, but that's about all I could handle. Please don't eliminate me. I will do better.

    Weekly Check-In

    Week: March week 2
    PW: 159.0
    CW: 159.4

  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Happy Monday

    Well the good thing about March Break is that I can try earlier classes and get to the gym earlier. Today I did a HIIT class as well as my step class. I am tired but feel great.
    Weight check in week 2

    Pw 195.6
    CW. 192.8
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Fyreside wrote: »
    Just saw this picture online.. Had a chuckle.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Daily Post: 3/11
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes
    Water: Yes

    a great day!!!
  • rlaratte
    rlaratte Posts: 69 Member
    edited March 2018
    Something is better than nothing. This was not my best eating week but the workouts stayed at the same intensity.

    Week: March week 2-

    3/5-201.2 lbs
    3/6-200.6 lbs
    3/7-200.8 lbs
    3/8- 201 lbs
    3/9-200.6 lbs
    3/10-200.4 lbs
    3/11-( Sunday*Weigh-in*)=201.2 lbs
    3/12-199.6 lbs
  • elisabel
    elisabel Posts: 242 Member
    Username: elisabel
    Weigh in week:2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight:184.2
    Todays Weight: 182.6
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Daily post Sunday- AHH! I really need to try and get these in earlier.

    Track. Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Exercise. Yes, 1 hour spin class
    Water. Yes

    Today is gym class today but I decided to take a run. Was faster than last time but my watch storage is full so I wasn't able to track it. :/
  • 99hockeymom
    99hockeymom Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, new to this group, sorry I haven't posted at all yet, I haven't been tracking for about a week, and I know I went over all weekend. My son had a hockey tournament out of town, but hockey is done now for the year, and I hope to get my poop in a group now.
    My starting weight for this week is 184.8, I honestly can't remember my starting weight I reported when I joined this group.
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Weekend + PMS = 10 lb gain.

    End of story....... and bread. I ate all the bread..... :(:(

    That's okay! But now time to dust yourself off get back up! <3
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Daily Post: Sunday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: No
    Exercise: Definitely not unless studying all day is exercise.
    Water: Probably not. Will get back to focusing on this during finals week. I just drink as much as I can.

    So I was actually much better this weekend than usual. I got on the scale this morning and it's moved further down. So that's great! Yay. I feel that I'm finally back on track.
    On another note, I've noticed that sometimes I'll be good all day but when I come home it's extremely difficult to resist the delicious food that my mom cooks for the family and have a salad or veggie-filled meal instead. My parents are also both overweight and my little 10 year old brother is also getting kind of chubby. The only thin person is my other brother who is a year younger than me but he doesn't eat particularly healthily either. I've been eating much healthier the past few months than previously and I think my family has noticed. I finally got a tape measure for body measurements and I measured my little brothers height and weight and found out he's in the overweight category for his age group. :/ I told my family that it's not a coincidence that the majority of the family is overweight. It indicates an issue that we have as a family. There's an obvious pattern. I think we all overeat or at least we're not feeding ourselves nutrient filled foods and instead we're just eating for taste rather than thinking "I'm going to eat this because it's nutrient-rich for my body." Of course, certain family members are better at this (my dad for example loves to eat stuff that might not taste good but he knows is good for him) than others. They agreed with me. So we've decided to make a change as a family since we've been getting concerned for my little brother's weight gain as well. I think this is really great and a step in the right direction. Last night I got everyone's starting weights and we've decided to plan ahead with our meals. It's a lot of work and commitment and I'm going to have to be the lead 'planner' but I think it's worth it and hopefully we can maintain eating healthily in the long run. Sorry for such a long post but it's exciting and I thought I'd write it down. I think this will make it easier on me as well though if the whole family is on board instead of just me resisting everything all of the time. If you're read this far, first of all thank you, and do you have any tips?

    That's so awesome you have your whole family on board! This could be a great support system for you and for them! I know what my mom does, is meal plan for the week, and then go get the ingredients in her weekly grocery shopping. So if you plan healthy meals, then you can go get the ingredients for them. It defeats the excuse of "well I don't have all the stuff for it and I don't feel like going out to get it". That was always my favorite excuse....
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Hi, new to this group
    Hey hockeymom, welcome to the team. Don't be shy now. :)

    @ssssanaaaa That sounds fantastic. It can be so hard to challenge the family's normal. I tried and failed to bring my family along with me on this. Won't forget my mum looking at me indignantly.. "But I'm not fat" she said.. Uhhh.. No mum, of course not I says.. It's just, we could all do to be a bit fitter.. right.. I says. lol. Then my dad stayed with me while in town for a couple of days. He watched me eat a days worth of keto food and boom, he was all in. Dove into keto head first and lasted about a week. (just couldn't live without sandwiches lmao) I ended up begging him to not dabble with a high fat diet if he wasn't all in..
    But I digress.. It's awesome you have your family looking at better health as a group. Congrats and GL to you all.

    @ the team cap and co-cap. I must apologize for something I do at least once a week. I cut and paste my daily post framework from either mine or someone elses previous daily, then just fill out the details. But I often forget to edit something like the day lol. Hence my monday post having Saturday on it. Srry about that.

  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post: Monday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Spin class
    Water: 96 oz
  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Daily post Tuesday

    Track. Yes
    Calories. Under
    Exercise. 1 hour body pump and 1/2 hour HIIT.
    Water. 96 ounces
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    I had a difficult weekend traveling. I was on the road for about 5 hours for all three days. I made a point to do laps at the rest stops. I tried making better snack options than usual. I definitely did not drink enough water and am still feeling the effects of it. I did better today though.

    Track: yes
    Calories: over by 90.
    Exercise: walking
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    Monday daily post
    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise not officially, but literally spent the day on my feet. First day after March break is super busy, but my Fitbit was dead!!
    Water about 80oz
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